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[Talk-cz] MHD v Praze

Vlákno 9.2. - 28.2.2023, počet zpráv: 29

9.2.2023 10:16:46 (#1)

Lukáš Karas

<lukas.karas at centrum.cz>
Ahoj, nedávno jsem si při čekání na tramvaj krátil chvíli koukáním do mapy a všiml jsem si že čtrnáctka přijíždí ze směru kde by jezdit neměla. Podle OSM [1] končí na Vysočanské, ale podle jízdního řádu končí až na Lehovci. Při následné kontrole u počítače jsem si všiml že i tramvaj devatenáct [1] máme už přes rok blbě. Nyní končí na Spojovací. Moje otázka zní, máme v PID domluvený nějaký zdroj, nejlépe strojově čitelný, ze kterého můžeme čerpat jízdní řády, abych mohl opravovat tramvajové a autobusové linky od stolu, nebo bych měl na zastávkách fotit jízdní řády a pak kontrolovat jen příslušné linky? A máme nějaký plán co s relacemi autobusů v okolí Prahy? Často pro ně nemáme relace s trasou... Zdar, Lukáš 1) https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/7033380#map=15/50.1043/14.5238 2) https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/12665717#map=13/50.0817/14.4912 ------------- další část --------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 488 bytes Desc: This is a digitally signed message part. URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230209/01a1d6b3/attachment.sig>

9.2.2023 10:28:27 (#2)

Jan Martinec

<jan at martinec.name>
548 4367
Ahoj, PID exportuje všechny linky v GTFS a ještě ve svém JSONu, je to tuším licenčně kompatibilní. Když se to řešilo minule, tuším, že tyhle data ještě nebyly, a hlavně se furt ve velkým měnilo linkový vedení. https://pid.cz/o-systemu/opendata/ Zdar, Honza Piškvor Martinec Dne čt 9. 2. 2023 10:21 uživatel Lukáš Karas <lukas.karas na centrum.cz> napsal: zobrazit citaci
> Ahoj, nedávno jsem si při čekání na tramvaj krátil chvíli koukáním do mapy > a všiml jsem si že čtrnáctka přijíždí ze směru kde by jezdit neměla. > Podle OSM [1] končí na Vysočanské, ale podle jízdního řádu končí až na > Lehovci. Při následné kontrole u počítače jsem si všiml že i tramvaj > devatenáct [1] máme už přes rok blbě. Nyní končí na Spojovací. > > Moje otázka zní, máme v PID domluvený nějaký zdroj, nejlépe strojově > čitelný, > ze kterého můžeme čerpat jízdní řády, abych mohl opravovat tramvajové a > autobusové linky od stolu, nebo bych měl na zastávkách fotit jízdní řády a > pak > kontrolovat jen příslušné linky? > > A máme nějaký plán co s relacemi autobusů v okolí Prahy? Často pro ně > nemáme > relace s trasou... > > Zdar, Lukáš > > 1) https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/7033380#map=15/50.1043/14.5238 > 2) https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/12665717#map=13/50.0817/14.4912 > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz >
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9.2.2023 10:32:38 (#3)

Mirek Dlask

<dlask.m at gmail.com>
Ahoj, GTFS celého PIDu je na: https://pid.cz/o-systemu/opendata/ čt 9. 2. 2023 v 10:20 odesílatel Lukáš Karas <lukas.karas na centrum.cz> napsal: zobrazit citaci
> Ahoj, nedávno jsem si při čekání na tramvaj krátil chvíli koukáním do mapy > a všiml jsem si že čtrnáctka přijíždí ze směru kde by jezdit neměla. > Podle OSM [1] končí na Vysočanské, ale podle jízdního řádu končí až na > Lehovci. Při následné kontrole u počítače jsem si všiml že i tramvaj > devatenáct [1] máme už přes rok blbě. Nyní končí na Spojovací. > > Moje otázka zní, máme v PID domluvený nějaký zdroj, nejlépe strojově > čitelný, > ze kterého můžeme čerpat jízdní řády, abych mohl opravovat tramvajové a > autobusové linky od stolu, nebo bych měl na zastávkách fotit jízdní řády a > pak > kontrolovat jen příslušné linky? > > A máme nějaký plán co s relacemi autobusů v okolí Prahy? Často pro ně > nemáme > relace s trasou... > > Zdar, Lukáš > > 1) https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/7033380#map=15/50.1043/14.5238 > 2) https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/12665717#map=13/50.0817/14.4912 > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz >
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9.2.2023 10:47:03 (#4)

Michal Poupa

<michal.poupa at gmail.com>
Už dávají i polohu tramvají? zobrazit citaci
> 9.?2.?2023 v 10:20, Lukáš Karas <lukas.karas na centrum.cz>: > > ?Ahoj, nedávno jsem si při čekání na tramvaj krátil chvíli koukáním do mapy > a všiml jsem si že čtrnáctka přijíždí ze směru kde by jezdit neměla. > Podle OSM [1] končí na Vysočanské, ale podle jízdního řádu končí až na > Lehovci. Při následné kontrole u počítače jsem si všiml že i tramvaj > devatenáct [1] máme už přes rok blbě. Nyní končí na Spojovací. > > Moje otázka zní, máme v PID domluvený nějaký zdroj, nejlépe strojově čitelný, > ze kterého můžeme čerpat jízdní řády, abych mohl opravovat tramvajové a > autobusové linky od stolu, nebo bych měl na zastávkách fotit jízdní řády a pak > kontrolovat jen příslušné linky? > > A máme nějaký plán co s relacemi autobusů v okolí Prahy? Často pro ně nemáme > relace s trasou... > > Zdar, Lukáš > > 1) https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/7033380#map=15/50.1043/14.5238 > 2) https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/12665717#map=13/50.0817/14.4912_______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz

9.2.2023 11:09:26 (#5)

Mikoláš Štrajt

<strajt9 at seznam.cz>
245 40
" " Ahoj,   " PID exportuje všechny linky v GTFS a ještě ve svém JSONu, je to tuším licenčně kompatibilní. Když se to řešilo minule, tuším, že tyhle data ještě nebyly, a hlavně se furt ve velkým měnilo linkový vedení. https://pid.cz/o-systemu/opendata/(https://pid.cz/o-systemu/opendata/) " problém s tímhle je, že GTFS nejde úplně snadno importovat do Openstreetmap. GTFS je formát jízdních řádů. Sice z něj jdou vytáhnout například souřadnice zastávek (a když se to trochu zpracuje tak i údaj kde který spoj zastavuje), ale například trasy tramvají by se do OSM převáděly jen těžko a převážně asi ručně. Navíc: - trasy tramvají se často mění v závislosti na rekonstrukcích komunikací - konkrétně zrovna ta tramvaj 19 nemůže jezdit po své původní trase, protože se opravuje tramvajový most na Krejcárku - někdy když někde jede tramvaj, co by tam jezdit neměla, tak se jedná o linky zatahující do vozovny (to je ale jenom v určité časy a a na určitých úsecích)  --  Severák " (https://pid.cz/o-systemu/opendata/) " ------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230209/ab02acf2/attachment.htm>

10.2.2023 08:13:49 (#6)


<jzvc at tpfree.net>
Cus, ja k tomu jeste dodam, ze se to netyce jen tramvaji, data principelne existuji i pro vsechny dalsi spoje (autobusy, vlaky) ale problem je, ze data neobsahuji trasu, ale pouze seznam zastavek, tudiz se bez dalsiho neda rict, kudy to vlastne jezdi. A pochopitelne i pro ty autobusy a vlaky plati, ze se trasy neustale meni. Dne 09.02.2023 v 11:09 Mikoláš Štrajt napsal(a): zobrazit citaci
> > Ahoj, > > PID exportuje všechny linky v GTFS a ještě ve svém JSONu, je to > tuším licenčně kompatibilní. Když se to řešilo minule, tuším, že > tyhle data ještě nebyly, a hlavně se furt ve velkým měnilo linkový > vedení. > https://pid.cz/o-systemu/opendata/ > > > problém s tímhle je, že GTFS nejde úplně snadno importovat do > Openstreetmap. > > > GTFS je formát jízdních řádů. Sice z něj jdou vytáhnout například > souřadnice zastávek (a když se to trochu zpracuje tak i údaj kde který > spoj zastavuje), ale například trasy tramvají by se do OSM převáděly > jen těžko a převážně asi ručně. > > > Navíc: > > > - trasy tramvají se často mění v závislosti na rekonstrukcích > komunikací - konkrétně zrovna ta tramvaj 19 nemůže jezdit po své > původní trase, protože se opravuje tramvajový most na Krejcárku > > - někdy když někde jede tramvaj, co by tam jezdit neměla, tak se jedná > o linky zatahující do vozovny (to je ale jenom v určité časy a a na > určitých úsecích) > > > -- > > Severák > > > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
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10.2.2023 08:37:49 (#7)

Jan Martinec

<jan at martinec.name>
548 4367
Ahoj, Já si nejsem jist, zda se diskuse neupnula výhradně k existenci dat ve formátu GTFS: v datových sadách je mimo jiné i GeoJSON s linkovým vedením - jistě, namapovat ho na kolejovou síť v OSM, natož na silniční, nebude úplně triviální, ale je to neděle výrazně jednodušší, než to lovit z aktuálního stavu konkrétních spojů. https://opendata.praha.eu/datasets/https%3A%2F%2Fapi.opendata.praha.eu%2Flod%2Fcatalog%2F7a430e0e-eb8d-4039-b35e-57fd3a55c9c9 Zdar, HPM Dne pá 10. 2. 2023 8:17 uživatel jzvc via talk-cz <talk-cz na openstreetmap.org> napsal: zobrazit citaci
> Cus, > > ja k tomu jeste dodam, ze se to netyce jen tramvaji, data principelne > existuji i pro vsechny dalsi spoje (autobusy, vlaky) ale problem je, ze > data neobsahuji trasu, ale pouze seznam zastavek, tudiz se bez dalsiho neda > rict, kudy to vlastne jezdi. > > A pochopitelne i pro ty autobusy a vlaky plati, ze se trasy neustale meni. > > Dne 09.02.2023 v 11:09 Mikoláš Štrajt napsal(a): > > Ahoj, > > > > PID exportuje všechny linky v GTFS a ještě ve svém JSONu, je to tuším > licenčně kompatibilní. Když se to řešilo minule, tuším, že tyhle data ještě > nebyly, a hlavně se furt ve velkým měnilo linkový vedení. > https://pid.cz/o-systemu/opendata/ > > > problém s tímhle je, že GTFS nejde úplně snadno importovat do > Openstreetmap. > > > GTFS je formát jízdních řádů. Sice z něj jdou vytáhnout například > souřadnice zastávek (a když se to trochu zpracuje tak i údaj kde který spoj > zastavuje), ale například trasy tramvají by se do OSM převáděly jen těžko a > převážně asi ručně. > > > Navíc: > > > - trasy tramvají se často mění v závislosti na rekonstrukcích komunikací - > konkrétně zrovna ta tramvaj 19 nemůže jezdit po své původní trase, protože > se opravuje tramvajový most na Krejcárku > > - někdy když někde jede tramvaj, co by tam jezdit neměla, tak se jedná o > linky zatahující do vozovny (to je ale jenom v určité časy a a na určitých > úsecích) > > > -- > > Severák > > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing listtalk-cz na openstreetmap.orghttps://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-czhttps://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz > > > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz >
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10.2.2023 09:21:05 (#8)

Lukas Gebauer

<gebylist at mlp.cz>
68 695
zobrazit citaci
> ja k tomu jeste dodam, ze se to netyce jen tramvaji, data principelne > existuji i pro vsechny dalsi spoje (autobusy, vlaky) ale problem je, ze > data neobsahuji trasu, ale pouze seznam zastavek, tudiz se bez dalsiho > neda rict, kudy to vlastne jezdi.
Tohle ale není vůbec problém. Ten já vidím jinde. V Praze existuje docela hodně "šotoušů" a dalších lidí, kteří se o dopravu zajímají. A mnoho z nich ti ty trasy vysype i z hlavy, zajímají se o každou změnu, atd. Proč ale máme v OSM nekompletní a zastaralá data? Můžeme si za to sami: 1) tito lidé jsou odborníci na dopravu, ale ne na OSM. Je třeba jim pomoci a jasně jim vysvětlit, co a jak konkrétně by mohli pro nás udělat. A to co nejjednodušším způsobem. Nějaký jasný návod, co a jak konkrétně se má u nás mapovat. 2) vůbec netuší, že takováto data v OSM jsou! Běžné mapy, se kterými se setkávají, tyto informace nerenderují. Potřebují tedy nějakou často aktualizovanou mapu, která dokáže vizualizovat vše, co se tam snaží editovat. 3) setkal jsem se i s tím, že se do editace nehrnou, protože "se o to přeci někdo stará, tak mu nepolezu do zelí". Nebo si říkají, že přeci nebudou editovat tuhle zastávku, protože ta se importuje automaticky. Přehlédl jsem někde nějakou wiki, kde tohle je přehledně popsané? Sám bych se v tom rád zorientoval, už jen proto, že bych to pak mohl nadhodit nějakým těm nudícím se fanouškům dopravy... -- Lukas Gebauer. http://synapse.ararat.cz/ - Ararat Synapse - TCP/IP Lib. https://www.geoget.cz/ - Geocaching solution

10.2.2023 09:47:09 (#9)

Jan Dudík

<jan.dudik at gmail.com>
357 733
Tak mapy, které to renderují existují, třeba na osmap.cz vrstva "dopravní" I když výsledek není nic moc https://openstreetmap.cz/#map=18/48.97612/14.48498&layers=t zde třeba nepoznám, že linky 16 a 19 jezdí pouze v jednom směru (ale zda je to v datech nevím) JAnD. pá 10. 2. 2023 v 9:24 odesílatel Lukas Gebauer <gebylist na mlp.cz> napsal: zobrazit citaci
> > ja k tomu jeste dodam, ze se to netyce jen tramvaji, data principelne > > existuji i pro vsechny dalsi spoje (autobusy, vlaky) ale problem je, ze > > data neobsahuji trasu, ale pouze seznam zastavek, tudiz se bez dalsiho > > neda rict, kudy to vlastne jezdi. > > Tohle ale není vůbec problém. Ten já vidím jinde. V Praze existuje > docela hodně "šotoušů" a dalších lidí, kteří se o dopravu zajímají. A > mnoho z nich ti ty trasy vysype i z hlavy, zajímají se o každou > změnu, atd. Proč ale máme v OSM nekompletní a zastaralá data? Můžeme > si za to sami: > > 1) tito lidé jsou odborníci na dopravu, ale ne na OSM. Je třeba jim > pomoci a jasně jim vysvětlit, co a jak konkrétně by mohli pro nás > udělat. A to co nejjednodušším způsobem. Nějaký jasný návod, co a jak > konkrétně se má u nás mapovat. > > 2) vůbec netuší, že takováto data v OSM jsou! Běžné mapy, se kterými > se setkávají, tyto informace nerenderují. Potřebují tedy nějakou > často aktualizovanou mapu, která dokáže vizualizovat vše, co se tam > snaží editovat. > > 3) setkal jsem se i s tím, že se do editace nehrnou, protože "se o to > přeci někdo stará, tak mu nepolezu do zelí". Nebo si říkají, že přeci > nebudou editovat tuhle zastávku, protože ta se importuje automaticky. > > Přehlédl jsem někde nějakou wiki, kde tohle je přehledně popsané? Sám > bych se v tom rád zorientoval, už jen proto, že bych to pak mohl > nadhodit nějakým těm nudícím se fanouškům dopravy... > > > > > > -- > Lukas Gebauer. > > http://synapse.ararat.cz/ - Ararat Synapse - TCP/IP Lib. > https://www.geoget.cz/ - Geocaching solution > > > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz >
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10.2.2023 10:55:37 (#10)

Lukáš Karas

<lukas.karas at centrum.cz>
Ahoj, díky za reakce. GeoJson s trasou linky a seznam zastávek mi přijde naprosto dostačující pro ruční mapování od stolu. Scripty na automatický import MHD relací psát neplánuji - už mám dost jiných projektů. Ale script na kontrolu že seznam zastávek ("stop" role v relaci) souhlasí by nemusel být zas tak složitý. Tím bychom alespoň získali seznam linek které potřebují v OSM upravit. Co se vizualizace dat týče, v tom bych problém neviděl, rendererů hromadné dopravy existuje hodně. Jak se koukám do historie konference, tak explicitní souhlas na data ROPIDu máme (vis. mail od Jethro <xtompok na gmail.com> z 24.6.2021)! Tak já si jdu hrát, mějte se krásně. Lukáš Dne pátek 10. února 2023 9:47:09 CET Jan Dudík napsal(a): zobrazit citaci
> Tak mapy, které to renderují existují, třeba na osmap.cz vrstva "dopravní" > > I když výsledek není nic moc > https://openstreetmap.cz/#map=18/48.97612/14.48498&layers=t > zde třeba nepoznám, že linky 16 a 19 jezdí pouze v jednom směru (ale zda je > to v datech nevím) > > JAnD. > > pá 10. 2. 2023 v 9:24 odesílatel Lukas Gebauer <gebylist na mlp.cz> napsal: > > > ja k tomu jeste dodam, ze se to netyce jen tramvaji, data principelne > > > existuji i pro vsechny dalsi spoje (autobusy, vlaky) ale problem je, ze > > > data neobsahuji trasu, ale pouze seznam zastavek, tudiz se bez dalsiho > > > neda rict, kudy to vlastne jezdi. > > > > Tohle ale není vůbec problém. Ten já vidím jinde. V Praze existuje > > docela hodně "šotoušů" a dalších lidí, kteří se o dopravu zajímají. A > > mnoho z nich ti ty trasy vysype i z hlavy, zajímají se o každou > > změnu, atd. Proč ale máme v OSM nekompletní a zastaralá data? Můžeme > > si za to sami: > > > > 1) tito lidé jsou odborníci na dopravu, ale ne na OSM. Je třeba jim > > pomoci a jasně jim vysvětlit, co a jak konkrétně by mohli pro nás > > udělat. A to co nejjednodušším způsobem. Nějaký jasný návod, co a jak > > konkrétně se má u nás mapovat. > > > > 2) vůbec netuší, že takováto data v OSM jsou! Běžné mapy, se kterými > > se setkávají, tyto informace nerenderují. Potřebují tedy nějakou > > často aktualizovanou mapu, která dokáže vizualizovat vše, co se tam > > snaží editovat. > > > > 3) setkal jsem se i s tím, že se do editace nehrnou, protože "se o to > > přeci někdo stará, tak mu nepolezu do zelí". Nebo si říkají, že přeci > > nebudou editovat tuhle zastávku, protože ta se importuje automaticky. > > > > Přehlédl jsem někde nějakou wiki, kde tohle je přehledně popsané? Sám > > bych se v tom rád zorientoval, už jen proto, že bych to pak mohl > > nadhodit nějakým těm nudícím se fanouškům dopravy... > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > > Lukas Gebauer. > > > > http://synapse.ararat.cz/ - Ararat Synapse - TCP/IP Lib. > > https://www.geoget.cz/ - Geocaching solution > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > > talk-cz mailing list > > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
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15.2.2023 10:15:30 (#11)

Lukáš Karas

<lukas.karas at centrum.cz>
Ahoj, chvíli jsem rozmýšlel jak napsat validátor MHD relací a napadlo mě že někdo už něco takového musel napsat. A taky že jo, existuje projekt gtfs-osm-validator, který přechroustá gtfs data a přes overpass turbo zjistí zda data v OSM sedí... Jen ty scripty potřebovaly trochu upravit pro Pražské PID: https://gitlab.com/stalker314314/gtfs-osm-validator/-/merge_requests/3 Výstup scriptu je v příloze. Jak je vidět, data máme neúplná a zastaralá. Práce je tam hromada. Byl by zájem tento report posílat do konference třeba každý měsíc? Jak psal Mikoláš - trasy se občas mění. To ano, třeba taková tramvaj devatenáct jezdí na Spojovací už dva roky a v OSM je stále na staré trase... S pozdravem, Lukáš Dne pátek 10. února 2023 22:55:37 CET Lukáš Karas napsal(a): zobrazit citaci
> Ahoj, díky za reakce. > > GeoJson s trasou linky a seznam zastávek mi přijde naprosto dostačující pro > ruční mapování od stolu. Scripty na automatický import MHD relací psát > neplánuji - už mám dost jiných projektů. Ale script na kontrolu že seznam > zastávek ("stop" role v relaci) souhlasí by nemusel být zas tak složitý. > Tím bychom alespoň získali seznam linek které potřebují v OSM upravit. > > Co se vizualizace dat týče, v tom bych problém neviděl, rendererů hromadné > dopravy existuje hodně. > > Jak se koukám do historie konference, tak explicitní souhlas na data ROPIDu > máme (vis. mail od Jethro <xtompok na gmail.com> z 24.6.2021)! > > Tak já si jdu hrát, mějte se krásně. Lukáš > > Dne pátek 10. února 2023 9:47:09 CET Jan Dudík napsal(a): > > Tak mapy, které to renderují existují, třeba na osmap.cz vrstva "dopravní" > > > > I když výsledek není nic moc > > https://openstreetmap.cz/#map=18/48.97612/14.48498&layers=t > > zde třeba nepoznám, že linky 16 a 19 jezdí pouze v jednom směru (ale zda > > je > > to v datech nevím) > > > > JAnD. > > > > pá 10. 2. 2023 v 9:24 odesílatel Lukas Gebauer <gebylist na mlp.cz> napsal: > > > > ja k tomu jeste dodam, ze se to netyce jen tramvaji, data principelne > > > > existuji i pro vsechny dalsi spoje (autobusy, vlaky) ale problem je, > > > > ze > > > > data neobsahuji trasu, ale pouze seznam zastavek, tudiz se bez dalsiho > > > > neda rict, kudy to vlastne jezdi. > > > > > > Tohle ale není vůbec problém. Ten já vidím jinde. V Praze existuje > > > docela hodně "šotoušů" a dalších lidí, kteří se o dopravu zajímají. A > > > mnoho z nich ti ty trasy vysype i z hlavy, zajímají se o každou > > > změnu, atd. Proč ale máme v OSM nekompletní a zastaralá data? Můžeme > > > si za to sami: > > > > > > 1) tito lidé jsou odborníci na dopravu, ale ne na OSM. Je třeba jim > > > pomoci a jasně jim vysvětlit, co a jak konkrétně by mohli pro nás > > > udělat. A to co nejjednodušším způsobem. Nějaký jasný návod, co a jak > > > konkrétně se má u nás mapovat. > > > > > > 2) vůbec netuší, že takováto data v OSM jsou! Běžné mapy, se kterými > > > se setkávají, tyto informace nerenderují. Potřebují tedy nějakou > > > často aktualizovanou mapu, která dokáže vizualizovat vše, co se tam > > > snaží editovat. > > > > > > 3) setkal jsem se i s tím, že se do editace nehrnou, protože "se o to > > > přeci někdo stará, tak mu nepolezu do zelí". Nebo si říkají, že přeci > > > nebudou editovat tuhle zastávku, protože ta se importuje automaticky. > > > > > > Přehlédl jsem někde nějakou wiki, kde tohle je přehledně popsané? Sám > > > bych se v tom rád zorientoval, už jen proto, že bych to pak mohl > > > nadhodit nějakým těm nudícím se fanouškům dopravy... > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > > > Lukas Gebauer. > > > > > > http://synapse.ararat.cz/ - Ararat Synapse - TCP/IP Lib. > > > https://www.geoget.cz/ - Geocaching solution > > > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > > > talk-cz mailing list > > > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > > > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > > > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
------------- další část --------------- Importing gtfs zip file. This can take couple of minutes, but it is needed only once. Shape trip breakpoints: 77 bad fits Shape trip breakpoints: 2864 no shape fits frequencies.txt missing in {'zipfile': '/data/gtfs.zip', 'zip_commonprefix': ''} updating trips travel times Processing OSM master route 1229758 (Bus 175) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 1229758 (Bus 175) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 175) and in GTFS (175) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 1229758 (Bus 175) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 1229758 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 175: Háje ? Florenc (6371269) colour is missing for route 6371269 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 6371269 and it should be L175 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6371269 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6371269 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 6371269. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 6371269 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Háje) and last (Florenc) stop Processing OSM route 175: Florenc ? Háje (6645058) colour is missing for route 6645058 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 6645058 and it should be L175 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6645058 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6645058 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 6645058. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 6645058 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Florenc) and last (Háje) stop OSM is missing route from Háje (U286Z5P) to Florenc (U689Z5P) with sample trip_id 175_1000_221227 and 140 total trips OSM is missing route from Florenc (U689Z4P) to Háje (U286Z2P) with sample trip_id 175_1001_221227 and 139 total trips OSM is missing route from Strašnická (U713Z4P) to Florenc (U689Z5P) with sample trip_id 175_104_230103 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Petrovice (U967Z1P) to Florenc (U689Z5P) with sample trip_id 175_1068_221227 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Skalka (U953Z1P) to Háje (U286Z2P) with sample trip_id 175_819_221102 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Hostivařská (U472Z4P) to Florenc (U689Z5P) with sample trip_id 175_1011_221227 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Florenc (U689Z4P) to Skalka (U953Z2P) with sample trip_id 175_679_221225 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Na Křečku (U1001Z1P) to Háje (U286Z2P) with sample trip_id 175_1_221227 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Záveská (U2752Z2P) to Florenc (U689Z5P) with sample trip_id 175_1073_221227 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 1679960 (Tram 1) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 1679960 (Tram 1) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 1) and in GTFS (1) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 1679960 (Tram 1) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 1679960 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour in OSM (#DC008F) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different Processing OSM route Tram 1: Spojovací ? Sídliště Petřiny (1676893) Colour for route 1676893 type in OSM (#DC008F) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1676893 and it should be L1 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1676893 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1676893 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1676893. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1676893 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Spojovací) and last (Sídliště Petřiny) stop names in OSM route Spojovací matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Sídliště Petřiny, last_stop: Sídliště Ďáblice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Sídliště Ďáblice, last_stop: Sídliště Petřiny Processing OSM route Tram 1: Sídliště Petřiny ? Spojovací (1679877) Colour for route 1679877 type in OSM (#DC008F) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1679877 and it should be L1 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1679877 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1679877 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1679877. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1679877 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Sídliště Petřiny) and last (Spojovací) stop names in OSM route Sídliště Petřiny matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Sídliště Petřiny, last_stop: Sídliště Ďáblice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Sídliště Ďáblice, last_stop: Sídliště Petřiny OSM is missing route from Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z1P) to Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_1931_230122 and 178 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z1P) to Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_1930_221217 and 173 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_2681_230213 and 21 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z1P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 1_2724_221217 and 16 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_6820_230201 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z1P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_1121_230213 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_6316_230213 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_6416_221217 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_3657_230128 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_6818_230201 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_2907_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_6415_230218 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_6587_230225 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_6826_230226 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z1P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_6815_230226 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Vysočanská (U474Z1P) to Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z2P) with sample trip_id 1_4698_230213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 1904828 (Tram 3) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 1904828 (Tram 3) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 3) and in GTFS (3) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 1904828 (Tram 3) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 1904828 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 3: Březiněveská ? Sídliště Modřany (104728) colour is missing for route 104728 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 104728 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 104728 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 104728 in OSM (3_194_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 2, shape L3V2 and most common first stop from GTFS ('Březiněveská') and most common last stop ('Sídliště Modřany'). Will try choosing trip without stops. WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 1111111-1 and a shape L3V2, cannot determine trip WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Březiněveská) and last (Sídliště Modřany) stop names in OSM route Březiněveská matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Nádraží Braník, last_stop: Kobylisy GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Březiněveská, last_stop: Nádraží Braník Processing OSM route Tram 3: Levského ? Kobylisy (1904825) colour is missing for route 1904825 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1904825 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1904825 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 1904825 in OSM (3_103_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 2, shape L3V3 and most common first stop from GTFS ('Levského') and most common last stop ('Kobylisy'). Will try choosing trip without stops. WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 1111111-1 and a shape L3V3, cannot determine trip WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Levského) and last (Kobylisy) stop names in OSM route Levského matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Nádraží Braník, last_stop: Kobylisy GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Březiněveská, last_stop: Nádraží Braník Processing OSM route Tram 3: Nádraží Braník ? Kobylisy (8054847) colour is missing for route 8054847 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8054847 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8054847 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 8054847 in OSM (3_101_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 2, shape L3V5 and most common first stop from GTFS ('Levského') and most common last stop ('Vozovna Pankrác'). Will try choosing trip without stops. WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 1111111-1 and a shape L3V5, cannot determine trip WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 3_5420_221216 Name is not in proper format for route 8054847. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 3: Nádraží Braník ? Kobylisy Route 8054847 should have interval=31:00 Route 8054847 should have duration=34:30 Processing stops for OSM route 8054847 (using stops for all checks) Stop Nádraží Braník (259418156) does not have ref and it should be U449Z3P Stop Nádraží Braník (259418156) should have network=PID Stop Pobřežní cesta (31030377) does not have ref and it should be U387Z1P Stop Pobřežní cesta (31030377) should have network=PID Stop Přístaviště (249290235) does not have ref and it should be U614Z1P Stop Přístaviště (249290235) should have network=PID Stop Dvorce (259418687) does not have ref and it should be U110Z1P Stop Dvorce (259418687) should have network=PID Stop Kublov (259418677) does not have ref and it should be U303Z1P Stop Kublov (259418677) should have network=PID Stop Podolská vodárna (278467793) does not have ref and it should be U583Z1P Stop Podolská vodárna (278467793) should have network=PID ref of stop Výtoň (4759185035) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U878Z1P) are different Stop Výtoň (4759185035) should have network=PID Name of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (1652793348) in OSM (Palackého náměstí (nábřeží)) and in GTFS (Palackého náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (1652793348) in OSM (G) and in GTFS (U237Z7P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (1652793348) should have network=PID ref of stop Palackého náměstí (246835730) in OSM (L) and in GTFS (U237Z5P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (246835730) should have network=PID Stop Karlovo náměstí (290036011) does not have ref and it should be U237Z1P Stop Karlovo náměstí (290036011) should have network=PID Stop Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) does not have ref and it should be U237Z13P Stop Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) should have network=PID Stop Lazarská (4716283371) does not have ref and it should be U997Z2P Stop Lazarská (4716283371) should have network=PID Stop Vodičkova (4704962021) does not have ref and it should be U484Z2P Stop Vodičkova (4704962021) should have network=PID Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) does not have ref and it should be U1072Z2P Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) should have network=PID Stop Jindřišská (4704946994) does not have ref and it should be U203Z2P Stop Jindřišská (4704946994) should have network=PID ref of stop Masarykovo nádraží (4704922255) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U480Z4P) are different Stop Masarykovo nádraží (4704922255) should have network=PID ref of stop Bílá labuť (4693353079) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U32Z2P) are different Stop Bílá labuť (4693353079) should have network=PID ref of stop Florenc (4693303161) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U689Z2P) are different Stop Florenc (4693303161) should have network=PID Stop Florenc (4693303161) is 93.3m far from GTFS (Florenc) stop Stop Karlínské náměstí (4693361075) does not have ref and it should be U854Z2P Stop Karlínské náměstí (4693361075) should have network=PID Stop Křižíkova (4693361074) does not have ref and it should be U758Z2P Stop Křižíkova (4693361074) should have network=PID Stop Urxova (4693288449) does not have ref and it should be U816Z2P Stop Urxova (4693288449) should have network=PID ref of stop Invalidovna (4693288477) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U655Z2P) are different Stop Invalidovna (4693288477) should have network=PID Stop Invalidovna (4693288477) is 90.4m far from GTFS (Invalidovna) stop Stop Palmovka (248182634) does not have ref and it should be U529Z4P Stop Palmovka (248182634) should have network=PID Stop Libeňský zámek (5873895660) does not have ref and it should be U471Z2P Stop Libeňský zámek (5873895660) should have network=PID Stop U Kříže (4096923585) does not have ref and it should be U779Z2P Stop U Kříže (4096923585) should have network=PID ref of stop Vosmíkových (4096923633) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U861Z2P) are different Stop Vosmíkových (4096923633) should have network=PID ref of stop Bulovka (165909686) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U54Z2P) are different Stop Bulovka (165909686) should have network=PID ref of stop Vychovatelna (165911572) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U870Z2P) are different Stop Vychovatelna (165911572) should have network=PID ref of stop Okrouhlická (4096923669) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U514Z2P) are different Stop Okrouhlická (4096923669) should have network=PID ref of stop Ke Stírce (4096977731) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U249Z2P) are different Stop Ke Stírce (4096977731) should have network=PID ref of stop Kobylisy (4096977738) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U675Z2P) are different Stop Kobylisy (4096977738) should have network=PID Processing OSM route Tram 3: Březiněveská ? Nádraží Braník (8054849) colour is missing for route 8054849 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8054849 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8054849 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 8054849 in OSM (3_351_210101) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 3_5347_221204 Name is not in proper format for route 8054849. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 3: Březiněveská ? Nádraží Braník Route 8054849 should have interval=30:00 Route 8054849 should have duration=43:30 Processing stops for OSM route 8054849 (using stops for all checks) ref of stop Březiněveská (4096977771) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U718Z1P) are different Stop Březiněveská (4096977771) should have network=PID ref of stop Kobylisy (4096977741) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U675Z1P) are different Stop Kobylisy (4096977741) should have network=PID Stop Kobylisy (4096977741) is 52.5m far from GTFS (Kobylisy) stop ref of stop Ke Stírce (4096977750) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U249Z1P) are different Stop Ke Stírce (4096977750) should have network=PID ref of stop Okrouhlická (4096923654) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U514Z1P) are different Stop Okrouhlická (4096923654) should have network=PID ref of stop Vychovatelna (4096923651) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U870Z1P) are different Stop Vychovatelna (4096923651) should have network=PID ref of stop Bulovka (4096923642) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U54Z1P) are different Stop Bulovka (4096923642) should have network=PID ref of stop Vosmíkových (4096923631) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U861Z1P) are different Stop Vosmíkových (4096923631) should have network=PID Stop U Kříže (4096923576) does not have ref and it should be U779Z1P Stop U Kříže (4096923576) should have network=PID Stop Libeňský zámek (5873895659) does not have ref and it should be U471Z1P Stop Libeňský zámek (5873895659) should have network=PID Stop Divadlo pod Palmovkou (1407902287) does not have ref and it should be U272Z1P Stop Divadlo pod Palmovkou (1407902287) should have network=PID Stop Palmovka (74344893) does not have ref and it should be U529Z1P Stop Palmovka (74344893) should have network=PID ref of stop Invalidovna (4693288476) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U655Z1P) are different Stop Invalidovna (4693288476) should have network=PID Stop Invalidovna (4693288476) is 79.9m far from GTFS (Invalidovna) stop Stop Urxova (386174282) does not have ref and it should be U816Z1P Stop Urxova (386174282) should have network=PID Stop Křižíkova (4693361073) does not have ref and it should be U758Z1P Stop Křižíkova (4693361073) should have network=PID Stop Karlínské náměstí (4693361076) does not have ref and it should be U854Z1P Stop Karlínské náměstí (4693361076) should have network=PID ref of stop Florenc (4693303158) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U689Z1P) are different ref of stop Bílá labuť (4693353084) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U32Z1P) are different Stop Bílá labuť (4693353084) should have network=PID ref of stop Masarykovo nádraží (4716283370) in OSM (C) and in GTFS (U480Z3P) are different Stop Masarykovo nádraží (4716283370) should have network=PID Stop Jindřišská (4704947002) does not have ref and it should be U203Z1P Stop Jindřišská (4704947002) should have network=PID Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944965) does not have ref and it should be U1072Z1P Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944965) should have network=PID Stop Vodičkova (4704962012) does not have ref and it should be U484Z1P Stop Vodičkova (4704962012) should have network=PID Stop Lazarská (4704961989) does not have ref and it should be U997Z1P Stop Lazarská (4704961989) should have network=PID Stop Karlovo náměstí (4716283372) does not have ref and it should be U237Z2P Stop Karlovo náměstí (4716283372) should have network=PID Stop Moráň (4701097445) does not have ref and it should be U237Z4P Stop Moráň (4701097445) should have network=PID ref of stop Palackého náměstí (4696829591) in OSM (F) and in GTFS (U237Z6P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (4696829591) should have network=PID Name of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (4696829614) in OSM (Palackého náměstí (nábřeží)) and in GTFS (Palackého náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (4696829614) in OSM (H) and in GTFS (U237Z8P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (4696829614) should have network=PID ref of stop Výtoň (4759185034) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U878Z2P) are different Stop Výtoň (4759185034) should have network=PID Stop Podolská vodárna (1896751705) does not have ref and it should be U583Z2P Stop Podolská vodárna (1896751705) should have network=PID Stop Kublov (3497817727) does not have ref and it should be U303Z2P Stop Kublov (3497817727) should have network=PID Stop Dvorce (3497817726) does not have ref and it should be U110Z2P Stop Dvorce (3497817726) should have network=PID Stop Přístaviště (3234296487) does not have ref and it should be U614Z2P Stop Přístaviště (3234296487) should have network=PID Stop Pobřežní cesta (3234296486) does not have ref and it should be U387Z2P Stop Pobřežní cesta (3234296486) should have network=PID Name of stop Nádraží Braník (výstupní) (1017832768) in OSM (Nádraží Braník (výstupní)) and in GTFS (Nádraží Braník) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Nádraží Braník (výstupní) (1017832768) does not have ref and it should be U449Z4P Stop Nádraží Braník (výstupní) (1017832768) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Braník (výstupní) (1017832768) is 65.2m far from its route OSM is missing route from Levského (U945Z1P) to Kobylisy (U675Z2P) with sample trip_id 3_2967_230213 and 42 total trips OSM is missing route from Březiněveská (U718Z1P) to Sídliště Modřany (U946Z2P) with sample trip_id 3_2966_230213 and 35 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Braník (U449Z3P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 3_3826_230213 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Nádraží Braník (U449Z4P) with sample trip_id 3_3041_230213 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Sídliště Modřany (U946Z2P) with sample trip_id 3_2985_230213 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Braník (U449Z3P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 3_5327_230123 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Nádraží Braník (U449Z4P) with sample trip_id 3_5334_221204 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Levského (U945Z1P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 3_2991_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Sídliště Modřany (U946Z2P) with sample trip_id 3_3046_230213 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Levského (U945Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 3_3820_230213 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 1904829 (Tram 4) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 1904829 (Tram 4) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 4) and in GTFS (4) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 1904829 (Tram 4) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 1904829 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour in OSM (#9BD6F9) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different Processing OSM route Tram 4: Sídliště Barrandov ? Kubánské náměstí (6806651) colour is missing for route 6806651 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 6806651 and it should be L4 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6806651 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6806651 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 6806651. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 6806651 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Sídliště Barrandov) and last (Kubánské náměstí) stop Processing OSM route Tram 4: Kubánské náměstí ? Sídliště Barrandov (6808105) colour is missing for route 6808105 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 6808105 and it should be L4 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6808105 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6808105 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 6808105. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 6808105 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Kubánské náměstí) and last (Sídliště Barrandov) stop OSM is missing route from Kubánské náměstí (U473Z3P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 4_3189_220901 and 30 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z1P) to Kubánské náměstí (U473Z2P) with sample trip_id 4_3377_230213 and 30 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 4_3219_230213 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z1P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 4_3242_230213 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Kubánské náměstí (U473Z2P) with sample trip_id 4_3370_230213 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 4_2655_230213 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Kubánské náměstí (U473Z3P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 4_3179_220901 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z1P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 4_3257_230213 and 7 total trips Processing OSM master route 2024979 (Tram 5) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 2024979 (Tram 5) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 5) and in GTFS (5) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 2024979 (Tram 5) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 2024979 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour in OSM (#FFF500) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different Processing OSM route Tram 5: Vozovna Žižkov ? Holyně (105480) colour is missing for route 105480 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 105480 and it should be L5 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 105480 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 105480 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 105480. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 105480 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 5_7672_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 105480. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 5: Vozovna Žižkov ? Holyně Route 105480 should have interval=15:00 Route 105480 should have duration=43:00 Processing stops for OSM route 105480 (using stops for all checks) Stop Vozovna Žižkov (5471247116) does not have ref and it should be U837Z3P Stop Vozovna Žižkov (5471247116) should have network=PID Stop Ohrada (5252786227) does not have ref and it should be U512Z1P Stop Ohrada (5252786227) should have network=PID Stop Biskupcova (304322168) does not have ref and it should be U34Z1P Stop Biskupcova (304322168) should have network=PID Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (304320922) does not have ref and it should be U469Z1P Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (304320922) should have network=PID Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (4721019951) does not have ref and it should be U469Z3P Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (4721019951) should have network=PID Stop Olšanská (4721019950) does not have ref and it should be U586Z1P Stop Olšanská (4721019950) should have network=PID Stop Olšanské náměstí (4704851514) does not have ref and it should be U516Z1P Stop Olšanské náměstí (4704851514) should have network=PID Stop Lipanská (4721019948) does not have ref and it should be U339Z1P Stop Lipanská (4721019948) should have network=PID ref of stop Viktoria Žižkov (4704851057) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U172Z1P) are different Stop Viktoria Žižkov (4704851057) should have network=PID ref of stop Hlavní nádraží (4721019947) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U142Z1P) are different Stop Hlavní nádraží (4721019947) should have network=PID Stop Jindřišská (4704947002) does not have ref and it should be U203Z1P Stop Jindřišská (4704947002) should have network=PID Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944965) does not have ref and it should be U1072Z1P Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944965) should have network=PID Stop Vodičkova (4704962012) does not have ref and it should be U484Z1P Stop Vodičkova (4704962012) should have network=PID Stop Lazarská (4704961989) does not have ref and it should be U997Z1P Stop Lazarská (4704961989) should have network=PID Stop Myslíkova (4700724640) does not have ref and it should be U401Z2P Stop Myslíkova (4700724640) should have network=PID Stop Myslíkova (4700724640) is 61.8m far from GTFS (Myslíkova) stop ref of stop Jiráskovo náměstí (2131375985) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U208Z2P) are different Stop Jiráskovo náměstí (2131375985) should have network=PID ref of stop Zborovská (4696978873) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U901Z2P) are different Stop Zborovská (4696978873) should have network=PID ref of stop Anděl (4599701539) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U1040Z4P) are different Stop Anděl (4599701539) should have network=PID ref of stop Na Knížecí (4601813244) in OSM (F) and in GTFS (U1040Z6P) are different Stop Na Knížecí (4601813244) should have network=PID ref of stop Plzeňka (282096320) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U553Z2P) are different Stop Plzeňka (282096320) should have network=PID Stop Plzeňka (282096320) is 78.4m far from GTFS (Plzeňka) stop ref of stop Smíchovské nádraží (4601813717) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U458Z2P) are different Stop Smíchovské nádraží (4601813717) should have network=PID Stop Lihovar (8024971826) does not have ref and it should be U337Z2P Stop Lihovar (8024971826) should have network=PID ref of stop Zlíchov (4718293068) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U914Z2P) are different Stop Zlíchov (4718293068) should have network=PID ref of stop Hlubočepy (237170789) in OSM (F) and in GTFS (U147Z6P) are different Stop Hlubočepy (237170789) should have network=PID Stop Hlubočepy (237170789) is 52.7m far from GTFS (Hlubočepy) stop ref of stop Geologická (237172711) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U49Z4P) are different Stop Geologická (237172711) should have network=PID Stop K Barrandovu (4602585903) does not have ref and it should be U1049Z4P Stop K Barrandovu (4602585903) should have network=PID Stop Chaplinovo náměstí (4602585894) does not have ref and it should be U1050Z4P Stop Chaplinovo náměstí (4602585894) should have network=PID Stop Poliklinika Barrandov (3706195502) does not have ref and it should be U1030Z2P Stop Poliklinika Barrandov (3706195502) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Barrandov (3706195503) does not have ref and it should be U1019Z2P Stop Sídliště Barrandov (3706195503) should have network=PID Stop Náměstí Olgy Scheinpflugové (9641421793) does not have ref and it should be U2701Z2P Stop Náměstí Olgy Scheinpflugové (9641421793) should have network=PID Stop Holyně (9641421787) does not have ref and it should be U2702Z2P Stop Holyně (9641421787) should have network=PID Processing OSM route Tram 5: Holyně ? Vozovna Žižkov (8054427) colour is missing for route 8054427 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8054427 and it should be L5 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8054427 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8054427 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8054427. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8054427 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 5_5530_221204 Name is not in proper format for route 8054427. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 5: Holyně ? Vozovna Žižkov Route 8054427 should have interval=19:00 Route 8054427 should have duration=42:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8054427 (using stops for all checks) Stop Holyně (9641421788) does not have ref and it should be U2702Z1P Stop Holyně (9641421788) should have network=PID Stop Náměstí Olgy Scheinpflugové (9641421794) does not have ref and it should be U2701Z1P Stop Náměstí Olgy Scheinpflugové (9641421794) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Barrandov (271277923) does not have ref and it should be U1019Z1P Stop Sídliště Barrandov (271277923) should have network=PID Stop Poliklinika Barrandov (271277853) does not have ref and it should be U1030Z1P Stop Poliklinika Barrandov (271277853) should have network=PID Stop Chaplinovo náměstí (237172726) does not have ref and it should be U1050Z3P Stop Chaplinovo náměstí (237172726) should have network=PID Stop K Barrandovu (237172719) does not have ref and it should be U1049Z3P Stop K Barrandovu (237172719) should have network=PID ref of stop Geologická (4602586077) in OSM (E) and in GTFS (U49Z5P) are different Stop Geologická (4602586077) should have network=PID ref of stop Hlubočepy (4602586078) in OSM (E) and in GTFS (U147Z5P) are different Stop Hlubočepy (4602586078) should have network=PID ref of stop Zlíchov (4602585982) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U914Z1P) are different Stop Zlíchov (4602585982) should have network=PID Stop Lihovar (7369279974) does not have ref and it should be U337Z1P Stop Lihovar (7369279974) should have network=PID ref of stop Smíchovské nádraží (24595601) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U458Z1P) are different Stop Smíchovské nádraží (24595601) should have network=PID ref of stop Plzeňka (1914106234) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U553Z1P) are different Stop Plzeňka (1914106234) should have network=PID ref of stop Na Knížecí (414186549) in OSM (E) and in GTFS (U1040Z5P) are different Stop Na Knížecí (414186549) should have network=PID ref of stop Anděl (4718293057) in OSM (C) and in GTFS (U1040Z3P) are different Stop Anděl (4718293057) should have network=PID ref of stop Zborovská (282096322) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U901Z1P) are different Stop Zborovská (282096322) should have network=PID ref of stop Jiráskovo náměstí (4696978879) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U208Z1P) are different Stop Jiráskovo náměstí (4696978879) should have network=PID Stop Myslíkova (4705295480) does not have ref and it should be U401Z1P Stop Myslíkova (4705295480) should have network=PID Stop Myslíkova (4705295480) is 64.6m far from GTFS (Myslíkova) stop Stop Lazarská (4716283371) does not have ref and it should be U997Z2P Stop Lazarská (4716283371) should have network=PID Stop Vodičkova (4704962021) does not have ref and it should be U484Z2P Stop Vodičkova (4704962021) should have network=PID Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) does not have ref and it should be U1072Z2P Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) should have network=PID Stop Jindřišská (4704946994) does not have ref and it should be U203Z2P Stop Jindřišská (4704946994) should have network=PID ref of stop Hlavní nádraží (255617362) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U142Z2P) are different Stop Hlavní nádraží (255617362) should have network=PID ref of stop Viktoria Žižkov (4704851060) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U172Z2P) are different Stop Viktoria Žižkov (4704851060) should have network=PID Stop Lipanská (4721019949) does not have ref and it should be U339Z2P Stop Lipanská (4721019949) should have network=PID Stop Olšanské náměstí (244178530) does not have ref and it should be U516Z2P Stop Olšanské náměstí (244178530) should have network=PID Stop Olšanská (307455973) does not have ref and it should be U586Z2P Stop Olšanská (307455973) should have network=PID Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (255617357) does not have ref and it should be U469Z4P Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (255617357) should have network=PID Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (5252786225) does not have ref and it should be U469Z2P Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (5252786225) should have network=PID Stop Biskupcova (5252786226) does not have ref and it should be U34Z2P Stop Biskupcova (5252786226) should have network=PID Stop Ohrada (304322464) does not have ref and it should be U512Z2P Stop Ohrada (304322464) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Žižkov (304327539) does not have ref and it should be U837Z2P Stop Vozovna Žižkov (304327539) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Holyně (U2702Z2P) with sample trip_id 5_6491_230213 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Holyně (U2702Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 5_5450_221204 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Holyně (U2702Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 5_6371_230218 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Holyně (U2702Z2P) with sample trip_id 5_6518_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Smíchovské nádraží (U458Z6P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 5_2559_221204 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 5_6295_221204 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 5_2095_230213 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Holyně (U2702Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 5_5596_221204 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Smíchovské nádraží (U458Z4P) with sample trip_id 5_7683_230121 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 2032473 (Tram 6) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 2032473 (Tram 6) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 6) and in GTFS (6) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 2032473 (Tram 6) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 2032473 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour in OSM (#F7D09B) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different Processing OSM route Tram 6: Dělnická ? Kubánské náměstí (shortened) (2032472) Route type is missing for route 2032472 colour is missing for route 2032472 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2032472 and it should be L6 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2032472 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2032472 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 2032472 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2032472. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2032472 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Dělnická) and last (Kubánské náměstí) stop names in OSM route Dělnická matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Vysočanská, last_stop: Kubánské náměstí GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Kubánské náměstí, last_stop: Vysočanská Processing OSM route Tram 6: Kubánské náměstí ? Palmovka (2415102) colour is missing for route 2415102 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2415102 and it should be L6 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2415102 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2415102 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2415102. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2415102 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Kubánské náměstí) and last (Palmovka) stop names in OSM route Kubánské náměstí matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Vysočanská, last_stop: Kubánské náměstí GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Kubánské náměstí, last_stop: Vysočanská Processing OSM route Tram 6: Palmovka ? Kubánské náměstí (8062655) colour is missing for route 8062655 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8062655 and it should be L6 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8062655 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8062655 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8062655. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8062655 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Palmovka) and last (Kubánské náměstí) stop names in OSM route Palmovka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Vysočanská, last_stop: Kubánské náměstí GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Kubánské náměstí, last_stop: Vysočanská Processing OSM route Tram 6: Kubánské náměstí ? Dělnická (shortened) (8062656) Route type is missing for route 8062656 colour is missing for route 8062656 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8062656 and it should be L6 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8062656 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8062656 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 8062656 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8062656. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8062656 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Kubánské náměstí) and last (Dělnická) stop names in OSM route Kubánské náměstí matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Vysočanská, last_stop: Kubánské náměstí GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Kubánské náměstí, last_stop: Vysočanská OSM is missing route from Kubánské náměstí (U473Z3P) to Vysočanská (U474Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_11193_230213 and 168 total trips OSM is missing route from Vysočanská (U474Z1P) to Kubánské náměstí (U473Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_10818_230213 and 163 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Kubánské náměstí (U473Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_11192_230213 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Palmovka (U529Z5P) to Kubánské náměstí (U473Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_11184_230213 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Kubánské náměstí (U473Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_10927_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Kubánské náměstí (U473Z3P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 6_10864_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Vysočanská (U474Z1P) to Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_11186_230213 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Kubánské náměstí (U473Z3P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_11202_230213 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Kubánské náměstí (U473Z3P) to Palmovka (U529Z1P) with sample trip_id 6_7433_230213 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z1P) to Vysočanská (U474Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_6855_230213 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z1P) to Palmovka (U529Z1P) with sample trip_id 6_7456_230213 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Vysočanská (U474Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_11175_230218 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Vysočanská (U474Z1P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_11249_230218 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Vysočanská (U474Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_6444_230128 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Vysočanská (U474Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_6126_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Vysočanská (U474Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_7511_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Kubánské náměstí (U473Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_7082_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vysočanská (U474Z1P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 6_7526_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vysočanská (U474Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 6_11181_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vysočanská (U474Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 6_7598_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Kubánské náměstí (U473Z3P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 6_6986_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Palmovka (U529Z1P) with sample trip_id 6_7505_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Vysočanská (U474Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_10914_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Palmovka (U529Z5P) to Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_11231_230218 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Vysočanská (U474Z1P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 6_7556_230213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 2061854 (Tram 7) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 2061854 (Tram 7) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 7) and in GTFS (7) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 2061854 (Tram 7) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 2061854 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour in OSM (aqua) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different Processing OSM route Tram 7: Radlická ? Depo Hostivař (2441935) colour is missing for route 2441935 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2441935 and it should be L7 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2441935 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2441935 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2441935. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2441935 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 7_8683_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 2441935. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 7: Radlická ? Depo Hostivař Route 2441935 should have interval=40:00 Route 2441935 should have duration=38:00 Processing stops for OSM route 2441935 (using stops for all checks) Name of stop Radlická (nástupní) (275592488) in OSM (Radlická (nástupní)) and in GTFS (Radlická) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Radlická (nástupní) (275592488) in OSM (C) and in GTFS (U957Z3P) are different Stop Radlická (nástupní) (275592488) should have network=PID ref of stop Škola Radlice (4579257479) in OSM (C) and in GTFS (U184Z3P) are different Stop Škola Radlice (4579257479) should have network=PID ref of stop Laurová (4579256579) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U319Z1P) are different Stop Laurová (4579256579) should have network=PID Stop Braunova (4579256570) does not have ref and it should be U1044Z1P Stop Braunova (4579256570) should have network=PID Stop Křížová (31791247) does not have ref and it should be U302Z1P Stop Křížová (31791247) should have network=PID ref of stop Anděl (4718293055) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U1040Z1P) are different Stop Anděl (4718293055) should have network=PID ref of stop Zborovská (282096322) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U901Z1P) are different Stop Zborovská (282096322) should have network=PID Name of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (4696829614) in OSM (Palackého náměstí (nábřeží)) and in GTFS (Palackého náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (4696829614) in OSM (H) and in GTFS (U237Z8P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (4696829614) should have network=PID ref of stop Výtoň (4759185034) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U878Z2P) are different Stop Výtoň (4759185034) should have network=PID Stop Albertov (4716283376) does not have ref and it should be U876Z4P Stop Albertov (4716283376) should have network=PID Stop Ostrčilovo náměstí (4716283378) does not have ref and it should be U522Z2P Stop Ostrčilovo náměstí (4716283378) should have network=PID Stop Svatoplukova (4716283380) does not have ref and it should be U724Z2P Stop Svatoplukova (4716283380) should have network=PID Stop Divadlo Na Fidlovačce (4716283383) does not have ref and it should be U83Z2P Stop Divadlo Na Fidlovačce (4716283383) should have network=PID Stop Otakarova (5436281272) does not have ref and it should be U482Z6P Stop Otakarova (5436281272) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Vršovice (5346448312) does not have ref and it should be U463Z2P Stop Nádraží Vršovice (5346448312) should have network=PID Stop Bohemians (4715556163) does not have ref and it should be U508Z2P Stop Bohemians (4715556163) should have network=PID Stop Koh-i-noor (4721776293) does not have ref and it should be U269Z2P Stop Koh-i-noor (4721776293) should have network=PID Name of stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (4146989495) in OSM (Slavia ? Nádraží Eden) and in GTFS (Slavia - Nádraží Eden) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (4146989495) does not have ref and it should be U680Z2P Stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (4146989495) should have network=PID Stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (4146989495) is 83.7m far from GTFS (Slavia - Nádraží Eden) stop Stop Kubánské náměstí (4721776290) does not have ref and it should be U473Z2P Stop Kubánské náměstí (4721776290) should have network=PID Stop Průběžná (4715556172) does not have ref and it should be U605Z2P Stop Průběžná (4715556172) should have network=PID Stop Strašnická (3686657885) does not have ref and it should be U713Z2P Stop Strašnická (3686657885) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Strašnice (2300159487) does not have ref and it should be U848Z2P Stop Vozovna Strašnice (2300159487) should have network=PID Stop Vinice (244011132) does not have ref and it should be U1108Z2P Stop Vinice (244011132) should have network=PID Stop Solidarita (339985948) does not have ref and it should be U690Z2P Stop Solidarita (339985948) should have network=PID Name of stop Zborov ? Strašnické divadlo (339985945) in OSM (Zborov ? Strašnické divadlo) and in GTFS (Zborov - Strašnické divadlo) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Zborov ? Strašnické divadlo (339985945) does not have ref and it should be U900Z2P Stop Zborov ? Strašnické divadlo (339985945) should have network=PID Stop Limuzská (339985944) does not have ref and it should be U827Z4P Stop Limuzská (339985944) should have network=PID Stop Nové Strašnice (282546199) does not have ref and it should be U70Z2P Stop Nové Strašnice (282546199) should have network=PID Stop Depo Hostivař (9891762548) does not have ref and it should be U1071Z10P Stop Depo Hostivař (9891762548) should have network=PID Processing OSM route Tram 7: Depo Hostivař ? Radlická (2441936) colour is missing for route 2441936 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2441936 and it should be L7 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2441936 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2441936 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2441936. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2441936 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 7_8849_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 2441936. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 7: Depo Hostivař ? Radlická Route 2441936 should have interval=20:00 Route 2441936 should have duration=38:00 Processing stops for OSM route 2441936 (using stops for all checks) Stop Depo Hostivař (9891762548) does not have ref and it should be U1071Z9P Stop Depo Hostivař (9891762548) should have network=PID Stop Depo Hostivař (3406725840) does not have ref and it should be U1071Z11P Stop Depo Hostivař (3406725840) should have network=PID Stop Nové Strašnice (9351327819) does not have ref and it should be U70Z1P Stop Nové Strašnice (9351327819) should have network=PID Stop Limuzská (8013370831) does not have ref and it should be U827Z3P Stop Limuzská (8013370831) should have network=PID Name of stop Zborov ? Strašnické divadlo (7734795647) in OSM (Zborov ? Strašnické divadlo) and in GTFS (Zborov - Strašnické divadlo) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Zborov ? Strašnické divadlo (7734795647) does not have ref and it should be U900Z1P Stop Zborov ? Strašnické divadlo (7734795647) should have network=PID Stop Solidarita (5435897796) does not have ref and it should be U690Z1P Stop Solidarita (5435897796) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Strašnice (8291567889) does not have ref and it should be U848Z1P Stop Vozovna Strašnice (8291567889) should have network=PID Stop Strašnická (246010552) does not have ref and it should be U713Z1P Stop Strašnická (246010552) should have network=PID Stop Průběžná (4715556173) does not have ref and it should be U605Z1P Stop Průběžná (4715556173) should have network=PID Stop Kubánské náměstí (290174936) does not have ref and it should be U473Z1P Stop Kubánské náměstí (290174936) should have network=PID Name of stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (290174940) in OSM (Slavia ? Nádraží Eden) and in GTFS (Slavia - Nádraží Eden) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (290174940) does not have ref and it should be U680Z1P Stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (290174940) should have network=PID Stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (290174940) is 74.2m far from GTFS (Slavia - Nádraží Eden) stop Stop Koh-i-noor (290174988) does not have ref and it should be U269Z1P Stop Koh-i-noor (290174988) should have network=PID Stop Bohemians (271278005) does not have ref and it should be U508Z1P Stop Bohemians (271278005) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Vršovice (331451713) does not have ref and it should be U463Z1P Stop Nádraží Vršovice (331451713) should have network=PID Stop Otakarova (331451711) does not have ref and it should be U482Z5P Stop Otakarova (331451711) should have network=PID Stop Divadlo Na Fidlovačce (4716283382) does not have ref and it should be U83Z1P Stop Divadlo Na Fidlovačce (4716283382) should have network=PID Stop Svatoplukova (4716283381) does not have ref and it should be U724Z1P Stop Svatoplukova (4716283381) should have network=PID Stop Ostrčilovo náměstí (4716283379) does not have ref and it should be U522Z1P Stop Ostrčilovo náměstí (4716283379) should have network=PID Stop Albertov (4716283377) does not have ref and it should be U876Z1P Stop Albertov (4716283377) should have network=PID ref of stop Výtoň (4759185035) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U878Z1P) are different Stop Výtoň (4759185035) should have network=PID Name of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (1652793348) in OSM (Palackého náměstí (nábřeží)) and in GTFS (Palackého náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (1652793348) in OSM (G) and in GTFS (U237Z7P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (1652793348) should have network=PID ref of stop Zborovská (4696978873) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U901Z2P) are different Stop Zborovská (4696978873) should have network=PID ref of stop Anděl (4599701596) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U1040Z2P) are different Stop Anděl (4599701596) should have network=PID Stop Křížová (4759185031) does not have ref and it should be U302Z2P Stop Křížová (4759185031) should have network=PID Stop Braunova (1652793449) does not have ref and it should be U1044Z2P Stop Braunova (1652793449) should have network=PID ref of stop Laurová (302371939) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U319Z2P) are different Stop Laurová (302371939) should have network=PID ref of stop Škola Radlice (302371937) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U184Z4P) are different Stop Škola Radlice (302371937) should have network=PID Name of stop Radlická (výstupní) (1652793349) in OSM (Radlická (výstupní)) and in GTFS (Radlická) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Radlická (výstupní) (1652793349) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U957Z4P) are different Stop Radlická (výstupní) (1652793349) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Radlická (U957Z4P) with sample trip_id 7_8562_230213 and 18 total trips OSM is missing route from Radlická (U957Z3P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 7_8577_230213 and 15 total trips OSM is missing route from Radlická (U957Z3P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z2P) with sample trip_id 7_8699_230213 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Radlická (U957Z4P) with sample trip_id 7_9214_230201 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Radlická (U957Z4P) with sample trip_id 7_9210_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Depo Hostivař (U1071Z10P) with sample trip_id 7_7974_230213 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 2070554 (Tram 8) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 2070554 (Tram 8) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 8) and in GTFS (8) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 2070554 (Tram 8) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 2070554 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 8: Starý Hloubětín ? Nádraží Podbaba (66673) colour is missing for route 66673 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 66673 and it should be L8 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 66673 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 66673 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 66673. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 66673 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 8_4554_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 66673. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 8: Starý Hloubětín ? Nádraží Podbaba Route 66673 should have interval=30:00 Route 66673 should have duration=40:00 Processing stops for OSM route 66673 (using stops for all checks) Name of stop Starý Hloubětín - nástupní (4760765112) in OSM (Starý Hloubětín - nástupní) and in GTFS (Starý Hloubětín) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Starý Hloubětín - nástupní (4760765112) does not have ref and it should be U144Z5P Stop Starý Hloubětín - nástupní (4760765112) should have network=PID Stop Nademlejnská (4450415996) does not have ref and it should be U755Z1P Stop Nademlejnská (4450415996) should have network=PID Stop U Elektry (4450415998) does not have ref and it should be U775Z1P Stop U Elektry (4450415998) should have network=PID Stop Podkovářská (4450415997) does not have ref and it should be U691Z1P Stop Podkovářská (4450415997) should have network=PID Stop Kabešova (4450456505) does not have ref and it should be U1401Z1P Stop Kabešova (4450456505) should have network=PID ref of stop Nádraží Libeň (4450456506) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U134Z1P) are different Stop Nádraží Libeň (4450456506) should have network=PID Stop Arena Libeň jih (4450465422) does not have ref and it should be U348Z1P Stop Arena Libeň jih (4450465422) should have network=PID Stop Ocelářská (4450465423) does not have ref and it should be U1075Z1P Stop Ocelářská (4450465423) should have network=PID Stop Balabenka (4450465421) does not have ref and it should be U12Z3P Stop Balabenka (4450465421) should have network=PID Stop Palmovka (1298749754) does not have ref and it should be U529Z5P Stop Palmovka (1298749754) should have network=PID Stop Palmovka (74344893) does not have ref and it should be U529Z1P Stop Palmovka (74344893) should have network=PID ref of stop Invalidovna (4693288476) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U655Z1P) are different Stop Invalidovna (4693288476) should have network=PID Stop Invalidovna (4693288476) is 79.9m far from GTFS (Invalidovna) stop Stop Urxova (386174282) does not have ref and it should be U816Z1P Stop Urxova (386174282) should have network=PID Stop Křižíkova (4693361073) does not have ref and it should be U758Z1P Stop Křižíkova (4693361073) should have network=PID Stop Karlínské náměstí (4693361076) does not have ref and it should be U854Z1P Stop Karlínské náměstí (4693361076) should have network=PID ref of stop Florenc (4693303158) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U689Z1P) are different ref of stop Bílá labuť (4693353084) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U32Z1P) are different Stop Bílá labuť (4693353084) should have network=PID ref of stop Náměstí Republiky (4693347258) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U480Z2P) are different Stop Náměstí Republiky (4693347258) should have network=PID ref of stop Dlouhá třída (4693347234) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U87Z2P) are different Stop Dlouhá třída (4693347234) should have network=PID ref of stop Strossmayerovo náměstí (310453036) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U717Z4P) are different Stop Strossmayerovo náměstí (310453036) should have network=PID ref of stop Kamenická (331283839) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U231Z2P) are different ref of stop Letenské náměstí (25685001) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U324Z2P) are different Stop Letenské náměstí (25685001) should have network=PID Stop Korunovační (1909037555) does not have ref and it should be U262Z2P Stop Korunovační (1909037555) should have network=PID Stop Sparta (3750459131) does not have ref and it should be U692Z2P Stop Sparta (3750459131) should have network=PID Stop Hradčanská (889215411) does not have ref and it should be U163Z2P Stop Hradčanská (889215411) should have network=PID Stop Vítězné náměstí (4719188956) does not have ref and it should be U321Z4P Stop Vítězné náměstí (4719188956) should have network=PID Stop Lotyšská (3413902181) does not have ref and it should be U350Z2P Stop Lotyšská (3413902181) should have network=PID Stop Zelená (3413902183) does not have ref and it should be U906Z4P Stop Zelená (3413902183) should have network=PID ref of stop Nádraží Podbaba (3413709752) in OSM (C) and in GTFS (U126Z3P) are different Stop Nádraží Podbaba (3413709752) should have network=PID Processing OSM route Tram 8: Nádraží Podbaba ? Starý Hloubětín (2070553) colour is missing for route 2070553 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2070553 and it should be L8 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2070553 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2070553 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2070553. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2070553 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 8_4616_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 2070553. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 8: Nádraží Podbaba ? Starý Hloubětín Route 2070553 should have interval=34:30 Route 2070553 should have duration=41:00 Processing stops for OSM route 2070553 (using stops for all checks) ref of stop Nádraží Podbaba (8157899805) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U126Z2P) are different Stop Nádraží Podbaba (8157899805) should have network=PID Stop Zelená (1408122639) does not have ref and it should be U906Z3P Stop Zelená (1408122639) should have network=PID Stop Lotyšská (3413902182) does not have ref and it should be U350Z1P Stop Lotyšská (3413902182) should have network=PID Stop Vítězné náměstí (55552358) does not have ref and it should be U321Z3P Stop Vítězné náměstí (55552358) should have network=PID Stop Hradčanská (3750459130) does not have ref and it should be U163Z1P Stop Hradčanská (3750459130) should have network=PID Stop Sparta (3750459132) does not have ref and it should be U692Z1P Stop Sparta (3750459132) should have network=PID ref of stop Letenské náměstí (4690498451) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U324Z1P) are different Stop Letenské náměstí (4690498451) should have network=PID ref of stop Kamenická (4690498452) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U231Z1P) are different ref of stop Strossmayerovo náměstí (1028660041) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U717Z1P) are different Stop Strossmayerovo náměstí (1028660041) should have network=PID Stop Nábřeží Kapitána Jaroše (332148453) does not have ref and it should be U439Z1P Stop Nábřeží Kapitána Jaroše (332148453) should have network=PID ref of stop Dlouhá třída (4693347239) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U87Z1P) are different Stop Dlouhá třída (4693347239) should have network=PID ref of stop Náměstí Republiky (4693347257) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U480Z1P) are different Stop Náměstí Republiky (4693347257) should have network=PID ref of stop Bílá labuť (4693353079) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U32Z2P) are different Stop Bílá labuť (4693353079) should have network=PID ref of stop Florenc (4693303161) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U689Z2P) are different Stop Florenc (4693303161) should have network=PID Stop Florenc (4693303161) is 93.3m far from GTFS (Florenc) stop Stop Karlínské náměstí (4693361075) does not have ref and it should be U854Z2P Stop Karlínské náměstí (4693361075) should have network=PID Stop Křižíkova (4693361074) does not have ref and it should be U758Z2P Stop Křižíkova (4693361074) should have network=PID Stop Urxova (4693288449) does not have ref and it should be U816Z2P Stop Urxova (4693288449) should have network=PID ref of stop Invalidovna (4693288477) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U655Z2P) are different Stop Invalidovna (4693288477) should have network=PID Stop Invalidovna (4693288477) is 90.4m far from GTFS (Invalidovna) stop Stop Palmovka (34821794) does not have ref and it should be U529Z2P Stop Palmovka (34821794) should have network=PID Stop Balabenka (165180091) does not have ref and it should be U12Z2P Stop Balabenka (165180091) should have network=PID Stop Ocelářská (165188438) does not have ref and it should be U1075Z2P Stop Ocelářská (165188438) should have network=PID Stop Arena Libeň jih (1541186545) does not have ref and it should be U348Z2P Stop Arena Libeň jih (1541186545) should have network=PID ref of stop Nádraží Libeň (165188442) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U134Z2P) are different Stop Nádraží Libeň (165188442) should have network=PID Stop Kabešova (2988447507) does not have ref and it should be U1401Z2P Stop Kabešova (2988447507) should have network=PID Stop Podkovářská (165188449) does not have ref and it should be U691Z2P Stop Podkovářská (165188449) should have network=PID Stop U Elektry (165188451) does not have ref and it should be U775Z2P Stop U Elektry (165188451) should have network=PID Stop Nademlejnská (1662077265) does not have ref and it should be U755Z2P Stop Nademlejnská (1662077265) should have network=PID Name of stop Starý Hloubětín - výstupní (4760765113) in OSM (Starý Hloubětín - výstupní) and in GTFS (Starý Hloubětín) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Starý Hloubětín - výstupní (4760765113) does not have ref and it should be U144Z6P Stop Starý Hloubětín - výstupní (4760765113) should have network=PID Stop Starý Hloubětín - výstupní (4760765113) is 51.3m far from its route Processing OSM route Tram 8: Lehovec ? Nádraží Podbaba (extended) (8067537) Route type is missing for route 8067537 colour is missing for route 8067537 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8067537 and it should be L8 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8067537 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8067537 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8067537. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8067537 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Lehovec) and last (Nádraží Podbaba) stop names in OSM route Lehovec matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Nádraží Podbaba, last_stop: Starý Hloubětín GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Starý Hloubětín, last_stop: Nádraží Podbaba Processing OSM route Tram 8: Nádraží Podbaba ? Lehovec (extended) (8067538) Route type is missing for route 8067538 colour is missing for route 8067538 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8067538 and it should be L8 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8067538 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8067538 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 8067538 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8067538. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8067538 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Nádraží Podbaba) and last (Lehovec) stop names in OSM route Nádraží Podbaba matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Nádraží Podbaba, last_stop: Starý Hloubětín GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Starý Hloubětín, last_stop: Nádraží Podbaba OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Starý Hloubětín (U144Z6P) with sample trip_id 8_4649_230213 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Starý Hloubětín (U144Z5P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 8_4664_230213 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Nádraží Podbaba (U126Z3P) with sample trip_id 8_5391_230201 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Podbaba (U126Z2P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 8_1490_220817 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Starý Hloubětín (U144Z6P) with sample trip_id 8_4572_230213 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Starý Hloubětín (U144Z5P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 8_4585_230213 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Starý Hloubětín (U144Z5P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 8_5212_230225 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Starý Hloubětín (U144Z6P) with sample trip_id 8_5211_230225 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Nádraží Podbaba (U126Z3P) with sample trip_id 8_5399_230225 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Podbaba (U126Z2P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 8_4483_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Podbaba (U126Z2P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 8_5400_230211 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Nádraží Podbaba (U126Z3P) with sample trip_id 8_5406_230213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 2088592 (Tram 9) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 2088592 (Tram 9) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 9) and in GTFS (9) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 2088592 (Tram 9) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 2088592 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 9: Sídliště Řepy ? Spojovací (104749) colour is missing for route 104749 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 104749 and it should be L9 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 104749 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 104749 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 104749. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 104749 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 9_4452_221204 Name is not in proper format for route 104749. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 9: Sídliště Řepy ? Spojovací Route 104749 should have interval=10:00 Route 104749 should have duration=48:00 Processing stops for OSM route 104749 (using stops for all checks) Name of stop Sídliště Řepy (nástupní) (1679544196) in OSM (Sídliště Řepy (nástupní)) and in GTFS (Sídliště Řepy) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Sídliště Řepy (nástupní) (1679544196) in OSM (C) and in GTFS (U612Z3P) are different Stop Blatiny (243489352) does not have ref and it should be U47Z1P Stop Slánská (243489364) does not have ref and it should be U236Z1P Stop Slánská (243489364) should have network=PID Stop Hlušičkova (340039704) does not have ref and it should be U113Z1P Stop Hlušičkova (340039704) should have network=PID ref of stop Krematorium Motol (243490372) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U395Z1P) are different Stop Krematorium Motol (243490372) should have network=PID Stop Motol (243490388) does not have ref and it should be U394Z1P Stop Motol (243490388) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Motol (340039707) does not have ref and it should be U865Z1P Stop Vozovna Motol (340039707) should have network=PID Stop Hotel Golf (243491431) does not have ref and it should be U567Z1P Stop Hotel Golf (243491431) should have network=PID Stop Poštovka (340039709) does not have ref and it should be U580Z1P Stop Poštovka (340039709) should have network=PID ref of stop Kotlářka (340039713) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U289Z1P) are different Stop Kotlářka (340039713) should have network=PID ref of stop Kavalírka (340039717) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U240Z1P) are different Stop Kavalírka (340039717) should have network=PID ref of stop Klamovka (340039721) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U254Z1P) are different ref of stop U Zvonu (340039726) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U805Z1P) are different Stop Bertramka (243492569) does not have ref and it should be U25Z1P Stop Bertramka (243492569) should have network=PID ref of stop Anděl (4718293055) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U1040Z1P) are different Stop Anděl (4718293055) should have network=PID Stop Arbesovo náměstí (4719188950) does not have ref and it should be U4Z1P Stop Arbesovo náměstí (4719188950) should have network=PID Stop Švandovo divadlo (303880810) does not have ref and it should be U481Z1P Stop Švandovo divadlo (303880810) should have network=PID Stop Újezd (4599701504) does not have ref and it should be U809Z2P Stop Újezd (4599701504) should have network=PID Stop Národní divadlo (4714677494) does not have ref and it should be U483Z1P Stop Národní divadlo (4714677494) should have network=PID Stop Národní třída (4714677496) does not have ref and it should be U539Z1P Stop Národní třída (4714677496) should have network=PID Stop Lazarská (4716283371) does not have ref and it should be U997Z2P Stop Lazarská (4716283371) should have network=PID Stop Vodičkova (4704962021) does not have ref and it should be U484Z2P Stop Vodičkova (4704962021) should have network=PID Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) does not have ref and it should be U1072Z2P Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) should have network=PID Stop Jindřišská (4704946994) does not have ref and it should be U203Z2P Stop Jindřišská (4704946994) should have network=PID ref of stop Hlavní nádraží (255617362) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U142Z2P) are different Stop Hlavní nádraží (255617362) should have network=PID ref of stop Viktoria Žižkov (4704851060) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U172Z2P) are different Stop Viktoria Žižkov (4704851060) should have network=PID Stop Lipanská (4721019949) does not have ref and it should be U339Z2P Stop Lipanská (4721019949) should have network=PID Stop Olšanské náměstí (244178530) does not have ref and it should be U516Z2P Stop Olšanské náměstí (244178530) should have network=PID Stop Olšanská (307455973) does not have ref and it should be U586Z2P Stop Olšanská (307455973) should have network=PID Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (255617357) does not have ref and it should be U469Z4P Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (255617357) should have network=PID Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (5252786225) does not have ref and it should be U469Z2P Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (5252786225) should have network=PID Stop Biskupcova (5252786226) does not have ref and it should be U34Z2P Stop Biskupcova (5252786226) should have network=PID Stop Ohrada (304322464) does not have ref and it should be U512Z2P Stop Ohrada (304322464) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Žižkov (304327539) does not have ref and it should be U837Z2P Stop Vozovna Žižkov (304327539) should have network=PID ref of stop Strážní (304323641) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U714Z2P) are different Stop Strážní (304323641) should have network=PID Stop Chmelnice (267017432) does not have ref and it should be U180Z2P Stop Chmelnice (267017432) should have network=PID Stop Kněžská luka (305492119) does not have ref and it should be U266Z2P Stop Kněžská luka (305492119) should have network=PID Name of stop Spojovací (výstupní) (1371099971) in OSM (Spojovací (výstupní)) and in GTFS (Spojovací) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Spojovací (výstupní) (1371099971) does not have ref and it should be U694Z2P Stop Spojovací (výstupní) (1371099971) should have network=PID Processing OSM route Tram 9: Spojovací ? Sídliště Řepy (2088591) colour is missing for route 2088591 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2088591 and it should be L9 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2088591 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2088591 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2088591. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2088591 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 9_10302_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 2088591. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 9: Spojovací ? Sídliště Řepy Route 2088591 should have interval=10:00 Route 2088591 should have duration=50:00 Processing stops for OSM route 2088591 (using stops for all checks) Name of stop Spojovací (nástupní) (6436144735) in OSM (Spojovací (nástupní)) and in GTFS (Spojovací) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Spojovací (nástupní) (6436144735) does not have ref and it should be U694Z1P Stop Spojovací (nástupní) (6436144735) should have network=PID Stop Kněžská luka (4579533046) does not have ref and it should be U266Z1P Stop Kněžská luka (4579533046) should have network=PID Stop Chmelnice (4579533023) does not have ref and it should be U180Z1P Stop Chmelnice (4579533023) should have network=PID ref of stop Strážní (4579533056) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U714Z1P) are different Stop Strážní (4579533056) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Žižkov (4579534245) does not have ref and it should be U837Z1P Stop Vozovna Žižkov (4579534245) should have network=PID Stop Ohrada (5252786227) does not have ref and it should be U512Z1P Stop Ohrada (5252786227) should have network=PID Stop Biskupcova (304322168) does not have ref and it should be U34Z1P Stop Biskupcova (304322168) should have network=PID Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (304320922) does not have ref and it should be U469Z1P Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (304320922) should have network=PID Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (4721019951) does not have ref and it should be U469Z3P Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (4721019951) should have network=PID Stop Olšanská (4721019950) does not have ref and it should be U586Z1P Stop Olšanská (4721019950) should have network=PID Stop Olšanské náměstí (4704851514) does not have ref and it should be U516Z1P Stop Olšanské náměstí (4704851514) should have network=PID Stop Lipanská (4721019948) does not have ref and it should be U339Z1P Stop Lipanská (4721019948) should have network=PID ref of stop Viktoria Žižkov (4704851057) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U172Z1P) are different Stop Viktoria Žižkov (4704851057) should have network=PID ref of stop Hlavní nádraží (4721019947) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U142Z1P) are different Stop Hlavní nádraží (4721019947) should have network=PID Stop Jindřišská (4704947002) does not have ref and it should be U203Z1P Stop Jindřišská (4704947002) should have network=PID Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944965) does not have ref and it should be U1072Z1P Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944965) should have network=PID Stop Vodičkova (4704962012) does not have ref and it should be U484Z1P Stop Vodičkova (4704962012) should have network=PID Stop Lazarská (4704961989) does not have ref and it should be U997Z1P Stop Lazarská (4704961989) should have network=PID Stop Národní třída (4714677495) does not have ref and it should be U539Z2P Stop Národní třída (4714677495) should have network=PID Stop Národní divadlo (74218301) does not have ref and it should be U483Z2P Stop Národní divadlo (74218301) should have network=PID Stop Újezd (74218289) does not have ref and it should be U809Z4P Stop Újezd (74218289) should have network=PID Stop Švandovo divadlo (4719188951) does not have ref and it should be U481Z2P Stop Švandovo divadlo (4719188951) should have network=PID Stop Arbesovo náměstí (4719188949) does not have ref and it should be U4Z2P Stop Arbesovo náměstí (4719188949) should have network=PID ref of stop Anděl (4599701596) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U1040Z2P) are different Stop Anděl (4599701596) should have network=PID Stop Bertramka (4533064817) does not have ref and it should be U25Z2P ref of stop U Zvonu (4532846131) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U805Z2P) are different ref of stop Klamovka (4533064822) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U254Z2P) are different ref of stop Kavalírka (4533667132) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U240Z2P) are different ref of stop Kotlářka (4524686169) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U289Z2P) are different Stop Poštovka (4524686167) does not have ref and it should be U580Z2P Stop Hotel Golf (4524686166) does not have ref and it should be U567Z2P Stop Vozovna Motol (4524637359) does not have ref and it should be U865Z2P Stop Motol (4530657225) does not have ref and it should be U394Z2P ref of stop Krematorium Motol (4532846090) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U395Z2P) are different Stop Hlušičkova (4530649975) does not have ref and it should be U113Z2P Stop Slánská (4530560537) does not have ref and it should be U236Z2P Stop Blatiny (4530560536) does not have ref and it should be U47Z2P Name of stop Sídliště Řepy (výstupní) (1679544198) in OSM (Sídliště Řepy (výstupní)) and in GTFS (Sídliště Řepy) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Sídliště Řepy (výstupní) (1679544198) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U612Z12P) are different Stop Sídliště Řepy (výstupní) (1679544198) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) to Sídliště Řepy (U612Z12P) with sample trip_id 9_10294_221205 and 35 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Spojovací (U694Z2P) with sample trip_id 9_10313_230213 and 21 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Řepy (U612Z3P) to Motol (U394Z1P) with sample trip_id 9_10395_230213 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Spojovací (U694Z1P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z1P) with sample trip_id 9_10332_221205 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Spojovací (U694Z1P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 9_10643_230213 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Spojovací (U694Z2P) with sample trip_id 9_6867_230213 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Sídliště Řepy (U612Z12P) with sample trip_id 9_10583_230219 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Řepy (U612Z3P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 9_10580_221204 and 3 total trips Processing OSM master route 2226544 (Bus 188) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 2226544 (Bus 188) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 188) and in GTFS (188) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 2226544 (Bus 188) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 2226544 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 188: Želivského ? Kavčí hory (1925404) colour is missing for route 1925404 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1925404 and it should be L188 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1925404 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1925404 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1925404. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1925404 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 188_1050_211126 Name is not in proper format for route 1925404. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 188: Želivského ? Kavčí hory Route 1925404 should have interval=20:00 Route 1925404 should have duration=33:00 Processing stops for OSM route 1925404 (using platforms for all checks) Platform Pankrác (311405317) should not be part of the route way Stop Želivského (308568268) does not have ref and it should be U921Z6P Stop Želivského (308568268) should have network=PID Stop Pod Třebešínem (307875419) does not have ref and it should be U575Z1P Stop Pod Třebešínem (307875419) should have network=PID Stop Na Palouku (256485028) does not have ref and it should be U418Z1P Stop Na Palouku (256485028) should have network=PID Stop Hostýnská (256485029) does not have ref and it should be U161Z1P Stop Hostýnská (256485029) should have network=PID Stop Plaňanská (256485030) does not have ref and it should be U548Z1P Stop Plaňanská (256485030) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Malešice (1584611275) does not have ref and it should be U660Z1P Stop Sídliště Malešice (1584611275) should have network=PID Stop Limuzská (316816884) does not have ref and it should be U827Z1P Stop Limuzská (316816884) should have network=PID Stop Dobročovická (1289997351) does not have ref and it should be U90Z1P Stop Dobročovická (1289997351) should have network=PID ref of stop Strašnická (255617348) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U713Z4P) are different Stop Strašnická (255617348) should have network=PID Stop Na Hroudě (8341124520) does not have ref and it should be U599Z2P Stop Na Hroudě (8341124520) should have network=PID Stop Staré Strašnice (1134719044) does not have ref and it should be U459Z3P Stop Staré Strašnice (1134719044) should have network=PID Stop Korytná (289154324) does not have ref and it should be U198Z1P Stop Korytná (289154324) should have network=PID Stop Želivecká (65542652) does not have ref and it should be U920Z1P Stop Želivecká (65542652) should have network=PID Stop Jesenická (289141214) does not have ref and it should be U671Z3P Stop Jesenická (289141214) should have network=PID Name of stop V Korytech (1024636263) in OSM (V Korytech) and in GTFS (V Korytech) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop V Korytech (1024636263) does not have ref and it should be U825Z1P Stop V Korytech (1024636263) should have network=PID Stop Pod Vinicí (289140648) does not have ref and it should be U576Z1P Stop Pod Vinicí (289140648) should have network=PID Stop Záběhlice (5658991236) does not have ref and it should be U886Z1P Stop Záběhlice (5658991236) should have network=PID Stop Bohdalecká (289140601) does not have ref and it should be U1092Z2P Stop Bohdalecká (289140601) should have network=PID Stop Chodovská (1914106398) does not have ref and it should be U183Z1P Stop Chodovská (1914106398) should have network=PID Stop Plynárna Michle (1914106392) does not have ref and it should be U550Z1P Stop Plynárna Michle (1914106392) should have network=PID Stop Michelská (1914106379) does not have ref and it should be U376Z1P Stop Michelská (1914106379) should have network=PID Stop Pod Jezerkou (8341124517) does not have ref and it should be U559Z1P Stop Pod Jezerkou (8341124517) should have network=PID Stop Kloboučnická (311405283) does not have ref and it should be U263Z4P Stop Kloboučnická (311405283) should have network=PID Stop Jezerka (5658991238) does not have ref and it should be U201Z1P Stop Jezerka (5658991238) should have network=PID Stop Sdružení (5349862561) does not have ref and it should be U640Z1P Stop Sdružení (5349862561) should have network=PID Stop Pankrác (311405317) does not have ref and it should be U385Z1P Stop Pankrác (311405317) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Pankrác (385413686) does not have ref and it should be U663Z1P Stop Sídliště Pankrác (385413686) should have network=PID Stop Kavčí hory (704111) does not have ref and it should be U589Z1P Stop Kavčí hory (704111) should have network=PID Processing OSM route 188: Kavčí hory ? Želivského (2226543) colour is missing for route 2226543 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2226543 and it should be L188 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2226543 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2226543 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2226543. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2226543 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 188_1049_211106 Name is not in proper format for route 2226543. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 188: Kavčí hory ? Želivského Route 2226543 should have interval=20:00 Route 2226543 should have duration=33:00 Processing stops for OSM route 2226543 (using platforms for all checks) Platform Pankrác (857705465) should not be part of the route way Stop Kavčí hory (1537284565) does not have ref and it should be U589Z3P Stop Kavčí hory (1537284565) should have network=PID Stop Milevská (1793428111) does not have ref and it should be U1055Z1P Stop Milevská (1793428111) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Pankrác (5349832460) does not have ref and it should be U663Z2P Stop Sídliště Pankrác (5349832460) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Pankrác (5349832460) is 58.6m far from GTFS (Sídliště Pankrác) stop Stop Pankrác (857705465) does not have ref and it should be U385Z2P Stop Pankrác (857705465) should have network=PID Stop Sdružení (5349862558) does not have ref and it should be U640Z2P Stop Sdružení (5349862558) should have network=PID Stop Jezerka (311405287) does not have ref and it should be U201Z2P Stop Jezerka (311405287) should have network=PID Stop Kloboučnická (311405286) does not have ref and it should be U263Z5P Stop Kloboučnická (311405286) should have network=PID Stop Pod Jezerkou (8341124617) does not have ref and it should be U559Z2P Stop Pod Jezerkou (8341124617) should have network=PID Stop Michelská (1914106376) does not have ref and it should be U376Z2P Stop Michelská (1914106376) should have network=PID Stop Plynárna Michle (8341124619) does not have ref and it should be U550Z2P Stop Plynárna Michle (8341124619) should have network=PID Stop Chodovská (8341124521) does not have ref and it should be U183Z2P Stop Chodovská (8341124521) should have network=PID Stop Bohdalecká (1412461908) does not have ref and it should be U1092Z1P Stop Bohdalecká (1412461908) should have network=PID Stop Záběhlice (5658991237) does not have ref and it should be U886Z2P Stop Záběhlice (5658991237) should have network=PID Stop Pod Vinicí (289140647) does not have ref and it should be U576Z2P Stop Pod Vinicí (289140647) should have network=PID Name of stop V Korytech (1024636304) in OSM (V Korytech) and in GTFS (V Korytech) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop V Korytech (1024636304) does not have ref and it should be U825Z2P Stop V Korytech (1024636304) should have network=PID Stop Jesenická (289141213) does not have ref and it should be U671Z4P Stop Jesenická (289141213) should have network=PID Stop Želivecká (1335795) does not have ref and it should be U920Z2P Stop Želivecká (1335795) should have network=PID Stop Korytná (26424974) does not have ref and it should be U198Z2P Stop Korytná (26424974) should have network=PID Stop Staré Strašnice (26396789) does not have ref and it should be U459Z5P Stop Staré Strašnice (26396789) should have network=PID Stop Na Hroudě (8341124519) does not have ref and it should be U599Z1P Stop Na Hroudě (8341124519) should have network=PID Stop Strašnická (25917898) does not have ref and it should be U713Z5P Stop Strašnická (25917898) should have network=PID Stop Dobročovická (1289997349) does not have ref and it should be U90Z2P Stop Dobročovická (1289997349) should have network=PID Stop Limuzská (65621261) does not have ref and it should be U827Z2P Stop Limuzská (65621261) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Malešice (1537291006) does not have ref and it should be U660Z2P Stop Sídliště Malešice (1537291006) should have network=PID Stop Plaňanská (5410428747) does not have ref and it should be U548Z2P Stop Plaňanská (5410428747) should have network=PID Stop Hostýnská (282546203) does not have ref and it should be U161Z2P Stop Hostýnská (282546203) should have network=PID Stop Na Palouku (282546204) does not have ref and it should be U418Z2P Stop Na Palouku (282546204) should have network=PID Stop Želivského (303185024) does not have ref and it should be U921Z9P Stop Želivského (303185024) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Limuzská (U827Z2P) to Želivského (U921Z9P) with sample trip_id 188_1118_230227 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Strašnická (U713Z4P) to Kavčí hory (U589Z1P) with sample trip_id 188_324_211106 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Chodovská (U183Z1P) to Kavčí hory (U589Z1P) with sample trip_id 188_110_210920 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Limuzská (U827Z1P) to Kavčí hory (U589Z1P) with sample trip_id 188_330_211106 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 2728288 (Tram 10) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 2728288 (Tram 10) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 10) and in GTFS (10) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 2728288 (Tram 10) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 2728288 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour in OSM (#DC008F) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different Processing OSM route Tram 10: Sídliště Řepy ? Sídliště Ďáblice (104751) Colour for route 104751 type in OSM (#00A64C) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 104751 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 104751 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 104751 in OSM (10_6_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 10_4951_230103 to for route 104751 in OSM (Sídliště Ďáblice) and in GTFS (Spojovací) are different Name is not in proper format for route 104751. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 10: Sídliště Řepy ? Sídliště Ďáblice Route 104751 should have interval=61:30 Route 104751 should have duration=48:00 Distance between shapes of OSM route and GTFS route is: 4479.5m. Check shapes and fix geometry in OSM Processing stops for OSM route 104751 (using stops for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 104751 (46) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (37) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Sídliště Řepy (U612Z1P) - Sídliště Řepy (nástupní) (243488145) Blatiny (U47Z1P) - Blatiny (243489352) Slánská (U236Z1P) - Slánská (243489364) Hlušičkova (U113Z1P) - Hlušičkova (340039704) Krematorium Motol (U395Z1P) - Krematorium Motol (243490372) Motol (U394Z1P) - Motol (243490388) Vozovna Motol (U865Z1P) - Vozovna Motol (340039707) Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) - Hotel Golf (243491431) Poštovka (U580Z1P) - Poštovka (340039709) Kotlářka (U289Z1P) - Kotlářka (340039713) Kavalírka (U240Z1P) - Kavalírka (340039717) Klamovka (U254Z1P) - Klamovka (340039721) U Zvonu (U805Z1P) - U Zvonu (340039726) Bertramka (U25Z1P) - Bertramka (243492569) Anděl (U1040Z1P) - Anděl (4718293055) Zborovská (U901Z1P) - Zborovská (282096322) Palackého náměstí (U237Z5P) - Palackého náměstí (246835730) Karlovo náměstí (U237Z1P) - Karlovo náměstí (290036011) Štěpánská (U739Z2P) - Štěpánská (4701097777) I. P. Pavlova (U190Z2P) - I. P. Pavlova (4701097787) Náměstí Míru (U476Z2P) - Náměstí Míru (4715159302) Šumavská (U744Z2P) - Šumavská (339987373) Vinohradská vodárna (U851Z2P) - Vinohradská vodárna (4718170735) Perunova (U540Z2P) - Perunova (306201995) Orionka (U518Z2P) - Orionka (1140088621) Flora (U118Z2P) - Flora (5435855704) Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z2P) - Olšanské hřbitovy (244011071) Želivského (U921Z4P) - Želivského (5253010011) Želivského (U921Z12P) - Želivského (8805754239) Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (U469Z2P) - Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (5252786225) Biskupcova (U34Z2P) - Biskupcova (5252786226) Ohrada (U512Z2P) - Krejcárek (3412553283) Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) - Palmovka (248182634) Strážní (U714Z2P) - Libeňský zámek (5873895660) Chmelnice (U180Z2P) - U Kříže (4096923585) Kněžská luka (U266Z2P) - Vosmíkových (4096923633) Spojovací (U694Z2P) - Bulovka (165909686) (N/A) - Vychovatelna (165911572) (N/A) - Okrouhlická (4096923669) (N/A) - Ke Stírce (4096977731) (N/A) - Kobylisy (4096977738) (N/A) - Střelničná (165937879) (N/A) - Kyselova (339990105) (N/A) - Ládví (263873454) (N/A) - Štěpničná (165937890) (N/A) - Sídliště Ďáblice (2203514432) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route Tram 10: Sídliště Ďáblice ? Sídliště Řepy (2728287) Colour for route 2728287 type in OSM (#00A64C) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2728287 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2728287 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 2728287 in OSM (10_240_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 10_6817_230213 from for route 2728287 in OSM (Sídliště Ďáblice) and in GTFS (Spojovací) are different Name is not in proper format for route 2728287. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 10: Sídliště Ďáblice ? Sídliště Řepy Route 2728287 should have interval=46:00 Route 2728287 should have duration=52:00 Distance between shapes of OSM route and GTFS route is: 4485.8m. Check shapes and fix geometry in OSM Processing stops for OSM route 2728287 (using stops for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 2728287 (48) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (38) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Spojovací (U694Z1P) - Sídliště Ďáblice (2203514450) Kněžská luka (U266Z1P) - Třebenická (3912489112) Chmelnice (U180Z1P) - Štěpničná (3912490021) Strážní (U714Z1P) - Ládví (3912489109) Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z1P) - Kyselova (3912489108) Ohrada (U512Z1P) - Střelničná (3912489110) Biskupcova (U34Z1P) - Kobylisy (4096977741) Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (U469Z1P) - Ke Stírce (4096977750) Mezi Hřbitovy (U373Z1P) - Okrouhlická (4096923654) Želivského (U921Z3P) - Vychovatelna (4096923651) Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z1P) - Bulovka (4096923642) Flora (U118Z1P) - Vosmíkových (4096923631) Orionka (U518Z1P) - U Kříže (4096923576) Perunova (U540Z1P) - Libeňský zámek (5873895659) Vinohradská vodárna (U851Z1P) - Divadlo pod Palmovkou (1407902287) Šumavská (U744Z1P) - Palmovka (74344893) Náměstí Míru (U476Z1P) - Krejcárek (31624631) I. P. Pavlova (U190Z1P) - Biskupcova (304322168) Štěpánská (U739Z1P) - Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (304320922) Karlovo náměstí (U237Z3P) - Mezi Hřbitovy (255617355) Moráň (U237Z4P) - Želivského (304320657) Palackého náměstí (U237Z6P) - Olšanské hřbitovy (5435923643) Zborovská (U901Z2P) - Flora (244011073) Anděl (U1040Z2P) - Orionka (1140088675) Bertramka (U25Z2P) - Perunova (440903172) U Zvonu (U805Z2P) - Vinohradská vodárna (4718170734) Klamovka (U254Z2P) - Šumavská (359953066) Kavalírka (U240Z2P) - Náměstí Míru (4715159303) Kotlářka (U289Z2P) - I. P. Pavlova (25936016) Poštovka (U580Z2P) - Štěpánská (1636909733) Hotel Golf (U567Z2P) - Moráň (4701097445) Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) - Palackého náměstí (4696829591) Motol (U394Z2P) - Zborovská (4696978873) Krematorium Motol (U395Z2P) - Anděl (4599701596) Hlušičkova (U113Z2P) - Bertramka (4533064817) Slánská (U236Z2P) - U Zvonu (4532846131) Blatiny (U47Z2P) - Klamovka (4533064822) Sídliště Řepy (U612Z2P) - Kavalírka (4533667132) (N/A) - Kotlářka (4524686169) (N/A) - Poštovka (4524686167) (N/A) - Hotel Golf (4524686166) (N/A) - Vozovna Motol (4524637359) (N/A) - Motol (4530657225) (N/A) - Krematorium Motol (4532846090) (N/A) - Hlušičkova (4530649975) (N/A) - Slánská (4530560537) (N/A) - Blatiny (4530560536) (N/A) - Sídliště Řepy (výstupní) (1679544197) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Spojovací (U694Z2P) with sample trip_id 10_4752_220731 and 17 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) to Sídliště Řepy (U612Z2P) with sample trip_id 10_1788_220702 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Řepy (U612Z1P) to Motol (U394Z1P) with sample trip_id 10_2892_230213 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Spojovací (U694Z1P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z1P) with sample trip_id 10_6446_230213 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Řepy (U612Z1P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 10_7027_230213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 2728371 (Tram 11) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 2728371 (Tram 11) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 11) and in GTFS (11) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 2728371 (Tram 11) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 2728371 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour in OSM (#DC008F) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different Processing OSM route Tram 11: Spořilov ? Spojovací (6321374) colour is missing for route 6321374 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6321374 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6321374 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 6321374 in OSM (11_6_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 11_4718_221216 to for route 6321374 in OSM (Spojovací) and in GTFS (Olšanské hřbitovy) are different Name is not in proper format for route 6321374. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 11: Spořilov ? Spojovací Route 6321374 should have interval=20:00 Route 6321374 should have duration=26:30 Distance between shapes of OSM route and GTFS route is: 2773.1m. Check shapes and fix geometry in OSM Total length of route in OSM (12689.1m) and in GTFS (8672.3m) differ too much Processing stops for OSM route 6321374 (using stops for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 6321374 (29) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (19) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Spořilov (U697Z1P) - Spořilov (27025636) Teplárna Michle (U751Z1P) - Teplárna Michle (1552771496) Chodovská (U183Z1P) - Chodovská (289137855) Plynárna Michle (U550Z1P) - Plynárna Michle (4716283390) Michelská (U376Z1P) - Michelská (703174) Pod Jezerkou (U559Z1P) - Pod Jezerkou (4716283388) Horky (U152Z1P) - Horky (4716283385) Náměstí Bratří Synků (U482Z1P) - Náměstí Bratří Synků (4490224191) Nuselské schody (U504Z1P) - Nuselské schody (4491071013) Pod Karlovem (U560Z1P) - Pod Karlovem (5149740698) Bruselská (U45Z1P) - Bruselská (4491071045) I. P. Pavlova (U190Z3P) - I. P. Pavlova (335693753) Muzeum (U400Z2P) - Muzeum (320295308) Italská (U191Z2P) - Italská (290175930) Vinohradská tržnice (U850Z2P) - Vinohradská tržnice (320292518) Jiřího z Poděbrad (U209Z2P) - Jiřího z Poděbrad (307460040) Radhošťská (U616Z2P) - Radhošťská (5436079160) Flora (U118Z2P) - Flora (5435855704) Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z14P) - Olšanské hřbitovy (244011071) (N/A) - Želivského (5253010011) (N/A) - Želivského (8805754239) (N/A) - Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (5252786225) (N/A) - Biskupcova (5252786226) (N/A) - Ohrada (304322464) (N/A) - Vozovna Žižkov (304327539) (N/A) - Strážní (304323641) (N/A) - Chmelnice (267017432) (N/A) - Kněžská luka (305492119) (N/A) - Spojovací (výstupní) (1371099971) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route Tram 11: Spojovací ? Spořilov (6321376) colour is missing for route 6321376 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6321376 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6321376 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 6321376 in OSM (11_348_210101) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 11_4767_220702 from for route 6321376 in OSM (Spojovací) and in GTFS (Vozovna Pankrác) are different Name is not in proper format for route 6321376. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 11: Spojovací ? Spořilov Route 6321376 should have interval=20:00 Route 6321376 should have duration=17:00 Distance between shapes of OSM route and GTFS route is: 4351.8m. Check shapes and fix geometry in OSM Total length of route in OSM (12687.0m) and in GTFS (6097.7m) differ too much Processing stops for OSM route 6321376 (using stops for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 6321376 (29) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (13) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) - Spojovací (nástupní) (6436144735) Na Veselí (U433Z1P) - Kněžská luka (4579533046) Kotorská (U2784Z1P) - Chmelnice (4579533023) Pražského povstání (U597Z1P) - Strážní (4579533056) Palouček (U530Z1P) - Vozovna Žižkov (4579534245) Nuselská radnice (U503Z1P) - Ohrada (5252786227) Horky (U152Z2P) - Biskupcova (304322168) Pod Jezerkou (U559Z2P) - Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (304320922) Michelská (U376Z2P) - Mezi Hřbitovy (255617355) Plynárna Michle (U550Z2P) - Želivského (304320657) Chodovská (U183Z2P) - Olšanské hřbitovy (5435923643) Teplárna Michle (U751Z2P) - Flora (244011073) Spořilov (U697Z2P) - Radhošťská (319864034) (N/A) - Jiřího z Poděbrad (2409213389) (N/A) - Vinohradská tržnice (320293240) (N/A) - Italská (290175932) (N/A) - Muzeum (4714734743) (N/A) - I. P. Pavlova (4714734729) (N/A) - Bruselská (4755983030) (N/A) - Pod Karlovem (4714734704) (N/A) - Nuselské schody (4943512773) (N/A) - Náměstí Bratří Synků (2569390712) (N/A) - Horky (4716283384) (N/A) - Pod Jezerkou (4716283387) (N/A) - Michelská (4716283389) (N/A) - Plynárna Michle (4716283391) (N/A) - Chodovská (5436145350) (N/A) - Teplárna Michle (65472969) (N/A) - Spořilov (4874153102) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z1P) to Spořilov (U697Z2P) with sample trip_id 11_4236_230213 and 168 total trips OSM is missing route from Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z1P) to Zvonařka (U1121Z2P) with sample trip_id 11_6177_230213 and 20 total trips OSM is missing route from Zvonařka (U1121Z1P) to Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z14P) with sample trip_id 11_6139_230130 and 20 total trips OSM is missing route from Spořilov (U697Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 11_3049_230213 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Zvonařka (U1121Z2P) with sample trip_id 11_6161_230130 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Zvonařka (U1121Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 11_6203_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z14P) with sample trip_id 11_6137_230130 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Spořilov (U697Z2P) with sample trip_id 11_5097_230213 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 11_6181_230213 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Spořilov (U697Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 11_5103_230226 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Spořilov (U697Z1P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 11_5138_230129 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Spořilov (U697Z2P) with sample trip_id 11_6075_230226 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Spořilov (U697Z1P) to Krematorium Strašnice (U299Z2P) with sample trip_id 11_5125_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vinice (U1108Z1P) to Spořilov (U697Z2P) with sample trip_id 11_4446_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Spořilov (U697Z2P) with sample trip_id 11_6072_230213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 2729904 (Tram 12) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 2729904 (Tram 12) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 12) and in GTFS (12) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 2729904 (Tram 12) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 2729904 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour in OSM (#A28A6A) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different Processing OSM route Tram 12: Sídliště Barrandov ? Výstaviště (67775) Colour for route 67775 type in OSM (#A28A6A) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different gtfs:route_id is missing for route 67775 and it should be L12 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 67775 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 67775 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 67775. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 67775 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Sídliště Barrandov) and last (Výstaviště) stop names in OSM route Sídliště Barrandov matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Malovanka, last_stop: Výstaviště GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Výstaviště, last_stop: Malovanka Processing OSM route Tram 12: Výstaviště ? Sídliště Barrandov (2729903) Colour for route 2729903 type in OSM (#A28A6A) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2729903 and it should be L12 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2729903 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2729903 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2729903. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2729903 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Výstaviště) and last (Sídliště Barrandov) stop names in OSM route Výstaviště matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Malovanka, last_stop: Výstaviště GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Výstaviště, last_stop: Malovanka OSM is missing route from Výstaviště (U532Z3P) to Malovanka (U362Z2P) with sample trip_id 12_8009_230128 and 115 total trips OSM is missing route from Malovanka (U362Z1P) to Výstaviště (U532Z4P) with sample trip_id 12_8010_230128 and 112 total trips OSM is missing route from Špejchar (U734Z1P) to Výstaviště (U532Z4P) with sample trip_id 12_8018_230225 and 53 total trips OSM is missing route from Výstaviště (U532Z3P) to Špejchar (U734Z2P) with sample trip_id 12_8031_230128 and 49 total trips OSM is missing route from Špejchar (U734Z1P) to Výstaviště (U532Z1P) with sample trip_id 12_8437_230218 and 39 total trips OSM is missing route from Výstaviště (U532Z2P) to Malovanka (U362Z2P) with sample trip_id 12_8438_230218 and 39 total trips OSM is missing route from Výstaviště (U532Z2P) to Špejchar (U734Z2P) with sample trip_id 12_8442_230218 and 37 total trips OSM is missing route from Malovanka (U362Z1P) to Výstaviště (U532Z1P) with sample trip_id 12_8439_230218 and 37 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Špejchar (U734Z2P) with sample trip_id 12_8017_230225 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Špejchar (U734Z1P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 12_8038_230128 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Výstaviště (U532Z4P) with sample trip_id 12_8339_230201 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Malovanka (U362Z2P) with sample trip_id 12_8165_230226 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Výstaviště (U532Z3P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 12_8070_230128 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Malovanka (U362Z1P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 12_8385_230213 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Výstaviště (U532Z1P) with sample trip_id 12_8443_230218 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Výstaviště (U532Z2P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 12_8446_230218 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Malovanka (U362Z2P) with sample trip_id 12_8407_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Malovanka (U362Z1P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 12_8415_230213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 2820891 (Tram 16) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 2820891 (Tram 16) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 16) and in GTFS (16) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 2820891 (Tram 16) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 2820891 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour in OSM (#A9C1D1) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different Processing OSM route Tram 16: Kotlářka ? Ústřední dílny DP (2820887) colour is missing for route 2820887 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2820887 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2820887 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 2820887 in OSM (16_46_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 16_7460_220926 Name is not in proper format for route 2820887. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 16: Kotlářka ? Ústřední dílny DP Route 2820887 should have interval=35:00 Route 2820887 should have duration=44:00 Processing stops for OSM route 2820887 (using stops for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 2820887 (32) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (33) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Kotlářka (U289Z5P) - Kotlářka (1636909530) Kotlářka (U289Z1P) - Kotlářka (340039713) Kavalírka (U240Z1P) - Kavalírka (340039717) Klamovka (U254Z1P) - Klamovka (340039721) U Zvonu (U805Z1P) - U Zvonu (340039726) Bertramka (U25Z1P) - Bertramka (243492569) Anděl (U1040Z1P) - Anděl (4718293055) Zborovská (U901Z1P) - Zborovská (282096322) Palackého náměstí (U237Z5P) - Palackého náměstí (246835730) Karlovo náměstí (U237Z1P) - Karlovo náměstí (290036011) Štěpánská (U739Z2P) - Štěpánská (4701097777) I. P. Pavlova (U190Z2P) - I. P. Pavlova (4701097787) Náměstí Míru (U476Z2P) - Náměstí Míru (4715159302) Šumavská (U744Z2P) - Šumavská (339987373) Vinohradská vodárna (U851Z2P) - Vinohradská vodárna (4718170735) Perunova (U540Z2P) - Perunova (306201995) Orionka (U518Z2P) - Orionka (1140088621) Flora (U118Z2P) - Flora (5435855704) Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z2P) - Olšanské hřbitovy (244011071) Želivského (U921Z4P) - Želivského (5253010011) Želivského (U921Z2P) - Vinohradské hřbitovy (339985955) Vinohradské hřbitovy (U849Z2P) - Krematorium Strašnice (339985953) Krematorium Strašnice (U299Z2P) - Vinice (244011132) Vinice (U1108Z2P) - Solidarita (339985948) Solidarita (U690Z2P) - Zborov ? Strašnické divadlo (339985945) Zborov - Strašnické divadlo (U900Z2P) - Limuzská (339985944) Limuzská (U827Z4P) - Nové Strašnice (282546199) Nové Strašnice (U70Z2P) - Depo Hostivař (9891762549) Depo Hostivař (U1071Z8P) - Depo Hostivař (254491223) Depo Hostivař (U1071Z12P) - Malešická továrna (282974017) Malešická továrna (U358Z2P) - Na Homoli (282974013) Na Homoli (U404Z2P) - Ústřední dílny DP (8309009853) Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z4P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route Tram 16: Ústřední dílny DP ? Kotlářka (2820888) colour is missing for route 2820888 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2820888 and it should be L16 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2820888 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2820888 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2820888. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2820888 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Ústřední dílny DP) and last (Kotlářka - výstupní) stop names in OSM route Ústřední dílny DP matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Kotlářka, last_stop: Ústřední dílny DP GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Ústřední dílny DP, last_stop: Kotlářka OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z3P) to Kotlářka (U289Z6P) with sample trip_id 16_7198_230213 and 152 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Řepy (U612Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z4P) with sample trip_id 16_7250_230213 and 32 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z3P) to Sídliště Řepy (U612Z2P) with sample trip_id 16_7245_230213 and 25 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Kotlářka (U289Z6P) with sample trip_id 16_7899_221203 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Kotlářka (U289Z5P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 16_7470_230219 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Sídliště Řepy (U612Z2P) with sample trip_id 16_7247_230213 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z3P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 16_7341_230213 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) to Sídliště Řepy (U612Z2P) with sample trip_id 16_4853_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z4P) with sample trip_id 16_7510_220926 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Řepy (U612Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 16_7463_230213 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Řepy (U612Z1P) to Motol (U394Z1P) with sample trip_id 16_7344_230213 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Kotlářka (U289Z5P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 16_7325_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z4P) with sample trip_id 16_7436_230121 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 5378441 (S4 Praha-Hnevice) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 5378441 (S4 Praha-Hnevice) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (S4 Praha-Hnevice) and in GTFS (S4) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 5378441 (S4 Praha-Hnevice) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 5378441 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #251E62) Route master type in OSM (train) and in GTFS (rail) are different Processing OSM route S4: Praha Masarykovo nádraží ? Kralupy nad Vltavou ? Hněvice (401629) Route relation S4: Praha Masarykovo nádraží ? Kralupy nad Vltavou ? Hněvice type in OSM (train) and in GTFS (rail) are different colour is missing for route 401629 and it should be #251E62 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 401629 and it should be L1304 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 401629 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 401629 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 401629. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 401629 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route S4: Hněvice ? Kralupy nad Vltavou ? Praha Masarykovo nádraží (5378440) Route relation S4: Hněvice ? Kralupy nad Vltavou ? Praha Masarykovo nádraží type in OSM (train) and in GTFS (rail) are different colour is missing for route 5378440 and it should be #251E62 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 5378440 and it should be L1304 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 5378440 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 5378440 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 5378440. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 5378440 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Praha Masarykovo nádr. (U480Z301) to Kralupy nad Vltavou (U2236Z301) with sample trip_id 1304_6926_221217 and 32 total trips OSM is missing route from Kralupy nad Vltavou (U2236Z301) to Praha Masarykovo nádr. (U480Z301) with sample trip_id 1304_6901_221211 and 32 total trips OSM is missing route from Hněvice (U2991Z301) to Praha Masarykovo nádr. (U480Z301) with sample trip_id 1304_6901_221212 and 15 total trips OSM is missing route from Praha Masarykovo nádr. (U480Z301) to Hněvice (U2991Z301) with sample trip_id 1304_6902_221211 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Kralupy nad Vltavou (U2236Z301) to Hněvice (U2991Z301) with sample trip_id 1304_6900_221212 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Praha Masarykovo nádr. (U480Z301) to Vraňany (U2831Z301) with sample trip_id 1304_9658_221217 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Hněvice (U2991Z301) to Kralupy nad Vltavou (U2236Z301) with sample trip_id 1304_6989_221211 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Vraňany (U2831Z301) to Kralupy nad Vltavou (U2236Z301) with sample trip_id 1304_9673_221212 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kralupy nad Vltavou (U2236Z301) to Vraňany (U2831Z301) with sample trip_id 1304_9672_221212 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kralupy nad Vltavou (U2236Z301) to Praha hl.n. (U142Z301) with sample trip_id 1304_9665_221211 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Praha hl.n. (U142Z301) to Kralupy nad Vltavou (U2236Z301) with sample trip_id 1304_9600_221210 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 6429156 (Bus 251) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 6429156 (Bus 251) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 251) and in GTFS (251) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 6429156 (Bus 251) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 6429156 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 211: Nádraží Klánovice ? Sídliště Rohožník (6429154) colour is missing for route 6429154 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 6429154 and it should be L251 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6429154 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6429154 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 6429154 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 6429154. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id is missing for route 6429154 (it has only one trip) and it should be 251_1_220901 WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Nádraží Klánovice) and last (Sídliště Rohožník) stop names in OSM route Nádraží Klánovice matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Sídliště Čimice, last_stop: Šimůnkova Processing OSM route 211: Sídliště Rohožník ? Nádraží Klánovice (6429155) colour is missing for route 6429155 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 6429155 and it should be L251 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6429155 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6429155 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 6429155 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 6429155. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id is missing for route 6429155 (it has only one trip) and it should be 251_1_220901 WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Sídliště Rohožník) and last (Nádraží Klánovice) stop names in OSM route Sídliště Rohožník matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Sídliště Čimice, last_stop: Šimůnkova OSM is missing route from Sídliště Čimice (U949Z3P) to Šimůnkova (U55Z2P) with sample trip_id 251_1_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 6444213 (Bus 240) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 6444213 (Bus 240) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 240) and in GTFS (240) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 6444213 (Bus 240) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 6444213 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 240: Háje ? Černý Most (452386) colour is missing for route 452386 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 452386 and it should be L240 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 452386 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 452386 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 452386. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 452386 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 240_202_221102 Name is not in proper format for route 452386. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 240: Háje ? Černý Most Route 452386 should have interval=30:00 Route 452386 should have duration=38:30 Processing stops for OSM route 452386 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Háje (305306515) does not have ref and it should be U286Z3P Stop Háje (305306515) should have network=PID Name of stop Háje (ulice Opatovská) (703148) in OSM (Háje (ulice Opatovská)) and in GTFS (Háje) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Háje (ulice Opatovská) (703148) does not have ref and it should be U286Z5P Stop Háje (ulice Opatovská) (703148) should have network=PID Stop Horčičkova (310612730) does not have ref and it should be U151Z1P Stop Horčičkova (310612730) should have network=PID Stop Newtonova (5654676458) does not have ref and it should be U491Z2P Stop Newtonova (5654676458) should have network=PID Stop Morseova (2590007493) does not have ref and it should be U1012Z2P Stop Morseova (2590007493) should have network=PID Stop Poliklinika Petrovice (2594848281) does not have ref and it should be U842Z2P Stop Poliklinika Petrovice (2594848281) should have network=PID Stop Veronské náměstí (2593580371) does not have ref and it should be U978Z2P Stop Veronské náměstí (2593580371) should have network=PID Stop Nové Petrovice (5654714458) does not have ref and it should be U770Z2P Stop Nové Petrovice (5654714458) should have network=PID Stop Livornská (29820807) does not have ref and it should be U3052Z2P Stop Livornská (29820807) should have network=PID Stop Bolevecká (29820805) does not have ref and it should be U732Z2P Stop Bolevecká (29820805) should have network=PID Stop Na Vartě (5654714459) does not have ref and it should be U973Z2P Stop Na Vartě (5654714459) should have network=PID Stop Boloňská (2689430789) does not have ref and it should be U154Z4P Stop Boloňská (2689430789) should have network=PID Stop Boloňská (2689430791) does not have ref and it should be U154Z2P Stop Boloňská (2689430791) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Horní Měcholupy (3440400502) does not have ref and it should be U1069Z3P Stop Nádraží Horní Měcholupy (3440400502) should have network=PID Stop K Dubečku (3087057045) does not have ref and it should be U215Z1P Stop K Dubečku (3087057045) should have network=PID Stop Dubeček (3627421293) does not have ref and it should be U108Z1P Stop Dubeček (3627421293) should have network=PID Stop Lázeňka (1634550950) does not have ref and it should be U1059Z1P Stop Lázeňka (1634550950) should have network=PID Stop Za Pavilonem (3629857375) does not have ref and it should be U1115Z1P Stop Za Pavilonem (3629857375) should have network=PID Stop Škola Dubeč (322967897) does not have ref and it should be U107Z1P Stop Škola Dubeč (322967897) should have network=PID Stop Winklerova (3629857373) does not have ref and it should be U4117Z2P Stop Winklerova (3629857373) should have network=PID Stop Otakara Vrby (322918428) does not have ref and it should be U1342Z1P Stop Otakara Vrby (322918428) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Běchovice (322909130) does not have ref and it should be U448Z2P Stop Nádraží Běchovice (322909130) should have network=PID Stop Obchodní centrum Černý Most (1141156072) does not have ref and it should be U1235Z2P Stop Obchodní centrum Černý Most (1141156072) should have network=PID Stop Černý Most (356041422) does not have ref and it should be U897Z11P Stop Černý Most (356041422) should have network=PID Name of stop Černý Most;Relay (461096414) in OSM (Černý Most;Relay) and in GTFS (Černý Most) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Černý Most;Relay (461096414) does not have ref and it should be U897Z1P Stop Černý Most;Relay (461096414) should have network=PID Processing OSM route 240: Černý Most ? Háje (5333804) colour is missing for route 5333804 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 5333804 and it should be L240 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 5333804 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 5333804 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 5333804. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 5333804 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 240_637_221105 Name is not in proper format for route 5333804. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 240: Černý Most ? Háje Route 5333804 should have interval=30:00 Route 5333804 should have duration=37:00 Processing stops for OSM route 5333804 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 5333804 (23) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (22) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Černý Most (U897Z3P) - Černý Most (25450818) Obchodní centrum Černý Most (U1235Z1P) - Obchodní centrum Černý Most (1141156141) Nádraží Běchovice (U448Z1P) - Nádraží Běchovice (1637469207) Hasičská (U1344Z1P) - Hasičská (322919527) Winklerova (U4117Z1P) - Winklerova (3629857372) Škola Dubeč (U107Z2P) - Škola Dubeč (322967893) Za Pavilonem (U1115Z2P) - Za Pavilonem (3629857374) Lázeňka (U1059Z2P) - Lázeňka (25450779) Dubeček (U108Z2P) - Dubeček (282984039) K Dubečku (U215Z2P) - K Dubečku (3087057040) Nádraží Horní Měcholupy (U1069Z4P) - Nádraží Horní Měcholupy (3440400503) Boloňská (U154Z3P) - Boloňská (2689430792) Na Vartě (U973Z1P) - Boloňská (2689430788) Bolevecká (U732Z1P) - Na Vartě (5654714460) Livornská (U3052Z1P) - Bolevecká (3622406949) Nové Petrovice (U770Z1P) - Livornská (2582982522) Poliklinika Petrovice (U842Z1P) - Nové Petrovice (5654714457) Wattova (U963Z1P) - Poliklinika Petrovice (323137382) Morseova (U1012Z1P) - Wattova (320811074) Newtonova (U491Z1P) - Morseova (2590007489) Horčičkova (U151Z2P) - Newtonova (60673071) Háje (U286Z2P) - Horčičkova (310613402) (N/A) - Háje (3630488662) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Černý Most (U897Z3P) to Boloňská (U154Z3P) with sample trip_id 240_252_211028 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Boloňská (U154Z2P) to Černý Most (U897Z1P) with sample trip_id 240_204_211029 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 6706068 (Bus 180) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 6706068 (Bus 180) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 180) and in GTFS (180) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 6706068 (Bus 180) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 6706068 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 180: Dejvická ? Obchodní centrum Zličín (1322976) colour is missing for route 1322976 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1322976 and it should be L180 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1322976 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1322976 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1322976. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1322976 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Dejvická) and last (Obchodní centrum Zličín) stop Processing OSM route 180: Obchodní centrum Zličín ? Dejvická (6706007) colour is missing for route 6706007 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 6706007 and it should be L180 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6706007 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6706007 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 6706007. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 6706007 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Obchodní centrum Zličín) and last (Dejvická) stop OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z13P) to Obchodní centrum Zličín (U4191Z1P) with sample trip_id 180_101_220901 and 268 total trips OSM is missing route from Obchodní centrum Zličín (U4191Z2P) to Dejvická (U321Z12P) with sample trip_id 180_100_220901 and 252 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z13P) to Zličín (U1141Z1P) with sample trip_id 180_109_220901 and 50 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z5P) to Dejvická (U321Z12P) with sample trip_id 180_114_220901 and 42 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Řepy (U612Z5P) to Dejvická (U321Z12P) with sample trip_id 180_110_201230 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Vypich (U872Z1P) to Dejvická (U321Z12P) with sample trip_id 180_160_201230 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z5P) to Blatiny (U47Z4P) with sample trip_id 180_739_210901 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Kukulova (U872Z7P) to Zličín (U1141Z1P) with sample trip_id 180_4_210901 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z14P) to Obchodní centrum Zličín (U4191Z1P) with sample trip_id 180_1320_230227 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 6914129 (Tram 15) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 6914129 (Tram 15) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 15) and in GTFS (15) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 6914129 (Tram 15) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 6914129 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 15: Olšanské hřbitovy ? Kotlářka (7767397) colour is missing for route 7767397 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7767397 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7767397 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7767397 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 15_9109_230204 from for route 7767397 in OSM (Olšanské hřbitovy) and in GTFS (Malostranská) are different to for route 7767397 in OSM (Kotlářka) and in GTFS (Olšanské hřbitovy) are different Name is not in proper format for route 7767397. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 15: Olšanské hřbitovy ? Kotlářka Route 7767397 should have interval=20:00 Route 7767397 should have duration=18:00 Distance between shapes of OSM route and GTFS route is: 4147.8m. Check shapes and fix geometry in OSM Total length of route in OSM (11361.6m) and in GTFS (5866.4m) differ too much Processing stops for OSM route 7767397 (using stops for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 7767397 (23) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (11) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Malostranská (U360Z4P) - Olšanské hřbitovy (5435923643) Čechův most (U68Z2P) - Flora (244011073) Dlouhá třída (U87Z1P) - Olšanské náměstí (4704851514) Náměstí Republiky (U480Z1P) - Lipanská (4721019948) Masarykovo nádraží (U480Z3P) - Viktoria Žižkov (4704851057) Hlavní nádraží (U142Z2P) - Hlavní nádraží (4721019947) Viktoria Žižkov (U172Z2P) - Masarykovo nádraží (4704922255) Lipanská (U339Z2P) - Náměstí Republiky (4693347258) Olšanské náměstí (U516Z2P) - Dlouhá třída (4693347234) Flora (U118Z2P) - Čechův most (4691199630) Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z4P) - Malostranská (276837841) (N/A) - Malostranská (74185201) (N/A) - Malostranské náměstí (7002486683) (N/A) - Hellichova (21711416) (N/A) - Újezd (4699488914) (N/A) - Švandovo divadlo (4719188951) (N/A) - Arbesovo náměstí (4719188949) (N/A) - Anděl (4599701596) (N/A) - Bertramka (4533064817) (N/A) - U Zvonu (4532846131) (N/A) - Klamovka (4533064822) (N/A) - Kavalírka (4533667132) (N/A) - Kotlářka - výstupní (1636909508) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route Tram 15: Kotlářka ? Olšanské hřbitovy (8102001) colour is missing for route 8102001 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8102001 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8102001 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id for route 8102001 in OSM (L15V10) do not exist in GTFS trips gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8102001 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 2, shape L15V10 and most common first stop from GTFS ('None') and most common last stop ('None'). Will try choosing trip without stops. WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 1111111-1 and a shape L15V10, cannot determine trip WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Kotlářka) and last (Olšanské hřbitovy) stop names in OSM route Kotlářka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Olšanské hřbitovy, last_stop: Malostranská GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Malostranská, last_stop: Olšanské hřbitovy OSM is missing route from Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z1P) to Malostranská (U360Z3P) with sample trip_id 15_9100_230204 and 181 total trips OSM is missing route from Vinice (U1108Z1P) to Malostranská (U360Z3P) with sample trip_id 15_9130_230204 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Malostranská (U360Z4P) to Krematorium Strašnice (U299Z2P) with sample trip_id 15_9113_230201 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Malostranská (U360Z3P) with sample trip_id 15_9390_230213 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Malostranská (U360Z4P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 15_9446_230213 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Malostranská (U360Z3P) with sample trip_id 15_9437_230204 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Malostranská (U360Z4P) to Depo Hostivař (U1071Z10P) with sample trip_id 15_9432_230201 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 6953818 (Bus 138) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 6953818 (Bus 138) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 138) and in GTFS (138) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 6953818 (Bus 138) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 6953818 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 138: Sídliště Skalka ? Ústavy Akademie věd (6953817) colour is missing for route 6953817 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 6953817 and it should be L138 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6953817 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6953817 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 6953817. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 6953817 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Sídliště Skalka) and last (Ústavy Akademie věd) stop names in OSM route Sídliště Skalka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Michelangelova, last_stop: Ústavy Akademie věd GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Ústavy Akademie věd, last_stop: Skalka Processing OSM route 138: Ústavy Akademie věd ? Sídliště Skalka (7031754) colour is missing for route 7031754 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7031754 and it should be L138 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7031754 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7031754 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7031754. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7031754 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Michelangelova (U1076Z2P) to Ústavy Akademie věd (U378Z1P) with sample trip_id 138_1399_220901 and 135 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústavy Akademie věd (U378Z2P) to Skalka (U953Z3P) with sample trip_id 138_1398_210924 and 134 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústavy Akademie věd (U378Z2P) to Sídliště Skalka (U1323Z1P) with sample trip_id 138_1400_220901 and 93 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Skalka (U1323Z2P) to Ústavy Akademie věd (U378Z1P) with sample trip_id 138_1401_230227 and 93 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Spořilov (U669Z2P) to Sídliště Skalka (U1323Z1P) with sample trip_id 138_1553_210924 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Spořilov (U669Z2P) to Skalka (U953Z3P) with sample trip_id 138_1534_210924 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Spořilov (U669Z2P) to Ústavy Akademie věd (U378Z1P) with sample trip_id 138_82_201230 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústavy Akademie věd (U378Z2P) to Sídliště Spořilov (U669Z1P) with sample trip_id 138_835_210721 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Michelangelova (U1076Z2P) to Sídliště Spořilov (U669Z1P) with sample trip_id 138_1445_211021 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8054142 (Tram 2) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8054142 (Tram 2) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 2) and in GTFS (2) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8054142 (Tram 2) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8054142 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 2: Sídliště Petřiny ? Nádraží Braník (8053916) colour is missing for route 8053916 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8053916 and it should be L2 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8053916 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8053916 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8053916. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8053916 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 2_4136_230128 Name is not in proper format for route 8053916. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 2: Sídliště Petřiny ? Nádraží Braník Route 8053916 should have interval=28:00 Route 8053916 should have duration=39:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8053916 (using stops for all checks) ref of stop Sídliště Petřiny (249524873) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U541Z1P) are different Stop Sídliště Petřiny (249524873) should have network=PID ref of stop Petřiny (3893370495) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U507Z1P) are different Stop Petřiny (3893370495) should have network=PID ref of stop Větrník (1371440026) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U844Z1P) are different Stop Větrník (1371440026) should have network=PID Stop Vojenská nemocnice (3893370497) does not have ref and it should be U858Z1P Stop Vojenská nemocnice (3893370497) should have network=PID ref of stop Baterie (3893370493) in OSM (15) and in GTFS (U15Z1P) are different Stop Ořechovka (3893370494) does not have ref and it should be U519Z1P Stop Ořechovka (3893370494) should have network=PID ref of stop Sibeliova (3893370496) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U645Z1P) are different Name of stop Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD) (1040160416) in OSM (Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD)) and in GTFS (Vozovna Střešovice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD) (1040160416) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U867Z1P) are different ref of stop Prašný most (3892044538) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U592Z1P) are different Stop Prašný most (3892044538) should have network=PID Stop Prašný most (3892044538) is 51.3m far from GTFS (Prašný most) stop Stop Hradčanská (3750459130) does not have ref and it should be U163Z1P Stop Hradčanská (3750459130) should have network=PID Stop Chotkovy sady (4719188953) does not have ref and it should be U187Z1P Stop Chotkovy sady (4719188953) should have network=PID Stop Malostranská (74185201) does not have ref and it should be U360Z1P Stop Malostranská (74185201) should have network=PID ref of stop Staroměstská (4691199476) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U703Z1P) are different Stop Staroměstská (4691199476) should have network=PID Stop Karlovy lázně (4700724587) does not have ref and it should be U221Z1P Stop Karlovy lázně (4700724587) should have network=PID Stop Národní divadlo (4714677494) does not have ref and it should be U483Z1P Stop Národní divadlo (4714677494) should have network=PID Stop Národní třída (4714677496) does not have ref and it should be U539Z1P Stop Národní třída (4714677496) should have network=PID Stop Karlovo náměstí (4716283372) does not have ref and it should be U237Z2P Stop Karlovo náměstí (4716283372) should have network=PID Stop Moráň (4701097445) does not have ref and it should be U237Z4P Stop Moráň (4701097445) should have network=PID ref of stop Palackého náměstí (4696829591) in OSM (F) and in GTFS (U237Z6P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (4696829591) should have network=PID Name of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (4696829614) in OSM (Palackého náměstí (nábřeží)) and in GTFS (Palackého náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (4696829614) in OSM (H) and in GTFS (U237Z8P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (4696829614) should have network=PID ref of stop Výtoň (4759185034) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U878Z2P) are different Stop Výtoň (4759185034) should have network=PID Stop Podolská vodárna (1896751705) does not have ref and it should be U583Z2P Stop Podolská vodárna (1896751705) should have network=PID Stop Kublov (3497817727) does not have ref and it should be U303Z2P Stop Kublov (3497817727) should have network=PID Stop Dvorce (3497817726) does not have ref and it should be U110Z2P Stop Dvorce (3497817726) should have network=PID Stop Přístaviště (3234296487) does not have ref and it should be U614Z2P Stop Přístaviště (3234296487) should have network=PID Stop Pobřežní cesta (3234296486) does not have ref and it should be U387Z2P Stop Pobřežní cesta (3234296486) should have network=PID Name of stop Nádraží Braník (výstupní) (1017832768) in OSM (Nádraží Braník (výstupní)) and in GTFS (Nádraží Braník) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Nádraží Braník (výstupní) (1017832768) does not have ref and it should be U449Z4P Stop Nádraží Braník (výstupní) (1017832768) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Braník (výstupní) (1017832768) is 65.2m far from its route Processing OSM route Tram 2: Nádraží Braník ? Sídliště Petřiny (8053929) colour is missing for route 8053929 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8053929 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8053929 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 8053929 in OSM (2_267_210101) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 2_4136_230128 from for route 8053929 in OSM (Nádraží Braník) and in GTFS (Sídliště Petřiny) are different to for route 8053929 in OSM (Sídliště Petřiny) and in GTFS (Nádraží Braník) are different Name is not in proper format for route 8053929. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 2: Nádraží Braník ? Sídliště Petřiny Route 8053929 should have interval=28:00 Route 8053929 should have duration=39:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8053929 (using stops for all checks) Name of stop Nádraží Braník (5444248273) in OSM (Nádraží Braník) and in GTFS (Sídliště Petřiny) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Nádraží Braník (5444248273) in OSM (E) and in GTFS (U541Z1P) are different Stop Nádraží Braník (5444248273) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Braník (5444248273) is 9620.7m far from GTFS (Sídliště Petřiny) stop Name of stop Pobřežní cesta (31030377) in OSM (Pobřežní cesta) and in GTFS (Petřiny) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Pobřežní cesta (31030377) does not have ref and it should be U507Z1P Stop Pobřežní cesta (31030377) should have network=PID Stop Pobřežní cesta (31030377) is 9028.8m far from GTFS (Petřiny) stop Name of stop Přístaviště (249290235) in OSM (Přístaviště) and in GTFS (Větrník) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Přístaviště (249290235) does not have ref and it should be U844Z1P Stop Přístaviště (249290235) should have network=PID Stop Přístaviště (249290235) is 8377.5m far from GTFS (Větrník) stop Name of stop Dvorce (259418687) in OSM (Dvorce) and in GTFS (Vojenská nemocnice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Dvorce (259418687) does not have ref and it should be U858Z1P Stop Dvorce (259418687) should have network=PID Stop Dvorce (259418687) is 7635.5m far from GTFS (Vojenská nemocnice) stop Name of stop Kublov (259418677) in OSM (Kublov) and in GTFS (Baterie) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kublov (259418677) does not have ref and it should be U15Z1P Stop Kublov (259418677) should have network=PID Stop Kublov (259418677) is 6729.6m far from GTFS (Baterie) stop Name of stop Podolská vodárna (278467793) in OSM (Podolská vodárna) and in GTFS (Ořechovka) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Podolská vodárna (278467793) does not have ref and it should be U519Z1P Stop Podolská vodárna (278467793) should have network=PID Stop Podolská vodárna (278467793) is 5651.8m far from GTFS (Ořechovka) stop Name of stop Výtoň (4759185035) in OSM (Výtoň) and in GTFS (Sibeliova) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Výtoň (4759185035) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U645Z1P) are different Stop Výtoň (4759185035) should have network=PID Stop Výtoň (4759185035) is 4321.8m far from GTFS (Sibeliova) stop Name of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (1652793348) in OSM (Palackého náměstí (nábřeží)) and in GTFS (Vozovna Střešovice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (1652793348) in OSM (G) and in GTFS (U867Z1P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (1652793348) should have network=PID Stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (1652793348) is 3528.3m far from GTFS (Vozovna Střešovice) stop Name of stop Palackého náměstí (246835730) in OSM (Palackého náměstí) and in GTFS (Prašný most) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Palackého náměstí (246835730) in OSM (L) and in GTFS (U592Z1P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (246835730) should have network=PID Stop Palackého náměstí (246835730) is 3139.1m far from GTFS (Prašný most) stop Name of stop Karlovo náměstí (290036011) in OSM (Karlovo náměstí) and in GTFS (Hradčanská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Karlovo náměstí (290036011) does not have ref and it should be U163Z1P Stop Karlovo náměstí (290036011) should have network=PID Stop Karlovo náměstí (290036011) is 2847.3m far from GTFS (Hradčanská) stop Name of stop Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) in OSM (Novoměstská radnice) and in GTFS (Chotkovy sady) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) does not have ref and it should be U187Z1P Stop Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) should have network=PID Stop Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) is 2282.4m far from GTFS (Chotkovy sady) stop Name of stop Národní třída (4714677495) in OSM (Národní třída) and in GTFS (Malostranská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Národní třída (4714677495) does not have ref and it should be U360Z1P Stop Národní třída (4714677495) should have network=PID Stop Národní třída (4714677495) is 1398.0m far from GTFS (Malostranská) stop Name of stop Národní divadlo (74218301) in OSM (Národní divadlo) and in GTFS (Staroměstská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Národní divadlo (74218301) does not have ref and it should be U703Z1P Stop Národní divadlo (74218301) should have network=PID Stop Národní divadlo (74218301) is 743.9m far from GTFS (Staroměstská) stop Stop Karlovy lázně (9802497363) does not have ref and it should be U221Z1P Stop Karlovy lázně (9802497363) should have network=PID Name of stop Staroměstská (74218306) in OSM (Staroměstská) and in GTFS (Národní divadlo) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Staroměstská (74218306) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U483Z1P) are different Stop Staroměstská (74218306) should have network=PID Stop Staroměstská (74218306) is 764.0m far from GTFS (Národní divadlo) stop Name of stop Malostranská (4691199472) in OSM (Malostranská) and in GTFS (Národní třída) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Malostranská (4691199472) does not have ref and it should be U539Z1P Stop Malostranská (4691199472) should have network=PID Stop Malostranská (4691199472) is 1499.7m far from GTFS (Národní třída) stop Name of stop Chotkovy sady (4719188952) in OSM (Chotkovy sady) and in GTFS (Karlovo náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Chotkovy sady (4719188952) does not have ref and it should be U237Z2P Stop Chotkovy sady (4719188952) should have network=PID Stop Chotkovy sady (4719188952) is 2323.0m far from GTFS (Karlovo náměstí) stop Name of stop Hradčanská (889215411) in OSM (Hradčanská) and in GTFS (Moráň) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Hradčanská (889215411) does not have ref and it should be U237Z4P Stop Hradčanská (889215411) should have network=PID Stop Hradčanská (889215411) is 2988.0m far from GTFS (Moráň) stop Name of stop Prašný most (3476362423) in OSM (Prašný most) and in GTFS (Palackého náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Prašný most (3476362423) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U237Z6P) are different Stop Prašný most (3476362423) is 3230.1m far from GTFS (Palackého náměstí) stop Name of stop Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD) (249526769) in OSM (Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD)) and in GTFS (Palackého náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD) (249526769) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U237Z8P) are different Stop Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD) (249526769) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD) (249526769) is 3613.5m far from GTFS (Palackého náměstí) stop Name of stop Sibeliova (276838823) in OSM (Sibeliova) and in GTFS (Výtoň) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Sibeliova (276838823) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U878Z2P) are different Stop Sibeliova (276838823) is 4400.7m far from GTFS (Výtoň) stop Name of stop Ořechovka (276838825) in OSM (Ořechovka) and in GTFS (Podolská vodárna) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Ořechovka (276838825) does not have ref and it should be U583Z2P Stop Ořechovka (276838825) should have network=PID Stop Ořechovka (276838825) is 5806.1m far from GTFS (Podolská vodárna) stop Name of stop Baterie (4715672757) in OSM (Baterie) and in GTFS (Kublov) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Baterie (4715672757) in OSM (15) and in GTFS (U303Z2P) are different Stop Baterie (4715672757) is 6755.0m far from GTFS (Kublov) stop Name of stop Vojenská nemocnice (249525014) in OSM (Vojenská nemocnice) and in GTFS (Dvorce) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Vojenská nemocnice (249525014) does not have ref and it should be U110Z2P Stop Vojenská nemocnice (249525014) is 7679.1m far from GTFS (Dvorce) stop Name of stop Větrník (4760914602) in OSM (Větrník) and in GTFS (Přístaviště) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Větrník (4760914602) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U614Z2P) are different Stop Větrník (4760914602) should have network=PID Stop Větrník (4760914602) is 8425.0m far from GTFS (Přístaviště) stop Name of stop Petřiny (276838827) in OSM (Petřiny) and in GTFS (Pobřežní cesta) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Petřiny (276838827) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U387Z2P) are different Stop Petřiny (276838827) should have network=PID Stop Petřiny (276838827) is 9151.3m far from GTFS (Pobřežní cesta) stop Name of stop Sídliště Petřiny (1371099980) in OSM (Sídliště Petřiny) and in GTFS (Nádraží Braník) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Sídliště Petřiny (1371099980) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U449Z4P) are different Stop Sídliště Petřiny (1371099980) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Petřiny (1371099980) is 9561.3m far from GTFS (Nádraží Braník) stop OSM is missing route from Nádraží Braník (U449Z5P) to Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z4P) with sample trip_id 2_3840_230213 and 206 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z4P) with sample trip_id 2_6092_230213 and 24 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z1P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 2_2601_230128 and 17 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Nádraží Braník (U449Z4P) with sample trip_id 2_4850_230213 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Braník (U449Z5P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 2_6114_230213 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Nádraží Braník (U449Z4P) with sample trip_id 2_6093_230213 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z4P) with sample trip_id 2_6108_230225 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z1P) to Sídliště Modřany (U946Z2P) with sample trip_id 2_4821_221216 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z4P) with sample trip_id 2_3912_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z4P) with sample trip_id 2_4868_230128 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z1P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 2_6109_230211 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 2_6125_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z4P) with sample trip_id 2_6077_230128 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8054850 (Tram 13) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8054850 (Tram 13) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 13) and in GTFS (13) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8054850 (Tram 13) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8054850 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 13: Nové Strašnice ? Čechovo náměstí (8054844) colour is missing for route 8054844 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8054844 and it should be L13 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8054844 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8054844 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8054844. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8054844 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Nové Strašnice) and last (Čechovo náměstí) stop names in OSM route Nové Strašnice matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Čechovo náměstí, last_stop: Vozovna Žižkov GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Vozovna Žižkov, last_stop: Čechovo náměstí Processing OSM route Tram 13: Čechovo náměstí ? Olšanské hřbitovy (8054846) colour is missing for route 8054846 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8054846 and it should be L13 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8054846 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8054846 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8054846. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8054846 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Čechovo náměstí) and last (Olšanské hřbitovy) stop names in OSM route Čechovo náměstí matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Čechovo náměstí, last_stop: Vozovna Žižkov GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Vozovna Žižkov, last_stop: Čechovo náměstí OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Čechovo náměstí (U67Z2P) with sample trip_id 13_1277_230213 and 142 total trips OSM is missing route from Čechovo náměstí (U67Z4P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 13_1892_230213 and 130 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Kubánské náměstí (U473Z2P) with sample trip_id 13_6202_230218 and 15 total trips OSM is missing route from Kubánské náměstí (U473Z3P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 13_6203_230218 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z1P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 13_4556_230213 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 13_6023_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z1P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 13_5043_230218 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Čechovo náměstí (U67Z4P) to Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z14P) with sample trip_id 13_5192_230128 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 13_6126_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z2P) with sample trip_id 13_6114_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Čechovo náměstí (U67Z4P) to Zahradní Město (U889Z2P) with sample trip_id 13_6033_221216 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Čechovo náměstí (U67Z4P) to Depo Hostivař (U1071Z10P) with sample trip_id 13_6027_221216 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z14P) with sample trip_id 13_6088_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z1P) to Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z4P) with sample trip_id 13_5000_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z1P) to Čechovo náměstí (U67Z2P) with sample trip_id 13_5012_221216 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Čechovo náměstí (U67Z2P) with sample trip_id 13_6095_230201 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Kubánské náměstí (U473Z2P) with sample trip_id 13_6087_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 13_6024_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 13_6038_230218 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Spojovací (U694Z1P) to Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z4P) with sample trip_id 13_5003_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Zahradní Město (U889Z2P) with sample trip_id 13_6090_230213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8054951 (Tram 18) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8054951 (Tram 18) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 18) and in GTFS (18) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8054951 (Tram 18) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8054951 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 18: Vozovna Pankrác ? Nádraží Podbaba (36240) Colour for route 36240 type in OSM (#ABD02C) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different gtfs:route_id is missing for route 36240 and it should be L18 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 36240 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 36240 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 36240. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 36240 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 18_5610_220702 Name is not in proper format for route 36240. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 18: Vozovna Pankrác ? Nádraží Podbaba Route 36240 should have interval=61:30 Route 36240 should have duration=36:00 Processing stops for OSM route 36240 (using stops for all checks) Stop Vozovna Pankrác (724262) does not have ref and it should be U866Z1P Stop Vozovna Pankrác (724262) should have network=PID Stop Na Veselí (3676806181) does not have ref and it should be U433Z1P Stop Na Veselí (3676806181) should have network=PID Stop Kotorská (8772882311) should have railway=tram_stop Stop Kotorská (8772882311) does not have ref and it should be U2784Z1P Stop Kotorská (8772882311) should have network=PID Stop Pražského povstání (8808522439) should have railway=tram_stop ref of stop Pražského povstání (8808522439) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U597Z1P) are different ref of stop Palouček (2569390714) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U530Z1P) are different Stop Palouček (2569390714) should have network=PID Stop Nuselská radnice (3407254424) does not have ref and it should be U503Z1P Stop Nuselská radnice (3407254424) should have network=PID ref of stop Náměstí Bratří Synků (4490224191) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U482Z1P) are different Stop Náměstí Bratří Synků (4490224191) should have network=PID Stop Divadlo Na Fidlovačce (4716283382) does not have ref and it should be U83Z1P Stop Divadlo Na Fidlovačce (4716283382) should have network=PID Stop Svatoplukova (4716283381) does not have ref and it should be U724Z1P Stop Svatoplukova (4716283381) should have network=PID Stop Ostrčilovo náměstí (4716283379) does not have ref and it should be U522Z1P Stop Ostrčilovo náměstí (4716283379) should have network=PID Stop Albertov (4716283377) does not have ref and it should be U876Z1P Stop Albertov (4716283377) should have network=PID Stop Botanická zahrada (4716283374) does not have ref and it should be U42Z1P Stop Botanická zahrada (4716283374) should have network=PID Stop Karlovo náměstí (290036011) does not have ref and it should be U237Z1P Stop Karlovo náměstí (290036011) should have network=PID Stop Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) does not have ref and it should be U237Z13P Stop Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) should have network=PID Stop Národní třída (4714677495) does not have ref and it should be U539Z2P Stop Národní třída (4714677495) should have network=PID Stop Národní divadlo (74218301) does not have ref and it should be U483Z2P Stop Národní divadlo (74218301) should have network=PID Stop Karlovy lázně (9802497363) does not have ref and it should be U221Z2P Stop Karlovy lázně (9802497363) should have network=PID ref of stop Staroměstská (74218306) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U703Z2P) are different Stop Staroměstská (74218306) should have network=PID Stop Malostranská (4691199472) does not have ref and it should be U360Z2P Stop Malostranská (4691199472) should have network=PID Stop Chotkovy sady (4719188952) does not have ref and it should be U187Z2P Stop Chotkovy sady (4719188952) should have network=PID Stop Hradčanská (889215411) does not have ref and it should be U163Z2P Stop Hradčanská (889215411) should have network=PID Stop Vítězné náměstí (4719188956) does not have ref and it should be U321Z4P Stop Vítězné náměstí (4719188956) should have network=PID Stop Lotyšská (3413902181) does not have ref and it should be U350Z2P Stop Lotyšská (3413902181) should have network=PID Stop Zelená (3413902183) does not have ref and it should be U906Z4P Stop Zelená (3413902183) should have network=PID ref of stop Nádraží Podbaba (3413709752) in OSM (C) and in GTFS (U126Z3P) are different Stop Nádraží Podbaba (3413709752) should have network=PID Processing OSM route Tram 18: Nádraží Podbaba ? Vozovna Pankrác (6330574) Colour for route 6330574 type in OSM (#ABD02C) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different gtfs:route_id is missing for route 6330574 and it should be L18 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6330574 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6330574 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 6330574. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 6330574 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 18_5637_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 6330574. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 18: Nádraží Podbaba ? Vozovna Pankrác Route 6330574 should have interval=43:00 Route 6330574 should have duration=34:00 Processing stops for OSM route 6330574 (using stops for all checks) ref of stop Nádraží Podbaba (8157899805) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U126Z2P) are different Stop Nádraží Podbaba (8157899805) should have network=PID Stop Zelená (1408122639) does not have ref and it should be U906Z3P Stop Zelená (1408122639) should have network=PID Stop Lotyšská (3413902182) does not have ref and it should be U350Z1P Stop Lotyšská (3413902182) should have network=PID Stop Vítězné náměstí (55552358) does not have ref and it should be U321Z3P Stop Vítězné náměstí (55552358) should have network=PID Stop Hradčanská (3750459130) does not have ref and it should be U163Z1P Stop Hradčanská (3750459130) should have network=PID Stop Chotkovy sady (4719188953) does not have ref and it should be U187Z1P Stop Chotkovy sady (4719188953) should have network=PID Stop Malostranská (74185201) does not have ref and it should be U360Z1P Stop Malostranská (74185201) should have network=PID ref of stop Staroměstská (4691199476) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U703Z1P) are different Stop Staroměstská (4691199476) should have network=PID Stop Karlovy lázně (4700724587) does not have ref and it should be U221Z1P Stop Karlovy lázně (4700724587) should have network=PID Stop Národní divadlo (4714677494) does not have ref and it should be U483Z1P Stop Národní divadlo (4714677494) should have network=PID Stop Národní třída (4714677496) does not have ref and it should be U539Z1P Stop Národní třída (4714677496) should have network=PID Stop Karlovo náměstí (4716283372) does not have ref and it should be U237Z2P Stop Karlovo náměstí (4716283372) should have network=PID Stop Moráň (4701097445) does not have ref and it should be U237Z4P Stop Moráň (4701097445) should have network=PID Stop Botanická zahrada (4716283373) does not have ref and it should be U42Z2P Stop Botanická zahrada (4716283373) should have network=PID Stop Albertov (4716283375) does not have ref and it should be U876Z2P Stop Albertov (4716283375) should have network=PID Stop Ostrčilovo náměstí (4716283378) does not have ref and it should be U522Z2P Stop Ostrčilovo náměstí (4716283378) should have network=PID Stop Svatoplukova (4716283380) does not have ref and it should be U724Z2P Stop Svatoplukova (4716283380) should have network=PID Stop Divadlo Na Fidlovačce (4716283383) does not have ref and it should be U83Z2P Stop Divadlo Na Fidlovačce (4716283383) should have network=PID ref of stop Náměstí Bratří Synků (2569390712) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U482Z2P) are different Stop Náměstí Bratří Synků (2569390712) should have network=PID Stop Nuselská radnice (3676806141) does not have ref and it should be U503Z2P Stop Nuselská radnice (3676806141) should have network=PID ref of stop Palouček (5435640443) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U530Z2P) are different Stop Palouček (5435640443) should have network=PID ref of stop Pražského povstání (8808522438) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U597Z2P) are different Stop Kotorská (8772882310) should have railway=tram_stop ref of stop Kotorská (8772882310) in OSM (2780) and in GTFS (U2784Z2P) are different Stop Kotorská (8772882310) should have network=PID Stop Na Veselí (5435640442) does not have ref and it should be U433Z2P Stop Na Veselí (5435640442) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Pankrác (724262) does not have ref and it should be U866Z6P Stop Vozovna Pankrác (724262) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Pankrác (724262) is 71.0m far from GTFS (Vozovna Pankrác) stop OSM is missing route from Nádraží Podbaba (U126Z2P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z2P) with sample trip_id 18_1950_230213 and 168 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Nádraží Podbaba (U126Z3P) with sample trip_id 18_7124_230201 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Podbaba (U126Z2P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 18_1701_230213 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z2P) with sample trip_id 18_3604_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Čechovo náměstí (U67Z4P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z2P) with sample trip_id 18_7122_230218 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z2P) with sample trip_id 18_7128_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z2P) with sample trip_id 18_7035_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z2P) with sample trip_id 18_7136_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Nádraží Podbaba (U126Z3P) with sample trip_id 18_7137_230226 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Podbaba (U126Z2P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 18_7138_230226 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8055113 (Tram 17) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8055113 (Tram 17) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 17) and in GTFS (17) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8055113 (Tram 17) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8055113 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 17: Levského ? Vozovna Kobylisy (69140) Colour for route 69140 type in OSM (#A7C9AE) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different gtfs:route_id is missing for route 69140 and it should be L17 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 69140 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 69140 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 69140. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 69140 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Levského) and last (Vozovna Kobylisy) stop Processing OSM route Tram 17: Vozovna Kobylisy ? Sídliště Modřany (6330393) Colour for route 6330393 type in OSM (#A7C9AE) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different gtfs:route_id is missing for route 6330393 and it should be L17 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6330393 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6330393 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 6330393. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 6330393 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Vozovna Kobylisy) and last (Levského) stop names in OSM route Vozovna Kobylisy matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Levského, last_stop: Vozovna Kobylisy GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Vozovna Kobylisy, last_stop: Sídliště Modřany Processing OSM route Tram 17: Březiněveská ? Sídliště Modřany (8067541) Colour for route 8067541 type in OSM (#A7C9AE) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8067541 and it should be L17 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8067541 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8067541 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8067541. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8067541 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Březiněveská) and last (Levského) stop names in OSM route Březiněveská matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Levského, last_stop: Vozovna Kobylisy GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Vozovna Kobylisy, last_stop: Sídliště Modřany Processing OSM route Tram 17: Levského ? Kobylisy (8067542) Colour for route 8067542 type in OSM (#A7C9AE) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8067542 and it should be L17 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8067542 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8067542 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8067542. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8067542 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Levského) and last (Kobylisy) stop names in OSM route Levského matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Levského, last_stop: Vozovna Kobylisy GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Vozovna Kobylisy, last_stop: Sídliště Modřany OSM is missing route from Levského (U945Z1P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z2P) with sample trip_id 17_11390_230213 and 241 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z1P) to Sídliště Modřany (U946Z2P) with sample trip_id 17_1001_230213 and 240 total trips OSM is missing route from Levského (U945Z1P) to Kobylisy (U675Z2P) with sample trip_id 17_12356_230213 and 150 total trips OSM is missing route from Březiněveská (U718Z1P) to Sídliště Modřany (U946Z2P) with sample trip_id 17_12367_230130 and 144 total trips OSM is missing route from Výstaviště (U532Z1P) to Sídliště Modřany (U946Z2P) with sample trip_id 17_10796_230219 and 80 total trips OSM is missing route from Levského (U945Z1P) to Výstaviště (U532Z2P) with sample trip_id 17_11709_230218 and 78 total trips OSM is missing route from Levského (U945Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 17_11157_230219 and 32 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Sídliště Modřany (U946Z2P) with sample trip_id 17_10584_230213 and 32 total trips OSM is missing route from Levského (U945Z1P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 17_11459_230213 and 31 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Sídliště Modřany (U946Z2P) with sample trip_id 17_10439_230225 and 29 total trips OSM is missing route from Levského (U945Z1P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 17_14686_230225 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Sídliště Modřany (U946Z2P) with sample trip_id 17_14648_230225 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z2P) with sample trip_id 17_11829_230218 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Kobylisy (U675Z2P) with sample trip_id 17_14090_230213 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Březiněveská (U718Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 17_15522_230213 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Výstaviště (U532Z2P) with sample trip_id 17_15538_230218 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Kobylisy (U675Z2P) with sample trip_id 17_15008_230213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8055138 (Tram 23) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8055138 (Tram 23) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 23) and in GTFS (23) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8055138 (Tram 23) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8055138 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 23: Královka ? Zvonařka (7109653) colour is missing for route 7109653 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7109653 and it should be L23 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7109653 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7109653 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7109653. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7109653 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route Tram 23: Zvonařka ? Královka (7109654) colour is missing for route 7109654 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7109654 and it should be L23 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7109654 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7109654 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7109654. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7109654 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Výstaviště (U532Z3P) to Královka (U362Z4P) with sample trip_id 23_1553_230213 and 69 total trips OSM is missing route from Královka (U362Z3P) to Výstaviště (U532Z4P) with sample trip_id 23_1422_230225 and 67 total trips OSM is missing route from Bílá labuť (U32Z1P) to Královka (U362Z4P) with sample trip_id 23_1578_230218 and 49 total trips OSM is missing route from Královka (U362Z3P) to Bílá labuť (U32Z2P) with sample trip_id 23_1579_230218 and 47 total trips OSM is missing route from Brusnice (U46Z3P) to Výstaviště (U532Z4P) with sample trip_id 23_1420_230128 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Výstaviště (U532Z3P) to Brusnice (U46Z4P) with sample trip_id 23_1559_230213 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Brusnice (U46Z3P) to Bílá labuť (U32Z2P) with sample trip_id 23_1577_230218 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Bílá labuť (U32Z1P) to Brusnice (U46Z4P) with sample trip_id 23_1600_230218 and 4 total trips Processing OSM master route 8055260 (Tram 21) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8055260 (Tram 21) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 21) and in GTFS (21) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8055260 (Tram 21) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8055260 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 21: Smíchovské nádraží ? Sídliště Modřany (7114948) colour is missing for route 7114948 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7114948 and it should be L21 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7114948 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7114948 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7114948. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7114948 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route Tram 21: Levského ? Smíchovské nádraží (7114949) colour is missing for route 7114949 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7114949 and it should be L21 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7114949 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7114949 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7114949. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7114949 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Levského) and last (Radlická) stop OSM is missing route from Radlická (U957Z3P) to Sídliště Modřany (U946Z2P) with sample trip_id 21_332_230213 and 30 total trips OSM is missing route from Levského (U945Z1P) to Radlická (U957Z4P) with sample trip_id 21_2683_230213 and 30 total trips OSM is missing route from Levského (U945Z1P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 21_2745_230213 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Sídliště Modřany (U946Z2P) with sample trip_id 21_2738_230213 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Radlická (U957Z3P) to Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z2P) with sample trip_id 21_4208_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Levského (U945Z1P) to Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z2P) with sample trip_id 21_4195_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z1P) to Sídliště Modřany (U946Z2P) with sample trip_id 21_4205_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z1P) to Radlická (U957Z4P) with sample trip_id 21_4209_230213 and 6 total trips Processing OSM master route 8057517 (Tram 14) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8057517 (Tram 14) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 14) and in GTFS (14) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8057517 (Tram 14) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8057517 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 14: Vysočanská ? Spořilov (7033379) colour is missing for route 7033379 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7033379 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7033379 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 7033379 in OSM (14_99_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 2, shape L14V3 and most common first stop from GTFS ('Lehovec') and most common last stop ('Spořilov'). Will try choosing trip without stops. WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 1111111-1 and a shape L14V3, cannot determine trip WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Vysočanská) and last (Spořilov) stop names in OSM route Vysočanská matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Spořilov, last_stop: Lehovec GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Lehovec, last_stop: Spořilov Processing OSM route Tram 14: Spořilov ? Vysočanská (7033380) colour is missing for route 7033380 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7033380 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7033380 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 7033380 in OSM (14_13_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 2, shape L14V2 and most common first stop from GTFS ('Spořilov') and most common last stop ('Lehovec'). Will try choosing trip without stops. WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 1111111-1 and a shape L14V2, cannot determine trip WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Spořilov) and last (Vysočanská) stop names in OSM route Spořilov matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Spořilov, last_stop: Lehovec GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Lehovec, last_stop: Spořilov OSM is missing route from Spořilov (U697Z1P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_10863_230213 and 187 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z3P) to Spořilov (U697Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_10864_230213 and 179 total trips OSM is missing route from Spořilov (U697Z1P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_11105_230218 and 90 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z3P) to Spořilov (U697Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_11104_230218 and 86 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Spořilov (U697Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_10042_230213 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z3P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 14_10914_230213 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Spořilov (U697Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 14_10933_230213 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_10911_230213 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z3P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 14_10945_230213 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_10934_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_11026_230213 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z3P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_11039_230213 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_11210_230218 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z3P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_11221_230218 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Spořilov (U697Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_10861_230218 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Spořilov (U697Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_10109_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Spořilov (U697Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_10230_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z1P) to Spořilov (U697Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_10862_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z3P) to Krematorium Strašnice (U299Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_10874_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Spořilov (U697Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_10738_230218 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Spořilov (U697Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_8589_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z3P) to Krematorium Strašnice (U299Z2P) with sample trip_id 14_11155_230218 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8057518 (Tram 26) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8057518 (Tram 26) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 26) and in GTFS (26) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8057518 (Tram 26) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8057518 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 26: Divoká Šárka ? Nádraží Hostivař (7036919) colour is missing for route 7036919 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7036919 and it should be L26 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7036919 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7036919 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7036919. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7036919 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Divoká Šárka) and last (Nádraží Hostivař) stop names in OSM route Divoká Šárka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Vozovna Vokovice, last_stop: Nádraží Hostivař GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Nádraží Hostivař, last_stop: Vozovna Vokovice Processing OSM route Tram 26: Nádraží Hostivař ? Divoká Šárka (7036920) colour is missing for route 7036920 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7036920 and it should be L26 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7036920 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7036920 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7036920. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7036920 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Nádraží Hostivař) and last (Divoká Šárka) stop names in OSM route Nádraží Hostivař matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Vozovna Vokovice, last_stop: Nádraží Hostivař GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Nádraží Hostivař, last_stop: Vozovna Vokovice OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z2P) with sample trip_id 26_6890_230213 and 193 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z1P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 26_4324_230213 and 191 total trips OSM is missing route from Červený Vrch (U73Z1P) to Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z2P) with sample trip_id 26_7222_230226 and 53 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z1P) to Červený Vrch (U73Z2P) with sample trip_id 26_6118_230226 and 49 total trips OSM is missing route from Kubánské náměstí (U473Z3P) to Červený Vrch (U73Z2P) with sample trip_id 26_7398_230225 and 35 total trips OSM is missing route from Červený Vrch (U73Z1P) to Kubánské náměstí (U473Z1P) with sample trip_id 26_7399_230225 and 28 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z1P) to Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z2P) with sample trip_id 26_3013_230213 and 21 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z1P) to Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z2P) with sample trip_id 26_2998_230201 and 18 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Kubánské náměstí (U473Z1P) with sample trip_id 26_7397_230225 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z2P) with sample trip_id 26_3041_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 26_3068_221205 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z2P) with sample trip_id 26_7391_230218 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 26_7392_230218 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 8057519 (Tram 25) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8057519 (Tram 25) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 25) and in GTFS (25) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8057519 (Tram 25) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8057519 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 25: Bílá Hora ? Lehovec (7032602) colour is missing for route 7032602 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7032602 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7032602 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 7032602 in OSM (25_124_210118) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 25_6923_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 7032602. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 25: Bílá Hora ? Lehovec Route 7032602 should have interval=20:00 Route 7032602 should have duration=50:30 Found gap - way (1122601120, 4 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found 1 gap in route Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 7032602 (using stops for all checks) ref of stop Bílá Hora (244234461) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U31Z3P) are different Stop Bílá Hora (244234461) should have network=PID ref of stop Malý Břevnov (4697401131) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U364Z1P) are different Stop Malý Břevnov (4697401131) should have network=PID Stop Malý Břevnov (4697401131) is 65.1m far from GTFS (Malý Břevnov) stop ref of stop Obora Hvězda (4697401111) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U610Z1P) are different Stop Obora Hvězda (4697401111) should have network=PID Stop Obora Hvězda (4697401111) is 64.3m far from GTFS (Obora Hvězda) stop ref of stop Vypich (3476362418) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U872Z1P) are different Stop Říčanova (3775388802) does not have ref and it should be U636Z1P Stop Říčanova (3775388802) should have network=PID Stop Břevnovský klášter (3775380854) does not have ref and it should be U994Z1P Stop Břevnovský klášter (3775380854) should have network=PID Stop U Kaštanu (3775380855) does not have ref and it should be U778Z1P Stop U Kaštanu (3775380855) should have network=PID Stop Drinopol (4046024189) does not have ref and it should be U103Z1P Stop Drinopol (4046024189) should have network=PID Stop Marjánka (3791260459) does not have ref and it should be U366Z1P Stop Marjánka (3791260459) should have network=PID Stop Malovanka (4715672768) does not have ref and it should be U362Z1P Stop Malovanka (4715672768) should have network=PID ref of stop Park Maxe van der Stoela (4715672765) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U140Z1P) are different Stop Park Maxe van der Stoela (4715672765) should have network=PID Name of stop Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD) (1040160416) in OSM (Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD)) and in GTFS (Vozovna Střešovice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD) (1040160416) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U867Z1P) are different ref of stop Prašný most (3892044538) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U592Z1P) are different Stop Prašný most (3892044538) should have network=PID Stop Prašný most (3892044538) is 51.3m far from GTFS (Prašný most) stop Stop Hradčanská (3750459130) does not have ref and it should be U163Z1P Stop Hradčanská (3750459130) should have network=PID Stop Sparta (3750459132) does not have ref and it should be U692Z1P Stop Sparta (3750459132) should have network=PID ref of stop Letenské náměstí (4690498451) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U324Z1P) are different Stop Letenské náměstí (4690498451) should have network=PID ref of stop Kamenická (4690498452) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U231Z1P) are different ref of stop Strossmayerovo náměstí (1028660041) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U717Z1P) are different Stop Strossmayerovo náměstí (1028660041) should have network=PID ref of stop Vltavská (24959003) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U100Z2P) are different Stop Vltavská (24959003) should have network=PID ref of stop Holešovická tržnice (4680424686) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U595Z2P) are different Stop Holešovická tržnice (4680424686) should have network=PID ref of stop Dělnická (293572388) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U81Z2P) are different Stop Dělnická (293572388) should have network=PID ref of stop Maniny (308532398) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U365Z2P) are different ref of stop Libeňský most (4681752640) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U331Z2P) are different Stop Libeňský most (4681752640) should have network=PID Stop Palmovka (34821794) does not have ref and it should be U529Z2P Stop Palmovka (34821794) should have network=PID Stop Balabenka (165180091) does not have ref and it should be U12Z2P Stop Balabenka (165180091) should have network=PID Stop Ocelářská (165188438) does not have ref and it should be U1075Z2P Stop Ocelářská (165188438) should have network=PID Stop Arena Libeň jih (1541186545) does not have ref and it should be U348Z2P Stop Arena Libeň jih (1541186545) should have network=PID ref of stop Nádraží Libeň (165188442) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U134Z2P) are different Stop Nádraží Libeň (165188442) should have network=PID Stop Kabešova (2988447507) does not have ref and it should be U1401Z2P Stop Kabešova (2988447507) should have network=PID Stop Podkovářská (165188449) does not have ref and it should be U691Z2P Stop Podkovářská (165188449) should have network=PID Stop U Elektry (165188451) does not have ref and it should be U775Z2P Stop U Elektry (165188451) should have network=PID Stop Nademlejnská (1662077265) does not have ref and it should be U755Z2P Stop Nademlejnská (1662077265) should have network=PID Name of stop Kbelská (165188456) in OSM (Kbelská) and in GTFS (Starý Hloubětín) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kbelská (165188456) does not have ref and it should be U144Z2P Stop Kbelská (165188456) should have network=PID Stop Kbelská (165188456) is 244.2m far from GTFS (Starý Hloubětín) stop Stop Hloubětín (309103029) does not have ref and it should be U135Z2P Stop Hloubětín (309103029) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Hloubětín (165191378) does not have ref and it should be U652Z2P Stop Sídliště Hloubětín (165191378) should have network=PID Name of stop Lehovec - výstupní (1541186541) in OSM (Lehovec - výstupní) and in GTFS (Lehovec) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Lehovec - výstupní (1541186541) does not have ref and it should be U72Z2P Stop Lehovec - výstupní (1541186541) should have network=PID Processing OSM route Tram 25: Lehovec ? Bílá hora (7032603) colour is missing for route 7032603 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7032603 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7032603 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 7032603 in OSM (25_303_210101) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 25_6986_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 7032603. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 25: Lehovec ? Bílá hora Route 7032603 should have interval=20:00 Route 7032603 should have duration=47:00 Processing stops for OSM route 7032603 (using stops for all checks) Stop Lehovec (340046174) does not have ref and it should be U72Z1P Stop Lehovec (340046174) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Hloubětín (4450425893) does not have ref and it should be U652Z1P Stop Sídliště Hloubětín (4450425893) should have network=PID Stop Hloubětín (4450425892) does not have ref and it should be U135Z1P Stop Hloubětín (4450425892) should have network=PID Name of stop Kbelská (4450415995) in OSM (Kbelská) and in GTFS (Starý Hloubětín) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kbelská (4450415995) does not have ref and it should be U144Z1P Stop Kbelská (4450415995) should have network=PID Stop Kbelská (4450415995) is 239.9m far from GTFS (Starý Hloubětín) stop Stop Nademlejnská (4450415996) does not have ref and it should be U755Z1P Stop Nademlejnská (4450415996) should have network=PID Stop U Elektry (4450415998) does not have ref and it should be U775Z1P Stop U Elektry (4450415998) should have network=PID Stop Podkovářská (4450415997) does not have ref and it should be U691Z1P Stop Podkovářská (4450415997) should have network=PID Stop Kabešova (4450456505) does not have ref and it should be U1401Z1P Stop Kabešova (4450456505) should have network=PID ref of stop Nádraží Libeň (4450456506) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U134Z1P) are different Stop Nádraží Libeň (4450456506) should have network=PID Stop Arena Libeň jih (4450465422) does not have ref and it should be U348Z1P Stop Arena Libeň jih (4450465422) should have network=PID Stop Ocelářská (4450465423) does not have ref and it should be U1075Z1P Stop Ocelářská (4450465423) should have network=PID Stop Balabenka (4450465421) does not have ref and it should be U12Z3P Stop Balabenka (4450465421) should have network=PID Stop Palmovka (1298749754) does not have ref and it should be U529Z5P Stop Palmovka (1298749754) should have network=PID Stop Palmovka (21262898) does not have ref and it should be U529Z3P Stop Palmovka (21262898) should have network=PID ref of stop Libeňský most (302947028) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U331Z1P) are different Stop Libeňský most (302947028) should have network=PID ref of stop Maniny (308532399) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U365Z1P) are different Stop Maniny (308532399) is 50.8m far from GTFS (Maniny) stop ref of stop Tusarova (29581461) in OSM (C) and in GTFS (U81Z3P) are different Stop Tusarova (29581461) should have network=PID ref of stop Holešovická tržnice (293572387) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U595Z1P) are different Stop Holešovická tržnice (293572387) should have network=PID ref of stop Vltavská (4680424742) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U100Z1P) are different Stop Vltavská (4680424742) should have network=PID ref of stop Strossmayerovo náměstí (310453035) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U717Z2P) are different Stop Strossmayerovo náměstí (310453035) should have network=PID ref of stop Kamenická (331283839) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U231Z2P) are different ref of stop Letenské náměstí (25685001) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U324Z2P) are different Stop Letenské náměstí (25685001) should have network=PID Stop Korunovační (1909037555) does not have ref and it should be U262Z2P Stop Korunovační (1909037555) should have network=PID Stop Sparta (3750459131) does not have ref and it should be U692Z2P Stop Sparta (3750459131) should have network=PID Stop Hradčanská (889215411) does not have ref and it should be U163Z2P Stop Hradčanská (889215411) should have network=PID ref of stop Prašný most (3476362423) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U592Z2P) are different Name of stop Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD) (249526769) in OSM (Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD)) and in GTFS (Vozovna Střešovice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD) (249526769) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U867Z2P) are different Stop Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD) (249526769) should have network=PID ref of stop Park Maxe van der Stoela (331038248) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U140Z2P) are different Stop Park Maxe van der Stoela (331038248) should have network=PID Stop Malovanka (244238482) does not have ref and it should be U362Z2P Stop Malovanka (244238482) should have network=PID Stop Marjánka (360673750) does not have ref and it should be U366Z2P Stop Marjánka (360673750) should have network=PID Stop Drinopol (244238488) does not have ref and it should be U103Z2P Stop Drinopol (244238488) should have network=PID Stop U Kaštanu (340037058) does not have ref and it should be U778Z2P Stop U Kaštanu (340037058) should have network=PID Stop Břevnovský klášter (244238496) does not have ref and it should be U994Z2P Stop Břevnovský klášter (244238496) should have network=PID Stop Říčanova (244238499) does not have ref and it should be U636Z2P Stop Říčanova (244238499) should have network=PID ref of stop Vypich (340037057) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U872Z2P) are different ref of stop Obora Hvězda (610983906) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U610Z2P) are different Stop Obora Hvězda (610983906) should have network=PID Stop Obora Hvězda (610983906) is 84.8m far from GTFS (Obora Hvězda) stop ref of stop Malý Břevnov (4697400666) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U364Z2P) are different Stop Malý Břevnov (4697400666) should have network=PID ref of stop Bílá Hora (26065846) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U31Z4P) are different Stop Bílá Hora (26065846) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 25_6895_230213 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z1P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 25_6908_230213 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Bílá Hora (U31Z4P) with sample trip_id 25_6882_230201 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Bílá Hora (U31Z3P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 25_1623_221216 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 25_7097_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z1P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 25_7112_230213 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Bílá Hora (U31Z4P) with sample trip_id 25_6875_230128 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Vinice (U1108Z1P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 25_7136_230213 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 25_6971_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Bílá Hora (U31Z4P) with sample trip_id 25_6925_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Bílá Hora (U31Z4P) with sample trip_id 25_6782_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Bílá Hora (U31Z3P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 25_6938_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Bílá Hora (U31Z3P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 25_6892_230225 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 25_7134_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 25_7142_230216 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 25_7143_230216 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Čechovo náměstí (U67Z4P) to Bílá Hora (U31Z4P) with sample trip_id 25_6876_230128 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 25_7140_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Olšanské hřbitovy (U515Z1P) to Lehovec (U72Z2P) with sample trip_id 25_7131_230213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8057520 (Tram 24) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8057520 (Tram 24) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 24) and in GTFS (24) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8057520 (Tram 24) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8057520 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 24: Vozovna Kobylisy ? Náměstí Bratří Synků (105475) colour is missing for route 105475 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 105475 and it should be L24 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 105475 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 105475 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 105475. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 105475 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Vozovna Kobylisy) and last (Náměstí Bratří Synků) stop Processing OSM route Tram 24: Náměstí Bratří Synků ? Vozovna Kobylisy (6333468) colour is missing for route 6333468 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 6333468 and it should be L24 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6333468 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6333468 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 6333468. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 6333468 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Náměstí Bratří Synků) and last (Vozovna Kobylisy) stop OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z3P) to Náměstí Bratří Synků (U482Z4P) with sample trip_id 24_2499_230213 and 72 total trips OSM is missing route from Náměstí Bratří Synků (U482Z3P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z2P) with sample trip_id 24_1475_230213 and 72 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z5P) to Náměstí Bratří Synků (U482Z4P) with sample trip_id 24_1161_230213 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Náměstí Bratří Synků (U482Z3P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 24_1517_230213 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z2P) with sample trip_id 24_2290_230201 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z3P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 24_2550_230213 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z3P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 24_3682_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z2P) with sample trip_id 24_3668_230213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8057521 (Tram 20) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8057521 (Tram 20) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 20) and in GTFS (20) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8057521 (Tram 20) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8057521 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 20: Sídliště Barrandov ? Divoká Šárka (7035484) colour is missing for route 7035484 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7035484 and it should be L20 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7035484 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7035484 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7035484. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7035484 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Sídliště Barrandov) and last (Divoká Šárka) stop names in OSM route Sídliště Barrandov matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Malostranská, last_stop: Červený Vrch GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Červený Vrch, last_stop: Malostranská Processing OSM route Tram 20: Divoká Šárka ? Sídliště Barrandov (7035485) colour is missing for route 7035485 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7035485 and it should be L20 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7035485 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7035485 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7035485. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7035485 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Divoká Šárka) and last (Sídliště Barrandov) stop names in OSM route Divoká Šárka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Malostranská, last_stop: Červený Vrch GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Červený Vrch, last_stop: Malostranská OSM is missing route from Malostranská (U360Z3P) to Červený Vrch (U73Z2P) with sample trip_id 20_5562_230213 and 182 total trips OSM is missing route from Červený Vrch (U73Z1P) to Malostranská (U360Z4P) with sample trip_id 20_5567_230213 and 177 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Malostranská (U360Z4P) with sample trip_id 20_5580_230201 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Malostranská (U360Z3P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 20_5273_230213 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Červený Vrch (U73Z1P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 20_5881_230225 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Červený Vrch (U73Z2P) with sample trip_id 20_5879_230225 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 8060206 (Tram 91) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8060206 (Tram 91) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 91) and in GTFS (91) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8060206 (Tram 91) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8060206 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 91: Divoká Šárka ? Radošovická (3207891) colour is missing for route 3207891 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 3207891 and it should be L91 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 3207891 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 3207891 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 3207891. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 3207891 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Divoká Šárka) and last (Radošovická) stop names in OSM route Divoká Šárka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Vozovna Vokovice, last_stop: Staré Strašnice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Radošovická, last_stop: Vozovna Vokovice Processing OSM route Tram 91: Radošovická ? Divoká Šárka (8060205) colour is missing for route 8060205 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8060205 and it should be L91 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8060205 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8060205 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8060205. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8060205 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Radošovická) and last (Divoká Šárka) stop names in OSM route Radošovická matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Vozovna Vokovice, last_stop: Staré Strašnice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Radošovická, last_stop: Vozovna Vokovice OSM is missing route from Radošovická (U618Z3P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 91_1001_230201 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Staré Strašnice (U459Z2P) with sample trip_id 91_1000_230201 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Depo Hostivař (U1071Z9P) to Staré Strašnice (U459Z2P) with sample trip_id 91_884_221216 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Radošovická (U618Z3P) to Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z2P) with sample trip_id 91_19_230128 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z3P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 91_1006_230201 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8060362 (Tram 96) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8060362 (Tram 96) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 96) and in GTFS (96) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8060362 (Tram 96) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8060362 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 96: Sídliště Petřiny ? Spořilov (1597402) colour is missing for route 1597402 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1597402 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1597402 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 1597402 in OSM (96_3_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 96_10_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 1597402. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 96: Sídliště Petřiny ? Spořilov Route 1597402 should have interval=30:00 Route 1597402 should have duration=58:00 Processing stops for OSM route 1597402 (using stops for all checks) ref of stop Sídliště Petřiny (249524873) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U541Z1P) are different Stop Sídliště Petřiny (249524873) should have network=PID ref of stop Petřiny (3893370495) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U507Z1P) are different Stop Petřiny (3893370495) should have network=PID ref of stop Větrník (1371440026) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U844Z1P) are different Stop Větrník (1371440026) should have network=PID Stop Vojenská nemocnice (3893370497) does not have ref and it should be U858Z1P Stop Vojenská nemocnice (3893370497) should have network=PID ref of stop Baterie (3893370493) in OSM (15) and in GTFS (U15Z1P) are different Stop Ořechovka (3893370494) does not have ref and it should be U519Z1P Stop Ořechovka (3893370494) should have network=PID ref of stop Sibeliova (3893370496) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U645Z1P) are different Name of stop Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD) (1040160416) in OSM (Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD)) and in GTFS (Vozovna Střešovice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD) (1040160416) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U867Z1P) are different ref of stop Prašný most (3892044538) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U592Z1P) are different Stop Prašný most (3892044538) should have network=PID Stop Prašný most (3892044538) is 51.3m far from GTFS (Prašný most) stop Stop Hradčanská (3750459130) does not have ref and it should be U163Z1P Stop Hradčanská (3750459130) should have network=PID Stop Sparta (3750459132) does not have ref and it should be U692Z1P Stop Sparta (3750459132) should have network=PID ref of stop Letenské náměstí (4690498451) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U324Z1P) are different Stop Letenské náměstí (4690498451) should have network=PID ref of stop Kamenická (4690498452) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U231Z1P) are different ref of stop Strossmayerovo náměstí (1028660041) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U717Z1P) are different Stop Strossmayerovo náměstí (1028660041) should have network=PID Stop Nábřeží Kapitána Jaroše (332148453) does not have ref and it should be U439Z1P Stop Nábřeží Kapitána Jaroše (332148453) should have network=PID ref of stop Dlouhá třída (4693347239) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U87Z1P) are different Stop Dlouhá třída (4693347239) should have network=PID ref of stop Náměstí Republiky (4693347257) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U480Z1P) are different Stop Náměstí Republiky (4693347257) should have network=PID ref of stop Masarykovo nádraží (4716283370) in OSM (C) and in GTFS (U480Z3P) are different Stop Masarykovo nádraží (4716283370) should have network=PID Stop Jindřišská (4704947002) does not have ref and it should be U203Z1P Stop Jindřišská (4704947002) should have network=PID Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944965) does not have ref and it should be U1072Z1P Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944965) should have network=PID Stop Vodičkova (4704962012) does not have ref and it should be U484Z1P Stop Vodičkova (4704962012) should have network=PID Stop Lazarská (4704961989) does not have ref and it should be U997Z1P Stop Lazarská (4704961989) should have network=PID Stop Karlovo náměstí (4716283372) does not have ref and it should be U237Z2P Stop Karlovo náměstí (4716283372) should have network=PID Stop Štěpánská (4701097777) does not have ref and it should be U739Z2P Stop Štěpánská (4701097777) should have network=PID Stop I. P. Pavlova (4701097787) does not have ref and it should be U190Z2P Stop I. P. Pavlova (4701097787) should have network=PID Stop Bruselská (4755983030) does not have ref and it should be U45Z2P Stop Bruselská (4755983030) should have network=PID Stop Pod Karlovem (4714734704) does not have ref and it should be U560Z2P Stop Pod Karlovem (4714734704) should have network=PID ref of stop Nuselské schody (4943512773) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U504Z2P) are different Stop Nuselské schody (4943512773) should have network=PID Stop Otakarova (5436281272) does not have ref and it should be U482Z6P Stop Otakarova (5436281272) should have network=PID Stop Horky (4716283384) does not have ref and it should be U152Z2P Stop Horky (4716283384) should have network=PID ref of stop Pod Jezerkou (4716283387) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U559Z2P) are different Stop Pod Jezerkou (4716283387) should have network=PID ref of stop Michelská (4716283389) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U376Z2P) are different Stop Michelská (4716283389) should have network=PID ref of stop Plynárna Michle (4716283391) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U550Z2P) are different Stop Plynárna Michle (4716283391) should have network=PID ref of stop Chodovská (5436145350) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U183Z2P) are different Stop Chodovská (5436145350) should have network=PID ref of stop Teplárna Michle (65472969) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U751Z2P) are different Stop Teplárna Michle (65472969) should have network=PID Stop Spořilov (4874153102) does not have ref and it should be U697Z2P Stop Spořilov (4874153102) should have network=PID Processing OSM route Tram 96: Spořilov ? Sídliště Petřiny (8060361) colour is missing for route 8060361 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8060361 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8060361 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 8060361 in OSM (96_93_210131) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 96_676_230201 Name is not in proper format for route 8060361. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 96: Spořilov ? Sídliště Petřiny Route 8060361 should have interval=30:00 Route 8060361 should have duration=56:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8060361 (using stops for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8060361 (36) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (37) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Spořilov (U697Z1P) - Spořilov (27025636) Teplárna Michle (U751Z1P) - Teplárna Michle (1552771496) Chodovská (U183Z1P) - Chodovská (289137855) Plynárna Michle (U550Z1P) - Plynárna Michle (4716283390) Michelská (U376Z1P) - Michelská (703174) Pod Jezerkou (U559Z1P) - Pod Jezerkou (4716283388) Horky (U152Z1P) - Horky (4716283385) Otakarova (U482Z5P) - Otakarova (331451711) Nuselské schody (U504Z1P) - Nuselské schody (4491071013) Pod Karlovem (U560Z1P) - Pod Karlovem (5149740698) Bruselská (U45Z1P) - Bruselská (4491071045) I. P. Pavlova (U190Z1P) - I. P. Pavlova (25936016) Štěpánská (U739Z1P) - Štěpánská (1636909733) Karlovo náměstí (U237Z3P) - Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) Novoměstská radnice (U237Z13P) - Lazarská (4716283371) Lazarská (U997Z2P) - Vodičkova (4704962021) Vodičkova (U484Z2P) - Václavské náměstí (4704944966) Václavské náměstí (U1072Z2P) - Jindřišská (4704946994) Jindřišská (U203Z2P) - Masarykovo nádraží (4704922255) Masarykovo nádraží (U480Z4P) - Náměstí Republiky (4693347258) Náměstí Republiky (U480Z2P) - Dlouhá třída (4693347234) Dlouhá třída (U87Z2P) - Strossmayerovo náměstí (310453036) Strossmayerovo náměstí (U717Z4P) - Kamenická (331283839) Kamenická (U231Z2P) - Letenské náměstí (25685001) Letenské náměstí (U324Z2P) - Korunovační (1909037555) Korunovační (U262Z2P) - Sparta (3750459131) Sparta (U692Z2P) - Hradčanská (889215411) Hradčanská (U163Z2P) - Prašný most (3476362423) Prašný most (U592Z2P) - Vozovna Střešovice (Muzeum MHD) (249526769) Vozovna Střešovice (U867Z2P) - Sibeliova (276838823) Sibeliova (U645Z2P) - Ořechovka (276838825) Ořechovka (U519Z2P) - Baterie (4715672757) Baterie (U15Z2P) - Vojenská nemocnice (249525014) Vojenská nemocnice (U858Z2P) - Větrník (4760914602) Větrník (U844Z2P) - Petřiny (276838827) Petřiny (U507Z2P) - Sídliště Petřiny (1371099980) Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z2P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Spořilov (U697Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 96_231_221204 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z1P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 96_229_230201 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Spořilov (U697Z1P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 96_383_230103 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z1P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 96_589_230201 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8060656 (Tram 22) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8060656 (Tram 22) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 22) and in GTFS (22) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8060656 (Tram 22) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8060656 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 22: Nádraží Hostivař ? Bílá Hora (7043670) colour is missing for route 7043670 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7043670 and it should be L22 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7043670 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7043670 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7043670. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7043670 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Nádraží Hostivař) and last (Bílá Hora) stop names in OSM route Nádraží Hostivař matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Sídliště Barrandov, last_stop: Nádraží Hostivař GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Nádraží Hostivař, last_stop: Sídliště Barrandov Processing OSM route Tram 22: Bílá Hora ? Nádraží Hostivař (7043671) colour is missing for route 7043671 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7043671 and it should be L22 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7043671 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7043671 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7043671. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7043671 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route Tram 22: Radošovická ? Vypich (8060767) colour is missing for route 8060767 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8060767 and it should be L22 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8060767 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8060767 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8060767. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8060767 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route Tram 22: Vypich ? Staré Strašnice (8060768) colour is missing for route 8060768 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8060768 and it should be L22 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8060768 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8060768 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8060768. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8060768 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z1P) to Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z4P) with sample trip_id 22_16882_230218 and 173 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z3P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_16875_230128 and 171 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z1P) to Zahradní Město (U889Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_16876_230128 and 153 total trips OSM is missing route from Zahradní Město (U889Z1P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_16881_230128 and 151 total trips OSM is missing route from Radošovická (U618Z3P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_17767_230225 and 45 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z1P) to Staré Strašnice (U459Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_17766_230225 and 44 total trips OSM is missing route from Nové Strašnice (U70Z3P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_17765_230225 and 24 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z1P) to Nové Strašnice (U70Z4P) with sample trip_id 22_17764_230225 and 22 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_16889_230128 and 21 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z1P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_16904_230128 and 19 total trips OSM is missing route from Zahradní Město (U889Z1P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_16877_230218 and 17 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z3P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_16879_230218 and 17 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z1P) to Zahradní Město (U889Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_16876_230218 and 17 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z1P) to Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z4P) with sample trip_id 22_16878_230218 and 16 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z3P) to Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_12979_230228 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Zahradní Město (U889Z1P) to Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_12543_230128 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z1P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_16984_230225 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z1P) to Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z4P) with sample trip_id 22_12460_230219 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z3P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 22_10016_230213 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z4P) with sample trip_id 22_10648_230213 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z1P) to Zahradní Město (U889Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_17168_230218 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Zahradní Město (U889Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 22_12787_230213 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Zahradní Město (U889Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_15214_230213 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z1P) to Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_17620_230213 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Zahradní Město (U889Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_17013_230128 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Zahradní Město (U889Z1P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_17600_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Hotel Golf (U567Z1P) to Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z4P) with sample trip_id 22_17632_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z1P) to Staré Strašnice (U459Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_17908_230225 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z3P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_17762_230218 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z7P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_17745_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z3P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 22_17763_230218 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8060660 (Tram 97) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8060660 (Tram 97) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 97) and in GTFS (97) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8060660 (Tram 97) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8060660 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 97: Bílá Hora ? Nádraží Hostivař (1597404) colour is missing for route 1597404 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1597404 and it should be L97 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1597404 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1597404 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1597404. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1597404 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route Tram 97: Nádraží Hostivař ? Bílá Hora (8060657) colour is missing for route 8060657 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8060657 and it should be L97 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8060657 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8060657 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8060657. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8060657 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Bílá Hora (U31Z3P) to Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z4P) with sample trip_id 97_1076_230213 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z3P) to Bílá Hora (U31Z4P) with sample trip_id 97_1077_230127 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z3P) to Vozovna Strašnice (U848Z2P) with sample trip_id 97_532_221204 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Bílá Hora (U31Z3P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 97_1096_230127 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Hostivař (U453Z3P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 97_1105_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Bílá Hora (U31Z3P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 97_1082_230127 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8060661 (Tram 99) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8060661 (Tram 99) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 99) and in GTFS (99) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8060661 (Tram 99) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8060661 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour in OSM (#DC008F) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different Processing OSM route Tram 99: Sídliště Řepy ? Zahradní Město (1600142) colour is missing for route 1600142 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1600142 and it should be L99 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1600142 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1600142 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1600142. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1600142 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route Tram 99: Zahradní Město ? Sídliště Řepy (8060658) colour is missing for route 8060658 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8060658 and it should be L99 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8060658 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8060658 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8060658. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8060658 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 99_343_220704 Name is not in proper format for route 8060658. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 99: Zahradní Město ? Sídliště Řepy Route 8060658 should have interval=30:00 Route 8060658 should have duration=58:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8060658 (using stops for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8060658 (40) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (41) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Zahradní Město (U889Z1P) - Zahradní Město (3866008467) Nádraží Zahradní Město (U2781Z1P) - Nádraží Zahradní Město (9105335203) Dubečská (U584Z1P) - Dubečská (4408698033) Radošovická (U618Z1P) - Radošovická (4721019969) Staré Strašnice (U459Z1P) - Na Hroudě (3866017179) Na Hroudě (U599Z1P) - Staré Strašnice (3866008457) Průběžná (U605Z1P) - Průběžná (4715556173) Kubánské náměstí (U473Z1P) - Kubánské náměstí (290174936) Slavia - Nádraží Eden (U680Z1P) - Koh-i-noor (290174988) Koh-i-noor (U269Z1P) - Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (290174940) Čechovo náměstí (U67Z7P) - Čechovo náměstí (4721776295) Vršovické náměstí (U391Z1P) - Vršovické náměstí (4721776301) Ruská (U627Z1P) - Ruská (4721776302) Krymská (U301Z1P) - Krymská (4721776304) Jana Masaryka (U354Z1P) - Jana Masaryka (4721776306) Náměstí Míru (U476Z1P) - Náměstí Míru (4715159303) I. P. Pavlova (U190Z1P) - I. P. Pavlova (25936016) Štěpánská (U739Z1P) - Štěpánská (1636909733) Karlovo náměstí (U237Z3P) - Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) Novoměstská radnice (U237Z13P) - Národní třída (4714677495) Lazarská (U997Z4P) - Národní divadlo (74218301) Národní třída (U539Z2P) - Lazarská (7741682397) Národní divadlo (U483Z2P) - Újezd (74218289) Újezd (U809Z4P) - Arbesovo náměstí (4719188949) Švandovo divadlo (U481Z2P) - Švandovo divadlo (4719188951) Arbesovo náměstí (U4Z2P) - Anděl (4599701596) Anděl (U1040Z2P) - Bertramka (4533064817) Bertramka (U25Z2P) - U Zvonu (4532846131) U Zvonu (U805Z2P) - Klamovka (4533064822) Klamovka (U254Z2P) - Kavalírka (4533667132) Kavalírka (U240Z2P) - Kotlářka (4524686169) Kotlářka (U289Z2P) - Poštovka (4524686167) Poštovka (U580Z2P) - Motol (4530657225) Hotel Golf (U567Z2P) - Krematorium Motol (4532846090) Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) - Hlušičkova (4530649975) Motol (U394Z2P) - Slánská (4530560537) Krematorium Motol (U395Z2P) - Blatiny (4530560536) Hlušičkova (U113Z2P) - Hotel Golf (4524686166) Slánská (U236Z2P) - Vozovna Motol (4524637359) Blatiny (U47Z2P) - Sídliště Řepy (výstupní) (1679544198) Sídliště Řepy (U612Z12P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Sídliště Řepy (U612Z3P) to Zahradní Město (U889Z2P) with sample trip_id 99_666_221216 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Zahradní Město (U889Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 99_511_221204 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Řepy (U612Z3P) to Motol (U394Z1P) with sample trip_id 99_246_220429 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 8060662 (Tram 98) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8060662 (Tram 98) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 98) and in GTFS (98) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8060662 (Tram 98) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8060662 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour in OSM (#DC008F) and in GTFS (#7A0603) are different Processing OSM route Tram 98: Sídliště Řepy ? Spojovací (1597046) colour is missing for route 1597046 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1597046 and it should be L98 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1597046 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1597046 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1597046. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1597046 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 98_363_230103 Name is not in proper format for route 1597046. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 98: Sídliště Řepy ? Spojovací Route 1597046 should have interval=30:00 Route 1597046 should have duration=61:00 Processing stops for OSM route 1597046 (using stops for all checks) Name of stop Sídliště Řepy (nástupní) (243488145) in OSM (Sídliště Řepy (nástupní)) and in GTFS (Sídliště Řepy) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Sídliště Řepy (nástupní) (243488145) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U612Z1P) are different Name of stop Hlušičkova (340039704) in OSM (Hlušičkova) and in GTFS (Blatiny) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Hlušičkova (340039704) does not have ref and it should be U47Z1P Stop Hlušičkova (340039704) should have network=PID Stop Hlušičkova (340039704) is 1420.5m far from GTFS (Blatiny) stop Name of stop Krematorium Motol (243490372) in OSM (Krematorium Motol) and in GTFS (Slánská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Krematorium Motol (243490372) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U236Z1P) are different Stop Krematorium Motol (243490372) should have network=PID Stop Krematorium Motol (243490372) is 1899.6m far from GTFS (Slánská) stop Name of stop Motol (243490388) in OSM (Motol) and in GTFS (Hlušičkova) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Motol (243490388) does not have ref and it should be U113Z1P Stop Motol (243490388) should have network=PID Stop Motol (243490388) is 2262.3m far from GTFS (Hlušičkova) stop Name of stop Poštovka (340039709) in OSM (Poštovka) and in GTFS (Krematorium Motol) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Poštovka (340039709) does not have ref and it should be U395Z1P Stop Poštovka (340039709) should have network=PID Stop Poštovka (340039709) is 3106.2m far from GTFS (Krematorium Motol) stop Name of stop Blatiny (243489352) in OSM (Blatiny) and in GTFS (Motol) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Blatiny (243489352) does not have ref and it should be U394Z1P Stop Blatiny (243489352) is 3647.6m far from GTFS (Motol) stop Name of stop Slánská (243489364) in OSM (Slánská) and in GTFS (Vozovna Motol) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Slánská (243489364) does not have ref and it should be U865Z1P Stop Slánská (243489364) should have network=PID Stop Slánská (243489364) is 3569.1m far from GTFS (Vozovna Motol) stop Name of stop Vozovna Motol (340039707) in OSM (Vozovna Motol) and in GTFS (Hotel Golf) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Vozovna Motol (340039707) does not have ref and it should be U567Z1P Stop Vozovna Motol (340039707) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Motol (340039707) is 582.9m far from GTFS (Hotel Golf) stop Name of stop Hotel Golf (243491431) in OSM (Hotel Golf) and in GTFS (Poštovka) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Hotel Golf (243491431) does not have ref and it should be U580Z1P Stop Hotel Golf (243491431) should have network=PID Stop Hotel Golf (243491431) is 847.8m far from GTFS (Poštovka) stop ref of stop Kotlářka (340039713) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U289Z1P) are different Stop Kotlářka (340039713) should have network=PID Name of stop Klamovka (340039721) in OSM (Klamovka) and in GTFS (Kavalírka) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Klamovka (340039721) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U240Z1P) are different Stop Klamovka (340039721) is 1041.9m far from GTFS (Kavalírka) stop Name of stop Bertramka (243492569) in OSM (Bertramka) and in GTFS (Klamovka) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Bertramka (243492569) does not have ref and it should be U254Z1P Stop Bertramka (243492569) should have network=PID Stop Bertramka (243492569) is 1481.7m far from GTFS (Klamovka) stop Name of stop Kavalírka (340039717) in OSM (Kavalírka) and in GTFS (U Zvonu) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Kavalírka (340039717) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U805Z1P) are different Stop Kavalírka (340039717) should have network=PID Stop Kavalírka (340039717) is 1841.1m far from GTFS (U Zvonu) stop Name of stop U Zvonu (340039726) in OSM (U Zvonu) and in GTFS (Bertramka) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop U Zvonu (340039726) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U25Z1P) are different Stop U Zvonu (340039726) is 677.1m far from GTFS (Bertramka) stop ref of stop Anděl (4718293055) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U1040Z1P) are different Stop Anděl (4718293055) should have network=PID Name of stop Švandovo divadlo (303880810) in OSM (Švandovo divadlo) and in GTFS (Arbesovo náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Švandovo divadlo (303880810) does not have ref and it should be U4Z1P Stop Švandovo divadlo (303880810) should have network=PID Stop Švandovo divadlo (303880810) is 246.0m far from GTFS (Arbesovo náměstí) stop Name of stop Újezd (4599701504) in OSM (Újezd) and in GTFS (Švandovo divadlo) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Újezd (4599701504) does not have ref and it should be U481Z1P Stop Újezd (4599701504) should have network=PID Stop Újezd (4599701504) is 225.1m far from GTFS (Švandovo divadlo) stop Name of stop Arbesovo náměstí (4719188950) in OSM (Arbesovo náměstí) and in GTFS (Újezd) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Arbesovo náměstí (4719188950) does not have ref and it should be U809Z2P Stop Arbesovo náměstí (4719188950) should have network=PID Stop Arbesovo náměstí (4719188950) is 469.3m far from GTFS (Újezd) stop Name of stop Národní třída (4714677496) in OSM (Národní třída) and in GTFS (Národní divadlo) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Národní třída (4714677496) does not have ref and it should be U483Z1P Stop Národní třída (4714677496) should have network=PID Stop Národní třída (4714677496) is 523.5m far from GTFS (Národní divadlo) stop Name of stop Lazarská (4714677507) in OSM (Lazarská) and in GTFS (Národní třída) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Lazarská (4714677507) does not have ref and it should be U539Z1P Stop Lazarská (4714677507) should have network=PID Stop Lazarská (4714677507) is 192.4m far from GTFS (Národní třída) stop Name of stop Národní divadlo (4714677494) in OSM (Národní divadlo) and in GTFS (Lazarská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Národní divadlo (4714677494) does not have ref and it should be U997Z3P Stop Národní divadlo (4714677494) should have network=PID Stop Národní divadlo (4714677494) is 549.0m far from GTFS (Lazarská) stop Stop Lazarská (4716283371) does not have ref and it should be U997Z2P Stop Lazarská (4716283371) should have network=PID Stop Vodičkova (4704962021) does not have ref and it should be U484Z2P Stop Vodičkova (4704962021) should have network=PID Name of stop Jindřišská (4704946994) in OSM (Jindřišská) and in GTFS (Václavské náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Jindřišská (4704946994) does not have ref and it should be U1072Z2P Stop Jindřišská (4704946994) should have network=PID Stop Jindřišská (4704946994) is 665.2m far from GTFS (Václavské náměstí) stop Name of stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) in OSM (Václavské náměstí) and in GTFS (Jindřišská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) does not have ref and it should be U203Z2P Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) should have network=PID Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) is 654.9m far from GTFS (Jindřišská) stop ref of stop Hlavní nádraží (255617362) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U142Z2P) are different Stop Hlavní nádraží (255617362) should have network=PID Name of stop Lipanská (4721019949) in OSM (Lipanská) and in GTFS (Viktoria Žižkov) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Lipanská (4721019949) does not have ref and it should be U172Z2P Stop Lipanská (4721019949) should have network=PID Stop Lipanská (4721019949) is 869.2m far from GTFS (Viktoria Žižkov) stop Name of stop Olšanské náměstí (244178530) in OSM (Olšanské náměstí) and in GTFS (Lipanská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Olšanské náměstí (244178530) does not have ref and it should be U339Z2P Stop Olšanské náměstí (244178530) should have network=PID Stop Olšanské náměstí (244178530) is 524.5m far from GTFS (Lipanská) stop Name of stop Viktoria Žižkov (4704851060) in OSM (Viktoria Žižkov) and in GTFS (Olšanské náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Viktoria Žižkov (4704851060) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U516Z2P) are different Stop Viktoria Žižkov (4704851060) should have network=PID Stop Viktoria Žižkov (4704851060) is 1400.3m far from GTFS (Olšanské náměstí) stop Stop Flora (5435855704) does not have ref and it should be U118Z2P Stop Flora (5435855704) should have network=PID Stop Olšanské hřbitovy (244011071) does not have ref and it should be U515Z2P Stop Olšanské hřbitovy (244011071) should have network=PID ref of stop Želivského (5253010011) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U921Z4P) are different Stop Želivského (5253010011) should have network=PID ref of stop Želivského (8805754239) in OSM (L) and in GTFS (U921Z12P) are different Stop Želivského (8805754239) should have network=PID Name of stop Biskupcova (5252786226) in OSM (Biskupcova) and in GTFS (Nákladové nádraží Žižkov) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Biskupcova (5252786226) does not have ref and it should be U469Z2P Stop Biskupcova (5252786226) should have network=PID Stop Biskupcova (5252786226) is 414.5m far from GTFS (Nákladové nádraží Žižkov) stop Name of stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (5252786225) in OSM (Nákladové nádraží Žižkov) and in GTFS (Biskupcova) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (5252786225) does not have ref and it should be U34Z2P Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (5252786225) should have network=PID Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (5252786225) is 426.5m far from GTFS (Biskupcova) stop Name of stop Vozovna Žižkov (304327539) in OSM (Vozovna Žižkov) and in GTFS (Ohrada) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Vozovna Žižkov (304327539) does not have ref and it should be U512Z2P Stop Vozovna Žižkov (304327539) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Žižkov (304327539) is 488.6m far from GTFS (Ohrada) stop Name of stop Ohrada (304322464) in OSM (Ohrada) and in GTFS (Vozovna Žižkov) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Ohrada (304322464) does not have ref and it should be U837Z2P Stop Ohrada (304322464) should have network=PID Stop Ohrada (304322464) is 498.9m far from GTFS (Vozovna Žižkov) stop Name of stop Chmelnice (267017432) in OSM (Chmelnice) and in GTFS (Strážní) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Chmelnice (267017432) does not have ref and it should be U714Z2P Stop Chmelnice (267017432) should have network=PID Stop Chmelnice (267017432) is 516.7m far from GTFS (Strážní) stop Name of stop Kněžská luka (305492119) in OSM (Kněžská luka) and in GTFS (Chmelnice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kněžská luka (305492119) does not have ref and it should be U180Z2P Stop Kněžská luka (305492119) should have network=PID Stop Kněžská luka (305492119) is 731.4m far from GTFS (Chmelnice) stop Name of stop Strážní (304323641) in OSM (Strážní) and in GTFS (Kněžská luka) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Strážní (304323641) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U266Z2P) are different Stop Strážní (304323641) should have network=PID Stop Strážní (304323641) is 1279.4m far from GTFS (Kněžská luka) stop Name of stop Spojovací (výstupní) (1371099971) in OSM (Spojovací (výstupní)) and in GTFS (Spojovací) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Spojovací (výstupní) (1371099971) does not have ref and it should be U694Z2P Stop Spojovací (výstupní) (1371099971) should have network=PID Processing OSM route Tram 98: Spojovací ? Sídliště Řepy (8060659) colour is missing for route 8060659 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8060659 and it should be L98 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8060659 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8060659 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8060659. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8060659 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 98_10_230127 Name is not in proper format for route 8060659. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 98: Spojovací ? Sídliště Řepy Route 8060659 should have interval=30:00 Route 8060659 should have duration=58:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8060659 (using stops for all checks) Name of stop Spojovací (nástupní) (6436144735) in OSM (Spojovací (nástupní)) and in GTFS (Spojovací) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Spojovací (nástupní) (6436144735) does not have ref and it should be U694Z1P Stop Spojovací (nástupní) (6436144735) should have network=PID Stop Kněžská luka (4579533046) does not have ref and it should be U266Z1P Stop Kněžská luka (4579533046) should have network=PID Stop Chmelnice (4579533023) does not have ref and it should be U180Z1P Stop Chmelnice (4579533023) should have network=PID ref of stop Strážní (4579533056) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U714Z1P) are different Stop Strážní (4579533056) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Žižkov (4579534245) does not have ref and it should be U837Z1P Stop Vozovna Žižkov (4579534245) should have network=PID Stop Ohrada (5252786227) does not have ref and it should be U512Z1P Stop Ohrada (5252786227) should have network=PID Stop Biskupcova (304322168) does not have ref and it should be U34Z1P Stop Biskupcova (304322168) should have network=PID Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (304320922) does not have ref and it should be U469Z1P Stop Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (304320922) should have network=PID Stop Mezi Hřbitovy (255617355) does not have ref and it should be U373Z1P Stop Mezi Hřbitovy (255617355) should have network=PID ref of stop Želivského (304320657) in OSM (C) and in GTFS (U921Z3P) are different Stop Želivského (304320657) should have network=PID Stop Olšanské hřbitovy (5435923643) does not have ref and it should be U515Z1P Stop Olšanské hřbitovy (5435923643) should have network=PID Stop Flora (244011073) does not have ref and it should be U118Z1P Stop Flora (244011073) should have network=PID Stop Olšanské náměstí (4704851514) does not have ref and it should be U516Z1P Stop Olšanské náměstí (4704851514) should have network=PID Stop Lipanská (4721019948) does not have ref and it should be U339Z1P Stop Lipanská (4721019948) should have network=PID ref of stop Viktoria Žižkov (4704851057) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U172Z1P) are different Stop Viktoria Žižkov (4704851057) should have network=PID ref of stop Hlavní nádraží (4721019947) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U142Z1P) are different Stop Hlavní nádraží (4721019947) should have network=PID Stop Jindřišská (4704947002) does not have ref and it should be U203Z1P Stop Jindřišská (4704947002) should have network=PID Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944965) does not have ref and it should be U1072Z1P Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944965) should have network=PID Stop Vodičkova (4704962012) does not have ref and it should be U484Z1P Stop Vodičkova (4704962012) should have network=PID Stop Lazarská (4704961989) does not have ref and it should be U997Z1P Stop Lazarská (4704961989) should have network=PID Stop Lazarská (7741682397) does not have ref and it should be U997Z4P Stop Lazarská (7741682397) should have network=PID Stop Národní třída (4714677495) does not have ref and it should be U539Z2P Stop Národní třída (4714677495) should have network=PID Stop Národní divadlo (74218301) does not have ref and it should be U483Z2P Stop Národní divadlo (74218301) should have network=PID Stop Újezd (74218289) does not have ref and it should be U809Z4P Stop Újezd (74218289) should have network=PID Stop Švandovo divadlo (4719188951) does not have ref and it should be U481Z2P Stop Švandovo divadlo (4719188951) should have network=PID Stop Arbesovo náměstí (4719188949) does not have ref and it should be U4Z2P Stop Arbesovo náměstí (4719188949) should have network=PID ref of stop Anděl (4599701596) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U1040Z2P) are different Stop Anděl (4599701596) should have network=PID Stop Bertramka (4533064817) does not have ref and it should be U25Z2P ref of stop U Zvonu (4532846131) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U805Z2P) are different ref of stop Klamovka (4533064822) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U254Z2P) are different ref of stop Kavalírka (4533667132) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U240Z2P) are different ref of stop Kotlářka (4524686169) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U289Z2P) are different Stop Poštovka (4524686167) does not have ref and it should be U580Z2P Stop Hotel Golf (4524686166) does not have ref and it should be U567Z2P Stop Vozovna Motol (4524637359) does not have ref and it should be U865Z2P Stop Motol (4530657225) does not have ref and it should be U394Z2P ref of stop Krematorium Motol (4532846090) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U395Z2P) are different Stop Hlušičkova (4530649975) does not have ref and it should be U113Z2P Stop Slánská (4530560537) does not have ref and it should be U236Z2P Stop Blatiny (4530560536) does not have ref and it should be U47Z2P Name of stop Sídliště Řepy (výstupní) (1679544197) in OSM (Sídliště Řepy (výstupní)) and in GTFS (Sídliště Řepy) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Sídliště Řepy (výstupní) (1679544197) in OSM (L) and in GTFS (U612Z2P) are different Stop Sídliště Řepy (výstupní) (1679544197) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Spojovací (U694Z1P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z1P) with sample trip_id 98_286_221204 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Řepy (U612Z1P) to Motol (U394Z1P) with sample trip_id 98_152_221204 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Řepy (U612Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 98_821_230213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8060680 (Tram 93) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8060680 (Tram 93) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 93) and in GTFS (93) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8060680 (Tram 93) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8060680 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 93: Sídliště Ďáblice ? Vozovna Pankrác (1597407) colour is missing for route 1597407 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1597407 and it should be L93 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1597407 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1597407 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1597407. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1597407 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route Tram 93: Vozovna Pankrác ? Sídliště Ďáblice (8060679) colour is missing for route 8060679 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8060679 and it should be L93 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8060679 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8060679 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8060679. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8060679 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z1P) to Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z2P) with sample trip_id 93_760_230121 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z4P) with sample trip_id 93_552_230213 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z1P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 93_188_221204 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 93_368_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Ďáblice (U651Z1P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 93_434_221204 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8060711 (Tram 95) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8060711 (Tram 95) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 95) and in GTFS (95) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8060711 (Tram 95) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8060711 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 95: Ústřední dílny DP ? Vozovna Kobylisy (1597405) colour is missing for route 1597405 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1597405 and it should be L95 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1597405 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1597405 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1597405. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1597405 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route Tram 95: Vozovna Kobylisy ? Ústřední dílny DP (8060710) colour is missing for route 8060710 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8060710 and it should be L95 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8060710 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8060710 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8060710. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8060710 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z1P) to Spojovací (U694Z2P) with sample trip_id 95_1016_221204 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Spojovací (U694Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z2P) with sample trip_id 95_824_230213 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Spojovací (U694Z1P) to Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z8P) with sample trip_id 95_825_230213 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z1P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 95_1019_221204 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Ústřední dílny DP (U807Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 95_1280_230213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8062346 (Tram 92) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8062346 (Tram 92) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 92) and in GTFS (92) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8062346 (Tram 92) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8062346 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 92: Levského ? Lehovec (1597403) colour is missing for route 1597403 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1597403 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1597403 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 1597403 in OSM (92_13_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 92_1031_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 1597403. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 92: Levského ? Lehovec Route 1597403 should have interval=30:00 Route 1597403 should have duration=59:00 Processing stops for OSM route 1597403 (using stops for all checks) Stop Levského (1896751703) does not have ref and it should be U945Z1P Stop Levského (1896751703) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Modřany (30079570) does not have ref and it should be U946Z1P Stop Sídliště Modřany (30079570) should have network=PID Stop Modřanská rokle (30079573) does not have ref and it should be U947Z1P Stop Modřanská rokle (30079573) should have network=PID Stop U Libušského potoka (30079580) does not have ref and it should be U948Z1P Stop U Libušského potoka (30079580) should have network=PID Stop Poliklinika Modřany (30079586) does not have ref and it should be U929Z1P Stop Poliklinika Modřany (30079586) should have network=PID ref of stop Čechova čtvrť (30079593) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U1006Z1P) are different Stop Čechova čtvrť (30079593) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Modřany (30079600) does not have ref and it should be U388Z1P Stop Nádraží Modřany (30079600) should have network=PID ref of stop Modřanská škola (30079641) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U76Z1P) are different Stop Modřanská škola (30079641) should have network=PID Stop Belárie (30079843) does not have ref and it should be U19Z1P Stop Belárie (30079843) should have network=PID Stop Černý kůň (31030362) does not have ref and it should be U71Z1P Stop Černý kůň (31030362) should have network=PID ref of stop Nádraží Braník (259415650) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U449Z1P) are different Stop Nádraží Braník (259415650) should have network=PID Stop Pobřežní cesta (31030377) does not have ref and it should be U387Z1P Stop Pobřežní cesta (31030377) should have network=PID Stop Přístaviště (249290235) does not have ref and it should be U614Z1P Stop Přístaviště (249290235) should have network=PID Stop Dvorce (259418687) does not have ref and it should be U110Z1P Stop Dvorce (259418687) should have network=PID Stop Kublov (259418677) does not have ref and it should be U303Z1P Stop Kublov (259418677) should have network=PID Stop Podolská vodárna (278467793) does not have ref and it should be U583Z1P Stop Podolská vodárna (278467793) should have network=PID ref of stop Výtoň (4759185035) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U878Z1P) are different Stop Výtoň (4759185035) should have network=PID Name of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (1652793348) in OSM (Palackého náměstí (nábřeží)) and in GTFS (Palackého náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (1652793348) in OSM (G) and in GTFS (U237Z7P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (1652793348) should have network=PID ref of stop Palackého náměstí (246835730) in OSM (L) and in GTFS (U237Z5P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (246835730) should have network=PID Stop Karlovo náměstí (290036011) does not have ref and it should be U237Z1P Stop Karlovo náměstí (290036011) should have network=PID Stop Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) does not have ref and it should be U237Z13P Stop Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) should have network=PID Stop Lazarská (4716283371) does not have ref and it should be U997Z2P Stop Lazarská (4716283371) should have network=PID Stop Vodičkova (4704962021) does not have ref and it should be U484Z2P Stop Vodičkova (4704962021) should have network=PID Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) does not have ref and it should be U1072Z2P Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) should have network=PID Stop Jindřišská (4704946994) does not have ref and it should be U203Z2P Stop Jindřišská (4704946994) should have network=PID ref of stop Masarykovo nádraží (4704922255) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U480Z4P) are different Stop Masarykovo nádraží (4704922255) should have network=PID ref of stop Bílá labuť (4693353079) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U32Z2P) are different Stop Bílá labuť (4693353079) should have network=PID ref of stop Florenc (4693303161) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U689Z2P) are different Stop Florenc (4693303161) should have network=PID Stop Florenc (4693303161) is 93.3m far from GTFS (Florenc) stop Stop Karlínské náměstí (4693361075) does not have ref and it should be U854Z2P Stop Karlínské náměstí (4693361075) should have network=PID Stop Křižíkova (4693361074) does not have ref and it should be U758Z2P Stop Křižíkova (4693361074) should have network=PID Stop Urxova (4693288449) does not have ref and it should be U816Z2P Stop Urxova (4693288449) should have network=PID ref of stop Invalidovna (4693288477) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U655Z2P) are different Stop Invalidovna (4693288477) should have network=PID Stop Invalidovna (4693288477) is 90.4m far from GTFS (Invalidovna) stop Stop Palmovka (34821794) does not have ref and it should be U529Z2P Stop Palmovka (34821794) should have network=PID Stop Balabenka (165180091) does not have ref and it should be U12Z2P Stop Balabenka (165180091) should have network=PID Stop Ocelářská (165188438) does not have ref and it should be U1075Z2P Stop Ocelářská (165188438) should have network=PID Stop Arena Libeň jih (1541186545) does not have ref and it should be U348Z2P Stop Arena Libeň jih (1541186545) should have network=PID ref of stop Nádraží Libeň (165188442) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U134Z2P) are different Stop Nádraží Libeň (165188442) should have network=PID Stop Kabešova (2988447507) does not have ref and it should be U1401Z2P Stop Kabešova (2988447507) should have network=PID Stop Podkovářská (165188449) does not have ref and it should be U691Z2P Stop Podkovářská (165188449) should have network=PID Stop U Elektry (165188451) does not have ref and it should be U775Z2P Stop U Elektry (165188451) should have network=PID Stop Nademlejnská (1662077265) does not have ref and it should be U755Z2P Stop Nademlejnská (1662077265) should have network=PID Name of stop Kbelská (165188456) in OSM (Kbelská) and in GTFS (Starý Hloubětín) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kbelská (165188456) does not have ref and it should be U144Z2P Stop Kbelská (165188456) should have network=PID Stop Kbelská (165188456) is 244.2m far from GTFS (Starý Hloubětín) stop Stop Hloubětín (309103029) does not have ref and it should be U135Z2P Stop Hloubětín (309103029) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Hloubětín (165191378) does not have ref and it should be U652Z2P Stop Sídliště Hloubětín (165191378) should have network=PID Name of stop Lehovec - výstupní (1541186541) in OSM (Lehovec - výstupní) and in GTFS (Lehovec) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Lehovec - výstupní (1541186541) does not have ref and it should be U72Z2P Stop Lehovec - výstupní (1541186541) should have network=PID Processing OSM route Tram 92: Lehovec ? Sídliště Modřany (8062345) colour is missing for route 8062345 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8062345 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8062345 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 8062345 in OSM (2_25_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 92_1030_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 8062345. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 92: Lehovec ? Sídliště Modřany Route 8062345 should have interval=30:00 Route 8062345 should have duration=62:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8062345 (using stops for all checks) Stop Lehovec (2203456942) does not have ref and it should be U72Z1P Stop Lehovec (2203456942) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Hloubětín (4450425893) does not have ref and it should be U652Z1P Stop Sídliště Hloubětín (4450425893) should have network=PID Stop Hloubětín (4450425892) does not have ref and it should be U135Z1P Stop Hloubětín (4450425892) should have network=PID Name of stop Kbelská (4450415995) in OSM (Kbelská) and in GTFS (Starý Hloubětín) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kbelská (4450415995) does not have ref and it should be U144Z1P Stop Kbelská (4450415995) should have network=PID Stop Kbelská (4450415995) is 239.9m far from GTFS (Starý Hloubětín) stop Stop Nademlejnská (4450415996) does not have ref and it should be U755Z1P Stop Nademlejnská (4450415996) should have network=PID Stop U Elektry (4450415998) does not have ref and it should be U775Z1P Stop U Elektry (4450415998) should have network=PID Name of stop Kabešova (4450456505) in OSM (Kabešova) and in GTFS (Podkovářská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kabešova (4450456505) does not have ref and it should be U691Z1P Stop Kabešova (4450456505) should have network=PID Stop Kabešova (4450456505) is 564.1m far from GTFS (Podkovářská) stop Name of stop Podkovářská (4450415997) in OSM (Podkovářská) and in GTFS (Kabešova) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Podkovářská (4450415997) does not have ref and it should be U1401Z1P Stop Podkovářská (4450415997) should have network=PID Stop Podkovářská (4450415997) is 576.0m far from GTFS (Kabešova) stop ref of stop Nádraží Libeň (4450456506) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U134Z1P) are different Stop Nádraží Libeň (4450456506) should have network=PID Stop Arena Libeň jih (4450465422) does not have ref and it should be U348Z1P Stop Arena Libeň jih (4450465422) should have network=PID Stop Ocelářská (4450465423) does not have ref and it should be U1075Z1P Stop Ocelářská (4450465423) should have network=PID Stop Balabenka (4450465421) does not have ref and it should be U12Z3P Stop Balabenka (4450465421) should have network=PID Stop Palmovka (1298749754) does not have ref and it should be U529Z5P Stop Palmovka (1298749754) should have network=PID Stop Palmovka (74344893) does not have ref and it should be U529Z1P Stop Palmovka (74344893) should have network=PID ref of stop Invalidovna (4693288476) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U655Z1P) are different Stop Invalidovna (4693288476) should have network=PID Stop Invalidovna (4693288476) is 79.9m far from GTFS (Invalidovna) stop Stop Urxova (386174282) does not have ref and it should be U816Z1P Stop Urxova (386174282) should have network=PID Stop Křižíkova (4693361073) does not have ref and it should be U758Z1P Stop Křižíkova (4693361073) should have network=PID Stop Karlínské náměstí (4693361076) does not have ref and it should be U854Z1P Stop Karlínské náměstí (4693361076) should have network=PID ref of stop Florenc (4693303158) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U689Z1P) are different ref of stop Bílá labuť (4693353084) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U32Z1P) are different Stop Bílá labuť (4693353084) should have network=PID ref of stop Masarykovo nádraží (4716283370) in OSM (C) and in GTFS (U480Z3P) are different Stop Masarykovo nádraží (4716283370) should have network=PID Stop Jindřišská (4704947002) does not have ref and it should be U203Z1P Stop Jindřišská (4704947002) should have network=PID Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944965) does not have ref and it should be U1072Z1P Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944965) should have network=PID Stop Vodičkova (4704962012) does not have ref and it should be U484Z1P Stop Vodičkova (4704962012) should have network=PID Stop Lazarská (4704961989) does not have ref and it should be U997Z1P Stop Lazarská (4704961989) should have network=PID Stop Karlovo náměstí (4716283372) does not have ref and it should be U237Z2P Stop Karlovo náměstí (4716283372) should have network=PID Stop Moráň (4701097445) does not have ref and it should be U237Z4P Stop Moráň (4701097445) should have network=PID ref of stop Palackého náměstí (4696829591) in OSM (F) and in GTFS (U237Z6P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (4696829591) should have network=PID Name of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (4696829614) in OSM (Palackého náměstí (nábřeží)) and in GTFS (Palackého náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (4696829614) in OSM (H) and in GTFS (U237Z8P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (nábřeží) (4696829614) should have network=PID ref of stop Výtoň (4759185034) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U878Z2P) are different Stop Výtoň (4759185034) should have network=PID Stop Podolská vodárna (1896751705) does not have ref and it should be U583Z2P Stop Podolská vodárna (1896751705) should have network=PID Stop Kublov (3497817727) does not have ref and it should be U303Z2P Stop Kublov (3497817727) should have network=PID Stop Dvorce (3497817726) does not have ref and it should be U110Z2P Stop Dvorce (3497817726) should have network=PID Stop Přístaviště (3234296487) does not have ref and it should be U614Z2P Stop Přístaviště (3234296487) should have network=PID Stop Pobřežní cesta (3234296486) does not have ref and it should be U387Z2P Stop Pobřežní cesta (3234296486) should have network=PID ref of stop Nádraží Braník (3234296485) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U449Z2P) are different Stop Nádraží Braník (3234296485) should have network=PID Stop Černý kůň (3457517882) does not have ref and it should be U71Z2P Stop Černý kůň (3457517882) should have network=PID Stop Belárie (3457515879) does not have ref and it should be U19Z2P Stop Belárie (3457515879) should have network=PID ref of stop Modřanská škola (3457515881) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U76Z2P) are different Stop Modřanská škola (3457515881) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Modřany (3457515882) does not have ref and it should be U388Z2P Stop Nádraží Modřany (3457515882) should have network=PID ref of stop Čechova čtvrť (3457517881) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U1006Z2P) are different Stop Čechova čtvrť (3457517881) should have network=PID Stop Poliklinika Modřany (3457515883) does not have ref and it should be U929Z2P Stop Poliklinika Modřany (3457515883) should have network=PID Stop U Libušského potoka (3457515885) does not have ref and it should be U948Z2P Stop U Libušského potoka (3457515885) should have network=PID Stop Modřanská rokle (3457515880) does not have ref and it should be U947Z2P Stop Modřanská rokle (3457515880) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Modřany (3457515884) does not have ref and it should be U946Z2P Stop Sídliště Modřany (3457515884) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z1P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 92_1034_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Levského (U945Z1P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 92_886_221204 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Levského (U945Z1P) to Krematorium Strašnice (U299Z2P) with sample trip_id 92_841_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z1P) to Vozovna Vokovice (U868Z2P) with sample trip_id 92_1045_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z1P) to Vozovna Pankrác (U866Z6P) with sample trip_id 92_1041_230213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8062373 (Tram 94) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8062373 (Tram 94) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Tram 94) and in GTFS (94) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8062373 (Tram 94) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8062373 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #7A0603) Processing OSM route Tram 94: Sídliště Barrandov ? Lehovec (1597406) colour is missing for route 1597406 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1597406 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1597406 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 1597406 in OSM (94_41_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 94_970_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 1597406. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 94: Sídliště Barrandov ? Lehovec Route 1597406 should have interval=30:00 Route 1597406 should have duration=71:00 Processing stops for OSM route 1597406 (using stops for all checks) Stop Sídliště Barrandov (271277923) does not have ref and it should be U1019Z1P Stop Sídliště Barrandov (271277923) should have network=PID Stop Poliklinika Barrandov (271277853) does not have ref and it should be U1030Z1P Stop Poliklinika Barrandov (271277853) should have network=PID Stop Chaplinovo náměstí (237172726) does not have ref and it should be U1050Z3P Stop Chaplinovo náměstí (237172726) should have network=PID Stop K Barrandovu (237172719) does not have ref and it should be U1049Z3P Stop K Barrandovu (237172719) should have network=PID ref of stop Geologická (4602586077) in OSM (E) and in GTFS (U49Z5P) are different Stop Geologická (4602586077) should have network=PID ref of stop Hlubočepy (4602586078) in OSM (E) and in GTFS (U147Z5P) are different Stop Hlubočepy (4602586078) should have network=PID ref of stop Zlíchov (4602585982) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U914Z1P) are different Stop Zlíchov (4602585982) should have network=PID Stop Lihovar (7369279974) does not have ref and it should be U337Z1P Stop Lihovar (7369279974) should have network=PID ref of stop Smíchovské nádraží (24595601) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U458Z1P) are different Stop Smíchovské nádraží (24595601) should have network=PID ref of stop Plzeňka (1914106234) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U553Z1P) are different Stop Plzeňka (1914106234) should have network=PID ref of stop Na Knížecí (414186549) in OSM (E) and in GTFS (U1040Z5P) are different Stop Na Knížecí (414186549) should have network=PID ref of stop Anděl (4718293057) in OSM (C) and in GTFS (U1040Z3P) are different Stop Anděl (4718293057) should have network=PID ref of stop Zborovská (282096322) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U901Z1P) are different Stop Zborovská (282096322) should have network=PID ref of stop Palackého náměstí (246835730) in OSM (L) and in GTFS (U237Z5P) are different Stop Palackého náměstí (246835730) should have network=PID Name of stop Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) in OSM (Novoměstská radnice) and in GTFS (Karlovo náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) does not have ref and it should be U237Z1P Stop Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) should have network=PID Stop Novoměstská radnice (3026879036) is 239.0m far from GTFS (Karlovo náměstí) stop Name of stop Lazarská (4716283371) in OSM (Lazarská) and in GTFS (Novoměstská radnice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Lazarská (4716283371) does not have ref and it should be U237Z13P Stop Lazarská (4716283371) should have network=PID Stop Lazarská (4716283371) is 265.3m far from GTFS (Novoměstská radnice) stop Name of stop Vodičkova (4704962021) in OSM (Vodičkova) and in GTFS (Lazarská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Vodičkova (4704962021) does not have ref and it should be U997Z2P Stop Vodičkova (4704962021) should have network=PID Stop Vodičkova (4704962021) is 283.2m far from GTFS (Lazarská) stop Name of stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) in OSM (Václavské náměstí) and in GTFS (Vodičkova) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) does not have ref and it should be U484Z2P Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) should have network=PID Stop Václavské náměstí (4704944966) is 340.2m far from GTFS (Vodičkova) stop Name of stop Jindřišská (4704946994) in OSM (Jindřišská) and in GTFS (Václavské náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Jindřišská (4704946994) does not have ref and it should be U1072Z2P Stop Jindřišská (4704946994) should have network=PID Stop Jindřišská (4704946994) is 665.2m far from GTFS (Václavské náměstí) stop Name of stop Masarykovo nádraží (4704922255) in OSM (Masarykovo nádraží) and in GTFS (Jindřišská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Masarykovo nádraží (4704922255) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U203Z2P) are different Stop Masarykovo nádraží (4704922255) should have network=PID Stop Masarykovo nádraží (4704922255) is 357.7m far from GTFS (Jindřišská) stop Name of stop Náměstí Republiky (4693347258) in OSM (Náměstí Republiky) and in GTFS (Masarykovo nádraží) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Náměstí Republiky (4693347258) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U480Z4P) are different Stop Náměstí Republiky (4693347258) should have network=PID Stop Náměstí Republiky (4693347258) is 362.8m far from GTFS (Masarykovo nádraží) stop Name of stop Dlouhá třída (4693347234) in OSM (Dlouhá třída) and in GTFS (Náměstí Republiky) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Dlouhá třída (4693347234) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U480Z2P) are different Stop Dlouhá třída (4693347234) should have network=PID Stop Dlouhá třída (4693347234) is 263.8m far from GTFS (Náměstí Republiky) stop Name of stop Strossmayerovo náměstí (310453036) in OSM (Strossmayerovo náměstí) and in GTFS (Dlouhá třída) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Strossmayerovo náměstí (310453036) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U87Z2P) are different Stop Strossmayerovo náměstí (310453036) should have network=PID Stop Strossmayerovo náměstí (310453036) is 1050.7m far from GTFS (Dlouhá třída) stop Name of stop Veletržní palác (320248553) in OSM (Veletržní palác) and in GTFS (Strossmayerovo náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Veletržní palác (320248553) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U717Z4P) are different Stop Veletržní palác (320248553) should have network=PID Stop Veletržní palác (320248553) is 312.7m far from GTFS (Strossmayerovo náměstí) stop Name of stop Výstaviště (4690489335) in OSM (Výstaviště) and in GTFS (Veletržní palác) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Výstaviště (4690489335) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U841Z2P) are different Stop Výstaviště (4690489335) should have network=PID Stop Výstaviště (4690489335) is 359.1m far from GTFS (Veletržní palác) stop Name of stop Nádraží Holešovice (21262916) in OSM (Nádraží Holešovice) and in GTFS (Výstaviště) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Nádraží Holešovice (21262916) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U532Z2P) are different Stop Nádraží Holešovice (21262916) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Holešovice (21262916) is 960.7m far from GTFS (Výstaviště) stop Name of stop Ortenovo náměstí (4681752634) in OSM (Ortenovo náměstí) and in GTFS (Nádraží Holešovice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Ortenovo náměstí (4681752634) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U115Z4P) are different Stop Ortenovo náměstí (4681752634) should have network=PID Stop Ortenovo náměstí (4681752634) is 862.9m far from GTFS (Nádraží Holešovice) stop Name of stop Dělnická (293572389) in OSM (Dělnická) and in GTFS (Ortenovo náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Dělnická (293572389) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U521Z2P) are different Stop Dělnická (293572389) should have network=PID Stop Dělnická (293572389) is 445.6m far from GTFS (Ortenovo náměstí) stop Name of stop Maniny (308532398) in OSM (Maniny) and in GTFS (Dělnická) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Maniny (308532398) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U81Z1P) are different Stop Maniny (308532398) is 411.7m far from GTFS (Dělnická) stop Name of stop Libeňský most (4681752640) in OSM (Libeňský most) and in GTFS (Maniny) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Libeňský most (4681752640) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U365Z2P) are different Stop Libeňský most (4681752640) should have network=PID Stop Libeňský most (4681752640) is 1312.6m far from GTFS (Maniny) stop Name of stop Palmovka (34821794) in OSM (Palmovka) and in GTFS (Libeňský most) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Palmovka (34821794) does not have ref and it should be U331Z2P Stop Palmovka (34821794) should have network=PID Stop Palmovka (34821794) is 1005.0m far from GTFS (Libeňský most) stop Name of stop Balabenka (165180091) in OSM (Balabenka) and in GTFS (Palmovka) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Balabenka (165180091) does not have ref and it should be U529Z2P Stop Balabenka (165180091) should have network=PID Stop Balabenka (165180091) is 784.1m far from GTFS (Palmovka) stop Name of stop Divadlo Gong (139448553) in OSM (Divadlo Gong) and in GTFS (Balabenka) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Divadlo Gong (139448553) does not have ref and it should be U12Z2P Stop Divadlo Gong (139448553) should have network=PID Stop Divadlo Gong (139448553) is 735.2m far from GTFS (Balabenka) stop Name of stop Poliklinika Vysočany (139448554) in OSM (Poliklinika Vysočany) and in GTFS (Divadlo Gong) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Poliklinika Vysočany (139448554) does not have ref and it should be U308Z2P Stop Poliklinika Vysočany (139448554) should have network=PID Stop Poliklinika Vysočany (139448554) is 777.4m far from GTFS (Divadlo Gong) stop Name of stop Nádraží Vysočany (4716283363) in OSM (Nádraží Vysočany) and in GTFS (Poliklinika Vysočany) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Nádraží Vysočany (4716283363) does not have ref and it should be U464Z2P Stop Nádraží Vysočany (4716283363) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Vysočany (4716283363) is 472.4m far from GTFS (Poliklinika Vysočany) stop Name of stop Vysočanská (5859806085) in OSM (Vysočanská) and in GTFS (Nádraží Vysočany) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Vysočanská (5859806085) does not have ref and it should be U474Z8P Stop Vysočanská (5859806085) should have network=PID Stop Vysočanská (5859806085) is 486.3m far from GTFS (Nádraží Vysočany) stop Name of stop Špitálská (307629075) in OSM (Špitálská) and in GTFS (Vysočanská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Špitálská (307629075) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U474Z2P) are different Stop Špitálská (307629075) should have network=PID Stop Špitálská (307629075) is 210.5m far from GTFS (Vysočanská) stop Name of stop Poštovská (2203456943) in OSM (Poštovská) and in GTFS (Špitálská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Poštovská (2203456943) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U1052Z2P) are different Stop Poštovská (2203456943) should have network=PID Stop Poštovská (2203456943) is 453.5m far from GTFS (Špitálská) stop Name of stop Kolbenova (2203456941) in OSM (Kolbenova) and in GTFS (Poštovská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Kolbenova (2203456941) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U873Z2P) are different Stop Kolbenova (2203456941) should have network=PID Stop Kolbenova (2203456941) is 731.9m far from GTFS (Poštovská) stop Name of stop Nový Hloubětín (158747048) in OSM (Nový Hloubětín) and in GTFS (Kolbenova) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Nový Hloubětín (158747048) does not have ref and it should be U75Z2P Stop Nový Hloubětín (158747048) should have network=PID Stop Nový Hloubětín (158747048) is 1327.1m far from GTFS (Kolbenova) stop Name of stop Vozovna Hloubětín (2300148943) in OSM (Vozovna Hloubětín) and in GTFS (Nový Hloubětín) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Vozovna Hloubětín (2300148943) does not have ref and it should be U499Z2P Stop Vozovna Hloubětín (2300148943) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Hloubětín (2300148943) is 193.8m far from GTFS (Nový Hloubětín) stop Name of stop Starý Hloubětín (158747117) in OSM (Starý Hloubětín) and in GTFS (Vozovna Hloubětín) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Starý Hloubětín (158747117) does not have ref and it should be U1053Z2P Stop Starý Hloubětín (158747117) should have network=PID Stop Starý Hloubětín (158747117) is 296.8m far from GTFS (Vozovna Hloubětín) stop Name of stop Kbelská (165188456) in OSM (Kbelská) and in GTFS (Starý Hloubětín) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kbelská (165188456) does not have ref and it should be U144Z2P Stop Kbelská (165188456) should have network=PID Stop Kbelská (165188456) is 244.2m far from GTFS (Starý Hloubětín) stop Stop Hloubětín (309103029) does not have ref and it should be U135Z2P Stop Hloubětín (309103029) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Hloubětín (165191378) does not have ref and it should be U652Z2P Stop Sídliště Hloubětín (165191378) should have network=PID Name of stop Lehovec - výstupní (1541186541) in OSM (Lehovec - výstupní) and in GTFS (Lehovec) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Lehovec - výstupní (1541186541) does not have ref and it should be U72Z2P Stop Lehovec - výstupní (1541186541) should have network=PID Processing OSM route Tram 94: Lehovec ? Sídliště Barrandov (8062372) colour is missing for route 8062372 and it should be #7A0603 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8062372 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8062372 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 8062372 in OSM (94_41_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 94_970_230213 from for route 8062372 in OSM (Lehovec) and in GTFS (Sídliště Barrandov) are different to for route 8062372 in OSM (Sídliště Barrandov) and in GTFS (Lehovec) are different Name is not in proper format for route 8062372. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is Tram 94: Lehovec ? Sídliště Barrandov Route 8062372 should have interval=30:00 Route 8062372 should have duration=71:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8062372 (using stops for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8062372 (48) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (46) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z1P) - Lehovec (2203456942) Poliklinika Barrandov (U1030Z1P) - Sídliště Hloubětín (4450425893) Chaplinovo náměstí (U1050Z3P) - Hloubětín (4450425892) K Barrandovu (U1049Z3P) - Kbelská (4450415995) Geologická (U49Z5P) - Starý Hloubětín (5253010007) Hlubočepy (U147Z5P) - Vozovna Hloubětín (2300148942) Zlíchov (U914Z1P) - Nový Hloubětín (3912881430) Lihovar (U337Z1P) - Kolbenova (5253010010) Smíchovské nádraží (U458Z1P) - Poštovská (5253010009) Plzeňka (U553Z1P) - Špitálská (5253010008) Na Knížecí (U1040Z5P) - Nádraží Vysočany (4693263093) Anděl (U1040Z3P) - Poliklinika Vysočany (4693261387) Zborovská (U901Z1P) - Divadlo Gong (4693261365) Palackého náměstí (U237Z5P) - Balabenka (4693261343) Karlovo náměstí (U237Z1P) - Palmovka (1298749754) Novoměstská radnice (U237Z13P) - Palmovka (21262898) Lazarská (U997Z2P) - Libeňský most (302947028) Vodičkova (U484Z2P) - Maniny (308532399) Václavské náměstí (U1072Z2P) - U Průhonu (293572391) Jindřišská (U203Z2P) - Ortenovo náměstí (293572392) Masarykovo nádraží (U480Z4P) - Nádraží Holešovice (310455123) Náměstí Republiky (U480Z2P) - Výstaviště (310455013) Dlouhá třída (U87Z2P) - Veletržní palác (1024913035) Strossmayerovo náměstí (U717Z4P) - Strossmayerovo náměstí (310453038) Veletržní palác (U841Z2P) - Nábřeží Kapitána Jaroše (332148453) Výstaviště (U532Z2P) - Dlouhá třída (4693347239) Nádraží Holešovice (U115Z4P) - Náměstí Republiky (4693347257) Ortenovo náměstí (U521Z2P) - Masarykovo nádraží (4716283370) Dělnická (U81Z1P) - Jindřišská (4704947002) Maniny (U365Z2P) - Václavské náměstí (4704944965) Libeňský most (U331Z2P) - Vodičkova (4704962012) Palmovka (U529Z2P) - Lazarská (4704961989) Balabenka (U12Z2P) - Karlovo náměstí (4716283372) Divadlo Gong (U308Z2P) - Moráň (4701097445) Poliklinika Vysočany (U464Z2P) - Palackého náměstí (4696829591) Nádraží Vysočany (U474Z8P) - Zborovská (4696978873) Vysočanská (U474Z2P) - Anděl (4599701539) Špitálská (U1052Z2P) - Na Knížecí (4601813244) Poštovská (U873Z2P) - Plzeňka (282096320) Kolbenova (U75Z2P) - Smíchovské nádraží (4601813717) Nový Hloubětín (U499Z2P) - Lihovar (8024971826) Vozovna Hloubětín (U1053Z2P) - Zlíchov (4718293068) Starý Hloubětín (U144Z2P) - Hlubočepy (237170789) Hloubětín (U135Z2P) - Geologická (237172711) Sídliště Hloubětín (U652Z2P) - K Barrandovu (4602585903) Lehovec (U72Z2P) - Chaplinovo náměstí (4602585894) (N/A) - Poliklinika Barrandov (3706195502) (N/A) - Sídliště Barrandov (3706195503) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z3P) to Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z2P) with sample trip_id 94_969_230213 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z3P) to Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z4P) with sample trip_id 94_981_230213 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z1P) to Vozovna Motol (U865Z2P) with sample trip_id 94_687_221204 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Lehovec (U72Z3P) to Vozovna Žižkov (U837Z2P) with sample trip_id 94_971_230213 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Barrandov (U1019Z1P) to Krematorium Strašnice (U299Z2P) with sample trip_id 94_341_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8082456 (Bus 194) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8082456 (Bus 194) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 194) and in GTFS (194) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8082456 (Bus 194) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8082456 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 194: Florenc ? Nemocnice pod Petřínem (574598) colour is missing for route 574598 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 574598 and it should be L194 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 574598 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 574598 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 574598. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 574598 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 194_102_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 574598. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 194: Florenc ? Nemocnice pod Petřínem Route 574598 should have interval=30:00 Route 574598 should have duration=22:00 Processing stops for OSM route 574598 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 574598 (15) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (14) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Florenc (U689Z5P) - Florenc (4016973340) Bílá labuť (U32Z1P) - Bílá labuť (1699410609) Petrské náměstí (U2956Z1P) - Petrské náměstí (3109533900) Hradební (U1410Z1P) - Hradební (3109533894) Haštalské náměstí (U2957Z1P) - Haštalské náměstí (3109533893) U Staré školy (U2958Z1P) - U Staré školy (3109533903) Pařížská (U2959Z1P) - Pařížská (3109533898) Mariánské náměstí (U1408Z1P) - Mariánské náměstí (3109533896) Staroměstská (U703Z5P) - Staroměstská (7995015549) Malostranská (U360Z10P) - Malostranská (7995015551) Valdštejnské náměstí (U3249Z1P) - Valdštejnské náměstí (7444974407) Malostranské náměstí (U361Z53P) - Šporkova (705029756) Šporkova (U2952Z1P) - Nemocnice pod Petřínem (705029759) Nemocnice pod Petřínem (U2953Z1P) - (398958976) (N/A) - (551028927) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route 194: Nemocnice pod Petřínem ? Florenc (8082436) colour is missing for route 8082436 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8082436 and it should be L194 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8082436 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8082436 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8082436. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8082436 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 194_103_230213 Name is not in proper format for route 8082436. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 194: Nemocnice pod Petřínem ? Florenc Route 8082436 should have interval=30:00 Route 8082436 should have duration=22:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8082436 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Nemocnice pod Petřínem (705029759) does not have ref and it should be U2953Z1P Stop Nemocnice pod Petřínem (705029759) should have network=PID Stop Malostranské náměstí (705029552) does not have ref and it should be U361Z4P Stop Malostranské náměstí (705029552) should have network=PID Stop Staroměstská (1979940400) does not have ref and it should be U703Z1P Stop Staroměstská (1979940400) should have network=PID Stop Mariánské náměstí (3109533895) does not have ref and it should be U1408Z2P Stop Mariánské náměstí (3109533895) should have network=PID Stop Staroměstské náměstí (3109533901) does not have ref and it should be U2962Z1P Stop Staroměstské náměstí (3109533901) should have network=PID Stop Masná (3109533897) does not have ref and it should be U2963Z1P Stop Masná (3109533897) should have network=PID Stop Hradební (5457839921) does not have ref and it should be U1410Z2P Stop Hradební (5457839921) should have network=PID Stop Truhlářská (5457839920) does not have ref and it should be U1409Z1P Stop Truhlářská (5457839920) should have network=PID Stop Petrské náměstí (3109533899) does not have ref and it should be U2956Z2P Stop Petrské náměstí (3109533899) should have network=PID Stop Bílá labuť (1699410611) does not have ref and it should be U32Z2P Stop Bílá labuť (1699410611) should have network=PID Stop Florenc (5457839919) does not have ref and it should be U689Z9P Stop Florenc (5457839919) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Malostranské náměstí (U361Z53P) to Nemocnice pod Petřínem (U2953Z1P) with sample trip_id 194_245_230213 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Nemocnice pod Petřínem (U2953Z1P) to Malostranské náměstí (U361Z4P) with sample trip_id 194_2_230213 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Florenc (U689Z5P) to Malostranská (U360Z10P) with sample trip_id 194_71_230213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8082538 (Bus 207) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8082538 (Bus 207) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 207) and in GTFS (207) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8082538 (Bus 207) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8082538 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 207: Staroměstská ? Ohrada (8082536) colour is missing for route 8082536 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8082536 and it should be L207 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8082536 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8082536 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 8082536 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8082536. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8082536 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 207: Ohrada ? Staroměstská (8082537) colour is missing for route 8082537 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8082537 and it should be L207 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8082537 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8082537 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 8082537 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8082537. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8082537 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 207_3457_211206 Name is not in proper format for route 8082537. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 207: Ohrada ? Staroměstská Route 8082537 should have interval=20:00 Route 8082537 should have duration=18:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8082537 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Ohrada (306674190) does not have ref and it should be U512Z4P Stop Ohrada (306674190) should have network=PID Stop Ohrada (3733492898) does not have ref and it should be U512Z5P Stop Ohrada (3733492898) should have network=PID Stop Černínova (307281664) does not have ref and it should be U69Z2P Stop Černínova (307281664) should have network=PID Stop Černínova (307281664) is 120.6m far from GTFS (Černínova) stop Stop Lukášova (9189055376) does not have ref and it should be U2787Z2P Stop Lukášova (9189055376) should have network=PID Stop Tachovské náměstí (282546212) does not have ref and it should be U745Z2P Stop Tachovské náměstí (282546212) should have network=PID Stop U Památníku (293280659) does not have ref and it should be U789Z2P Stop U Památníku (293280659) should have network=PID Stop Pernerova (3815962567) does not have ref and it should be U3018Z2P Stop Pernerova (3815962567) should have network=PID Stop Florenc (5465386457) does not have ref and it should be U689Z3P Stop Florenc (5465386457) should have network=PID Stop Bílá labuť (1699410609) does not have ref and it should be U32Z1P Stop Bílá labuť (1699410609) should have network=PID Stop Náměstí Republiky (1629549468) does not have ref and it should be U480Z2P Stop Náměstí Republiky (1629549468) should have network=PID Stop Dlouhá třída (1629549481) does not have ref and it should be U87Z2P Stop Dlouhá třída (1629549481) should have network=PID Stop Nemocnice Na Františku (341372183) does not have ref and it should be U620Z2P Stop Nemocnice Na Františku (341372183) should have network=PID Stop Právnická fakulta (8879446572) does not have ref and it should be U593Z1P Stop Právnická fakulta (8879446572) should have network=PID Stop Staroměstská (341372185) does not have ref and it should be U703Z3P Stop Staroměstská (341372185) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Staroměstská (U703Z4P) to Ohrada (U512Z3P) with sample trip_id 207_2918_211129 and 237 total trips OSM is missing route from Staroměstská (U703Z4P) to Ohrada (U512Z8P) with sample trip_id 207_2944_211129 and 30 total trips OSM is missing route from Ohrada (U512Z5P) to Staroměstská (U703Z3P) with sample trip_id 207_3535_230227 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Florenc (U689Z4P) to Ohrada (U512Z3P) with sample trip_id 207_3917_230103 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8082578 (Bus 133) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8082578 (Bus 133) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 133) and in GTFS (133) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8082578 (Bus 133) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8082578 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 133: Florenc ? Sídliště Malešice (121938) colour is missing for route 121938 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 121938 and it should be L133 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 121938 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 121938 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 121938. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 121938 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 133_2475_221201 Name is not in proper format for route 121938. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 133: Florenc ? Sídliště Malešice Route 121938 should have interval=20:00 Route 121938 should have duration=19:00 Found gap - way Malešická (135646530, 11 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found 1 gap in route Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 121938 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Florenc (4016973342) does not have ref and it should be U689Z4P Stop Florenc (4016973342) should have network=PID Stop Pernerova (3815962566) does not have ref and it should be U3018Z1P Stop Pernerova (3815962566) should have network=PID Stop U Památníku (282546213) does not have ref and it should be U789Z1P Stop U Památníku (282546213) should have network=PID Stop Tachovské náměstí (21311323) does not have ref and it should be U745Z1P Stop Tachovské náměstí (21311323) should have network=PID Stop Lukášova (9189055377) does not have ref and it should be U2787Z1P Stop Lukášova (9189055377) should have network=PID Stop Černínova (282546210) does not have ref and it should be U69Z1P Stop Černínova (282546210) should have network=PID Stop Ohrada (335785777) does not have ref and it should be U512Z8P Stop Ohrada (335785777) should have network=PID Stop Biskupcova (5654969661) does not have ref and it should be U34Z51P Stop Biskupcova (5654969661) should have network=PID Stop Basilejské náměstí (1555783821) does not have ref and it should be U16Z1P Stop Basilejské náměstí (1555783821) should have network=PID Stop Basilejské náměstí (1555783821) is 101.0m far from GTFS (Basilejské náměstí) stop Stop Olgy Havlové (7973699971) does not have ref and it should be U1064Z1P Stop Olgy Havlové (7973699971) should have network=PID Stop Malešická (5457933038) does not have ref and it should be U357Z1P Stop Malešická (5457933038) should have network=PID Stop Třebešín (282546205) does not have ref and it should be U767Z1P Stop Třebešín (282546205) should have network=PID Stop Na Palouku (256485028) does not have ref and it should be U418Z1P Stop Na Palouku (256485028) should have network=PID Stop Hostýnská (256485029) does not have ref and it should be U161Z1P Stop Hostýnská (256485029) should have network=PID Stop Plaňanská (256485030) does not have ref and it should be U548Z1P Stop Plaňanská (256485030) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Malešice (1584611275) does not have ref and it should be U660Z1P Stop Sídliště Malešice (1584611275) should have network=PID Name of stop Sídliště Malešice (konečná) (5742168107) in OSM (Sídliště Malešice (konečná)) and in GTFS (Sídliště Malešice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Sídliště Malešice (konečná) (5742168107) does not have ref and it should be U660Z6P Stop Sídliště Malešice (konečná) (5742168107) should have network=PID Processing OSM route 133: Sídliště Malešice ? Florenc (8082577) colour is missing for route 8082577 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8082577 and it should be L133 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8082577 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8082577 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8082577. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8082577 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 133_2955_230114 Name is not in proper format for route 8082577. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 133: Sídliště Malešice ? Florenc Route 8082577 should have interval=20:00 Route 8082577 should have duration=18:00 Found gap - way Malešická (1133471876, 2 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found 1 gap in route Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 8082577 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Sídliště Malešice (257816499) does not have ref and it should be U660Z4P Stop Sídliště Malešice (257816499) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Malešice (1537291006) does not have ref and it should be U660Z2P Stop Sídliště Malešice (1537291006) should have network=PID Stop Plaňanská (5410428747) does not have ref and it should be U548Z2P Stop Plaňanská (5410428747) should have network=PID Stop Hostýnská (282546203) does not have ref and it should be U161Z2P Stop Hostýnská (282546203) should have network=PID Stop Na Palouku (282546204) does not have ref and it should be U418Z2P Stop Na Palouku (282546204) should have network=PID Stop Třebešín (5457933037) does not have ref and it should be U767Z2P Stop Třebešín (5457933037) should have network=PID Stop Malešická (25917589) does not have ref and it should be U357Z2P Stop Malešická (25917589) should have network=PID Stop Olgy Havlové (7973699970) does not have ref and it should be U1064Z2P Stop Olgy Havlové (7973699970) should have network=PID Stop Basilejské náměstí (1555783818) does not have ref and it should be U16Z2P Stop Basilejské náměstí (1555783818) should have network=PID Stop Basilejské náměstí (1555783818) is 84.5m far from GTFS (Basilejské náměstí) stop Stop Biskupcova (5654969662) does not have ref and it should be U34Z2P Stop Biskupcova (5654969662) should have network=PID Stop Ohrada (3733492898) does not have ref and it should be U512Z5P Stop Ohrada (3733492898) should have network=PID Stop Černínova (307281664) does not have ref and it should be U69Z2P Stop Černínova (307281664) should have network=PID Stop Černínova (307281664) is 120.6m far from GTFS (Černínova) stop Stop Lukášova (9189055376) does not have ref and it should be U2787Z2P Stop Lukášova (9189055376) should have network=PID Stop Tachovské náměstí (282546212) does not have ref and it should be U745Z2P Stop Tachovské náměstí (282546212) should have network=PID Stop U Památníku (293280659) does not have ref and it should be U789Z2P Stop U Památníku (293280659) should have network=PID Stop Pernerova (3815962567) does not have ref and it should be U3018Z2P Stop Pernerova (3815962567) should have network=PID Stop Florenc (4016973340) does not have ref and it should be U689Z5P Stop Florenc (4016973340) should have network=PID Processing OSM master route 8105226 (Bus 135) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8105226 (Bus 135) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 135) and in GTFS (135) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8105226 (Bus 135) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8105226 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 135: Chodov ? Florenc (5862002) colour is missing for route 5862002 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 5862002 and it should be L135 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 5862002 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 5862002 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 5862002. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 5862002 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 135_118_220430 Name is not in proper format for route 5862002. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 135: Chodov ? Florenc Route 5862002 should have interval=20:00 Route 5862002 should have duration=34:00 Processing stops for OSM route 5862002 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Chodov (3656907199) does not have ref and it should be U52Z5P Stop Chodov (3656907199) should have network=PID Stop Dědinova (393947994) does not have ref and it should be U1032Z2P Stop Dědinova (393947994) should have network=PID Stop Roztyly (302672375) does not have ref and it should be U601Z3P Stop Roztyly (302672375) should have network=PID Stop Choceradská (393460118) does not have ref and it should be U1221Z1P Stop Choceradská (393460118) should have network=PID Stop Hlavní (2435179152) does not have ref and it should be U141Z1P Stop Hlavní (2435179152) should have network=PID Stop Spořilov (2385891520) does not have ref and it should be U697Z5P Stop Spořilov (2385891520) should have network=PID Stop Teplárna Michle (8341125317) does not have ref and it should be U751Z1P Stop Teplárna Michle (8341125317) should have network=PID Stop Chodovská (1557201342) does not have ref and it should be U183Z4P Stop Chodovská (1557201342) should have network=PID Stop Bohdalec (566622412) does not have ref and it should be U37Z2P Stop Bohdalec (566622412) should have network=PID Name of stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (21678384) in OSM (Slavia ? Nádraží Eden) and in GTFS (Slavia - Nádraží Eden) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (21678384) does not have ref and it should be U680Z4P Stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (21678384) should have network=PID Stop Bělocerkevská (316727496) does not have ref and it should be U29Z2P Stop Bělocerkevská (316727496) should have network=PID Stop Na Míčánkách (1559497355) does not have ref and it should be U413Z1P Stop Na Míčánkách (1559497355) should have network=PID Stop Kodaňská (365893850) does not have ref and it should be U268Z1P Stop Kodaňská (365893850) should have network=PID Stop Slovinská (714206637) does not have ref and it should be U1067Z2P Stop Slovinská (714206637) should have network=PID Stop Krymská (8341124533) does not have ref and it should be U301Z1P Stop Krymská (8341124533) should have network=PID Stop Jana Masaryka (1753956492) does not have ref and it should be U354Z1P Stop Jana Masaryka (1753956492) should have network=PID Stop Náměstí Míru (7981518569) does not have ref and it should be U476Z5P Stop Náměstí Míru (7981518569) should have network=PID Stop Římská (369610224) does not have ref and it should be U1062Z2P Stop Římská (369610224) should have network=PID Stop Na Smetance (5256647094) does not have ref and it should be U427Z2P Stop Na Smetance (5256647094) should have network=PID Stop Náměstí Winstona Churchilla (310118388) does not have ref and it should be U821Z2P Stop Náměstí Winstona Churchilla (310118388) should have network=PID Stop Pernerova (3815962567) does not have ref and it should be U3018Z2P Stop Pernerova (3815962567) should have network=PID Stop Florenc (5465386457) does not have ref and it should be U689Z3P Stop Florenc (5465386457) should have network=PID Processing OSM route 135: Florenc ? Chodov (8093825) colour is missing for route 8093825 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8093825 and it should be L135 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8093825 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8093825 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8093825. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8093825 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 135_104_220901 Name is not in proper format for route 8093825. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 135: Florenc ? Chodov Route 8093825 should have interval=20:00 Route 8093825 should have duration=35:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8093825 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8093825 (22) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (24) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Florenc (U689Z6P) - Florenc (4016973342) Pernerova (U3018Z1P) - Pernerova (3815962566) Náměstí Winstona Churchilla (U821Z1P) - Náměstí Winstona Churchilla (5465386460) Na Smetance (U427Z1P) - Na Smetance (5256647095) Římská (U1062Z1P) - Římská (365365849) Náměstí Míru (U476Z2P) - Jana Masaryka (8341124622) Jana Masaryka (U354Z2P) - Krymská (1904826268) Krymská (U301Z2P) - Slovinská (365760610) Slovinská (U1067Z1P) - Na Míčánkách (1559497351) Na Míčánkách (U413Z2P) - Bělocerkevská (1559497336) Bělocerkevská (U29Z3P) - Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (303188313) Slavia - Nádraží Eden (U680Z3P) - Bohdalec (65412386) Bohdalec (U37Z1P) - Chodovská (1557201343) Chodovská (U183Z3P) - Teplárna Michle (8341124418) Teplárna Michle (U751Z2P) - Spořilov (2148202345) Spořilov (U697Z3P) - Hlavní (1370014422) Hlavní (U141Z2P) - Sídliště Spořilov (4677384635) Sídliště Spořilov (U669Z1P) - Hlavní (1370014423) Hlavní (U141Z3P) - Lešanská (393460113) Lešanská (U322Z3P) - Nad Pahorkem (393460114) Nad Pahorkem (U417Z1P) - Roztyly (302672375) Roztyly (U601Z1P) - Chodov (3656895046) Dědinova (U1032Z1P) - (N/A) Chodov (U52Z2P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Spořilov (U697Z3P) to Chodov (U52Z2P) with sample trip_id 135_119_201230 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Slavia - Nádraží Eden (U680Z3P) to Chodov (U52Z2P) with sample trip_id 135_168_220901 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 8105228 (Bus 148) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8105228 (Bus 148) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 148) and in GTFS (148) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8105228 (Bus 148) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8105228 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 148: Karlovo náměstí ? I. P. Pavlova (5902324) colour is missing for route 5902324 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 5902324 and it should be L148 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 5902324 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 5902324 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 5902324. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 5902324 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Karlovo náměstí) and last (I. P. Pavlova) stop names in OSM route Karlovo náměstí matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: I. P. Pavlova, last_stop: I. P. Pavlova Processing OSM route 148: I. P. Pavlova ? Karlovo náměstí (8105227) colour is missing for route 8105227 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8105227 and it should be L148 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8105227 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8105227 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8105227. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8105227 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (I. P. Pavlova) and last (Karlovo náměstí) stop names in OSM route I. P. Pavlova matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: I. P. Pavlova, last_stop: I. P. Pavlova OSM is missing route from I. P. Pavlova (U190Z5P) to I. P. Pavlova (U190Z9P) with sample trip_id 148_183_210830 and 91 total trips Processing OSM master route 8105430 (Bus 176) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8105430 (Bus 176) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 176) and in GTFS (176) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8105430 (Bus 176) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8105430 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 176: Stadion Strahov ? Karlovo náměstí (1572783) colour is missing for route 1572783 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1572783 and it should be L176 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1572783 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1572783 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1572783. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1572783 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 176_770_220901 Name is not in proper format for route 1572783. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 176: Stadion Strahov ? Karlovo náměstí Route 1572783 should have interval=20:00 Route 1572783 should have duration=11:00 Processing stops for OSM route 1572783 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 1572783 (9) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (10) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Stadion Strahov (U699Z2P) - Stadion Strahov (249527783) U Palaty (U693Z2P) - U Palaty (393403715) Hřebenka (U168Z2P) - Hřebenka (393403720) Zapova (U2607Z2P) - Holečkova (393403724) Holečkova (U148Z2P) - Kobrova (393403729) Kobrova (U930Z2P) - Švandovo divadlo (393407873) Švandovo divadlo (U481Z4P) - Arbesovo náměstí (393407877) Arbesovo náměstí (U4Z4P) - Jiráskovo náměstí (393407883) Jiráskovo náměstí (U208Z4P) - Karlovo náměstí (2295909176) Karlovo náměstí (U237Z9P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route 176: Karlovo náměstí ? Stadion Strahov (8105429) colour is missing for route 8105429 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8105429 and it should be L176 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8105429 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8105429 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8105429. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8105429 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 176_771_220901 Name is not in proper format for route 8105429. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 176: Karlovo náměstí ? Stadion Strahov Route 8105429 should have interval=20:00 Route 8105429 should have duration=12:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8105429 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8105429 (10) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (11) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Karlovo náměstí (U237Z10P) - Karlovo náměstí (393407887) Palackého náměstí (U237Z6P) - Palackého náměstí (8341125026) Jiráskovo náměstí (U208Z3P) - Jiráskovo náměstí (393407881) Arbesovo náměstí (U4Z3P) - Arbesovo náměstí (393407879) Švandovo divadlo (U481Z3P) - Švandovo divadlo (393407874) Kobrova (U930Z1P) - Kobrova (393403727) Holečkova (U148Z1P) - Holečkova (393403722) Zapova (U2607Z1P) - Hřebenka (393403718) Hřebenka (U168Z1P) - U Palaty (393403713) U Palaty (U693Z1P) - Stadion Strahov (1222786635) Stadion Strahov (U699Z1P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM master route 8319341 (Bus 119) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8319341 (Bus 119) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 119) and in GTFS (119) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8319341 (Bus 119) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8319341 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 119: Letiště (Airport) ? Nádraží Veleslavín (1209383) colour is missing for route 1209383 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1209383 and it should be L119 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1209383 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1209383 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1209383. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1209383 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 119: Nádraží Veleslavín ? Letiště (Airport) (8319340) colour is missing for route 8319340 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8319340 and it should be L119 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8319340 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8319340 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8319340. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8319340 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z11P) to Letiště (U1090Z1P) with sample trip_id 119_1532_230201 and 367 total trips OSM is missing route from Terminál 1 (U628Z5P) to Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z15P) with sample trip_id 119_1533_230201 and 337 total trips Processing OSM master route 8319365 (Bus 100) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8319365 (Bus 100) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 100) and in GTFS (100) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8319365 (Bus 100) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8319365 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 100: Zličín ? Letiště (Airport) (318573) colour is missing for route 318573 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 318573 and it should be L100 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 318573 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 318573 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 318573. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 318573 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 100: Letiště (Airport) ? Zličín (8319364) colour is missing for route 8319364 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8319364 and it should be L100 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8319364 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8319364 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8319364. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8319364 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 100_163_220530 Name is not in proper format for route 8319364. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 100: Letiště (Airport) ? Zličín Route 8319364 should have interval=15:00 Route 8319364 should have duration=18:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8319364 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Terminál 1 (3408157851) does not have ref and it should be U628Z4P Stop Terminál 1 (3408157851) should have network=PID Stop Terminál 2 (3408157856) does not have ref and it should be U629Z2P Stop Terminál 2 (3408157856) should have network=PID Stop Schengenská (380465946) does not have ref and it should be U1090Z3P Stop Schengenská (380465946) should have network=PID Stop U Hangáru (380451240) does not have ref and it should be U776Z2P Stop U Hangáru (380451240) should have network=PID Stop Terminál 3 (380465970) does not have ref and it should be U698Z2P Stop Terminál 3 (380465970) should have network=PID Stop Terminál 3 (380465970) is 97.6m far from GTFS (Terminál 3) stop Stop K Letišti (764652204) does not have ref and it should be U218Z2P Stop K Letišti (764652204) should have network=PID Stop Zličín (1953524037) does not have ref and it should be U1141Z1P Stop Zličín (1953524037) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z5P) to Letiště (U1090Z1P) with sample trip_id 100_113_210101 and 81 total trips Processing OSM master route 8325429 (Bus 191) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8325429 (Bus 191) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 191) and in GTFS (191) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8325429 (Bus 191) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8325429 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 191: Letiště (Airport) ? Na Knížecí (1547605) colour is missing for route 1547605 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1547605 and it should be L191 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1547605 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1547605 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1547605. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1547605 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Terminal 1 (Bus 100, 191)) and last (Na Knížecí) stop names in OSM route Terminal 1 (Bus 100, 191) matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Na Knížecí, last_stop: Obchodní centrum Ruzyně GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Obchodní centrum Ruzyně, last_stop: Na Knížecí Processing OSM route 191: Na Knížecí ? Letiště (Airport) (8325428) colour is missing for route 8325428 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8325428 and it should be L191 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8325428 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8325428 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8325428. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8325428 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Na Knížecí) and last (Letiště) stop names in OSM route Na Knížecí matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Na Knížecí, last_stop: Obchodní centrum Ruzyně GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Obchodní centrum Ruzyně, last_stop: Na Knížecí Processing OSM route 191: Obchodní centrum Ruzyně ? Na Knížecí (8327721) colour is missing for route 8327721 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8327721 and it should be L191 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8327721 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8327721 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8327721. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8327721 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Obchodní centrum Šestka) and last (Na Knížecí) stop names in OSM route Obchodní centrum Šestka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Na Knížecí, last_stop: Obchodní centrum Ruzyně GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Obchodní centrum Ruzyně, last_stop: Na Knížecí Processing OSM route 191: Na Knížecí ? Obchodní centrum Ruzyně (8327722) colour is missing for route 8327722 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8327722 and it should be L191 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8327722 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8327722 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8327722. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8327722 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Na Knížecí) and last (Obchodní centrum Ruzyně) stop Processing OSM route 191: Ciolkovského ? Na Knížecí (8327723) colour is missing for route 8327723 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8327723 and it should be L191 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8327723 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8327723 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8327723. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8327723 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Ciolkovského) and last (Na Knížecí) stop names in OSM route Ciolkovského matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Na Knížecí, last_stop: Obchodní centrum Ruzyně GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Obchodní centrum Ruzyně, last_stop: Na Knížecí Processing OSM route 191: Na Knížecí ? Ciolkovského (8327724) colour is missing for route 8327724 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8327724 and it should be L191 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8327724 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8327724 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8327724. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8327724 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Na Knížecí) and last (Ciolkovského) stop names in OSM route Na Knížecí matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Na Knížecí, last_stop: Obchodní centrum Ruzyně GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Obchodní centrum Ruzyně, last_stop: Na Knížecí OSM is missing route from Obchodní centrum Ruzyně (U1295Z2P) to Na Knížecí (U1040Z16P) with sample trip_id 191_3195_221216 and 137 total trips OSM is missing route from Terminál 1 (U628Z4P) to Na Knížecí (U1040Z16P) with sample trip_id 191_3166_221216 and 132 total trips OSM is missing route from Na Knížecí (U1040Z18P) to Obchodní centrum Ruzyně (U1295Z1P) with sample trip_id 191_5044_230218 and 97 total trips OSM is missing route from Na Knížecí (U1040Z18P) to Letiště (U1090Z1P) with sample trip_id 191_5042_230218 and 90 total trips OSM is missing route from Na Knížecí (U1040Z18P) to Obchodní centrum Ruzyně (U1295Z1P) with sample trip_id 191_4680_221216 and 55 total trips OSM is missing route from Na Knížecí (U1040Z18P) to Letiště (U1090Z1P) with sample trip_id 191_4678_221216 and 46 total trips OSM is missing route from Ciolkovského (U61Z1P) to Na Knížecí (U1040Z16P) with sample trip_id 191_3168_221216 and 43 total trips OSM is missing route from Na Knížecí (U1040Z18P) to Dědinská (U2795Z1P) with sample trip_id 191_5058_230218 and 25 total trips OSM is missing route from Na Knížecí (U1040Z18P) to Dlouhá míle (U554Z1P) with sample trip_id 191_4679_221216 and 23 total trips OSM is missing route from Dlouhá míle (U554Z2P) to Na Knížecí (U1040Z16P) with sample trip_id 191_3204_221216 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Na Knížecí (U1040Z18P) to Vypich (U872Z2P) with sample trip_id 191_1657_210915 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vypich (U872Z1P) to Na Knížecí (U1040Z16P) with sample trip_id 191_4299_220919 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Ke Džbánu (U2793Z1P) to Letiště (U1090Z1P) with sample trip_id 191_5197_230220 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Ke Džbánu (U2793Z1P) to Letiště (U1090Z1P) with sample trip_id 191_4728_221216 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from K Letišti (U218Z1P) to Letiště (U1090Z1P) with sample trip_id 191_400_221217 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8325598 (Bus AE) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8325598 (Bus AE) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus AE) and in GTFS (AE) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8325598 (Bus AE) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8325598 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route AE: Hlavní nádraží ? Letiště (Airport) (7234140) colour is missing for route 7234140 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7234140 and it should be L290 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7234140 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7234140 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7234140. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7234140 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 290_10_210701 Name is not in proper format for route 7234140. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is AE: Hlavní nádraží ? Letiště (Airport) Route 7234140 should have interval=30:00 Route 7234140 should have duration=33:00 Distance between shapes of OSM route and GTFS route is: 721.8m. Check shapes and fix geometry in OSM Processing stops for OSM route 7234140 (using platforms for all checks) ref of stop Hlavní nádraží (4339611152) in OSM (AE) and in GTFS (U142Z5P) are different Stop Hlavní nádraží (4339611152) should have network=PID Name of stop Terminál 1 - AE (Airport Express) (4846515987) in OSM (Terminál 1 - AE (Airport Express)) and in GTFS (Terminál 1) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Terminál 1 - AE (Airport Express) (4846515987) does not have ref and it should be U628Z1P Stop Terminál 1 - AE (Airport Express) (4846515987) should have network=PID Stop Terminál 1 - AE (Airport Express) (4846515987) is 143.9m far from GTFS (Terminál 1) stop Stop Terminál 2 (3408157855) does not have ref and it should be U629Z3P Stop Terminál 2 (3408157855) should have network=PID Name of stop Letiště (Airport) - výstupní (1947443403) in OSM (Letiště (Airport) - výstupní) and in GTFS (Letiště) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Letiště (Airport) - výstupní (1947443403) does not have ref and it should be U1090Z1P Stop Letiště (Airport) - výstupní (1947443403) should have network=PID Processing OSM route AE: Airport (Terminal 1) ? Hlavní nádraží (8319456) colour is missing for route 8319456 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8319456 and it should be L290 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8319456 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8319456 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8319456. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8319456 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 290_11_210701 Name is not in proper format for route 8319456. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is AE: Airport (Terminal 1) ? Hlavní nádraží Route 8319456 should have interval=30:00 Route 8319456 should have duration=44:00 Found gap - way Havlíčkova (1072933904, 4 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found 1 gap in route Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 8319456 (using platforms for all checks) Name of stop Terminál 1 - AE (Airport Express) (4846515987) in OSM (Terminál 1 - AE (Airport Express)) and in GTFS (Terminál 1) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Terminál 1 - AE (Airport Express) (4846515987) does not have ref and it should be U628Z7P Stop Terminál 1 - AE (Airport Express) (4846515987) should have network=PID Stop Hlavní nádraží (8157899799) does not have ref and it should be U142Z4P Stop Hlavní nádraží (8157899799) should have network=PID Processing OSM master route 8325600 (Bus 107) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8325600 (Bus 107) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 107) and in GTFS (107) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8325600 (Bus 107) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8325600 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 107: Suchdol ? Dejvická (1560704) colour is missing for route 1560704 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1560704 and it should be L107 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1560704 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1560704 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1560704. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1560704 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 107: Dejvická ? Suchdol (8325599) colour is missing for route 8325599 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8325599 and it should be L107 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8325599 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8325599 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8325599. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8325599 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z6P) to Suchdol (U513Z1P) with sample trip_id 107_108_211201 and 284 total trips OSM is missing route from Suchdol (U513Z2P) to Dejvická (U321Z5P) with sample trip_id 107_113_220901 and 274 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z6P) to Suchdolské náměstí (U721Z1P) with sample trip_id 107_1745_230206 and 6 total trips Processing OSM master route 8325696 (Bus 143) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8325696 (Bus 143) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 143) and in GTFS (143) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8325696 (Bus 143) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8325696 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 143: Dejvická ? Stadion Strahov (1548856) colour is missing for route 1548856 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1548856 and it should be L143 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1548856 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1548856 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1548856. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1548856 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 143_194_220516 Name is not in proper format for route 1548856. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 143: Dejvická ? Stadion Strahov Route 1548856 should have interval=40:00 Route 1548856 should have duration=10:00 Processing stops for OSM route 1548856 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 1548856 (6) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (8) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Dejvická (U321Z13P) - Dejvická (331441554) Kafkova (U940Z3P) - Kafkova (1250854420) Prašný most (U592Z2P) - Park Maxe van der Stoela (5640761848) Vozovna Střešovice (U867Z2P) - Malovanka (345356401) Park Maxe van der Stoela (U140Z6P) - Koleje Strahov (701281730) Malovanka (U362Z10P) - Stadion Strahov (249527783) Koleje Strahov (U981Z2P) - (N/A) Stadion Strahov (U699Z12P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route 143: Stadion Strahov ? Dejvická (8325695) colour is missing for route 8325695 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8325695 and it should be L143 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8325695 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8325695 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8325695. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8325695 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 143_193_220516 Name is not in proper format for route 8325695. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 143: Stadion Strahov ? Dejvická Route 8325695 should have interval=40:00 Route 8325695 should have duration=10:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8325695 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8325695 (6) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (8) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Stadion Strahov (U699Z3P) - Stadion Strahov (30959876) Koleje Strahov (U981Z1P) - Koleje Strahov (701281731) Malovanka (U362Z9P) - Malovanka (332523346) Park Maxe van der Stoela (U140Z5P) - Park Maxe van der Stoela (5640761847) Vozovna Střešovice (U867Z1P) - Vítězné náměstí (4518007395) Prašný most (U592Z1P) - Dejvická (345830664) Vítězné náměstí (U321Z22P) - (N/A) Dejvická (U321Z12P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM master route 8325749 (Bus 149) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8325749 (Bus 149) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 149) and in GTFS (149) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8325749 (Bus 149) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8325749 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 149: Dejvická ? Bavorská (1548964) colour is missing for route 1548964 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1548964 and it should be L149 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1548964 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1548964 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1548964. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1548964 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Dejvická) and last (Bavorská) stop names in OSM route Dejvická matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Dejvická, last_stop: Stodůlky-Bavorská GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Stodůlky-Bavorská, last_stop: Dejvická Processing OSM route 149: Bavorská ? Dejvická (8325748) colour is missing for route 8325748 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8325748 and it should be L149 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8325748 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8325748 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8325748. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8325748 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Bavorská) and last (Dejvická) stop names in OSM route Bavorská matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Dejvická, last_stop: Stodůlky-Bavorská GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Stodůlky-Bavorská, last_stop: Dejvická OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z13P) to Stodůlky-Bavorská (U281Z1P) with sample trip_id 149_102_221227 and 118 total trips OSM is missing route from Stodůlky-Bavorská (U281Z6P) to Dejvická (U321Z12P) with sample trip_id 149_101_221227 and 112 total trips OSM is missing route from Stadion Strahov (U699Z3P) to Dejvická (U321Z12P) with sample trip_id 149_151_220514 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Nové Butovice (U602Z1P) to Stodůlky-Bavorská (U281Z1P) with sample trip_id 149_100_230103 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Stodůlky-Bavorská (U281Z6P) to Nové Butovice (U602Z1P) with sample trip_id 149_46_221031 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z13P) to Stadion Strahov (U699Z4P) with sample trip_id 149_699_210715 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Jinonická (U206Z1P) to Stodůlky-Bavorská (U281Z1P) with sample trip_id 149_162_221105 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8325807 (Bus 116) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8325807 (Bus 116) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 116) and in GTFS (116) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8325807 (Bus 116) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8325807 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 116: Dejvická ? Nebušice (1549168) colour is missing for route 1549168 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1549168 and it should be L116 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1549168 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1549168 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1549168. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1549168 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Dejvická) and last (Nebušice) stop names in OSM route Dejvická matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Dejvická, last_stop: Jenerálka GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Jenerálka, last_stop: Dejvická Processing OSM route 116: Nebušice ? Dejvická (8325806) colour is missing for route 8325806 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8325806 and it should be L116 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8325806 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8325806 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8325806. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8325806 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Nebušice) and last (Dejvická) stop names in OSM route Nebušice matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Dejvická, last_stop: Jenerálka GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Jenerálka, last_stop: Dejvická OSM is missing route from Jenerálka (U199Z3P) to Dejvická (U321Z5P) with sample trip_id 116_158_220903 and 39 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z7P) to Jenerálka (U199Z1P) with sample trip_id 116_159_220903 and 38 total trips Processing OSM master route 8326648 (Bus 161) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8326648 (Bus 161) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 161) and in GTFS (161) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8326648 (Bus 161) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8326648 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 161: Nebušice ? Borislavká (1529785) colour is missing for route 1529785 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1529785 and it should be L161 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1529785 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1529785 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1529785. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1529785 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 161: Přední Kopanina ? Bořislavka (8326644) colour is missing for route 8326644 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8326644 and it should be L161 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8326644 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8326644 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8326644. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8326644 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 161: Bořislavka ? K Tuchoměřicům (8326645) colour is missing for route 8326645 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8326645 and it should be L161 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8326645 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8326645 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8326645. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8326645 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Bořislavka) and last (K Tuchoměřicům) stop names in OSM route Bořislavka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Bořislavka, last_stop: Nebušice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Nebušice, last_stop: Bořislavka Processing OSM route 161: Bořislavka ? Přední Kopanina (8326647) colour is missing for route 8326647 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8326647 and it should be L161 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8326647 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8326647 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8326647. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8326647 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Bořislavka) and last (Přední Kopanina) stop names in OSM route Bořislavka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Bořislavka, last_stop: Nebušice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Nebušice, last_stop: Bořislavka OSM is missing route from Nebušice (U485Z2P) to Bořislavka (U157Z4P) with sample trip_id 161_104_221028 and 43 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z6P) to Nebušice (U485Z1P) with sample trip_id 161_103_221028 and 41 total trips OSM is missing route from Přední Kopanina (U609Z2P) to Bořislavka (U157Z4P) with sample trip_id 161_141_221028 and 39 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z6P) to Přední Kopanina (U609Z1P) with sample trip_id 161_101_221027 and 35 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z6P) to K Tuchoměřicům (U223Z1P) with sample trip_id 161_172_221027 and 3 total trips Processing OSM master route 8326674 (Bus 147) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8326674 (Bus 147) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 147) and in GTFS (147) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8326674 (Bus 147) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8326674 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 147: Výhledy ? Dejvická (1560705) colour is missing for route 1560705 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1560705 and it should be L147 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1560705 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1560705 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1560705. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1560705 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 147: Dejvická ? Výhledy (8326673) colour is missing for route 8326673 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8326673 and it should be L147 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8326673 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8326673 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8326673. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8326673 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z6P) to Výhledy (U869Z1P) with sample trip_id 147_100_220901 and 118 total trips OSM is missing route from Výhledy (U869Z1P) to Dejvická (U321Z5P) with sample trip_id 147_101_220901 and 114 total trips Processing OSM master route 8327118 (Bus 160) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8327118 (Bus 160) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 160) and in GTFS (160) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8327118 (Bus 160) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8327118 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 160: Dejvická ? Výhledy (1559503) colour is missing for route 1559503 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1559503 and it should be L160 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1559503 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1559503 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1559503. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1559503 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 160: Lysolaje ? Dejvická (8327114) colour is missing for route 8327114 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8327114 and it should be L160 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8327114 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8327114 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8327114. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8327114 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 160: Výhledy ? Dejvická (8327115) colour is missing for route 8327115 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8327115 and it should be L160 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8327115 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8327115 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8327115. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8327115 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 160: Dejvická ? Lysolaje (8327117) colour is missing for route 8327117 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8327117 and it should be L160 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8327117 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8327117 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8327117. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8327117 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Lysolaje (U352Z2P) to Dejvická (U321Z5P) with sample trip_id 160_14_221021 and 31 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z7P) to Lysolaje (U352Z1P) with sample trip_id 160_13_221021 and 31 total trips OSM is missing route from Výhledy (U869Z1P) to Dejvická (U321Z5P) with sample trip_id 160_10_230213 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z7P) to Výhledy (U869Z1P) with sample trip_id 160_11_230213 and 13 total trips Processing OSM master route 8328385 (Bus 167) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8328385 (Bus 167) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 167) and in GTFS (167) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8328385 (Bus 167) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8328385 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 167: Nemocnice Na Homolce ? Na Knížecí (1401287) colour is missing for route 1401287 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1401287 and it should be L167 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1401287 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1401287 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1401287. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1401287 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 167_115_201230 Name is not in proper format for route 1401287. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 167: Nemocnice Na Homolce ? Na Knížecí Route 1401287 should have interval=20:00 Route 1401287 should have duration=17:00 Processing stops for OSM route 1401287 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Nemocnice Na Homolce (345830898) does not have ref and it should be U1094Z2P Stop Nemocnice Na Homolce (345830898) should have network=PID Stop Nemocnice Na Homolce (345830898) is 73.5m far from its route Stop Na Šafránce (345830895) does not have ref and it should be U1100Z2P Stop Na Šafránce (345830895) should have network=PID ref of stop Nemocnice Motol (3476928525) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U306Z2P) are different Stop Nemocnice Motol (3476928525) should have network=PID Stop Zahradníčkova (1123343430) does not have ref and it should be U1123Z2P Stop Zahradníčkova (1123343430) should have network=PID Stop Kudrnova (1123345346) does not have ref and it should be U489Z2P Stop Kudrnova (1123345346) should have network=PID Stop Pod Šafránkou (1251239519) does not have ref and it should be U572Z2P Stop Pod Šafránkou (1251239519) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Homolka (1251239509) does not have ref and it should be U653Z2P Stop Sídliště Homolka (1251239509) should have network=PID Stop Weberova (1233987918) does not have ref and it should be U150Z2P Stop Weberova (1233987918) should have network=PID Stop Kotlářka (1251239535) does not have ref and it should be U289Z8P Stop Kotlářka (1251239535) should have network=PID Stop Kavalírka (1251239521) does not have ref and it should be U240Z4P Stop Kavalírka (1251239521) should have network=PID Stop Klamovka (1250893342) does not have ref and it should be U254Z6P Stop Klamovka (1250893342) should have network=PID Stop Anděl (1129319111) does not have ref and it should be U1040Z14P Stop Anděl (1129319111) should have network=PID Stop Na Knížecí (4718293067) does not have ref and it should be U1040Z16P Stop Na Knížecí (4718293067) should have network=PID Processing OSM route 167: Na Knížecí ? Nemocnice Na Homolce (8328384) colour is missing for route 8328384 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8328384 and it should be L167 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8328384 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8328384 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8328384. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8328384 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 167_190_201230 Name is not in proper format for route 8328384. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 167: Na Knížecí ? Nemocnice Na Homolce Route 8328384 should have interval=20:00 Route 8328384 should have duration=17:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8328384 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8328384 (13) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (12) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Na Knížecí (U1040Z18P) - Na Knížecí (385367073) Anděl (U1040Z12P) - Anděl (1129319117) Klamovka (U254Z3P) - Klamovka (701270498) Kavalírka (U240Z5P) - Kavalírka (1251239507) Kotlářka (U289Z7P) - Kotlářka (1251239495) Weberova (U150Z1P) - Weberova (1251239517) Sídliště Homolka (U653Z1P) - Sídliště Homolka (1251239511) Pod Šafránkou (U572Z1P) - Pod Šafránkou (1251239523) Kudrnova (U489Z1P) - Kudrnova (1123345345) Nemocnice Motol (U306Z1P) - Nemocnice Motol (3476362414) Na Šafránce (U1100Z1P) - Šafránecká (3476362419) Nemocnice Na Homolce (U1094Z1P) - Na Šafránce (345830896) (N/A) - Nemocnice Na Homolce (345830897) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Nemocnice Motol (U306Z2P) to Na Knížecí (U1040Z16P) with sample trip_id 167_116_201230 and 4 total trips Processing OSM master route 8328431 (Bus 131) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8328431 (Bus 131) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 131) and in GTFS (131) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8328431 (Bus 131) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8328431 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 131: Hradčanská ? Bořislavka (121148) colour is missing for route 121148 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 121148 and it should be L131 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 121148 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 121148 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 121148. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 121148 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 131: Bořislavka ? Hradčanská (8328430) colour is missing for route 8328430 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8328430 and it should be L131 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8328430 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8328430 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8328430. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8328430 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Hradčanská (U163Z6P) to Bořislavka (U157Z3P) with sample trip_id 131_100_221227 and 298 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z4P) to Hradčanská (U163Z5P) with sample trip_id 131_101_201230 and 285 total trips OSM is missing route from Sušická (U3017Z2P) to Hradčanská (U163Z5P) with sample trip_id 131_148_230103 and 15 total trips OSM is missing route from Na Santince (U425Z1P) to Bořislavka (U157Z3P) with sample trip_id 131_38_201230 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 8329701 (Bus 137) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8329701 (Bus 137) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 137) and in GTFS (137) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8329701 (Bus 137) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8329701 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 137: Na Knížecí ? U Waltrovky ? Malá Ohrada (1293828) colour is missing for route 1293828 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1293828 and it should be L137 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1293828 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1293828 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1293828. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1293828 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Na Knížecí) and last (Malá Ohrada) stop names in OSM route Na Knížecí matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Na Knížecí, last_stop: U Waltrovky GTFS direction: 1, first stop: U Waltrovky, last_stop: Na Knížecí Processing OSM route 137: (Malá Ohrada ? U Waltrovky ? Na Knížecí (8329653) colour is missing for route 8329653 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8329653 and it should be L137 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8329653 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8329653 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8329653. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8329653 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Malá Ohrada) and last (Na Knížecí) stop names in OSM route Malá Ohrada matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Na Knížecí, last_stop: U Waltrovky GTFS direction: 1, first stop: U Waltrovky, last_stop: Na Knížecí OSM is missing route from U Waltrovky (U396Z4P) to Na Knížecí (U1040Z16P) with sample trip_id 137_1000_230227 and 350 total trips OSM is missing route from Na Knížecí (U1040Z19P) to U Waltrovky (U396Z3P) with sample trip_id 137_1333_230227 and 344 total trips OSM is missing route from Na Knížecí (U1040Z19P) to Malá Ohrada (U1073Z1P) with sample trip_id 137_1349_220901 and 42 total trips OSM is missing route from Malá Ohrada (U1073Z3P) to Na Knížecí (U1040Z16P) with sample trip_id 137_1007_230227 and 41 total trips OSM is missing route from Na Knížecí (U1040Z19P) to Jinonice (U685Z3P) with sample trip_id 137_1639_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8329811 (Bus 123) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8329811 (Bus 123) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 123) and in GTFS (123) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8329811 (Bus 123) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8329811 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 123: Šmukýřka ? Na Knížecí (5617526) colour is missing for route 5617526 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 5617526 and it should be L123 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 5617526 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 5617526 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 5617526. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 5617526 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Šmukýřka) and last (Na Knížecí) stop Processing OSM route 123: Na Knížecí ? Šmukýřka (8329810) colour is missing for route 8329810 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8329810 and it should be L123 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8329810 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8329810 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8329810. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8329810 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Na Knížecí) and last (Šmukýřka) stop OSM is missing route from Šmukýřka (U733Z2P) to Na Knížecí (U1040Z16P) with sample trip_id 123_1248_221227 and 138 total trips OSM is missing route from Na Knížecí (U1040Z18P) to Šmukýřka (U733Z1P) with sample trip_id 123_101_221227 and 134 total trips OSM is missing route from Šmukýřka (U733Z2P) to Kavalírka (U240Z4P) with sample trip_id 123_1246_220103 and 86 total trips OSM is missing route from Kavalírka (U240Z5P) to Šmukýřka (U733Z1P) with sample trip_id 123_111_220103 and 81 total trips OSM is missing route from Kavalírka (U240Z3P) to Šmukýřka (U733Z1P) with sample trip_id 123_116_230103 and 5 total trips Processing OSM master route 8334893 (Bus 216) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8334893 (Bus 216) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 216) and in GTFS (216) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8334893 (Bus 216) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8334893 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 216: Sídliště Baba ? Poliklinika Petřiny (8334891) colour is missing for route 8334891 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8334891 and it should be L216 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8334891 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8334891 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8334891. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8334891 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Sídliště Baba) and last (Poliklinika Petřiny) stop Processing OSM route 216: Poliklinika Petřiny ? Sídliště Baba (8334892) colour is missing for route 8334892 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8334892 and it should be L216 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8334892 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8334892 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8334892. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8334892 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Poliklinika Petřiny) and last (Sídliště Baba) stop OSM is missing route from Sídliště Baba (U3215Z1P) to Poliklinika Petřiny (U3045Z1P) with sample trip_id 216_129_221026 and 23 total trips OSM is missing route from Poliklinika Petřiny (U3045Z2P) to Sídliště Baba (U3215Z1P) with sample trip_id 216_128_220901 and 23 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z9P) to Poliklinika Petřiny (U3045Z1P) with sample trip_id 216_143_221026 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Poliklinika Petřiny (U3045Z2P) to Bořislavka (U157Z3P) with sample trip_id 216_142_220901 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 8340499 (Bus 118) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8340499 (Bus 118) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 118) and in GTFS (118) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8340499 (Bus 118) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8340499 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 118: Sídliště Spořilov ? Smíchovské nádraží (3729800) colour is missing for route 3729800 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 3729800 and it should be L118 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 3729800 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 3729800 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 3729800. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 3729800 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 118_145_221026 Name is not in proper format for route 3729800. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 118: Sídliště Spořilov ? Smíchovské nádraží Route 3729800 should have interval=20:00 Route 3729800 should have duration=24:00 Processing stops for OSM route 3729800 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Sídliště Spořilov (4677384635) does not have ref and it should be U669Z1P Stop Sídliště Spořilov (4677384635) should have network=PID Stop Hlavní (1370014423) does not have ref and it should be U141Z3P Stop Hlavní (1370014423) should have network=PID Stop Spořilov (1211788894) does not have ref and it should be U697Z4P Stop Spořilov (1211788894) should have network=PID Stop Severozápadní (3845470951) does not have ref and it should be U643Z2P Stop Severozápadní (3845470951) should have network=PID Stop Depo Kačerov (393443355) does not have ref and it should be U79Z2P Stop Depo Kačerov (393443355) should have network=PID Name of stop V Zápolí (393441784) in OSM (V Zápolí) and in GTFS (V Zápolí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop V Zápolí (393441784) does not have ref and it should be U832Z3P Stop V Zápolí (393441784) should have network=PID Stop Pekárenská (393441786) does not have ref and it should be U431Z1P Stop Pekárenská (393441786) should have network=PID Stop Vyskočilova (385651356) does not have ref and it should be U1402Z1P Stop Vyskočilova (385651356) should have network=PID Stop Brumlovka (3670842712) does not have ref and it should be U265Z1P Stop Brumlovka (3670842712) should have network=PID ref of stop Budějovická (150886523) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U50Z2P) are different Stop Budějovická (150886523) should have network=PID Stop Krčská (3674860928) does not have ref and it should be U296Z1P Stop Krčská (3674860928) should have network=PID Stop Na Strži (385452660) does not have ref and it should be U429Z1P Stop Na Strži (385452660) should have network=PID Stop Nové Podolí (385554722) does not have ref and it should be U495Z1P Stop Nové Podolí (385554722) should have network=PID Stop Pod Pekařkou (385559412) does not have ref and it should be U569Z1P Stop Pod Pekařkou (385559412) should have network=PID Stop Za Skalkou (2397045611) does not have ref and it should be U1403Z1P Stop Za Skalkou (2397045611) should have network=PID Stop Dvorce (3155563287) does not have ref and it should be U110Z8P Stop Dvorce (3155563287) should have network=PID Stop Lihovar (5644141239) does not have ref and it should be U337Z4P Stop Lihovar (5644141239) should have network=PID Stop Lihovar (5644141239) is 103.6m far from GTFS (Lihovar) stop Stop Smíchovské nádraží (353288983) does not have ref and it should be U458Z8P Stop Smíchovské nádraží (353288983) should have network=PID Processing OSM route 118: Smíchovské nádraží ? Sídliště Spořilov (8340498) colour is missing for route 8340498 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8340498 and it should be L118 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8340498 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8340498 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8340498. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8340498 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 118_121_220901 Name is not in proper format for route 8340498. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 118: Smíchovské nádraží ? Sídliště Spořilov Route 8340498 should have interval=20:00 Route 8340498 should have duration=25:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8340498 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Smíchovské nádraží (3626151701) does not have ref and it should be U458Z10P Stop Smíchovské nádraží (3626151701) should have network=PID Stop Lihovar (5644141238) does not have ref and it should be U337Z3P Stop Lihovar (5644141238) should have network=PID Stop Přístaviště (389978563) does not have ref and it should be U614Z3P Stop Přístaviště (389978563) should have network=PID Stop Dvorce (3155563286) does not have ref and it should be U110Z7P Stop Dvorce (3155563286) should have network=PID Stop Za Skalkou (2560748026) does not have ref and it should be U1403Z2P Stop Za Skalkou (2560748026) should have network=PID Stop Pod Pekařkou (385559411) does not have ref and it should be U569Z2P Stop Pod Pekařkou (385559411) should have network=PID Stop Nové Podolí (385554723) does not have ref and it should be U495Z2P Stop Nové Podolí (385554723) should have network=PID Stop Na Strži (385452661) does not have ref and it should be U429Z2P Stop Na Strži (385452661) should have network=PID Stop Krčská (3674522575) does not have ref and it should be U296Z2P Stop Krčská (3674522575) should have network=PID Name of stop Budějovická (ul. Olbrachtova) (3669001862) in OSM (Budějovická (ul. Olbrachtova)) and in GTFS (Budějovická) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Budějovická (ul. Olbrachtova) (3669001862) does not have ref and it should be U50Z3P Stop Budějovická (ul. Olbrachtova) (3669001862) should have network=PID Stop Brumlovka (3670782145) does not have ref and it should be U265Z2P Stop Brumlovka (3670782145) should have network=PID Stop Vyskočilova (385651357) does not have ref and it should be U1402Z2P Stop Vyskočilova (385651357) should have network=PID Stop Vyskočilova (385651357) is 70.8m far from GTFS (Vyskočilova) stop Stop Pod Dálnicí (393443681) does not have ref and it should be U415Z1P Stop Pod Dálnicí (393443681) should have network=PID Name of stop V Zápolí (393441783) in OSM (V Zápolí) and in GTFS (V Zápolí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop V Zápolí (393441783) does not have ref and it should be U832Z1P Stop V Zápolí (393441783) should have network=PID Stop Depo Kačerov (393443353) does not have ref and it should be U79Z1P Stop Depo Kačerov (393443353) should have network=PID Stop Severozápadní (3845470952) does not have ref and it should be U643Z1P Stop Severozápadní (3845470952) should have network=PID Stop Spořilov (2148202345) does not have ref and it should be U697Z3P Stop Spořilov (2148202345) should have network=PID Stop Hlavní (1370014422) does not have ref and it should be U141Z2P Stop Hlavní (1370014422) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Spořilov (4677384634) does not have ref and it should be U669Z2P Stop Sídliště Spořilov (4677384634) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Smíchovské nádraží (U458Z10P) to Depo Kačerov (U79Z1P) with sample trip_id 118_151_230227 and 15 total trips OSM is missing route from Přístaviště (U614Z3P) to Sídliště Spořilov (U669Z2P) with sample trip_id 118_560_210715 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8342486 (Bus 136) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8342486 (Bus 136) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 136) and in GTFS (136) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8342486 (Bus 136) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8342486 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 136: Sídliště Čakovice ? Jižní Město (5214526) colour is missing for route 5214526 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 5214526 and it should be L136 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 5214526 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 5214526 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 5214526. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 5214526 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Sídliště Čakovice) and last (Jižní Město) stop Processing OSM route 136: Jižní Město ? Sídliště Čakovice (8342482) colour is missing for route 8342482 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8342482 and it should be L136 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8342482 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8342482 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8342482. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8342482 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Jižní Město) and last (Sídliště Čakovice) stop OSM is missing route from Sídliště Čakovice (U1102Z2P) to Jižní Město (U210Z1P) with sample trip_id 136_2667_221225 and 318 total trips OSM is missing route from Jižní Město (U210Z2P) to Sídliště Čakovice (U1102Z1P) with sample trip_id 136_2655_230227 and 313 total trips OSM is missing route from Letňany (U1000Z12P) to Sídliště Čakovice (U1102Z1P) with sample trip_id 136_171_230103 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Vysočanská (U474Z6P) to Jižní Město (U210Z1P) with sample trip_id 136_2706_221224 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Choceradská (U1221Z1P) to Sídliště Čakovice (U1102Z1P) with sample trip_id 136_2789_221227 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 8347330 (Bus 101) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8347330 (Bus 101) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 101) and in GTFS (101) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8347330 (Bus 101) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8347330 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 101: Viktoria Žižkov ? Zentiva (1925749) colour is missing for route 1925749 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1925749 and it should be L101 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1925749 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1925749 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1925749. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1925749 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Tolstého) and last (Zentiva) stop names in OSM route Tolstého matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Michelangelova, last_stop: Viktoria Žižkov GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Viktoria Žižkov, last_stop: Skalka Processing OSM route 101: Zentiva ? Viktoria Žižkov (8347329) colour is missing for route 8347329 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8347329 and it should be L101 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8347329 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8347329 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8347329. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8347329 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Zentiva) and last (Tolstého) stop names in OSM route Zentiva matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Michelangelova, last_stop: Viktoria Žižkov GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Viktoria Žižkov, last_stop: Skalka OSM is missing route from Viktoria Žižkov (U172Z6P) to Skalka (U953Z3P) with sample trip_id 101_1060_221114 and 53 total trips OSM is missing route from Michelangelova (U1076Z2P) to Viktoria Žižkov (U172Z5P) with sample trip_id 101_1210_221114 and 51 total trips OSM is missing route from Viktoria Žižkov (U172Z6P) to Zentiva (U320Z1P) with sample trip_id 101_1058_221114 and 26 total trips OSM is missing route from Zentiva (U320Z2P) to Viktoria Žižkov (U172Z5P) with sample trip_id 101_1208_221114 and 25 total trips OSM is missing route from Skalka (U953Z8P) to Zentiva (U320Z1P) with sample trip_id 101_50_210823 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Zentiva (U320Z2P) to Skalka (U953Z2P) with sample trip_id 101_516_220901 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Jiřího z Poděbrad (U209Z3P) to Viktoria Žižkov (U172Z5P) with sample trip_id 101_1517_221112 and 4 total trips Processing OSM master route 8347607 (Bus 111) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8347607 (Bus 111) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 111) and in GTFS (111) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8347607 (Bus 111) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8347607 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 111: Koloděje ? Skalka (1614639) colour is missing for route 1614639 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1614639 and it should be L111 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1614639 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1614639 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1614639. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1614639 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Koloděje) and last (Skalka) stop names in OSM route Koloděje matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Skalka, last_stop: Koloděje GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Dubeč, last_stop: Skalka Processing OSM route 111: Skalka ? Koloděje (8347604) colour is missing for route 8347604 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8347604 and it should be L111 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8347604 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8347604 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8347604. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8347604 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 111_107_220922 Name is not in proper format for route 8347604. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 111: Skalka ? Koloděje Route 8347604 should have interval=60:00 Route 8347604 should have duration=25:00 Found gap - way U Továren (129128743, 11 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found gap - way U Továren (1110970602, 9 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found gap - way Dolnoměcholupská (4779596, 26 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found 3 gaps in route While route do have gaps, it can be fixed by reordering of ways Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 8347604 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Skalka (3622846772) does not have ref and it should be U953Z8P Stop Skalka (3622846772) should have network=PID Stop Michelangelova (1127020338) does not have ref and it should be U1076Z1P Stop Michelangelova (1127020338) should have network=PID Stop Michelangelova (1127020338) is 91.2m far from GTFS (Michelangelova) stop Stop Plošná (3622549809) does not have ref and it should be U1068Z1P Stop Plošná (3622549809) should have network=PID Stop Mokřanská (4398762857) does not have ref and it should be U1066Z1P Stop Mokřanská (4398762857) should have network=PID Stop Myšlínská (5659076122) does not have ref and it should be U226Z1P Stop Myšlínská (5659076122) should have network=PID Stop Kablo (255109844) does not have ref and it should be U227Z3P Stop Kablo (255109844) should have network=PID Stop V Chotejně (330886496) does not have ref and it should be U824Z4P Stop V Chotejně (330886496) should have network=PID Stop V Nových domcích (330886600) does not have ref and it should be U1033Z1P Stop V Nových domcích (330886600) should have network=PID Stop U Továren (355670761) does not have ref and it should be U798Z1P Stop U Továren (355670761) should have network=PID Stop Továrny Hostivař (30582218) does not have ref and it should be U761Z1P Stop Továrny Hostivař (30582218) should have network=PID Stop Za Nadjezdem (30582358) does not have ref and it should be U1024Z1P Stop Za Nadjezdem (30582358) should have network=PID Stop U Střediska (3632038401) does not have ref and it should be U96Z3P Stop U Střediska (3632038401) should have network=PID Stop Dolní Měcholupy (390340776) does not have ref and it should be U1099Z1P Stop Dolní Měcholupy (390340776) should have network=PID Stop K Dubečku (3087057045) does not have ref and it should be U215Z1P Stop K Dubečku (3087057045) should have network=PID Stop Dubeček (3627421293) does not have ref and it should be U108Z1P Stop Dubeček (3627421293) should have network=PID Stop Lázeňka (1634550950) does not have ref and it should be U1059Z1P Stop Lázeňka (1634550950) should have network=PID Stop Za Pavilonem (3629857375) does not have ref and it should be U1115Z1P Stop Za Pavilonem (3629857375) should have network=PID Stop Škola Dubeč (322967897) does not have ref and it should be U107Z1P Stop Škola Dubeč (322967897) should have network=PID Stop Dubeč (3632038393) does not have ref and it should be U792Z2P Stop Dubeč (3632038393) should have network=PID Stop Kolodějská obora (5660907958) does not have ref and it should be U275Z1P Stop Kolodějská obora (5660907958) should have network=PID Stop Pod Oborou (1626024388) does not have ref and it should be U568Z1P Stop Pod Oborou (1626024388) should have network=PID Stop Kvasinská (3468959080) does not have ref and it should be U311Z1P Stop Kvasinská (3468959080) should have network=PID Stop Koloděje (892694951) does not have ref and it should be U274Z1P Stop Koloděje (892694951) should have network=PID Stop Koloděje (892694951) is 50.7m far from GTFS (Koloděje) stop OSM is missing route from Dubeč (U792Z3P) to Skalka (U953Z2P) with sample trip_id 111_112_211028 and 44 total trips OSM is missing route from Koloděje (U274Z2P) to Skalka (U953Z2P) with sample trip_id 111_101_220922 and 44 total trips OSM is missing route from Skalka (U953Z8P) to Dubeč (U792Z1P) with sample trip_id 111_10_201230 and 38 total trips OSM is missing route from U Střediska (U96Z4P) to Skalka (U953Z2P) with sample trip_id 111_82_201230 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8347608 (Bus 195) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8347608 (Bus 195) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 195) and in GTFS (195) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8347608 (Bus 195) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8347608 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 195: Sídliště Letňany ? Jesenická (5606900) colour is missing for route 5606900 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 5606900 and it should be L195 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 5606900 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 5606900 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 5606900 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 5606900. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 5606900 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Sídliště Letňany) and last (Jesenická) stop Processing OSM route 195: Jesenická ? Sídliště Letňany (8347606) colour is missing for route 8347606 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8347606 and it should be L195 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8347606 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8347606 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8347606. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8347606 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Jesenická) and last (Sídliště Letňany) stop OSM is missing route from Jesenická (U671Z3P) to Sídliště Letňany (U21Z1P) with sample trip_id 195_2017_230227 and 276 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Letňany (U21Z2P) to Jesenická (U671Z1P) with sample trip_id 195_2032_230103 and 256 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Letňany (U21Z2P) to Poliklinika Zahradní Město (U192Z1P) with sample trip_id 195_2416_230103 and 17 total trips OSM is missing route from Prosek (U603Z1P) to Sídliště Letňany (U21Z1P) with sample trip_id 195_145_220901 and 3 total trips Processing OSM master route 8349134 (Bus 110) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8349134 (Bus 110) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 110) and in GTFS (110) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8349134 (Bus 110) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8349134 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 110: Dolní Počernice ? Třeboradice (8349132) colour is missing for route 8349132 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8349132 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8349132 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 8349132 in OSM (110_22_201230) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops is 110_288_220914 from for route 8349132 in OSM (Dolní Počernice) and in GTFS (Obchodní centrum Čakovice) are different to for route 8349132 in OSM (Třeboradice) and in GTFS (Dolní Počernice) are different Name is not in proper format for route 8349132. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 110: Dolní Počernice ? Třeboradice Route 8349132 should have interval=30:00 Route 8349132 should have duration=30:00 Distance between shapes of OSM route and GTFS route is: 2408.4m. Check shapes and fix geometry in OSM Processing stops for OSM route 8349132 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8349132 (26) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (25) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Obchodní centrum Čakovice (U368Z2P) - Dolní Počernice (315124570) Trutnovská (U766Z2P) - Nádraží Dolní Počernice (5661021730) Fryčovická (U125Z2P) - Hostavice (3662525473) Tupolevova (U771Z2P) - Lomnická (5661021733) Dobratická (U89Z2P) - Jahodnice (3662529224) Výstaviště Letňany (U405Z2P) - Sídliště Jahodnice (322982984) Letňany (U1000Z3P) - Kyjský hřbitov (1137718678) Letňany (U1000Z2P) - Kyje (5661721194) Čakovická (U65Z2P) - Vajgarská (5661721195) Nový Hloubětín (U499Z5P) - Hejtmanská (25639010) Kbelská (U242Z3P) - Žárská (5661721192) Hloubětín (U135Z4P) - Sídliště Lehovec (5661721191) Sídliště Hloubětín (U652Z3P) - Nový Hloubětín (2093383450) Sídliště Lehovec (U657Z1P) - Čakovická (895838919) Žárská (U970Z2P) - Letňany (263904721) Hejtmanská (U137Z1P) - Výstaviště Letňany (3519616590) Vajgarská (U1197Z1P) - Dobratická (130074838) Kyje (U313Z1P) - Tupolevova (130074816) Kyjský hřbitov (U207Z3P) - Fryčovická (5662262669) Sídliště Jahodnice (U318Z1P) - Trutnovská (130075774) Jahodnice (U193Z1P) - Obchodní centrum Čakovice (3237826659) Hostavice (U158Z1P) - Teplárna Třeboradice (1508847712) Lomnická (U349Z1P) - Za Tratí (4652129092) Nádraží Dolní Počernice (U801Z1P) - K Teplárně (4652129090) Dolní Počernice (U97Z1P) - Prebslova (7837622891) (N/A) - Třeboradice (1508840230) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route 110: Třeboradice ? Dolní Počernice (8349133) colour is missing for route 8349133 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8349133 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8349133 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 8349133 in OSM (110_181_210102) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 2, shape L110V3 and most common first stop from GTFS ('Třeboradice') and most common last stop ('Dolní Počernice'). Will try choosing trip without stops. WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 1111111-1 and a shape L110V3, cannot determine trip WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Třeboradice) and last (Dolní Počernice) stop names in OSM route Třeboradice matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Obchodní centrum Čakovice, last_stop: Dolní Počernice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Dolní Počernice, last_stop: Obchodní centrum Čakovice OSM is missing route from Dolní Počernice (U97Z3P) to Obchodní centrum Čakovice (U368Z3P) with sample trip_id 110_101_221114 and 87 total trips OSM is missing route from Dolní Počernice (U97Z3P) to Třeboradice (U769Z3P) with sample trip_id 110_155_221112 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Třeboradice (U769Z3P) to Dolní Počernice (U97Z1P) with sample trip_id 110_156_221112 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Dolní Počernice (U97Z3P) to Obchodní centrum Čakovice (U368Z1P) with sample trip_id 110_49_221114 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8349330 (Bus 250) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8349330 (Bus 250) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 250) and in GTFS (250) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8349330 (Bus 250) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8349330 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 250: Černý Most ? Sídliště Rohožník (1614644) colour is missing for route 1614644 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1614644 and it should be L250 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1614644 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1614644 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1614644. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1614644 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 250_113_201230 Name is not in proper format for route 1614644. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 250: Černý Most ? Sídliště Rohožník Route 1614644 should have interval=30:00 Route 1614644 should have duration=20:00 Processing stops for OSM route 1614644 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Černý Most (25450818) does not have ref and it should be U897Z3P Stop Černý Most (25450818) should have network=PID Stop Obchodní centrum Černý Most (1141156141) does not have ref and it should be U1235Z1P Stop Obchodní centrum Černý Most (1141156141) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Běchovice (1637469207) does not have ref and it should be U448Z1P Stop Nádraží Běchovice (1637469207) should have network=PID Stop Běchovice (5661299694) does not have ref and it should be U28Z1P Stop Běchovice (5661299694) should have network=PID Stop Na Vaňhově (1637904808) does not have ref and it should be U432Z1P Stop Na Vaňhově (1637904808) should have network=PID Stop Blatov (668643724) does not have ref and it should be U36Z1P Stop Blatov (668643724) should have network=PID Stop Rápošovská (4980355722) does not have ref and it should be U3008Z1P Stop Rápošovská (4980355722) should have network=PID Stop Újezd nad Lesy (668643722) does not have ref and it should be U811Z1P Stop Újezd nad Lesy (668643722) should have network=PID Stop Sudějovická (668643657) does not have ref and it should be U719Z1P Stop Sudějovická (668643657) should have network=PID Stop Zbyslavská (668643692) does not have ref and it should be U903Z1P Stop Zbyslavská (668643692) should have network=PID Stop Rohožnická (668643668) does not have ref and it should be U621Z1P Stop Rohožnická (668643668) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Rohožník (5661299695) does not have ref and it should be U1016Z1P Stop Sídliště Rohožník (5661299695) should have network=PID Processing OSM route 250: Sídliště Rohožník ? Černý Most (8349328) colour is missing for route 8349328 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8349328 and it should be L250 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8349328 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8349328 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8349328. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8349328 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 250_450_211212 Name is not in proper format for route 8349328. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 250: Sídliště Rohožník ? Černý Most Route 8349328 should have interval=30:00 Route 8349328 should have duration=21:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8349328 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8349328 (12) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (13) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Sídliště Rohožník (U1016Z2P) - Sídliště Rohožník (315208178) Rohožnická (U621Z2P) - Rohožnická (668643700) Zbyslavská (U903Z2P) - Zbyslavská (668643691) Sudějovická (U719Z2P) - Sudějovická (668643690) Újezd nad Lesy (U811Z2P) - Rápošovská (4980355723) Rápošovská (U3008Z2P) - Blatov (668643723) Blatov (U36Z2P) - Na Vaňhově (1637904809) Na Vaňhově (U432Z2P) - Běchovice (611304860) Běchovice (U28Z2P) - Nádraží Běchovice (322909130) Nádraží Běchovice (U448Z2P) - Obchodní centrum Černý Most (1141156072) Obchodní centrum Černý Most (U1235Z2P) - Černý Most (356041422) Černý Most (U897Z11P) - Černý Most;Relay (461096414) Černý Most (U897Z1P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM master route 8349496 (Bus 211) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8349496 (Bus 211) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 211) and in GTFS (211) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8349496 (Bus 211) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8349496 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 211: Nádraží Klánovice ? Sídliště Rohožník (6429154) colour is missing for route 6429154 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 6429154 and it should be L211 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6429154 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6429154 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 6429154 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 6429154. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 6429154 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 211_24_221211 Name is not in proper format for route 6429154. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 211: Nádraží Klánovice ? Sídliště Rohožník Route 6429154 should have interval=60:00 Route 6429154 should have duration=07:00 Processing stops for OSM route 6429154 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Nádraží Klánovice (427827379) does not have ref and it should be U454Z2P Stop Nádraží Klánovice (427827379) should have network=PID Stop Hulická (668643719) does not have ref and it should be U170Z2P Stop Hulická (668643719) should have network=PID Stop Újezd nad Lesy (668643722) does not have ref and it should be U811Z1P Stop Újezd nad Lesy (668643722) should have network=PID Stop Sudějovická (668643657) does not have ref and it should be U719Z1P Stop Sudějovická (668643657) should have network=PID Stop Zbyslavská (668643692) does not have ref and it should be U903Z1P Stop Zbyslavská (668643692) should have network=PID Stop Rohožnická (668643668) does not have ref and it should be U621Z1P Stop Rohožnická (668643668) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Rohožník (5661299695) does not have ref and it should be U1016Z1P Stop Sídliště Rohožník (5661299695) should have network=PID Processing OSM route 211: Sídliště Rohožník ? Nádraží Klánovice (6429155) colour is missing for route 6429155 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 6429155 and it should be L211 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 6429155 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 6429155 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 6429155 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 6429155. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 6429155 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 211_102_221211 Name is not in proper format for route 6429155. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 211: Sídliště Rohožník ? Nádraží Klánovice Route 6429155 should have interval=60:00 Route 6429155 should have duration=06:00 Processing stops for OSM route 6429155 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Sídliště Rohožník (315208178) does not have ref and it should be U1016Z2P Stop Sídliště Rohožník (315208178) should have network=PID Stop Rohožnická (668643700) does not have ref and it should be U621Z2P Stop Rohožnická (668643700) should have network=PID Stop Zbyslavská (668643691) does not have ref and it should be U903Z2P Stop Zbyslavská (668643691) should have network=PID Stop Sudějovická (668643690) does not have ref and it should be U719Z2P Stop Sudějovická (668643690) should have network=PID Stop Hulická (668643744) does not have ref and it should be U170Z1P Stop Hulická (668643744) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Klánovice (427827379) does not have ref and it should be U454Z1P Stop Nádraží Klánovice (427827379) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Sudějovická (U719Z2P) to Nádraží Klánovice (U454Z1P) with sample trip_id 211_119_220901 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 8349497 (Bus 210) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8349497 (Bus 210) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 210) and in GTFS (210) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8349497 (Bus 210) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8349497 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 210: Blatov sever ? Nádraží Klánovice (8349494) colour is missing for route 8349494 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8349494 and it should be L210 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8349494 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8349494 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 8349494 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8349494. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8349494 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Sídliště Rohožník) and last (Nádraží Klánovice) stop names in OSM route Sídliště Rohožník matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Nádraží Klánovice, last_stop: Blatov sever GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Blatov sever, last_stop: Nádraží Klánovice Processing OSM route 210: Nádraží Klánovice ? Blatov sever (8349495) colour is missing for route 8349495 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8349495 and it should be L210 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8349495 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8349495 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 8349495 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8349495. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8349495 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Nádraží Klánovice) and last (Sídliště Rohožník) stop names in OSM route Nádraží Klánovice matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Nádraží Klánovice, last_stop: Blatov sever GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Blatov sever, last_stop: Nádraží Klánovice OSM is missing route from Nádraží Klánovice (U454Z2P) to Blatov sever (U4106Z1P) with sample trip_id 210_11_221212 and 26 total trips OSM is missing route from Blatov sever (U4106Z1P) to Nádraží Klánovice (U454Z1P) with sample trip_id 210_185_221212 and 26 total trips OSM is missing route from Blatov sever (U4106Z1P) to Hulická (U170Z3P) with sample trip_id 210_53_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8349963 (Bus 201) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8349963 (Bus 201) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 201) and in GTFS (201) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8349963 (Bus 201) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8349963 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 201: Černý Most ? Nádraží Holešovice (1950096) colour is missing for route 1950096 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1950096 and it should be L201 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1950096 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1950096 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1950096. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1950096 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 201_5771_221102 Name is not in proper format for route 1950096. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 201: Černý Most ? Nádraží Holešovice Route 1950096 should have interval=20:00 Route 1950096 should have duration=50:00 Processing stops for OSM route 1950096 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 1950096 (42) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (43) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Černý Most (U897Z7P) - Černý Most (356041438) Poliklinika Černý Most (U1056Z1P) - Poliklinika Černý Most (319597224) Ronešova (U650Z2P) - Ronešova (319597232) Rajská zahrada (U818Z2P) - Rajská zahrada (1576210140) Hutě (U173Z1P) - Hutě (443139672) Jordánská (U212Z1P) - Jordánská (443139671) Lipnická (U342Z1P) - Lipnická (443139668) Sicherova (U1414Z1P) - Sicherova (3247925661) Sportareál Satalice (U51Z1P) - Sportareál Satalice (443139664) Nádraží Satalice (U457Z1P) - Nádraží Satalice (907970428) Satalice (U762Z1P) - Satalice (2205488468) Satalická obora (U639Z1P) - Satalická obora (907970626) Satalice (U762Z2P) - Satalice (443139662) Dřevařská (U1276Z1P) - Dřevařská (443137299) Nymburská (U1120Z1P) - Nymburská (443136148) Kbely (U243Z6P) - Kbely (895816254) Kbely (U243Z3P) - Kbely (415866054) Bakovská (U202Z3P) - Bakovská (895814080) Sportovní centrum Kbely (U323Z1P) - Sportovní centrum Kbely (895812997) Kbelský lesopark (U2769Z1P) - Kbelský lesopark (6816402746) Toužimská (U327Z1P) - Toužimská (895810505) Staré Letňany (U326Z1P) - Staré Letňany (279723465) Avia Letňany (U899Z3P) - Avia Letňany (130074707) Sídliště Letňany (U21Z1P) - Sídliště Letňany (28586560) Fryčovická (U125Z2P) - Fryčovická (5662262668) Tupolevova (U771Z2P) - Tupolevova (5662262670) Dobratická (U89Z2P) - Dobratická (5662262671) Výstaviště Letňany (U405Z2P) - Výstaviště Letňany (130074839) Letňany (U1000Z3P) - Letňany (263904722) Letňanská (U606Z2P) - Letňanská (130074969) Českolipská (U1170Z2P) - Českolipská (1505926010) Zásadská (U2704Z2P) - Poliklinika Prosek (5662262679) Poliklinika Prosek (U351Z2P) - Střížkov (2054329190) Střížkov (U332Z4P) - Teplická (3469729644) Teplická (U683Z2P) - Madlina (5662262680) Madlina (U990Z2P) - Čertův vršek (27356640) Čertův vršek (U993Z2P) - Bulovka (1521760198) Bulovka (U54Z4P) - Vychovatelna (391613604) Vychovatelna (U870Z4P) - Rokoska (2555312695) Rokoska (U622Z2P) - Kuchyňka (1521760069) Kuchyňka (U305Z2P) - Jankovcova (415092685) Jankovcova (U196Z2P) - Nádraží Holešovice (1521760003) Nádraží Holešovice (U115Z6P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route 201: Nádraží Holešovice ? Černý Most (8349962) colour is missing for route 8349962 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8349962 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8349962 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id for route 8349962 in OSM (L201V12) do not exist in GTFS trips gtfs:trip_id:sample for route 8349962 in OSM (201_485_210104) does not exist in GTFS WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 2, shape L201V12 and most common first stop from GTFS ('None') and most common last stop ('None'). Will try choosing trip without stops. WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 1111111-1 and a shape L201V12, cannot determine trip WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 201_5770_221015 Name is not in proper format for route 8349962. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 201: Nádraží Holešovice ? Černý Most We either don't have shape_id or direction, or there are no departures at all.Trip interval cannot be determined. We either don't have shape_id or direction, or there are no departures at all.Trip duration cannot be determined Processing stops for OSM route 8349962 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8349962 (42) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (43) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Nádraží Holešovice (U115Z9P) - Nádraží Holešovice (310455694) Jankovcova (U196Z1P) - Jankovcova (415092687) Kuchyňka (U305Z1P) - Kuchyňka (726536193) Rokoska (U622Z1P) - Rokoska (2555312699) Vychovatelna (U870Z3P) - Vychovatelna (391613603) Bulovka (U54Z3P) - Bulovka (391613602) Čertův vršek (U993Z1P) - Čertův vršek (5678296823) Madlina (U990Z1P) - Madlina (636351010) Teplická (U683Z1P) - Teplická (2516003895) Střížkov (U332Z3P) - Střížkov (2054329186) Poliklinika Prosek (U351Z1P) - Poliklinika Prosek (1996955925) Zásadská (U2704Z1P) - (10110035103) Českolipská (U1170Z1P) - Letňanská (1505926874) Letňanská (U606Z5P) - Letňany (263904717) Letňany (U1000Z10P) - Letňany (263904721) Letňany (U1000Z12P) - Výstaviště Letňany (3519616590) Výstaviště Letňany (U405Z1P) - Dobratická (130074838) Dobratická (U89Z1P) - Tupolevova (130074816) Tupolevova (U771Z1P) - Fryčovická (5662262669) Fryčovická (U125Z1P) - Sídliště Letňany (5662262672) Sídliště Letňany (U21Z2P) - Ivančická (8286910507) Ivančická (U2601Z1P) - Avia Letňany (5662262673) Avia Letňany (U899Z4P) - Staré Letňany (5662262674) Staré Letňany (U326Z2P) - Toužimská (895809924) Toužimská (U327Z2P) - Kbelský lesopark (6816402747) Kbelský lesopark (U2769Z2P) - Sportovní centrum Kbely (895812339) Sportovní centrum Kbely (U323Z3P) - Bakovská (895814540) Bakovská (U202Z2P) - Kbely (415866055) Kbely (U243Z4P) - Kbely (895816767) Kbely (U243Z5P) - Nymburská (443136147) Nymburská (U1120Z2P) - Dřevařská (2336796804) Dřevařská (U1276Z2P) - Satalice (2205488468) Satalice (U762Z1P) - Satalická obora (427829385) Satalická obora (U639Z2P) - Satalice (443139661) Satalice (U762Z4P) - Sportareál Satalice (443139663) Sportareál Satalice (U51Z2P) - Sicherova (3401997145) Sicherova (U1414Z2P) - Lipnická (443139667) Lipnická (U342Z2P) - Hutě (443139673) Hutě (U173Z2P) - Rajská zahrada (2205488464) Rajská zahrada (U818Z1P) - Ronešova (5661721196) Ronešova (U650Z1P) - Poliklinika Černý Most (5661721197) Poliklinika Černý Most (U1056Z2P) - Černý Most;Relay (461096414) Černý Most (U897Z1P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Kbely (U243Z3P) to Nádraží Holešovice (U115Z6P) with sample trip_id 201_5745_221017 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Letňany (U1000Z12P) to Černý Most (U897Z1P) with sample trip_id 201_4849_221017 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Satalice (U762Z4P) to Černý Most (U897Z1P) with sample trip_id 201_103_220816 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Černý Most (U897Z7P) to Letňany (U1000Z3P) with sample trip_id 201_5799_221102 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Holešovice (U115Z9P) to Kbely (U243Z4P) with sample trip_id 201_5772_221015 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Staré Letňany (U326Z1P) to Nádraží Holešovice (U115Z6P) with sample trip_id 201_5855_221015 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Černý Most (U897Z7P) to Bakovská (U202Z3P) with sample trip_id 201_1907_221102 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Satalice (U762Z2P) to Nádraží Holešovice (U115Z6P) with sample trip_id 201_5957_221017 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Letňanská (U606Z2P) to Nádraží Holešovice (U115Z6P) with sample trip_id 201_5537_221015 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8350153 (Bus 152) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8350153 (Bus 152) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 152) and in GTFS (152) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8350153 (Bus 152) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8350153 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 152: Sídliště Čimice ? Českomoravská (8350150) colour is missing for route 8350150 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8350150 and it should be L152 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8350150 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8350150 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8350150. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8350150 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 152_124_210901 Name is not in proper format for route 8350150. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 152: Sídliště Čimice ? Českomoravská Route 8350150 should have interval=20:00 Route 8350150 should have duration=24:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8350150 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Sídliště Čimice (391019300) does not have ref and it should be U949Z3P Stop Sídliště Čimice (391019300) should have network=PID Stop Čimice (391019290) does not have ref and it should be U74Z2P Stop Čimice (391019290) should have network=PID Stop Libeňská (391019282) does not have ref and it should be U330Z2P Stop Libeňská (391019282) should have network=PID Stop Řepínská (391019268) does not have ref and it should be U806Z2P Stop Řepínská (391019268) should have network=PID Stop Podhajská pole (391007669) does not have ref and it should be U581Z2P Stop Podhajská pole (391007669) should have network=PID Stop Čimický háj (391571317) does not have ref and it should be U544Z2P Stop Čimický háj (391571317) should have network=PID Stop Písečná (391571303) does not have ref and it should be U543Z2P Stop Písečná (391571303) should have network=PID Stop Služská (391571297) does not have ref and it should be U267Z2P Stop Služská (391571297) should have network=PID Stop Kobylisy (391537577) does not have ref and it should be U675Z8P Stop Kobylisy (391537577) should have network=PID Stop Kobylisy (391537577) is 55.6m far from GTFS (Kobylisy) stop ref of stop Ládví (346315785) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U78Z4P) are different Stop Ládví (346315785) should have network=PID Stop Štěpničná (2508265082) does not have ref and it should be U740Z4P Stop Štěpničná (2508265082) should have network=PID Stop Třebenická (391227890) does not have ref and it should be U467Z4P Stop Třebenická (391227890) should have network=PID Stop Třebenická (391227890) is 65.3m far from GTFS (Třebenická) stop Stop Střížkov (1140301877) does not have ref and it should be U332Z1P Stop Střížkov (1140301877) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Prosek (612038792) does not have ref and it should be U665Z1P Stop Sídliště Prosek (612038792) should have network=PID Name of stop Prosek (ul. Vysočanská) (1140301864) in OSM (Prosek (ul. Vysočanská)) and in GTFS (Prosek) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Prosek (ul. Vysočanská) (1140301864) does not have ref and it should be U603Z4P Stop Prosek (ul. Vysočanská) (1140301864) should have network=PID Stop Vysočanská (249508134) does not have ref and it should be U474Z7P Stop Vysočanská (249508134) should have network=PID Stop Českomoravská (3522170404) does not have ref and it should be U510Z1P Stop Českomoravská (3522170404) should have network=PID Processing OSM route 152: Českomoravská ? Sídliště Čimice (8350151) colour is missing for route 8350151 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8350151 and it should be L152 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8350151 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8350151 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8350151. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8350151 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 152_100_221111 Name is not in proper format for route 8350151. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 152: Českomoravská ? Sídliště Čimice Route 8350151 should have interval=20:00 Route 8350151 should have duration=27:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8350151 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Českomoravská (382922851) does not have ref and it should be U510Z2P Stop Českomoravská (382922851) should have network=PID Stop Vysočanská (1414222929) does not have ref and it should be U474Z4P Stop Vysočanská (1414222929) should have network=PID Name of stop Prosek (ul. Vysočanská) (263891420) in OSM (Prosek (ul. Vysočanská)) and in GTFS (Prosek) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Prosek (ul. Vysočanská) (263891420) does not have ref and it should be U603Z3P Stop Prosek (ul. Vysočanská) (263891420) should have network=PID Stop Prosek (ul. Vysočanská) (263891420) is 50.7m far from GTFS (Prosek) stop Stop Sídliště Prosek (263891400) does not have ref and it should be U665Z2P Stop Sídliště Prosek (263891400) should have network=PID Stop Střížkov (1140301895) does not have ref and it should be U332Z2P Stop Střížkov (1140301895) should have network=PID Stop Třebenická (391227891) does not have ref and it should be U467Z2P Stop Třebenická (391227891) should have network=PID Stop Štěpničná (3068425251) does not have ref and it should be U740Z3P Stop Štěpničná (3068425251) should have network=PID Stop Ládví (263873453) does not have ref and it should be U78Z3P Stop Ládví (263873453) should have network=PID Stop Kobylisy (321225834) does not have ref and it should be U675Z3P Stop Kobylisy (321225834) should have network=PID Stop Služská (391571300) does not have ref and it should be U267Z1P Stop Služská (391571300) should have network=PID Stop Písečná (391571305) does not have ref and it should be U543Z1P Stop Písečná (391571305) should have network=PID Stop Čimický háj (391571319) does not have ref and it should be U544Z1P Stop Čimický háj (391571319) should have network=PID Stop Podhajská pole (391007670) does not have ref and it should be U581Z1P Stop Podhajská pole (391007670) should have network=PID Stop Řepínská (391019273) does not have ref and it should be U806Z1P Stop Řepínská (391019273) should have network=PID Stop Libeňská (391019278) does not have ref and it should be U330Z1P Stop Libeňská (391019278) should have network=PID Stop Čimice (391019288) does not have ref and it should be U74Z1P Stop Čimice (391019288) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Čimice (391019292) does not have ref and it should be U949Z1P Stop Sídliště Čimice (391019292) should have network=PID Name of stop Sídliště Čimice (konečná) (391019302) in OSM (Sídliště Čimice (konečná)) and in GTFS (Sídliště Čimice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Sídliště Čimice (konečná) (391019302) does not have ref and it should be U949Z2P Stop Sídliště Čimice (konečná) (391019302) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Prosek (U603Z3P) to Sídliště Čimice (U949Z2P) with sample trip_id 152_101_221111 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Kobylisy (U675Z3P) to Sídliště Čimice (U949Z2P) with sample trip_id 152_165_230103 and 5 total trips Processing OSM master route 8350154 (Bus 151) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8350154 (Bus 151) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 151) and in GTFS (151) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8350154 (Bus 151) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8350154 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 151: Českomoravská ? Novoborská (5143772) colour is missing for route 5143772 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 5143772 and it should be L151 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 5143772 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 5143772 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 5143772. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 5143772 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Českomoravská) and last (Novoborská) stop Processing OSM route 151: Novoborská ? Českomoravská (8350152) colour is missing for route 8350152 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8350152 and it should be L151 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8350152 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8350152 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8350152. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8350152 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Novoborská) and last (Českomoravská) stop OSM is missing route from Novoborská (U3205Z2P) to Českomoravská (U510Z1P) with sample trip_id 151_755_221201 and 49 total trips OSM is missing route from Českomoravská (U510Z2P) to Novoborská (U3205Z2P) with sample trip_id 151_657_221017 and 47 total trips OSM is missing route from Českomoravská (U510Z2P) to Poliklinika Prosek (U351Z1P) with sample trip_id 151_109_221015 and 37 total trips OSM is missing route from Poliklinika Prosek (U351Z2P) to Českomoravská (U510Z1P) with sample trip_id 151_110_221203 and 37 total trips OSM is missing route from Krocínka (U300Z2P) to Českomoravská (U510Z1P) with sample trip_id 151_1_221201 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8350212 (Bus 140) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8350212 (Bus 140) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 140) and in GTFS (140) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8350212 (Bus 140) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8350212 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 140: Palmovka ? Miškovice (5143444) colour is missing for route 5143444 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 5143444 and it should be L140 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 5143444 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 5143444 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 5143444. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 5143444 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 140_112_221210 Name is not in proper format for route 5143444. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 140: Palmovka ? Miškovice Route 5143444 should have interval=20:00 Route 5143444 should have duration=26:00 Processing stops for OSM route 5143444 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Palmovka (3519616592) does not have ref and it should be U529Z11P Stop Palmovka (3519616592) should have network=PID Stop Kundratka (5661937476) does not have ref and it should be U1413Z1P Stop Kundratka (5661937476) should have network=PID Stop Kelerka (5661937474) does not have ref and it should be U251Z1P Stop Kelerka (5661937474) should have network=PID Stop Prosecká (292588091) does not have ref and it should be U754Z1P Stop Prosecká (292588091) should have network=PID Stop Prosek (1140301867) does not have ref and it should be U603Z1P Stop Prosek (1140301867) should have network=PID Stop Nový Prosek (283419429) does not have ref and it should be U500Z1P Stop Nový Prosek (283419429) should have network=PID Stop Letňanská (1505927721) does not have ref and it should be U606Z1P Stop Letňanská (1505927721) should have network=PID Stop Letňany (263904721) does not have ref and it should be U1000Z12P Stop Letňany (263904721) should have network=PID Stop Výstaviště Letňany (3519616590) does not have ref and it should be U405Z1P Stop Výstaviště Letňany (3519616590) should have network=PID Stop Dobratická (130074838) does not have ref and it should be U89Z1P Stop Dobratická (130074838) should have network=PID Stop Tupolevova (130074816) does not have ref and it should be U771Z1P Stop Tupolevova (130074816) should have network=PID Stop Fryčovická (5662262669) does not have ref and it should be U125Z1P Stop Fryčovická (5662262669) should have network=PID Stop Trutnovská (130075774) does not have ref and it should be U766Z1P Stop Trutnovská (130075774) should have network=PID Stop Obchodní centrum Čakovice (3237826659) does not have ref and it should be U368Z1P Stop Obchodní centrum Čakovice (3237826659) should have network=PID Stop Za Avií (926671648) does not have ref and it should be U451Z1P Stop Za Avií (926671648) should have network=PID Stop Cukrovar Čakovice (3519616591) does not have ref and it should be U63Z1P Stop Cukrovar Čakovice (3519616591) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Čakovice (5663609623) does not have ref and it should be U3212Z1P Stop Nádraží Čakovice (5663609623) should have network=PID Stop Koupaliště Čakovice (1508530666) does not have ref and it should be U248Z1P Stop Koupaliště Čakovice (1508530666) should have network=PID Stop Oderská (1508527529) does not have ref and it should be U1083Z1P Stop Oderská (1508527529) should have network=PID Stop Čakovice (5663609621) does not have ref and it should be U64Z6P Stop Čakovice (5663609621) should have network=PID Stop Radonická (1508834051) does not have ref and it should be U399Z1P Stop Radonická (1508834051) should have network=PID ref of stop Miškovice (1508832220) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U384Z1P) are different Stop Miškovice (1508832220) should have network=PID Processing OSM route 140: Miškovice ? Palmovka (8350210) colour is missing for route 8350210 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8350210 and it should be L140 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8350210 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8350210 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8350210. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8350210 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Miškovice) and last (Palmovka) stop OSM is missing route from Miškovice (U384Z2P) to Palmovka (U529Z8P) with sample trip_id 140_101_230103 and 157 total trips OSM is missing route from Čakovice (U64Z3P) to Palmovka (U529Z8P) with sample trip_id 140_103_230103 and 149 total trips OSM is missing route from Palmovka (U529Z11P) to Čakovice (U64Z2P) with sample trip_id 140_102_230227 and 139 total trips Processing OSM master route 8350410 (Tram 41) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8350410 (Tram 41) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Cannot find master route 41 in GTFS based on ref tag Processing OSM master route 8350695 (Bus 158) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8350695 (Bus 158) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 158) and in GTFS (158) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8350695 (Bus 158) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8350695 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 158: Letňany ? Třeboradice (5146597) colour is missing for route 5146597 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 5146597 and it should be L158 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 5146597 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 5146597 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 5146597. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 5146597 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Letňany) and last (Třeboradice) stop names in OSM route Letňany matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Letňany, last_stop: Sídliště Letňany GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Sídliště Letňany, last_stop: Letňany Processing OSM route 158: Třeboradice ? Letňany (8350694) colour is missing for route 8350694 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8350694 and it should be L158 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8350694 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8350694 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8350694. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8350694 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Třeboradice) and last (Letňany) stop names in OSM route Třeboradice matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Letňany, last_stop: Sídliště Letňany GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Sídliště Letňany, last_stop: Letňany OSM is missing route from Letňany (U1000Z1P) to Sídliště Letňany (U21Z1P) with sample trip_id 158_101_230103 and 115 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Letňany (U21Z2P) to Letňany (U1000Z4P) with sample trip_id 158_1024_230103 and 104 total trips OSM is missing route from Třeboradice (U769Z3P) to Letňany (U1000Z4P) with sample trip_id 158_1463_230107 and 68 total trips OSM is missing route from Letňany (U1000Z1P) to Třeboradice (U769Z2P) with sample trip_id 158_1429_221212 and 67 total trips OSM is missing route from Čakovice (U64Z3P) to Letňany (U1000Z4P) with sample trip_id 158_190_221212 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Letňany (U1000Z1P) to Čakovice (U64Z2P) with sample trip_id 158_1449_221212 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8350727 (Bus 145) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8350727 (Bus 145) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 145) and in GTFS (145) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8350727 (Bus 145) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8350727 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 145: Sídliště Čimice ? Kobylisy (8350725) colour is missing for route 8350725 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8350725 and it should be L145 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8350725 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8350725 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8350725. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8350725 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 145_250_210510 Name is not in proper format for route 8350725. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 145: Sídliště Čimice ? Kobylisy Route 8350725 should have interval=36:30 Route 8350725 should have duration=11:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8350725 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Sídliště Čimice (391019300) does not have ref and it should be U949Z3P Stop Sídliště Čimice (391019300) should have network=PID Stop Čimice (391019290) does not have ref and it should be U74Z2P Stop Čimice (391019290) should have network=PID Stop Libeňská (391019282) does not have ref and it should be U330Z2P Stop Libeňská (391019282) should have network=PID Stop Okořská (391019304) does not have ref and it should be U1015Z1P Stop Okořská (391019304) should have network=PID Stop Přívorská (391019313) does not have ref and it should be U615Z2P Stop Přívorská (391019313) should have network=PID Stop Za Čimickým hájem (391020821) does not have ref and it should be U898Z2P Stop Za Čimickým hájem (391020821) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Kobylisy (4680784411) does not have ref and it should be U864Z9P Stop Vozovna Kobylisy (4680784411) should have network=PID Stop Mirovická (391537523) does not have ref and it should be U1011Z2P Stop Mirovická (391537523) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Kobylisy (391537532) does not have ref and it should be U688Z2P Stop Sídliště Kobylisy (391537532) should have network=PID Name of stop Kobylisy (ul. Horňátecká) (391537536) in OSM (Kobylisy (ul. Horňátecká)) and in GTFS (Kobylisy) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kobylisy (ul. Horňátecká) (391537536) does not have ref and it should be U675Z9P Stop Kobylisy (ul. Horňátecká) (391537536) should have network=PID Stop Kobylisy (3647599759) does not have ref and it should be U675Z7P Stop Kobylisy (3647599759) should have network=PID Stop Kobylisy (3647599759) is 57.1m far from GTFS (Kobylisy) stop Stop Kobylisy (3647599759) is 53.4m far from its route Processing OSM route 145: Kobylisy ? Sídliště Čimice (8350726) colour is missing for route 8350726 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8350726 and it should be L145 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8350726 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8350726 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8350726. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8350726 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 145_249_210510 Name is not in proper format for route 8350726. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 145: Kobylisy ? Sídliště Čimice Route 8350726 should have interval=39:00 Route 8350726 should have duration=09:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8350726 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Kobylisy (391537568) does not have ref and it should be U675Z4P Stop Kobylisy (391537568) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Kobylisy (391537527) does not have ref and it should be U688Z1P Stop Sídliště Kobylisy (391537527) should have network=PID Stop Mirovická (391537512) does not have ref and it should be U1011Z1P Stop Mirovická (391537512) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Kobylisy (2976175503) does not have ref and it should be U864Z11P Stop Vozovna Kobylisy (2976175503) should have network=PID Stop Za Čimickým hájem (391020820) does not have ref and it should be U898Z1P Stop Za Čimickým hájem (391020820) should have network=PID Stop Přívorská (391019312) does not have ref and it should be U615Z1P Stop Přívorská (391019312) should have network=PID Stop Libeňská (391019278) does not have ref and it should be U330Z1P Stop Libeňská (391019278) should have network=PID Stop Čimice (391019288) does not have ref and it should be U74Z1P Stop Čimice (391019288) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Čimice (391019292) does not have ref and it should be U949Z1P Stop Sídliště Čimice (391019292) should have network=PID Name of stop Sídliště Čimice (konečná) (391019302) in OSM (Sídliště Čimice (konečná)) and in GTFS (Sídliště Čimice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Sídliště Čimice (konečná) (391019302) does not have ref and it should be U949Z2P Stop Sídliště Čimice (konečná) (391019302) should have network=PID Processing OSM master route 8368167 (Bus 169) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8368167 (Bus 169) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 169) and in GTFS (169) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8368167 (Bus 169) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8368167 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 169: Sídliště Čimice ? Kobylisy (8368168) colour is missing for route 8368168 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8368168 and it should be L169 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8368168 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8368168 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8368168. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8368168 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 169_117_210510 Name is not in proper format for route 8368168. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 169: Sídliště Čimice ? Kobylisy Route 8368168 should have interval=30:00 Route 8368168 should have duration=11:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8368168 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8368168 (10) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (11) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Sídliště Čimice (U949Z3P) - Sídliště Čimice (391019300) Dvořákova (U3239Z1P) - V Kratinách (2274699983) V Kratinách (U696Z1P) - Osecká (1901881427) Osecká (U94Z3P) - Prunéřovská (1377854723) Prunéřovská (U92Z2P) - Počeradská (1377854720) Počeradská (U555Z2P) - Vozovna Kobylisy (4680784411) Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z9P) - Mirovická (391537523) Mirovická (U1011Z2P) - Sídliště Kobylisy (391537532) Sídliště Kobylisy (U688Z2P) - Kobylisy (ul. Horňátecká) (391537536) Kobylisy (U675Z9P) - Kobylisy (3647599759) Kobylisy (U675Z7P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route 169: Kobylisy ? Sídliště Čimice (8368169) colour is missing for route 8368169 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8368169 and it should be L169 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8368169 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8368169 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8368169. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8368169 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 169_116_210510 Name is not in proper format for route 8368169. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 169: Kobylisy ? Sídliště Čimice Route 8368169 should have interval=30:00 Route 8368169 should have duration=10:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8368169 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8368169 (9) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (10) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Kobylisy (U675Z4P) - Kobylisy (391537568) Sídliště Kobylisy (U688Z1P) - Sídliště Kobylisy (391537527) Mirovická (U1011Z1P) - Mirovická (391537512) Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z11P) - Vozovna Kobylisy (2976175503) Počeradská (U555Z1P) - Počeradská (1377854719) Prunéřovská (U92Z1P) - Prunéřovská (286032175) Osecká (U94Z1P) - Osecká (1901881426) V Kratinách (U696Z2P) - V Kratinách (2274699984) Dvořákova (U3239Z2P) - Sídliště Čimice (konečná) (391019302) Sídliště Čimice (U949Z2P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM master route 8368194 (Bus 162) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8368194 (Bus 162) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 162) and in GTFS (162) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8368194 (Bus 162) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8368194 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 162: Dolní Chabry ? Kobylisy (8368192) colour is missing for route 8368192 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8368192 and it should be L162 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8368192 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8368192 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8368192. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8368192 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 162_135_220901 Name is not in proper format for route 8368192. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 162: Dolní Chabry ? Kobylisy Route 8368192 should have interval=30:00 Route 8368192 should have duration=11:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8368192 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Dolní Chabry (3390693742) does not have ref and it should be U93Z2P Stop Dolní Chabry (3390693742) should have network=PID Stop Bílenecké náměstí (4388789882) does not have ref and it should be U82Z2P Stop Bílenecké náměstí (4388789882) should have network=PID Stop Měděnecká (5678090335) does not have ref and it should be U374Z2P Stop Měděnecká (5678090335) should have network=PID Stop Dvorní (2670310518) does not have ref and it should be U2753Z2P Stop Dvorní (2670310518) should have network=PID ref of stop Prunéřovská (1377854723) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U92Z2P) are different Stop Prunéřovská (1377854723) should have network=PID ref of stop Počeradská (1377854720) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U555Z2P) are different Stop Počeradská (1377854720) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Kobylisy (4680784411) does not have ref and it should be U864Z9P Stop Vozovna Kobylisy (4680784411) should have network=PID Stop Mirovická (391537523) does not have ref and it should be U1011Z2P Stop Mirovická (391537523) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Kobylisy (391537532) does not have ref and it should be U688Z2P Stop Sídliště Kobylisy (391537532) should have network=PID Name of stop Kobylisy (ul. Horňátecká) (391537536) in OSM (Kobylisy (ul. Horňátecká)) and in GTFS (Kobylisy) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kobylisy (ul. Horňátecká) (391537536) does not have ref and it should be U675Z9P Stop Kobylisy (ul. Horňátecká) (391537536) should have network=PID Stop Kobylisy (3647599759) does not have ref and it should be U675Z7P Stop Kobylisy (3647599759) should have network=PID Stop Kobylisy (3647599759) is 57.1m far from GTFS (Kobylisy) stop Stop Kobylisy (3647599759) is 53.4m far from its route Processing OSM route 162: Kobylisy ? Dolní Chabry (8368193) colour is missing for route 8368193 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8368193 and it should be L162 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8368193 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8368193 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8368193. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8368193 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 162_134_220901 Name is not in proper format for route 8368193. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 162: Kobylisy ? Dolní Chabry Route 8368193 should have interval=40:00 Route 8368193 should have duration=10:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8368193 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Kobylisy (391537568) does not have ref and it should be U675Z4P Stop Kobylisy (391537568) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Kobylisy (391537527) does not have ref and it should be U688Z1P Stop Sídliště Kobylisy (391537527) should have network=PID Stop Mirovická (391537512) does not have ref and it should be U1011Z1P Stop Mirovická (391537512) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Kobylisy (2976175503) does not have ref and it should be U864Z11P Stop Vozovna Kobylisy (2976175503) should have network=PID Stop Počeradská (1377854719) does not have ref and it should be U555Z1P Stop Počeradská (1377854719) should have network=PID Stop Prunéřovská (286032175) does not have ref and it should be U92Z1P Stop Prunéřovská (286032175) should have network=PID Stop Osecká (1901881426) does not have ref and it should be U94Z1P Stop Osecká (1901881426) should have network=PID Stop Měděnecká (31505130) does not have ref and it should be U374Z1P Stop Měděnecká (31505130) should have network=PID Stop Do Rybníčků (267409554) does not have ref and it should be U410Z1P Stop Do Rybníčků (267409554) should have network=PID Stop Bílenecké náměstí (4388789883) does not have ref and it should be U82Z1P Stop Bílenecké náměstí (4388789883) should have network=PID Stop Dolní Chabry (267409556) does not have ref and it should be U93Z1P Stop Dolní Chabry (267409556) should have network=PID Processing OSM master route 8368205 (Bus 103) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8368205 (Bus 103) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 103) and in GTFS (103) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8368205 (Bus 103) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8368205 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 103: Březiněves ? Ládví (5926777) colour is missing for route 5926777 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 5926777 and it should be L103 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 5926777 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 5926777 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 5926777 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 5926777. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 5926777 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 103: Ládví ? Březiněves (8368204) colour is missing for route 8368204 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8368204 and it should be L103 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8368204 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8368204 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 8368204 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8368204. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8368204 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Ďáblice (U287Z6P) to Ládví (U78Z3P) with sample trip_id 103_101_221111 and 72 total trips OSM is missing route from Ládví (U78Z4P) to Březiněves (U826Z1P) with sample trip_id 103_11_220901 and 69 total trips OSM is missing route from Ládví (U78Z4P) to Ďáblice (U287Z6P) with sample trip_id 103_100_220901 and 68 total trips OSM is missing route from Březiněves (U826Z2P) to Ládví (U78Z3P) with sample trip_id 103_10_221111 and 66 total trips Processing OSM master route 8368438 (Bus 102) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8368438 (Bus 102) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 102) and in GTFS (102) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8368438 (Bus 102) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8368438 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 102: Staré Bohnice ? Šimůnkova (375825) colour is missing for route 375825 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 375825 and it should be L102 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 375825 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 375825 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 375825. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 375825 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Staré Bohnice) and last (Šimůnkova) stop names in OSM route Staré Bohnice matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Šimůnkova, last_stop: Sídliště Bohnice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Sídliště Bohnice, last_stop: Šimůnkova Processing OSM route 102: Šimůnkova ? Staré Bohnice (8368437) colour is missing for route 8368437 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8368437 and it should be L102 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8368437 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8368437 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8368437. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8368437 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Šimůnkova) and last (Staré Bohnice) stop names in OSM route Šimůnkova matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Šimůnkova, last_stop: Sídliště Bohnice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Sídliště Bohnice, last_stop: Šimůnkova OSM is missing route from Šimůnkova (U55Z1P) to Sídliště Bohnice (U648Z1P) with sample trip_id 102_100_220901 and 182 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Bohnice (U648Z4P) to Šimůnkova (U55Z3P) with sample trip_id 102_103_230103 and 174 total trips OSM is missing route from Kobylisy (U675Z4P) to Sídliště Bohnice (U648Z1P) with sample trip_id 102_102_230103 and 71 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Bohnice (U648Z4P) to Kobylisy (U675Z7P) with sample trip_id 102_101_230103 and 70 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Bohnice (U648Z4P) to Šimůnkova (U55Z2P) with sample trip_id 102_500_210715 and 5 total trips Processing OSM master route 8369807 (Bus 236) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8369807 (Bus 236) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 236) and in GTFS (236) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8369807 (Bus 236) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8369807 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 236: Podhoří ? Zámky (2135933) colour is missing for route 2135933 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2135933 and it should be L236 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2135933 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2135933 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2135933. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2135933 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 236_449_220928 Name is not in proper format for route 2135933. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 236: Podhoří ? Zámky Route 2135933 should have interval=30:00 Route 2135933 should have duration=13:00 Processing stops for OSM route 2135933 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 2135933 (12) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (10) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Podhoří (U582Z1P) - Podhoří (9403159241) Zoo Praha - Sklenářka (U3210Z2P) - Sklenářka (4485485949) Botanická zahrada Troja (U557Z3P) - Botanická zahrada Troja (429951508) Krakov (U371Z2P) - Zoologická zahrada (423784923) Zhořelecká (U912Z3P) - Botanická zahrada Troja (4972609427) Sídliště Bohnice (U648Z1P) - Krakov (391007658) Staré Bohnice (U38Z3P) - Zhořelecká (391007656) U Drahaně (U1133Z1P) - Sídliště Bohnice (391007650) Bohnické údolí (U1134Z1P) - Staré Bohnice (391007646) Zámky (U607Z1P) - U Drahaně (423199844) (N/A) - Bohnické údolí (2325545424) (N/A) - Zámky (244252881) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route 236: Zámky ? Podhoří (8369806) colour is missing for route 8369806 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8369806 and it should be L236 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8369806 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8369806 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8369806. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8369806 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 236_450_220928 Name is not in proper format for route 8369806. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 236: Zámky ? Podhoří Route 8369806 should have interval=30:00 Route 8369806 should have duration=14:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8369806 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8369806 (12) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (10) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Zámky (U607Z2P) - Zámky (3242200856) Bohnické údolí (U1134Z2P) - Bohnické údolí (2325545429) U Drahaně (U1133Z2P) - U Drahaně (423199843) Staré Bohnice (U38Z2P) - Staré Bohnice (391007645) Sídliště Bohnice (U648Z4P) - Sídliště Bohnice (391007651) Zhořelecká (U912Z4P) - Zhořelecká (391007655) Krakov (U371Z1P) - Krakov (1482399333) Botanická zahrada Troja (U557Z1P) - Botanická zahrada Troja (429951508) Zoo Praha - Sklenářka (U3210Z1P) - Zoologická zahrada (423784923) Podhoří (U582Z3P) - Botanická zahrada Troja (1716685567) (N/A) - Sklenářka (5590244977) (N/A) - Podhoří (255682378) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Podhoří (U582Z1P) to Staré Bohnice (U38Z3P) with sample trip_id 236_463_220928 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Staré Bohnice (U38Z2P) to Podhoří (U582Z3P) with sample trip_id 236_464_220928 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Krakov (U371Z2P) to Zámky (U607Z1P) with sample trip_id 236_1_201230 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Zámky (U607Z2P) to Krakov (U371Z1P) with sample trip_id 236_495_220928 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Krakov (U371Z1P) to Podhoří (U582Z3P) with sample trip_id 236_496_220928 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8369861 (Bus 910) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8369861 (Bus 910) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 910) and in GTFS (910) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8369861 (Bus 910) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8369861 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 910: Letiště (Airport) ? Na Beránku (8369858) colour is missing for route 8369858 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8369858 and it should be L910 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8369858 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8369858 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8369858. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8369858 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Terminal 1) and last (Na Beránku) stop names in OSM route Terminal 1 matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Terminál 1, last_stop: Na Beránku GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Na Beránku, last_stop: Letiště Processing OSM route 910: Na Beránku ? Letiště (Airport) (8369860) colour is missing for route 8369860 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8369860 and it should be L910 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8369860 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8369860 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8369860. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8369860 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 910_389_230201 Name is not in proper format for route 8369860. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 910: Na Beránku ? Letiště (Airport) Route 8369860 should have interval=30:00 Route 8369860 should have duration=79:00 Route is having a oneway Vlastina (1125039487, 12 nodes) in wrong direction Distance between shapes of OSM route and GTFS route is: 874.9m. Check shapes and fix geometry in OSM Processing stops for OSM route 8369860 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8369860 (60) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (61) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Na Beránku (U24Z2P) - Na Beránku (457487892) Pavelkova (U1037Z2P) - Pavelkova (457487886) Petržílova (U1036Z2P) - Petržílova (457487881) Platónova (U1035Z2P) - Platónova (457321037) Písková (U1157Z2P) - Písková (5650252323) Poliklinika Modřany (U929Z5P) - Poliklinika Modřany (1745598075) Tylova čtvrť (U928Z2P) - Tylova čtvrť (926674393) Družná (U927Z2P) - Družná (29941696) Labe (U625Z2P) - Labe (1307749324) Hasova (U446Z2P) - Hasova (2356036533) Sídliště Lhotka (U658Z2P) - Sídliště Lhotka (29941486) Lhotka (U329Z2P) - Lhotka (29941342) Novodvorská (U497Z4P) - Novodvorská (1746492286) Sulická (U722Z1P) - Sulická (444664415) Zálesí (U893Z2P) - Zálesí (344524948) Nemocnice Krč (U488Z4P) - Nemocnice Krč (2569537322) U Labutě (U377Z2P) - U Labutě (343692269) Kačerov (U228Z4P) - Kačerov (248225135) Pod Dálnicí (U415Z2P) - Pod Dálnicí (393443684) Vyskočilova (U1402Z1P) - Vyskočilova (385651356) Brumlovka (U265Z1P) - Brumlovka (3670842712) Budějovická (U50Z8P) - Budějovická (ul. Budějovická) (3671203867) Zelená liška (U907Z2P) - Zelená liška (5650400185) Pankrác (U385Z4P) - Pankrác (5679574104) Kotorská (U2784Z1P) - Pražského povstání (5679574103) Pražského povstání (U597Z7P) - Vyšehrad (5679574102) Vyšehrad (U527Z2P) - I. P. Pavlova (907952588) I. P. Pavlova (U190Z6P) - Ve Smečkách (5679574101) Ve Smečkách (U3213Z1P) - Karlovo náměstí (393407887) Karlovo náměstí (U237Z10P) - Palackého náměstí (8341125026) Palackého náměstí (U237Z6P) - Jiráskovo náměstí (393407881) Jiráskovo náměstí (U208Z3P) - Arbesovo náměstí (393407879) Arbesovo náměstí (U4Z3P) - Švandovo divadlo (393407874) Švandovo divadlo (U481Z3P) - Kobrova (393403727) Kobrova (U930Z1P) - Holečkova (393403722) Holečkova (U148Z1P) - Hřebenka (393403718) Zapova (U2607Z1P) - U Palaty (393403713) Hřebenka (U168Z1P) - Stadion Strahov (1222786635) U Palaty (U693Z1P) - Diskařská (3271303942) Stadion Strahov (U699Z1P) - Televizní věž (364186408) Diskařská (U1407Z1P) - Rozýnova (360440279) Televizní věž (U748Z1P) - U Ladronky (360440288) Rozýnova (U626Z1P) - Štefkova (1914125256) U Ladronky (U781Z1P) - Nad Markétou (345332982) Štefkova (U737Z1P) - Koleje Větrník (345830858) Vypich (U872Z2P) - Větrník (345830850) Nad Markétou (U1077Z1P) - Sídliště Petřiny (345830841) Koleje Větrník (U273Z1P) - Litovický potok (2314963105) Větrník (U844Z3P) - Divoká Šárka (634586272) Petřiny (U507Z2P) - Vlastina (3269623215) Sídliště Petřiny (U541Z6P) - Sídliště Na Dědině (1138379755) Litovický potok (U1198Z1P) - Ciolkovského (1942683873) Ciolkovského (U61Z4P) - Dlouhá míle (919878151) Dlouhá míle (U554Z1P) - K Letišti (764652445) K Letišti (U218Z1P) - Terminál 3 (3408157857) Terminál 3 (U698Z1P) - Na Padesátníku (926664788) Na Padesátníku (U416Z1P) - U Hangáru (1271111686) U Hangáru (U776Z1P) - Terminál 1 (3408157853) Terminál 1 (U628Z1P) - Terminál 2 (3408157855) Terminál 2 (U629Z3P) - Letiště (Airport) - výstupní (1947443403) Letiště (U1090Z1P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Terminál 1 (U628Z5P) to Na Beránku (U24Z1P) with sample trip_id 910_388_230201 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Terminál 1 (U628Z5P) to Kačerov (U228Z3P) with sample trip_id 910_390_230201 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Na Beránku (U24Z2P) to Kačerov (U228Z5P) with sample trip_id 910_12_221126 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kačerov (U228Z3P) to Na Beránku (U24Z1P) with sample trip_id 910_133_210715 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8370961 (Bus 901) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8370961 (Bus 901) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 901) and in GTFS (901) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8370961 (Bus 901) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8370961 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 901: Skalka ? Anděl (8370959) colour is missing for route 8370959 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8370959 and it should be L901 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8370959 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8370959 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8370959. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8370959 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 901_158_230103 Name is not in proper format for route 8370959. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 901: Skalka ? Anděl Route 8370959 should have interval=60:00 Route 8370959 should have duration=66:00 Distance between shapes of OSM route and GTFS route is: 359.4m. Check shapes and fix geometry in OSM Processing stops for OSM route 8370959 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8370959 (49) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (51) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Skalka (U953Z7P) - Skalka (299755916) V Rybníčkách (U829Z4P) - V Rybníčkách (4405000316) Štěchovická (U738Z2P) - Štěchovická (31623382) Strašnická (U713Z4P) - Strašnická (255617348) Na Hroudě (U599Z2P) - Na Hroudě (8341124520) Staré Strašnice (U459Z3P) - Staré Strašnice (1134719044) Korytná (U198Z1P) - Korytná (289154324) Želivecká (U920Z1P) - Želivecká (65542652) Jesenická (U671Z3P) - Jesenická (289141214) Poliklinika Zahradní Město (U192Z2P) - Poliklinika Zahradní Město (5680464688) Hlohová (U143Z2P) - Hlohová (1617752275) Centrum Zahradní Město (U890Z2P) - Centrum Zahradní Město (4668617472) Topolová (U760Z1P) - Topolová (823297643) Práčská (U1285Z1P) - Práčská (1558193754) Obchodní centrum Hostivař (U596Z4P) - Obchodní centrum Hostivař (4098653966) Hostivařské náměstí (U160Z1P) - Hostivařské náměstí (1106301156) Selská (U641Z1P) - Selská (1102659396) Toulcův dvůr (U166Z1P) - Toulcův dvůr (1102659428) Na Košíku (U409Z1P) - Na Košíku (1102614494) Přeštická (U195Z1P) - Přeštická (1007785563) Donovalská (U99Z1P) - Donovalská (1103955712) Mokrá (U381Z1P) - Litochlebské náměstí (1103955722) Litochlebské náměstí (U344Z1P) - Opatov (1785642970) Opatov (U106Z2P) - Šeberov (2809484676) Šeberov (U730Z1P) - V Ladech (1431098823) V Ladech (U731Z1P) - Pod Vsí (5653767526) Pod Vsí (U1038Z1P) - Hrnčířský hřbitov (7385729749) Hrnčířský hřbitov (U165Z3P) - Šeberák (2569498452) Vožická (U2794Z2P) - Kunratice (2569502068) Šeberák (U729Z3P) - Kunratická škola (2569506968) Kunratice (U309Z2P) - U Tří svatých (2569512784) Kunratická škola (U611Z2P) - Zelené domky (8349138124) U Tří svatých (U799Z2P) - IKEM (2569512782) Zelené domky (U909Z2P) - Ústav mateřství (363495046) IKEM (U908Z2P) - Klárův ústav (30991887) Ústav mateřství (U819Z2P) - Zálesí (444664400) Klárův ústav (U257Z2P) - Sulická (5652217646) Zálesí (U893Z1P) - Novodvorská (1844114662) Sulická (U722Z2P) - Sídliště Novodvorská (29940198) Novodvorská (U497Z2P) - Jílovská (8913361604) Sídliště Novodvorská (U662Z2P) - Vrbova (3646197480) Jílovská (U879Z2P) - Ve Studeném (5652739708) Vrbova (U971Z1P) - Branické náměstí (387185092) Ve Studeném (U839Z2P) - U Staré pošty (389978566) Branické náměstí (U245Z2P) - Přístaviště (389978564) U Staré pošty (U619Z2P) - Lihovar (5644141239) Přístaviště (U614Z4P) - Smíchovské nádraží (5680464686) Lihovar (U337Z4P) - Na Knížecí (4718293062) Smíchovské nádraží (U458Z13P) - Anděl (5680464685) Na Knížecí (U1040Z5P) - (N/A) Anděl (U1040Z11P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route 901: Anděl ? Skalka (8370960) colour is missing for route 8370960 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8370960 and it should be L901 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8370960 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8370960 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8370960. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8370960 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 901_159_230103 Name is not in proper format for route 8370960. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 901: Anděl ? Skalka Route 8370960 should have interval=60:00 Route 8370960 should have duration=63:00 Distance between shapes of OSM route and GTFS route is: 401.8m. Check shapes and fix geometry in OSM Processing stops for OSM route 8370960 (using platforms for all checks) Platform Na Knížecí (1914106488) should not be part of the route way Number of stops in OSM route 8370960 (46) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (49) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Anděl (U1040Z4P) - Na Knížecí (1914106488) Na Knížecí (U1040Z6P) - Smíchovské nádraží (414553569) Smíchovské nádraží (U458Z17P) - Lihovar (5644141238) Lihovar (U337Z3P) - Přístaviště (389978563) Přístaviště (U614Z3P) - U Staré pošty (389978565) U Staré pošty (U619Z1P) - Branické náměstí (387185093) Branické náměstí (U245Z1P) - Ve Studeném (8913332267) Ve Studeném (U839Z1P) - Jílovská (3646197481) Jílovská (U879Z1P) - Sídliště Novodvorská (805014431) Sídliště Novodvorská (U662Z1P) - Novodvorská (1746492286) Novodvorská (U497Z4P) - Sulická (444664415) Sulická (U722Z1P) - Zálesí (344524948) Zálesí (U893Z2P) - Klárův ústav (2569481612) Klárův ústav (U257Z1P) - Ústav mateřství (363495060) Ústav mateřství (U819Z1P) - IKEM (2569481611) IKEM (U908Z1P) - Zelené domky (2569487979) Zelené domky (U909Z1P) - U Tří svatých (2569487977) U Tří svatých (U799Z1P) - Kunratická škola (2569490121) Kunratická škola (U611Z1P) - Kunratice (2569491467) Kunratice (U309Z1P) - Šeberák (2569498453) Šeberák (U729Z1P) - Hrnčířský hřbitov (3255533010) Vožická (U2794Z1P) - Pod Vsí (5653767527) Hrnčířský hřbitov (U165Z2P) - V Ladech (1431098824) Pod Vsí (U1038Z2P) - Šeberov (2809484677) V Ladech (U731Z2P) - Opatov (2437182537) Šeberov (U730Z2P) - Litochlebské náměstí (1103955718) Opatov (U106Z6P) - Donovalská (1103955706) Litochlebské náměstí (U344Z2P) - Přeštická (1091623735) Mokrá (U381Z2P) - Na Košíku (1102659399) Donovalská (U99Z2P) - Toulcův dvůr (1574361673) Přeštická (U195Z2P) - Selská (1102659391) Na Košíku (U409Z2P) - Hostivařské náměstí (1106301140) Toulcův dvůr (U166Z2P) - Obchodní centrum Hostivař (4098570666) Selská (U641Z2P) - Práčská (1558193755) Hostivařské náměstí (U160Z2P) - Topolová (768953599) Obchodní centrum Hostivař (U596Z3P) - Centrum Zahradní Město (4668617473) Práčská (U1285Z2P) - Hlohová (1617752276) Topolová (U760Z2P) - Poliklinika Zahradní Město (5680464689) Centrum Zahradní Město (U890Z1P) - Želivecká (1335795) Hlohová (U143Z1P) - Korytná (26424974) Poliklinika Zahradní Město (U192Z1P) - Staré Strašnice (26396789) Želivecká (U920Z2P) - Na Hroudě (8341124519) Korytná (U198Z2P) - Strašnická (25917898) Staré Strašnice (U459Z5P) - Štěchovická (255617347) Na Hroudě (U599Z1P) - V Rybníčkách (4149907463) Strašnická (U713Z5P) - Skalka (3622846762) Štěchovická (U738Z1P) - (N/A) V Rybníčkách (U829Z3P) - (N/A) Skalka (U953Z2P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Anděl (U1040Z4P) to Opatov (U106Z6P) with sample trip_id 901_163_230103 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Skalka (U953Z7P) to Opatov (U106Z2P) with sample trip_id 901_116_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Šeberák (U729Z3P) to Anděl (U1040Z11P) with sample trip_id 901_53_221026 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z6P) to Skalka (U953Z2P) with sample trip_id 901_113_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8371074 (Bus 907) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8371074 (Bus 907) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 907) and in GTFS (907) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8371074 (Bus 907) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8371074 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 907: Letiště (Airport) ? Lipence (8371073) colour is missing for route 8371073 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8371073 and it should be L907 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8371073 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8371073 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8371073. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8371073 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Terminál 1) and last (Lipence) stop names in OSM route Terminál 1 matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Terminál 1, last_stop: Baně GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Baně, last_stop: Letiště OSM is missing route from Baně (U14Z2P) to Letiště (U1090Z1P) with sample trip_id 907_160_221027 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Terminál 1 (U628Z5P) to Baně (U14Z1P) with sample trip_id 907_161_221027 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Terminál 1 (U628Z5P) to Karlovo náměstí (U237Z10P) with sample trip_id 907_11_221027 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Baně (U14Z2P) to Smíchovské nádraží (U458Z13P) with sample trip_id 907_149_221026 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Hradčanská (U163Z6P) to Letiště (U1090Z1P) with sample trip_id 907_39_221027 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Hradčanská (U163Z5P) to Baně (U14Z1P) with sample trip_id 907_150_221112 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8371078 (Bus 914) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8371078 (Bus 914) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 914) and in GTFS (914) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8371078 (Bus 914) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8371078 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 914: Třebenická ? Březiněves (8371076) colour is missing for route 8371076 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8371076 and it should be L914 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8371076 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8371076 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 8371076 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8371076. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8371076 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 914: Březiněves ? Třebenická (8371077) colour is missing for route 8371077 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8371077 and it should be L914 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8371077 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8371077 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 8371077 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8371077. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8371077 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Březiněves (U826Z2P) to Třebenická (U467Z3P) with sample trip_id 914_11_220228 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Třebenická (U467Z3P) to Březiněves (U826Z1P) with sample trip_id 914_10_220711 and 3 total trips Processing OSM master route 8374469 (Bus 908) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8374469 (Bus 908) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 908) and in GTFS (908) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8374469 (Bus 908) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8374469 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 908: Klánovice ? Jinonice (8377247) colour is missing for route 8377247 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8377247 and it should be L908 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8377247 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8377247 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 8377247 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8377247. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8377247 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 908_200_230114 Name is not in proper format for route 8377247. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 908: Klánovice ? Jinonice Route 8377247 should have interval=60:00 Route 8377247 should have duration=78:00 Found gap - way Malešická (1133471876, 2 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found 1 gap in route Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 8377247 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8377247 (61) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (65) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Klánovice (U256Z2P) - Klánovice (907989443) Přímské náměstí (U932Z2P) - Přímské náměstí (907984717) Bazar (U18Z2P) - Bazar (5661299688) Smržovská (U686Z2P) - Smržovská (2674791652) Smiřická (U684Z2P) - Smiřická (668643632) Hulická (U170Z2P) - Hulická (668643719) Újezd nad Lesy (U811Z4P) - Újezd nad Lesy (1638388243) Pošta Újezd nad Lesy (U1935Z1P) - Pošta Újezd nad Lesy (2156526210) Druhanická (U105Z1P) - Druhanická (668643649) Ježovická (U1283Z1P) - Ježovická (1626112025) Kvasinská (U311Z2P) - Kvasinská (3468959079) Pod Oborou (U568Z2P) - Pod Oborou (1626024430) Kolodějská obora (U275Z2P) - Kolodějská obora (263910619) Dubeč (U792Z3P) - Dubeč (5660907959) Škola Dubeč (U107Z2P) - Škola Dubeč (322967893) Za Pavilonem (U1115Z2P) - Za Pavilonem (3629857374) Lázeňka (U1059Z2P) - Lázeňka (25450779) Dubeček (U108Z2P) - Dubeček (282984039) K Dubečku (U215Z2P) - K Dubečku (3087057040) Dolní Měcholupy (U1099Z2P) - Dolní Měcholupy (3087325769) Dolnoměcholupská (U96Z2P) - Dolnoměcholupská (5657473787) Kutnohorská (U310Z2P) - Kutnohorská (3632038395) Ústřední (U741Z2P) - Ústřední (270768082) Radiová (U552Z1P) - Radiová (255109842) Barvy a laky (U975Z1P) - Barvy a laky (255109843) Myšlínská (U226Z2P) - Myšlínská (255109845) Mokřanská (U1066Z2P) - Mokřanská (4398762856) Plošná (U1068Z2P) - Plošná (255109847) Michelangelova (U1076Z2P) - Michelangelova (1127020335) Donatellova (U1222Z1P) - Donatellova (305912708) Limuzská (U827Z2P) - Limuzská (316816884) Sídliště Malešice (U660Z2P) - Sídliště Malešice (1537291006) Plaňanská (U548Z2P) - Plaňanská (5410428747) Hostýnská (U161Z2P) - Hostýnská (282546203) Na Palouku (U418Z2P) - Na Palouku (282546204) Třebešín (U767Z2P) - Třebešín (5457933037) Malešická (U357Z2P) - Malešická (25917589) Olgy Havlové (U1064Z2P) - Olgy Havlové (7973699970) Basilejské náměstí (U16Z2P) - Basilejské náměstí (1555783818) Biskupcova (U34Z2P) - Biskupcova (5654969662) Ohrada (U512Z5P) - Ohrada (3733492898) Černínova (U69Z2P) - U Památníku (293280659) Lukášova (U2787Z2P) - Pernerova (3815962567) Tachovské náměstí (U745Z2P) - Florenc (5465386457) U Památníku (U789Z2P) - Bílá labuť (1699410609) Pernerova (U3018Z2P) - Masarykovo nádraží (8341125020) Florenc (U689Z3P) - Hlavní nádraží (8157899799) Bílá labuť (U32Z1P) - Muzeum (907950397) Masarykovo nádraží (U480Z3P) - Ve Smečkách (5679574101) Hlavní nádraží (U142Z4P) - Karlovo náměstí (393407887) Muzeum (U400Z3P) - Palackého náměstí (8341125026) Ve Smečkách (U3213Z1P) - Zborovská (1652793552) Karlovo náměstí (U237Z10P) - Santoška (847800707) Palackého náměstí (U237Z6P) - Václavka (5643705924) Zborovská (U901Z2P) - Malvazinky (5643705923) Anděl (U1040Z2P) - Urbanova (1838855541) Santoška (U638Z1P) - Farkáň (1012114795) Václavka (U835Z1P) - U Waltrovky (4593230322) Malvazinky (U363Z1P) - Nádraží Jinonice (4593230327) Urbanova (U815Z1P) - U Trezorky (4593230329) Farkáň (U116Z1P) - Jinonice (4593266326) U Waltrovky (U396Z3P) - (N/A) Hutmanka (U174Z1P) - (N/A) Vidoule (U846Z1P) - (N/A) Jinonice (U685Z3P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route 908: Jinonice ? Klánovice (8377250) colour is missing for route 8377250 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8377250 and it should be L908 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8377250 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8377250 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8377250. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8377250 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 908_202_221201 Name is not in proper format for route 8377250. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 908: Jinonice ? Klánovice Route 8377250 should have interval=60:00 Route 8377250 should have duration=79:00 Found gap - way K Červenému dvoru (566830408, 21 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found gap - way Basilejské náměstí (1133471877, 4 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found gap - way Malešická (135646530, 11 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found 3 gaps in route Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 8377250 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8377250 (58) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (66) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Jinonice (U685Z2P) - Jinonice (4593266327) Vidoule (U846Z2P) - U Trezorky (4593230328) Hutmanka (U174Z2P) - Nádraží Jinonice (4593230326) U Waltrovky (U396Z4P) - U Waltrovky (4593230323) Farkáň (U116Z2P) - Farkáň (1012113934) Urbanova (U815Z2P) - Urbanova (1838855540) Malvazinky (U363Z2P) - Malvazinky (472617606) Václavka (U835Z2P) - Václavka (472617607) Santoška (U638Z2P) - Santoška (845434879) Ženské domovy (U922Z3P) - Ženské domovy (1986193427) Anděl (U1040Z1P) - Zborovská (8341125027) Zborovská (U901Z1P) - Jiráskovo náměstí (393407883) Jiráskovo náměstí (U208Z4P) - Štěpánská (5679574106) Štěpánská (U739Z3P) - I. P. Pavlova (907952588) I. P. Pavlova (U190Z6P) - Hlavní nádraží (5636114323) Muzeum (U400Z4P) - Masarykovo nádraží (1629549465) Hlavní nádraží (U142Z3P) - Bílá labuť (1699410611) Masarykovo nádraží (U480Z4P) - Florenc (4016973342) Bílá labuť (U32Z2P) - Pernerova (3815962566) Florenc (U689Z4P) - U Památníku (282546213) Pernerova (U3018Z1P) - Tachovské náměstí (21311323) U Památníku (U789Z1P) - Černínova (282546210) Tachovské náměstí (U745Z1P) - Ohrada (335785777) Lukášova (U2787Z1P) - Biskupcova (5654969661) Černínova (U69Z1P) - Basilejské náměstí (1555783821) Ohrada (U512Z8P) - Olgy Havlové (7973699971) Biskupcova (U34Z51P) - Malešická (5457933038) Basilejské náměstí (U16Z1P) - Třebešín (282546205) Olgy Havlové (U1064Z1P) - Na Palouku (256485028) Malešická (U357Z1P) - Hostýnská (256485029) Třebešín (U767Z1P) - Plaňanská (256485030) Na Palouku (U418Z1P) - Sídliště Malešice (1584611275) Hostýnská (U161Z1P) - Limuzská (65621261) Plaňanská (U548Z1P) - Donatellova (257816500) Sídliště Malešice (U660Z1P) - Kablo (257830467) Limuzská (U827Z1P) - Barvy a laky (1628510338) Donatellova (U1222Z2P) - Radiová (307463975) Michelangelova (U1076Z1P) - Ústřední (3654703717) Plošná (U1068Z1P) - Kutnohorská (3651297821) Mokřanská (U1066Z1P) - Dolnoměcholupská (5657473786) Myšlínská (U226Z1P) - Dolní Měcholupy (390340776) Kablo (U227Z4P) - K Dubečku (3087057045) Barvy a laky (U975Z2P) - Dubeček (3627421293) Radiová (U552Z2P) - Lázeňka (1634550950) Ústřední (U741Z1P) - Za Pavilonem (3629857375) Kutnohorská (U310Z1P) - Škola Dubeč (322967897) Dolnoměcholupská (U96Z1P) - Dubeč (3632038393) Dolní Měcholupy (U1099Z1P) - Kolodějská obora (5660907958) K Dubečku (U215Z1P) - Pod Oborou (1626024388) Dubeček (U108Z1P) - Kvasinská (3468959078) Lázeňka (U1059Z1P) - Ježovická (1626112028) Za Pavilonem (U1115Z1P) - Pošta Újezd nad Lesy (1638388081) Škola Dubeč (U107Z1P) - Újezd nad Lesy (1638388244) Dubeč (U792Z2P) - Hulická (668643744) Kolodějská obora (U275Z1P) - Smiřická (5661299690) Pod Oborou (U568Z1P) - Smržovská (5661299689) Kvasinská (U311Z4P) - Přímské náměstí (907985215) Ježovická (U1283Z2P) - Klánovice (907989948) Pošta Újezd nad Lesy (U1935Z2P) - (N/A) Újezd nad Lesy (U811Z3P) - (N/A) Hulická (U170Z1P) - (N/A) Smiřická (U684Z1P) - (N/A) Smržovská (U686Z1P) - (N/A) Bazar (U18Z1P) - (N/A) Přímské náměstí (U932Z1P) - (N/A) Klánovice (U256Z1P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Florenc (U689Z4P) to Klánovice (U256Z1P) with sample trip_id 908_199_221201 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Jinonice (U685Z2P) to Klánovice (U256Z1P) with sample trip_id 908_207_221201 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Jinonice (U685Z2P) to Michelangelova (U1076Z1P) with sample trip_id 908_181_221201 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kvasinská (U311Z2P) to Jinonice (U685Z3P) with sample trip_id 908_201_230114 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Klánovice (U256Z2P) to Florenc (U689Z3P) with sample trip_id 908_203_230114 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Anděl (U1040Z2P) to Jinonice (U685Z3P) with sample trip_id 908_96_210723 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8377253 (Bus 909) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8377253 (Bus 909) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 909) and in GTFS (909) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8377253 (Bus 909) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8377253 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 909: Sídliště Rohožník ? Suchdol (8377248) colour is missing for route 8377248 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8377248 and it should be L909 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8377248 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8377248 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8377248. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8377248 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 909_123_230114 Name is not in proper format for route 8377248. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 909: Sídliště Rohožník ? Suchdol Route 8377248 should have interval=60:00 Route 8377248 should have duration=71:00 Found gap - way Malešická (1133471876, 2 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found 1 gap in route Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 8377248 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8377248 (57) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (60) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Sídliště Rohožník (U1016Z2P) - Sídliště Rohožník (315208178) Rohožnická (U621Z2P) - Rohožnická (668643700) Zbyslavská (U903Z2P) - Zbyslavská (668643691) Sudějovická (U719Z2P) - Sudějovická (668643690) Újezd nad Lesy (U811Z2P) - Rápošovská (4980355723) Rápošovská (U3008Z2P) - Blatov (668643723) Blatov (U36Z2P) - Na Vaňhově (1637904809) Na Vaňhově (U432Z2P) - Běchovice (611304860) Běchovice (U28Z2P) - Nádraží Běchovice (322909130) Nádraží Běchovice (U448Z2P) - Dolní Počernice (315124570) Dolní Počernice (U97Z3P) - Nádraží Dolní Počernice (5661021730) Nádraží Dolní Počernice (U801Z2P) - Lomnická (5661021733) Lomnická (U349Z2P) - Jahodnice (3662529224) Jahodnice (U193Z2P) - Sídliště Jahodnice (322982984) Sídliště Jahodnice (U318Z2P) - Kyjský hřbitov (1137718678) Kyjský hřbitov (U207Z4P) - Jiráskova čtvrť (255416453) Jiráskova čtvrť (U207Z1P) - Pávovské Náměstí (1575112003) Pávovské náměstí (U535Z1P) - Za Horou (255109839) Za Horou (U884Z2P) - Českobrodská (340051859) Českobrodská (U1022Z1P) - Perlit (255109840) Perlit (U538Z2P) - Tiskařská (281777715) Tiskařská (U707Z2P) - Teplárna Malešice (281777714) Teplárna Malešice (U750Z2P) - Polygrafická (2852469708) Polygrafická (U585Z2P) - Depo Hostivař (254491221) Depo Hostivař (U1071Z7P) - Nové Strašnice (245572863) Nové Strašnice (U70Z6P) - Limuzská (65621261) Limuzská (U827Z2P) - Sídliště Malešice (1537291006) Sídliště Malešice (U660Z2P) - Plaňanská (5410428747) Plaňanská (U548Z2P) - Hostýnská (282546203) Hostýnská (U161Z2P) - Na Palouku (282546204) Na Palouku (U418Z2P) - Třebešín (5457933037) Třebešín (U767Z2P) - Malešická (25917589) Malešická (U357Z2P) - Olgy Havlové (7973699970) Olgy Havlové (U1064Z2P) - Basilejské náměstí (1555783818) Basilejské náměstí (U16Z2P) - Biskupcova (5654969662) Biskupcova (U34Z2P) - Ohrada (3733492898) Ohrada (U512Z5P) - Černínova (307281664) Černínova (U69Z2P) - Tachovské náměstí (282546212) Lukášova (U2787Z2P) - U Památníku (293280659) Tachovské náměstí (U745Z2P) - Pernerova (3815962567) U Památníku (U789Z2P) - Florenc (5465386457) Pernerova (U3018Z2P) - Bílá labuť (1699410609) Florenc (U689Z3P) - Náměstí Republiky (1629549468) Bílá labuť (U32Z1P) - Dlouhá třída (1629549481) Náměstí Republiky (U480Z2P) - Hradčanská (3476928502) Dlouhá třída (U87Z2P) - Vítězné náměstí (4518007395) Sparta (U692Z4P) - Lotyšská (5686152364) Hradčanská (U163Z10P) - Čínská (354654697) Vítězné náměstí (U321Z22P) - Nádraží Podbaba (392045834) Lotyšská (U350Z3P) - Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský (361192325) Čínská (U162Z5P) - V Podbabě (361192353) Nádraží Podbaba (U126Z1P) - Roztocká (361192367) Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský (U177Z1P) - V Sedlci (361194358) V Podbabě (U506Z1P) - Kamýcká (390394370) Roztocká (U623Z1P) - Zemědělská univerzita (390394334) V Sedlci (U397Z1P) - Suchdolské náměstí (390394354) Kamýcká (U233Z3P) - Suchdol (390394358) Zemědělská univerzita (U874Z2P) - (N/A) Suchdolské náměstí (U721Z1P) - (N/A) Suchdol (U513Z1P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route 909: Suchdol ? Sídliště Rohožník (8377249) colour is missing for route 8377249 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8377249 and it should be L909 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8377249 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8377249 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8377249. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8377249 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 909_101_221201 Name is not in proper format for route 8377249. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 909: Suchdol ? Sídliště Rohožník Route 8377249 should have interval=60:00 Route 8377249 should have duration=70:00 Found gap - way K Červenému dvoru (566830408, 21 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found gap - way Basilejské náměstí (1133471877, 4 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found gap - way Malešická (135646530, 11 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found 3 gaps in route Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 8377249 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8377249 (54) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (59) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Suchdol (U513Z2P) - Suchdol (390394356) Suchdolské náměstí (U721Z2P) - Suchdolské náměstí (390394350) Zemědělská univerzita (U874Z4P) - Zemědělská univerzita (393411166) Kamýcká (U233Z2P) - Kamýcká (390394372) V Sedlci (U397Z2P) - V Sedlci (361194362) Roztocká (U623Z2P) - Roztocká (361192368) V Podbabě (U506Z2P) - V Podbabě (361192356) Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský (U177Z2P) - Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský (361192328) Nádraží Podbaba (U126Z2P) - Nádraží Podbaba (153528625) Čínská (U162Z6P) - Čínská (8919182550) Lotyšská (U350Z4P) - Lotyšská (5686152364) Vítězné náměstí (U321Z21P) - Vítězné náměstí (5686152363) Hradčanská (U163Z9P) - Hradčanská (21631622) Sparta (U692Z3P) - Sparta (7273871313) Dlouhá třída (U87Z1P) - Dlouhá třída (1629549482) Náměstí Republiky (U480Z1P) - Náměstí Republiky (1629549469) Bílá labuť (U32Z2P) - Bílá labuť (1699410611) Florenc (U689Z4P) - Florenc (4016973342) Pernerova (U3018Z1P) - Pernerova (3815962566) U Památníku (U789Z1P) - U Památníku (282546213) Tachovské náměstí (U745Z1P) - Tachovské náměstí (21311323) Lukášova (U2787Z1P) - Černínova (282546210) Černínova (U69Z1P) - Ohrada (335785777) Ohrada (U512Z8P) - Biskupcova (5654969661) Biskupcova (U34Z51P) - Basilejské náměstí (1555783821) Basilejské náměstí (U16Z1P) - Olgy Havlové (7973699971) Olgy Havlové (U1064Z1P) - Malešická (5457933038) Malešická (U357Z1P) - Třebešín (282546205) Třebešín (U767Z1P) - Limuzská (65621261) Na Palouku (U418Z1P) - Nové Strašnice (256485032) Hostýnská (U161Z1P) - Depo Hostivař (254491220) Plaňanská (U548Z1P) - Polygrafická (2852469707) Sídliště Malešice (U660Z1P) - Teplárna Malešice (5659519090) Limuzská (U827Z1P) - Tiskařská (254492121) Nové Strašnice (U70Z7P) - Perlit (254492122) Depo Hostivař (U1071Z6P) - Za Horou (1575112005) Polygrafická (U585Z1P) - Pávovské Náměstí (1575112004) Teplárna Malešice (U750Z1P) - Jiráskova čtvrť (5659519089) Tiskařská (U707Z1P) - Kyjský hřbitov (263904701) Perlit (U538Z1P) - Sídliště Jahodnice (289532159) Za Horou (U884Z3P) - Jahodnice (315124594) Pávovské náměstí (U535Z2P) - Lomnická (315124579) Jiráskova čtvrť (U207Z2P) - Nádraží Dolní Počernice (315124573) Kyjský hřbitov (U207Z3P) - Dolní Počernice (5661072820) Sídliště Jahodnice (U318Z1P) - Nádraží Běchovice (1637469207) Jahodnice (U193Z1P) - Běchovice (5661299694) Lomnická (U349Z1P) - Na Vaňhově (1637904808) Nádraží Dolní Počernice (U801Z1P) - Blatov (668643724) Dolní Počernice (U97Z2P) - Rápošovská (4980355722) Nádraží Běchovice (U448Z1P) - Újezd nad Lesy (668643722) Běchovice (U28Z1P) - Sudějovická (668643657) Na Vaňhově (U432Z1P) - Zbyslavská (668643692) Blatov (U36Z1P) - Rohožnická (668643668) Rápošovská (U3008Z1P) - Sídliště Rohožník (5661299695) Újezd nad Lesy (U811Z1P) - (N/A) Sudějovická (U719Z1P) - (N/A) Zbyslavská (U903Z1P) - (N/A) Rohožnická (U621Z1P) - (N/A) Sídliště Rohožník (U1016Z1P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Suchdol (U513Z2P) to Vítězné náměstí (U321Z21P) with sample trip_id 909_15_211201 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Suchdol (U513Z2P) to Dolní Počernice (U97Z1P) with sample trip_id 909_103_221201 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8377381 (Bus 902) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8377381 (Bus 902) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 902) and in GTFS (902) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8377381 (Bus 902) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8377381 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 902: Třebonice ? Lysolaje (8377379) colour is missing for route 8377379 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8377379 and it should be L902 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8377379 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8377379 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8377379. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8377379 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 902: Lysolaje ? Třebonice (8377380) colour is missing for route 8377380 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8377380 and it should be L902 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8377380 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8377380 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8377380. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8377380 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Lysolaje) and last (Třebonice) stop names in OSM route Lysolaje matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Lysolaje, last_stop: Řeporyjské náměstí GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Třebonice, last_stop: Lysolaje OSM is missing route from Lysolaje (U352Z2P) to Řeporyjské náměstí (U634Z1P) with sample trip_id 902_4_210427 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Třebonice (U768Z2P) to Lysolaje (U352Z1P) with sample trip_id 902_11_221021 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Třebonice (U768Z2P) to Nemocnice Motol (U306Z1P) with sample trip_id 902_13_210428 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Řeporyjské náměstí (U634Z2P) to Lysolaje (U352Z1P) with sample trip_id 902_3_221021 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Lysolaje (U352Z2P) to Třebonice (U768Z1P) with sample trip_id 902_10_210427 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 8379636 (Bus 904) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8379636 (Bus 904) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 904) and in GTFS (904) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8379636 (Bus 904) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8379636 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 904: Sídliště Písnice ? Sídliště Stodůlky (8379634) colour is missing for route 8379634 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8379634 and it should be L904 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8379634 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8379634 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8379634. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8379634 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 904: Sídliště Stodůlky ? Sídliště Písnice (8379635) colour is missing for route 8379635 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8379635 and it should be L904 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8379635 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8379635 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8379635. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8379635 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Sídliště Stodůlky (U712Z3P) to Sídliště Písnice (U369Z3P) with sample trip_id 904_239_221120 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Písnice (U369Z2P) to Sídliště Stodůlky (U712Z1P) with sample trip_id 904_214_230116 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Stodůlky (U712Z3P) to I. P. Pavlova (U190Z5P) with sample trip_id 904_19_221104 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Písnice (U369Z2P) to Anděl (U1040Z2P) with sample trip_id 904_219_230116 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Anděl (U1040Z2P) to Sídliště Stodůlky (U712Z1P) with sample trip_id 904_81_210715 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Anděl (U1040Z1P) to Sídliště Písnice (U369Z3P) with sample trip_id 904_241_221120 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8382649 (Bus 906) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8382649 (Bus 906) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 906) and in GTFS (906) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8382649 (Bus 906) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8382649 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 906: Nedvězí ? Skalka (8382647) colour is missing for route 8382647 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8382647 and it should be L906 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8382647 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8382647 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8382647. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8382647 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 906_10_220720 Name is not in proper format for route 8382647. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 906: Nedvězí ? Skalka Route 8382647 should have interval=60:00 Route 8382647 should have duration=66:00 Distance between shapes of OSM route and GTFS route is: 1769.6m. Check shapes and fix geometry in OSM Processing stops for OSM route 8382647 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8382647 (45) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (50) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Nedvězí (U487Z2P) - Nedvězí (5654105012) Hájová (U132Z2P) - Hájová (5654104999) Pánkova (U1054Z2P) - Pánkova (5654105001) U Rozcestí (U455Z2P) - U Rozcestí (5654105002) K Říčanům (U1294Z1P) - K Říčanům (5654105004) Nad Parkánem (U445Z2P) - Nad Parkánem (5654105005) Nad Dvorem (U1004Z2P) - Nad Dvorem (1298746236) Do Lipan (U525Z2P) - Do Lipan (4870640908) Lipany (U340Z1P) - Lipany (1296599756) Benice (U159Z2P) - Benice (5654163249) K Lipanům (U22Z2P) - K Lipanům (3657996624) U Mlejna (U931Z2P) - U Mlejna (5691707700) Nové náměstí (U336Z4P) - Nové náměstí (5691707699) Ke Kříži (U3053Z1P) - Ke Kříži (7095491888) K Pitkovičkám (U220Z1P) - K Pitkovičkám (3638076703) Nové Pitkovice (U919Z2P) - Nové Pitkovice (5654302672) Hříbková (U169Z2P) - Hříbková (3638066324) Křeslice (U382Z2P) - Křeslice (5654302673) Dolnokřeslická (U6Z2P) - Dolnokřeslická (5654302674) Formanská (U812Z2P) - Horčičkova (310613402) Ve Vilkách (U1058Z2P) - Háje (ulice Opatovská) (2048018649) Sukovská (U2780Z2P) - Metodějova (236504175) Na Formance (U1404Z2P) - Ke Kateřinkám (431110779) Ke Smrčině (U247Z2P) - Opatov (2437182537) Kateřinky (U239Z2P) - Litochlebské náměstí (1103955718) Zdiměřická (U278Z2P) - Donovalská (1103955706) Ke Kateřinkám (U916Z4P) - Přeštická (1091623735) Opatov (U106Z6P) - Na Košíku (1102659399) Litochlebské náměstí (U344Z2P) - Toulcův dvůr (1574361673) Mokrá (U381Z2P) - Selská (1102659391) Donovalská (U99Z2P) - Hostivařské náměstí (1106301140) Přeštická (U195Z2P) - Obchodní centrum Hostivař (4098570666) Na Košíku (U409Z2P) - Práčská (1558193755) Toulcův dvůr (U166Z2P) - Topolová (768953599) Selská (U641Z2P) - Centrum Zahradní Město (4668617473) Hostivařské náměstí (U160Z2P) - Hlohová (1617752276) Obchodní centrum Hostivař (U596Z3P) - Poliklinika Zahradní Město (5680464689) Práčská (U1285Z2P) - Želivecká (1335795) Topolová (U760Z2P) - Korytná (26424974) Centrum Zahradní Město (U890Z1P) - Staré Strašnice (26396789) Hlohová (U143Z1P) - Na Hroudě (8341124519) Poliklinika Zahradní Město (U192Z1P) - Strašnická (25917898) Želivecká (U920Z2P) - Štěchovická (255617347) Korytná (U198Z2P) - V Rybníčkách (4149907463) Staré Strašnice (U459Z5P) - Skalka (3622846762) Na Hroudě (U599Z1P) - (N/A) Strašnická (U713Z5P) - (N/A) Štěchovická (U738Z1P) - (N/A) V Rybníčkách (U829Z3P) - (N/A) Skalka (U953Z1P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route 906: Skalka ? Nedvězí (8382648) colour is missing for route 8382648 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8382648 and it should be L906 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8382648 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8382648 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8382648. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8382648 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 906_14_220720 Name is not in proper format for route 8382648. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 906: Skalka ? Nedvězí Route 8382648 should have interval=60:00 Route 8382648 should have duration=64:00 Distance between shapes of OSM route and GTFS route is: 1753.0m. Check shapes and fix geometry in OSM Processing stops for OSM route 8382648 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8382648 (46) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (51) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Skalka (U953Z7P) - Skalka (299755916) V Rybníčkách (U829Z4P) - V Rybníčkách (4405000316) Štěchovická (U738Z2P) - Štěchovická (31623382) Strašnická (U713Z4P) - Strašnická (255617348) Na Hroudě (U599Z2P) - Na Hroudě (8341124520) Staré Strašnice (U459Z3P) - Staré Strašnice (1134719044) Korytná (U198Z1P) - Korytná (289154324) Želivecká (U920Z1P) - Želivecká (65542652) Jesenická (U671Z3P) - Jesenická (289141214) Poliklinika Zahradní Město (U192Z2P) - Poliklinika Zahradní Město (5680464688) Hlohová (U143Z2P) - Hlohová (1617752275) Centrum Zahradní Město (U890Z2P) - Centrum Zahradní Město (4668617472) Topolová (U760Z1P) - Topolová (823297643) Práčská (U1285Z1P) - Práčská (1558193754) Obchodní centrum Hostivař (U596Z4P) - Obchodní centrum Hostivař (4098653966) Hostivařské náměstí (U160Z1P) - Hostivařské náměstí (1106301156) Selská (U641Z1P) - Selská (1102659396) Toulcův dvůr (U166Z1P) - Toulcův dvůr (1102659428) Na Košíku (U409Z1P) - Na Košíku (1102614494) Přeštická (U195Z1P) - Přeštická (1007785563) Donovalská (U99Z1P) - Donovalská (1103955712) Mokrá (U381Z1P) - Litochlebské náměstí (1103955722) Litochlebské náměstí (U344Z1P) - Opatov (1785642970) Opatov (U106Z2P) - Ke Kateřinkám (431110707) Ke Kateřinkám (U916Z3P) - Metodějova (67877104) Zdiměřická (U278Z1P) - Háje (ulice Opatovská) (703148) Kateřinky (U239Z1P) - Horčičkova (310612730) Ke Smrčině (U247Z1P) - Dolnokřeslická (822787834) Na Formance (U1404Z1P) - Křeslice (298292452) Sukovská (U2780Z1P) - Hříbková (3638066321) Ve Vilkách (U1058Z1P) - Nové Pitkovice (1134984110) Formanská (U812Z1P) - K Pitkovičkám (3638076706) Dolnokřeslická (U6Z1P) - Ke Kříži (3638076707) Křeslice (U382Z1P) - Nové náměstí (1284072457) Hříbková (U169Z1P) - U Mlejna (5691707701) Nové Pitkovice (U919Z1P) - K Lipanům (3657996925) K Pitkovičkám (U220Z2P) - Benice (5654163249) Ke Kříži (U3053Z2P) - Lipany (3872944070) Nové náměstí (U336Z1P) - Do Lipan (282780880) U Mlejna (U931Z1P) - Nad Dvorem (5654105006) K Lipanům (U22Z1P) - Nad Parkánem (1298746246) Benice (U159Z2P) - K Říčanům (1298746237) Lipany (U340Z2P) - U Rozcestí (1298746242) Do Lipan (U525Z1P) - Pánkova (5654105000) Nad Dvorem (U1004Z1P) - Hájová (274833410) Nad Parkánem (U445Z1P) - Nedvězí (274833526) K Říčanům (U1294Z2P) - (N/A) U Rozcestí (U455Z1P) - (N/A) Pánkova (U1054Z1P) - (N/A) Hájová (U132Z1P) - (N/A) Nedvězí (U487Z1P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks OSM is missing route from Nedvězí (U487Z2P) to Opatov (U106Z6P) with sample trip_id 906_15_201230 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Nové náměstí (U336Z4P) to Skalka (U953Z1P) with sample trip_id 906_69_220720 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z2P) to Nedvězí (U487Z1P) with sample trip_id 906_68_210715 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8384679 (Bus 915) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8384679 (Bus 915) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 915) and in GTFS (915) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8384679 (Bus 915) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8384679 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 915: Cukrovar Čakovice ? Miškovice (8384677) colour is missing for route 8384677 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8384677 and it should be L915 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8384677 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8384677 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8384677. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8384677 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 915_10_221210 Name is not in proper format for route 8384677. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 915: Cukrovar Čakovice ? Miškovice Route 8384677 should have interval=60:00 Route 8384677 should have duration=05:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8384677 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Cukrovar Čakovice (3519616591) does not have ref and it should be U63Z1P Stop Cukrovar Čakovice (3519616591) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Čakovice (5663609623) does not have ref and it should be U3212Z1P Stop Nádraží Čakovice (5663609623) should have network=PID Stop Koupaliště Čakovice (1508530666) does not have ref and it should be U248Z1P Stop Koupaliště Čakovice (1508530666) should have network=PID Stop Náměstí Jiřího Berana (1508528727) does not have ref and it should be U934Z1P Stop Náměstí Jiřího Berana (1508528727) should have network=PID Stop Čakovice (1026423528) does not have ref and it should be U64Z1P Stop Čakovice (1026423528) should have network=PID Stop Radonická (1508834051) does not have ref and it should be U399Z1P Stop Radonická (1508834051) should have network=PID ref of stop Miškovice (1508832220) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U384Z1P) are different Stop Miškovice (1508832220) should have network=PID Processing OSM route 915: Miškovice ? Cukrovar Čakovice (8384678) colour is missing for route 8384678 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8384678 and it should be L915 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8384678 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8384678 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8384678. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8384678 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 915_11_221210 Name is not in proper format for route 8384678. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 915: Miškovice ? Cukrovar Čakovice Route 8384678 should have interval=60:00 Route 8384678 should have duration=06:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8384678 (using platforms for all checks) ref of stop Miškovice (5678181780) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U384Z2P) are different Stop Miškovice (5678181780) should have network=PID Stop Radonická (1508833813) does not have ref and it should be U399Z2P Stop Radonická (1508833813) should have network=PID Stop Čakovice (1508530480) does not have ref and it should be U64Z3P Stop Čakovice (1508530480) should have network=PID Stop Náměstí Jiřího Berana (1508529345) does not have ref and it should be U934Z2P Stop Náměstí Jiřího Berana (1508529345) should have network=PID Stop Koupaliště Čakovice (1508530660) does not have ref and it should be U248Z2P Stop Koupaliště Čakovice (1508530660) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Čakovice (5663609622) does not have ref and it should be U3212Z2P Stop Nádraží Čakovice (5663609622) should have network=PID Stop Cukrovar Čakovice (5663608020) does not have ref and it should be U63Z2P Stop Cukrovar Čakovice (5663608020) should have network=PID Processing OSM master route 8387632 (Bus 166) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8387632 (Bus 166) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 166) and in GTFS (166) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8387632 (Bus 166) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8387632 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 166: Domov seniorů Ďáblice ? Třeboradice (8387630) colour is missing for route 8387630 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8387630 and it should be L166 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8387630 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8387630 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8387630. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8387630 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Domov seniorů Ďáblice) and last (Třeboradice) stop Processing OSM route 166: Třeboradice ? Domov seniorů Ďáblice (8387631) colour is missing for route 8387631 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8387631 and it should be L166 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8387631 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8387631 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 8387631 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8387631. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8387631 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Třeboradice (U769Z3P) to Domov seniorů Ďáblice (U4130Z1P) with sample trip_id 166_1055_221210 and 40 total trips OSM is missing route from Domov seniorů Ďáblice (U4130Z2P) to Třeboradice (U769Z2P) with sample trip_id 166_1054_221210 and 40 total trips OSM is missing route from Bulovka (U54Z4P) to Domov seniorů Ďáblice (U4130Z1P) with sample trip_id 166_104_211001 and 16 total trips OSM is missing route from Domov seniorů Ďáblice (U4130Z2P) to Bulovka (U54Z6P) with sample trip_id 166_211_211001 and 15 total trips OSM is missing route from Třeboradice (U769Z3P) to Střížkov (U332Z4P) with sample trip_id 166_1084_221212 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8413685 (Bus 58) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8413685 (Bus 58) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Cannot find master route 58 in GTFS based on ref tag Processing OSM master route 8417726 (Bus 913) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8417726 (Bus 913) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 913) and in GTFS (913) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8417726 (Bus 913) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8417726 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 913: Točná ? Dolní Chabry (8417723) colour is missing for route 8417723 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8417723 and it should be L913 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8417723 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8417723 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8417723. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8417723 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 913_69_221211 Name is not in proper format for route 8417723. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 913: Točná ? Dolní Chabry Route 8417723 should have interval=60:00 Route 8417723 should have duration=80:00 Distance between shapes of OSM route and GTFS route is: 327.5m. Check shapes and fix geometry in OSM Processing stops for OSM route 8417723 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Točná (1750979112) does not have ref and it should be U185Z2P Stop Točná (1750979112) should have network=PID Stop Hrazanská (1750996490) does not have ref and it should be U1591Z2P Stop Hrazanská (1750996490) should have network=PID Stop Cholupice (1750996479) does not have ref and it should be U1584Z2P Stop Cholupice (1750996479) should have network=PID Stop Cholupické náměstí (6096770940) does not have ref and it should be U4428Z1P Stop Cholupické náměstí (6096770940) should have network=PID Name of stop Cholupický hřbitov (6096770941) in OSM (Cholupický hřbitov) and in GTFS (Písnice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Cholupický hřbitov (6096770941) does not have ref and it should be U545Z2P Stop Cholupický hřbitov (6096770941) should have network=PID Stop Cholupický hřbitov (6096770941) is 1101.5m far from GTFS (Písnice) stop Name of stop Písnice (693965736) in OSM (Písnice) and in GTFS (Ke Březině) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Písnice (693965736) does not have ref and it should be U546Z2P Stop Písnice (693965736) should have network=PID Stop Písnice (693965736) is 366.4m far from GTFS (Ke Březině) stop Name of stop Ke Březině (5679921509) in OSM (Ke Březině) and in GTFS (Lipovická) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Ke Březině (5679921509) does not have ref and it should be U871Z2P Stop Ke Březině (5679921509) should have network=PID Stop Ke Březině (5679921509) is 197.8m far from GTFS (Lipovická) stop Name of stop Lipovická (5679921510) in OSM (Lipovická) and in GTFS (Sídliště Písnice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Lipovická (5679921510) does not have ref and it should be U369Z2P Stop Lipovická (5679921510) should have network=PID Stop Lipovická (5679921510) is 503.7m far from GTFS (Sídliště Písnice) stop Name of stop Sídliště Písnice (344530996) in OSM (Sídliště Písnice) and in GTFS (U Libušské sokolovny) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Sídliště Písnice (344530996) does not have ref and it should be U783Z2P Stop Sídliště Písnice (344530996) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Písnice (344530996) is 499.0m far from GTFS (U Libušské sokolovny) stop Name of stop U Libušské sokolovny (330442172) in OSM (U Libušské sokolovny) and in GTFS (Libuš) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop U Libušské sokolovny (330442172) does not have ref and it should be U335Z2P Stop U Libušské sokolovny (330442172) should have network=PID Stop U Libušské sokolovny (330442172) is 390.6m far from GTFS (Libuš) stop Name of stop Libuš (2442556632) in OSM (Libuš) and in GTFS (U Zvoničky) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Libuš (2442556632) does not have ref and it should be U804Z2P Stop Libuš (2442556632) is 380.1m far from GTFS (U Zvoničky) stop Name of stop U Zvoničky (5679921512) in OSM (U Zvoničky) and in GTFS (Jalodvorská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop U Zvoničky (5679921512) does not have ref and it should be U194Z2P Stop U Zvoničky (5679921512) should have network=PID Stop U Zvoničky (5679921512) is 405.0m far from GTFS (Jalodvorská) stop Name of stop Jalodvorská (2442556627) in OSM (Jalodvorská) and in GTFS (Chýnovská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Jalodvorská (2442556627) does not have ref and it should be U1336Z1P Stop Jalodvorská (2442556627) should have network=PID Stop Jalodvorská (2442556627) is 878.8m far from GTFS (Chýnovská) stop Name of stop Chýnovská (2442556626) in OSM (Chýnovská) and in GTFS (Čechtická) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Chýnovská (2442556626) does not have ref and it should be U857Z2P Stop Chýnovská (2442556626) should have network=PID Stop Chýnovská (2442556626) is 834.0m far from GTFS (Čechtická) stop Name of stop Čechtická (1884522250) in OSM (Čechtická) and in GTFS (Novodvorská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Čechtická (1884522250) does not have ref and it should be U497Z4P Stop Čechtická (1884522250) should have network=PID Stop Čechtická (1884522250) is 480.6m far from GTFS (Novodvorská) stop Name of stop Novodvorská (1746492286) in OSM (Novodvorská) and in GTFS (Sulická) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Novodvorská (1746492286) does not have ref and it should be U722Z1P Stop Novodvorská (1746492286) should have network=PID Stop Novodvorská (1746492286) is 575.2m far from GTFS (Sulická) stop Name of stop Sulická (444664415) in OSM (Sulická) and in GTFS (Zálesí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Sulická (444664415) does not have ref and it should be U893Z2P Stop Sulická (444664415) should have network=PID Stop Sulická (444664415) is 750.8m far from GTFS (Zálesí) stop Name of stop Zálesí (344524948) in OSM (Zálesí) and in GTFS (Nemocnice Krč) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Zálesí (344524948) does not have ref and it should be U488Z4P Stop Zálesí (344524948) should have network=PID Stop Zálesí (344524948) is 401.5m far from GTFS (Nemocnice Krč) stop Name of stop Nemocnice Krč (2569537322) in OSM (Nemocnice Krč) and in GTFS (U Labutě) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Nemocnice Krč (2569537322) does not have ref and it should be U377Z2P Stop Nemocnice Krč (2569537322) should have network=PID Stop Nemocnice Krč (2569537322) is 502.0m far from GTFS (U Labutě) stop Name of stop U Labutě (343692269) in OSM (U Labutě) and in GTFS (Choceradská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop U Labutě (343692269) does not have ref and it should be U1221Z1P Stop U Labutě (343692269) should have network=PID Stop U Labutě (343692269) is 3867.7m far from GTFS (Choceradská) stop Name of stop Choceradská (393460118) in OSM (Choceradská) and in GTFS (Hlavní) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Choceradská (393460118) does not have ref and it should be U141Z1P Stop Choceradská (393460118) should have network=PID Stop Choceradská (393460118) is 452.3m far from GTFS (Hlavní) stop Name of stop Hlavní (2435179152) in OSM (Hlavní) and in GTFS (Spořilov) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Hlavní (2435179152) does not have ref and it should be U697Z5P Stop Hlavní (2435179152) should have network=PID Stop Hlavní (2435179152) is 551.5m far from GTFS (Spořilov) stop Name of stop Spořilov (2385891520) in OSM (Spořilov) and in GTFS (Teplárna Michle) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Spořilov (2385891520) does not have ref and it should be U751Z1P Stop Spořilov (2385891520) should have network=PID Stop Spořilov (2385891520) is 1050.1m far from GTFS (Teplárna Michle) stop Name of stop Teplárna Michle (8341125317) in OSM (Teplárna Michle) and in GTFS (Chodovská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Teplárna Michle (8341125317) does not have ref and it should be U183Z4P Stop Teplárna Michle (8341125317) should have network=PID Stop Teplárna Michle (8341125317) is 459.5m far from GTFS (Chodovská) stop Name of stop Chodovská (1557201342) in OSM (Chodovská) and in GTFS (Bohdalec) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Chodovská (1557201342) does not have ref and it should be U37Z2P Stop Chodovská (1557201342) should have network=PID Stop Chodovská (1557201342) is 478.6m far from GTFS (Bohdalec) stop Name of stop Bohdalec (566622412) in OSM (Bohdalec) and in GTFS (Slavia - Nádraží Eden) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Bohdalec (566622412) does not have ref and it should be U680Z4P Stop Bohdalec (566622412) should have network=PID Stop Bohdalec (566622412) is 859.2m far from GTFS (Slavia - Nádraží Eden) stop Name of stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (21678384) in OSM (Slavia ? Nádraží Eden) and in GTFS (Bělocerkevská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (21678384) does not have ref and it should be U29Z2P Stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (21678384) should have network=PID Stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (21678384) is 365.1m far from GTFS (Bělocerkevská) stop Name of stop Bělocerkevská (316727496) in OSM (Bělocerkevská) and in GTFS (Vlašimská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Bělocerkevská (316727496) does not have ref and it should be U855Z2P Stop Bělocerkevská (316727496) should have network=PID Stop Bělocerkevská (316727496) is 579.9m far from GTFS (Vlašimská) stop Name of stop Vlašimská (1557201344) in OSM (Vlašimská) and in GTFS (Orionka) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Vlašimská (1557201344) does not have ref and it should be U518Z4P Stop Vlašimská (1557201344) should have network=PID Stop Vlašimská (1557201344) is 711.5m far from GTFS (Orionka) stop Name of stop Orionka (1391137398) in OSM (Orionka) and in GTFS (Flora) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Orionka (1391137398) does not have ref and it should be U118Z3P Stop Orionka (1391137398) should have network=PID Stop Orionka (1391137398) is 328.0m far from GTFS (Flora) stop Name of stop Flora (4415534252) in OSM (Flora) and in GTFS (Olšanské náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Flora (4415534252) does not have ref and it should be U516Z4P Stop Flora (4415534252) should have network=PID Stop Flora (4415534252) is 550.5m far from GTFS (Olšanské náměstí) stop Name of stop Olšanské náměstí (293572102) in OSM (Olšanské náměstí) and in GTFS (Rokycanova) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Olšanské náměstí (293572102) does not have ref and it should be U743Z1P Stop Olšanské náměstí (293572102) should have network=PID Stop Olšanské náměstí (293572102) is 466.2m far from GTFS (Rokycanova) stop Name of stop Rokycanova (4415571518) in OSM (Rokycanova) and in GTFS (Lukášova) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Rokycanova (4415571518) does not have ref and it should be U2787Z1P Stop Rokycanova (4415571518) should have network=PID Stop Rokycanova (4415571518) is 375.4m far from GTFS (Lukášova) stop Stop Černínova (282546210) does not have ref and it should be U69Z1P Stop Černínova (282546210) should have network=PID Stop Ohrada (306674190) does not have ref and it should be U512Z4P Stop Ohrada (306674190) should have network=PID Stop Krejcárek (5659561878) does not have ref and it should be U1074Z3P Stop Krejcárek (5659561878) should have network=PID Stop Odlehlá (25916961) does not have ref and it should be U763Z1P Stop Odlehlá (25916961) should have network=PID Stop Skloněná (363455933) does not have ref and it should be U678Z1P Stop Skloněná (363455933) should have network=PID Stop Novovysočanská (25552318) does not have ref and it should be U498Z1P Stop Novovysočanská (25552318) should have network=PID Stop K Žižkovu (257816494) does not have ref and it should be U225Z2P Stop K Žižkovu (257816494) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Libeň (314786667) does not have ref and it should be U134Z5P Stop Nádraží Libeň (314786667) should have network=PID Stop Vysočanská (1414222929) does not have ref and it should be U474Z4P Stop Vysočanská (1414222929) should have network=PID Stop Nad Jetelkou (5661820936) does not have ref and it should be U442Z1P Stop Nad Jetelkou (5661820936) should have network=PID Name of stop Prosek (ul. Vysočanská) (263891420) in OSM (Prosek (ul. Vysočanská)) and in GTFS (Prosek) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Prosek (ul. Vysočanská) (263891420) does not have ref and it should be U603Z3P Stop Prosek (ul. Vysočanská) (263891420) should have network=PID Stop Prosek (ul. Vysočanská) (263891420) is 50.7m far from GTFS (Prosek) stop Stop Sídliště Prosek (263891400) does not have ref and it should be U665Z2P Stop Sídliště Prosek (263891400) should have network=PID Stop Střížkov (1140301895) does not have ref and it should be U332Z2P Stop Střížkov (1140301895) should have network=PID Stop Třebenická (391227891) does not have ref and it should be U467Z2P Stop Třebenická (391227891) should have network=PID Stop Štěpničná (3068425251) does not have ref and it should be U740Z3P Stop Štěpničná (3068425251) should have network=PID Stop Ládví (263873453) does not have ref and it should be U78Z3P Stop Ládví (263873453) should have network=PID Stop Kobylisy (391537568) does not have ref and it should be U675Z4P Stop Kobylisy (391537568) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Kobylisy (391537527) does not have ref and it should be U688Z1P Stop Sídliště Kobylisy (391537527) should have network=PID Stop Mirovická (391537512) does not have ref and it should be U1011Z1P Stop Mirovická (391537512) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Kobylisy (2976175503) does not have ref and it should be U864Z11P Stop Vozovna Kobylisy (2976175503) should have network=PID Stop Počeradská (1377854719) does not have ref and it should be U555Z1P Stop Počeradská (1377854719) should have network=PID Stop Prunéřovská (286032175) does not have ref and it should be U92Z1P Stop Prunéřovská (286032175) should have network=PID Stop Osecká (1901881426) does not have ref and it should be U94Z1P Stop Osecká (1901881426) should have network=PID Stop Měděnecká (31505130) does not have ref and it should be U374Z1P Stop Měděnecká (31505130) should have network=PID Stop Do Rybníčků (267409554) does not have ref and it should be U410Z1P Stop Do Rybníčků (267409554) should have network=PID Stop Bílenecké náměstí (4388789883) does not have ref and it should be U82Z1P Stop Bílenecké náměstí (4388789883) should have network=PID Stop Dolní Chabry (267409556) does not have ref and it should be U93Z1P Stop Dolní Chabry (267409556) should have network=PID Processing OSM route 913: Dolní Chabry ? Točná (8417725) colour is missing for route 8417725 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8417725 and it should be L913 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8417725 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8417725 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8417725. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8417725 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 913_70_220901 Name is not in proper format for route 8417725. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 913: Dolní Chabry ? Točná Route 8417725 should have interval=60:00 Route 8417725 should have duration=79:00 Processing stops for OSM route 8417725 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Dolní Chabry (3390693742) does not have ref and it should be U93Z2P Stop Dolní Chabry (3390693742) should have network=PID Stop Bílenecké náměstí (4388789882) does not have ref and it should be U82Z2P Stop Bílenecké náměstí (4388789882) should have network=PID Stop Měděnecká (5678090335) does not have ref and it should be U374Z2P Stop Měděnecká (5678090335) should have network=PID Stop Dvorní (2670310518) does not have ref and it should be U2753Z2P Stop Dvorní (2670310518) should have network=PID ref of stop Prunéřovská (1377854723) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U92Z2P) are different Stop Prunéřovská (1377854723) should have network=PID ref of stop Počeradská (1377854720) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U555Z2P) are different Stop Počeradská (1377854720) should have network=PID Stop Vozovna Kobylisy (4680784411) does not have ref and it should be U864Z9P Stop Vozovna Kobylisy (4680784411) should have network=PID Stop Mirovická (391537523) does not have ref and it should be U1011Z2P Stop Mirovická (391537523) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Kobylisy (391537532) does not have ref and it should be U688Z2P Stop Sídliště Kobylisy (391537532) should have network=PID Name of stop Kobylisy (ul. Horňátecká) (391537536) in OSM (Kobylisy (ul. Horňátecká)) and in GTFS (Kobylisy) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kobylisy (ul. Horňátecká) (391537536) does not have ref and it should be U675Z9P Stop Kobylisy (ul. Horňátecká) (391537536) should have network=PID Stop Kobylisy (391537577) does not have ref and it should be U675Z8P Stop Kobylisy (391537577) should have network=PID Stop Kobylisy (391537577) is 55.6m far from GTFS (Kobylisy) stop ref of stop Ládví (346315785) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U78Z4P) are different Stop Ládví (346315785) should have network=PID Stop Štěpničná (2508265082) does not have ref and it should be U740Z4P Stop Štěpničná (2508265082) should have network=PID Stop Třebenická (391227890) does not have ref and it should be U467Z4P Stop Třebenická (391227890) should have network=PID Stop Třebenická (391227890) is 65.3m far from GTFS (Třebenická) stop Stop Střížkov (1140301877) does not have ref and it should be U332Z1P Stop Střížkov (1140301877) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Prosek (612038792) does not have ref and it should be U665Z1P Stop Sídliště Prosek (612038792) should have network=PID Name of stop Prosek (ul. Vysočanská) (1140301864) in OSM (Prosek (ul. Vysočanská)) and in GTFS (Prosek) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Prosek (ul. Vysočanská) (1140301864) does not have ref and it should be U603Z4P Stop Prosek (ul. Vysočanská) (1140301864) should have network=PID Stop Nad Jetelkou (5661820937) does not have ref and it should be U442Z2P Stop Nad Jetelkou (5661820937) should have network=PID Stop Vysočanská (3519919168) does not have ref and it should be U474Z6P Stop Vysočanská (3519919168) should have network=PID Stop Nádraží Libeň (257816493) does not have ref and it should be U134Z4P Stop Nádraží Libeň (257816493) should have network=PID Stop K Žižkovu (5661820938) does not have ref and it should be U225Z1P Stop K Žižkovu (5661820938) should have network=PID Stop K Žižkovu (5661820938) is 51.6m far from GTFS (K Žižkovu) stop Stop Skloněná (367782069) does not have ref and it should be U678Z2P Stop Skloněná (367782069) should have network=PID Stop Odlehlá (344795864) does not have ref and it should be U763Z2P Stop Odlehlá (344795864) should have network=PID Stop Krejcárek (344793957) does not have ref and it should be U1074Z4P Stop Krejcárek (344793957) should have network=PID Stop Ohrada (3733492898) does not have ref and it should be U512Z5P Stop Ohrada (3733492898) should have network=PID Stop Černínova (307281664) does not have ref and it should be U69Z2P Stop Černínova (307281664) should have network=PID Stop Černínova (307281664) is 120.6m far from GTFS (Černínova) stop Name of stop Rokycanova (4446665580) in OSM (Rokycanova) and in GTFS (Lukášova) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Rokycanova (4446665580) does not have ref and it should be U2787Z2P Stop Rokycanova (4446665580) should have network=PID Stop Rokycanova (4446665580) is 244.9m far from GTFS (Lukášova) stop Name of stop Olšanské náměstí (342314294) in OSM (Olšanské náměstí) and in GTFS (Rokycanova) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Olšanské náměstí (342314294) does not have ref and it should be U743Z2P Stop Olšanské náměstí (342314294) should have network=PID Stop Olšanské náměstí (342314294) is 610.1m far from GTFS (Rokycanova) stop Name of stop Flora (4415534251) in OSM (Flora) and in GTFS (Olšanské náměstí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Flora (4415534251) does not have ref and it should be U516Z3P Stop Flora (4415534251) should have network=PID Stop Flora (4415534251) is 450.5m far from GTFS (Olšanské náměstí) stop Name of stop Orionka (2494687028) in OSM (Orionka) and in GTFS (Flora) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Orionka (2494687028) does not have ref and it should be U118Z4P Stop Orionka (2494687028) should have network=PID Stop Orionka (2494687028) is 308.1m far from GTFS (Flora) stop Name of stop Vlašimská (1557201345) in OSM (Vlašimská) and in GTFS (Orionka) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Vlašimská (1557201345) does not have ref and it should be U518Z3P Stop Vlašimská (1557201345) should have network=PID Stop Vlašimská (1557201345) is 523.5m far from GTFS (Orionka) stop Name of stop Bělocerkevská (444581111) in OSM (Bělocerkevská) and in GTFS (Vlašimská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Bělocerkevská (444581111) does not have ref and it should be U855Z1P Stop Bělocerkevská (444581111) should have network=PID Stop Bělocerkevská (444581111) is 767.1m far from GTFS (Vlašimská) stop Name of stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (303188313) in OSM (Slavia ? Nádraží Eden) and in GTFS (Bělocerkevská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (303188313) does not have ref and it should be U29Z1P Stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (303188313) should have network=PID Stop Slavia ? Nádraží Eden (303188313) is 466.3m far from GTFS (Bělocerkevská) stop Name of stop Bohdalec (65412386) in OSM (Bohdalec) and in GTFS (Slavia - Nádraží Eden) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Bohdalec (65412386) does not have ref and it should be U680Z3P Stop Bohdalec (65412386) should have network=PID Stop Bohdalec (65412386) is 835.7m far from GTFS (Slavia - Nádraží Eden) stop Name of stop Chodovská (1557201343) in OSM (Chodovská) and in GTFS (Bohdalec) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Chodovská (1557201343) does not have ref and it should be U37Z1P Stop Chodovská (1557201343) should have network=PID Stop Chodovská (1557201343) is 512.3m far from GTFS (Bohdalec) stop Name of stop Teplárna Michle (8341124418) in OSM (Teplárna Michle) and in GTFS (Chodovská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Teplárna Michle (8341124418) does not have ref and it should be U183Z3P Stop Teplárna Michle (8341124418) should have network=PID Stop Teplárna Michle (8341124418) is 531.3m far from GTFS (Chodovská) stop Name of stop Spořilov (2148202345) in OSM (Spořilov) and in GTFS (Teplárna Michle) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Spořilov (2148202345) does not have ref and it should be U751Z2P Stop Spořilov (2148202345) should have network=PID Stop Spořilov (2148202345) is 828.2m far from GTFS (Teplárna Michle) stop Name of stop Lešanská (393460113) in OSM (Lešanská) and in GTFS (Spořilov) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Lešanská (393460113) does not have ref and it should be U697Z3P Stop Lešanská (393460113) should have network=PID Stop Lešanská (393460113) is 484.4m far from GTFS (Spořilov) stop Name of stop Nad Pahorkem (393460114) in OSM (Nad Pahorkem) and in GTFS (Lešanská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Nad Pahorkem (393460114) does not have ref and it should be U322Z3P Stop Nad Pahorkem (393460114) should have network=PID Stop Nad Pahorkem (393460114) is 424.0m far from GTFS (Lešanská) stop Name of stop U Labutě (343692266) in OSM (U Labutě) and in GTFS (Nad Pahorkem) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop U Labutě (343692266) does not have ref and it should be U417Z1P Stop U Labutě (343692266) should have network=PID Stop U Labutě (343692266) is 3588.8m far from GTFS (Nad Pahorkem) stop Name of stop Nemocnice Krč (4721652380) in OSM (Nemocnice Krč) and in GTFS (U Labutě) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Nemocnice Krč (4721652380) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U377Z1P) are different Stop Nemocnice Krč (4721652380) should have network=PID Stop Nemocnice Krč (4721652380) is 679.4m far from GTFS (U Labutě) stop Name of stop Zálesí (444664400) in OSM (Zálesí) and in GTFS (Nemocnice Krč) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Zálesí (444664400) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U488Z2P) are different Stop Zálesí (444664400) should have network=PID Stop Zálesí (444664400) is 384.1m far from GTFS (Nemocnice Krč) stop Name of stop Sulická (5652217646) in OSM (Sulická) and in GTFS (Zálesí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Sulická (5652217646) does not have ref and it should be U893Z1P Stop Sulická (5652217646) should have network=PID Stop Sulická (5652217646) is 707.1m far from GTFS (Zálesí) stop Name of stop Novodvorská (5652804023) in OSM (Novodvorská) and in GTFS (Sulická) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Novodvorská (5652804023) does not have ref and it should be U722Z2P Stop Novodvorská (5652804023) should have network=PID Stop Novodvorská (5652804023) is 647.6m far from GTFS (Sulická) stop Name of stop Čechtická (116970407) in OSM (Čechtická) and in GTFS (Novodvorská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Čechtická (116970407) does not have ref and it should be U497Z5P Stop Čechtická (116970407) should have network=PID Stop Čechtická (116970407) is 462.6m far from GTFS (Novodvorská) stop Name of stop Nové dvory (141457323) in OSM (Nové dvory) and in GTFS (Čechtická) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Nové dvory (141457323) does not have ref and it should be U857Z1P Stop Nové dvory (141457323) should have network=PID Stop Nové dvory (141457323) is 580.6m far from GTFS (Čechtická) stop Name of stop Jalodvorská (2442556628) in OSM (Jalodvorská) and in GTFS (Nové dvory) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Jalodvorská (2442556628) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U494Z1P) are different Stop Jalodvorská (2442556628) should have network=PID Stop Jalodvorská (2442556628) is 980.0m far from GTFS (Nové dvory) stop Name of stop U Zvoničky (370455183) in OSM (U Zvoničky) and in GTFS (Jalodvorská) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop U Zvoničky (370455183) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U194Z1P) are different Stop U Zvoničky (370455183) should have network=PID Stop U Zvoničky (370455183) is 536.8m far from GTFS (Jalodvorská) stop Name of stop Libuš (2442556631) in OSM (Libuš) and in GTFS (U Zvoničky) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Libuš (2442556631) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U804Z1P) are different Stop Libuš (2442556631) should have network=PID Stop Libuš (2442556631) is 380.6m far from GTFS (U Zvoničky) stop Name of stop U Libušské sokolovny (330442171) in OSM (U Libušské sokolovny) and in GTFS (Libuš) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop U Libušské sokolovny (330442171) does not have ref and it should be U335Z1P Stop U Libušské sokolovny (330442171) should have network=PID Stop U Libušské sokolovny (330442171) is 421.4m far from GTFS (Libuš) stop Name of stop Sídliště Písnice (290025647) in OSM (Sídliště Písnice) and in GTFS (U Libušské sokolovny) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Sídliště Písnice (290025647) does not have ref and it should be U783Z1P Stop Sídliště Písnice (290025647) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Písnice (290025647) is 470.2m far from GTFS (U Libušské sokolovny) stop Name of stop Lipovická (323112570) in OSM (Lipovická) and in GTFS (Sídliště Písnice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Lipovická (323112570) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U369Z1P) are different Stop Lipovická (323112570) should have network=PID Stop Lipovická (323112570) is 447.7m far from GTFS (Sídliště Písnice) stop Name of stop Ke Březině (330437655) in OSM (Ke Březině) and in GTFS (Lipovická) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Ke Březině (330437655) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U871Z1P) are different Stop Ke Březině (330437655) should have network=PID Stop Ke Březině (330437655) is 359.7m far from GTFS (Lipovická) stop Name of stop Písnice (323112453) in OSM (Písnice) and in GTFS (Ke Březině) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Písnice (323112453) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U546Z1P) are different Stop Písnice (323112453) should have network=PID Stop Písnice (323112453) is 263.3m far from GTFS (Ke Březině) stop Name of stop Cholupický hřbitov (6096770942) in OSM (Cholupický hřbitov) and in GTFS (Písnice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Cholupický hřbitov (6096770942) does not have ref and it should be U545Z3P Stop Cholupický hřbitov (6096770942) should have network=PID Stop Cholupický hřbitov (6096770942) is 1093.2m far from GTFS (Písnice) stop Stop Cholupické náměstí (6096770939) does not have ref and it should be U4428Z2P Stop Cholupické náměstí (6096770939) should have network=PID Stop Cholupice (1750996482) does not have ref and it should be U1584Z1P Stop Cholupice (1750996482) should have network=PID Stop Hrazanská (1750996493) does not have ref and it should be U1591Z1P Stop Hrazanská (1750996493) should have network=PID Stop Točná (1750979125) does not have ref and it should be U185Z1P Stop Točná (1750979125) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Dolní Chabry (U93Z2P) to Vysočanská (U474Z6P) with sample trip_id 913_4_220901 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Točná (U185Z2P) to Slavia - Nádraží Eden (U680Z4P) with sample trip_id 913_11_221211 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8592831 (Bus 199) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8592831 (Bus 199) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 199) and in GTFS (199) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8592831 (Bus 199) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8592831 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 199: Želivského ? Sídliště Malešice (8592829) colour is missing for route 8592829 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8592829 and it should be L199 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8592829 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8592829 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8592829. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8592829 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Želivského) and last (Sídliště Malešice (konečná)) stop names in OSM route Želivského matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Želivského, last_stop: Sídliště Malešice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Sídliště Malešice, last_stop: Želivského Processing OSM route 199: Sídliště Malešice ? Želivského (8592830) colour is missing for route 8592830 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8592830 and it should be L199 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8592830 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8592830 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8592830. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8592830 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Sídliště Malešice) and last (Želivského (konečná)) stop names in OSM route Sídliště Malešice matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Želivského, last_stop: Sídliště Malešice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Sídliště Malešice, last_stop: Želivského OSM is missing route from Sídliště Malešice (U660Z4P) to Želivského (U921Z5P) with sample trip_id 199_100_220901 and 220 total trips OSM is missing route from Želivského (U921Z6P) to Sídliště Malešice (U660Z6P) with sample trip_id 199_101_220901 and 216 total trips Processing OSM master route 8603190 (Bus 231) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8603190 (Bus 231) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 231) and in GTFS (231) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8603190 (Bus 231) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8603190 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 231: Konvářka ? Na Knížecí (5635588) colour is missing for route 5635588 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 5635588 and it should be L231 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 5635588 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 5635588 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 5635588. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 5635588 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Konvářka) and last (Na Knížecí) stop names in OSM route Konvářka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Na Knížecí, last_stop: Na Knížecí Processing OSM route 231: Na Knížecí ? Konvářka (8330745) colour is missing for route 8330745 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8330745 and it should be L231 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8330745 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8330745 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8330745. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8330745 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Na Knížecí) and last (Konvářka) stop names in OSM route Na Knížecí matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Na Knížecí, last_stop: Na Knížecí OSM is missing route from Na Knížecí (U1040Z21P) to Na Knížecí (U1040Z16P) with sample trip_id 231_200_220419 and 99 total trips Processing OSM master route 8670241 (Bus 300) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8670241 (Bus 300) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 300) and in GTFS (300) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8670241 (Bus 300) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8670241 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 300: Nádraží Veleslavín ? Kladno, Energie (8670240) colour is missing for route 8670240 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8670240 and it should be L300 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8670240 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8670240 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8670240. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8670240 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Nádraží Veleslavín) and last (Kladno, Energie) stop names in OSM route Nádraží Veleslavín matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Nádraží Veleslavín, last_stop: Kladno,Energie GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Kladno,Energie, last_stop: Nádraží Veleslavín Processing OSM route 300: Kladno, Energie ? Nádraží Veleslavín (8670315) colour is missing for route 8670315 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8670315 and it should be L300 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8670315 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8670315 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8670315. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8670315 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Kladno, Energie) and last (Nádraží Veleslavín) stop names in OSM route Kladno, Energie matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Nádraží Veleslavín, last_stop: Kladno,Energie GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Kladno,Energie, last_stop: Nádraží Veleslavín OSM is missing route from Kladno,Energie (U4328Z2) to Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z15) with sample trip_id 300_150_220901 and 55 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z12) to Kladno,Energie (U4328Z1) with sample trip_id 300_112_220901 and 54 total trips Processing OSM master route 8670358 (Bus 399) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8670358 (Bus 399) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 399) and in GTFS (399) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8670358 (Bus 399) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8670358 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 399: Kladno, Energie ? Nádraží Veleslavín (8670356) colour is missing for route 8670356 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8670356 and it should be L399 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8670356 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8670356 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8670356. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8670356 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 399: Nádraží Veleslavín ? Kladno, Energie (8670357) colour is missing for route 8670357 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8670357 and it should be L399 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8670357 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8670357 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8670357. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8670357 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Smečno (U1915Z2) to Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z15) with sample trip_id 399_519_221109 and 22 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z12) to Smečno (U1915Z1) with sample trip_id 399_518_220901 and 21 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,Rozdělov (U1782Z2) to Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z15) with sample trip_id 399_517_221109 and 15 total trips OSM is missing route from Libušín,náměstí (U4145Z2) to Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z15) with sample trip_id 399_537_221109 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z12) to Kladno,u kostela (U3095Z1) with sample trip_id 399_534_220901 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z12) to Libušín,náměstí (U4145Z1) with sample trip_id 399_522_220901 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Slaný,aut.nádr. (U4777Z4) to Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z15) with sample trip_id 399_546_221109 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z12) to Smečno (U1915Z1) with sample trip_id 399_520_220901 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z12) to Slaný,aut.nádr. (U4777Z16) with sample trip_id 399_545_220901 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z12) to Libušín,náměstí (U4145Z1) with sample trip_id 399_526_220901 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Smečno (U1915Z2) to Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z15) with sample trip_id 399_521_221109 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,nám.Svobody (U4313Z3) to Slaný,aut.nádr. (U4777Z16) with sample trip_id 399_588_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,nám.Svobody (U4313Z3) to Smečno (U1915Z1) with sample trip_id 399_580_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Libušín,náměstí (U4145Z2) to Nádraží Veleslavín (U462Z15) with sample trip_id 399_523_221109 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Libušín,náměstí (U4145Z2) to Kladno,nám.Svobody (U4313Z7) with sample trip_id 399_573_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Smečno (U1915Z2) to Kladno,nám.Svobody (U4313Z7) with sample trip_id 399_647_220919 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8699279 (Bus 340) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8699279 (Bus 340) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 340) and in GTFS (340) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8699279 (Bus 340) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8699279 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 340: Roztoky, Levý Hradec (PZ) ? Dejvická (1616084) colour is missing for route 1616084 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1616084 and it should be L340 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1616084 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1616084 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1616084. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1616084 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 340: Dejvická ? Roztoky, Levý Hradec (PZ) (8699278) colour is missing for route 8699278 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8699278 and it should be L340 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8699278 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8699278 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8699278. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8699278 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Roztoky,Levý Hradec (U2110Z2) to Dejvická (U321Z18) with sample trip_id 340_107_220901 and 72 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z9) to Roztoky,Přemyslovská (U2110Z1) with sample trip_id 340_147_220901 and 49 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z9) to Roztoky,Levý Hradec (U2110Z2) with sample trip_id 340_373_220901 and 15 total trips Processing OSM master route 8699280 (Bus 355) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8699280 (Bus 355) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 355) and in GTFS (355) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8699280 (Bus 355) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8699280 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 355: Únětice ? Dejvická (8699276) colour is missing for route 8699276 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8699276 and it should be L355 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8699276 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8699276 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8699276. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8699276 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 355: Dejvická ? Únětice (8699277) colour is missing for route 8699277 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8699277 and it should be L355 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8699277 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8699277 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8699277. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8699277 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z7) to Únětice (U1192Z1) with sample trip_id 355_681_230213 and 44 total trips OSM is missing route from Únětice (U1192Z1) to Dejvická (U321Z5) with sample trip_id 355_682_230213 and 40 total trips OSM is missing route from Únětice (U1192Z1) to Dejvická (U321Z5) with sample trip_id 355_677_230213 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Horoměřice,Lidl (U4468Z2) to Dejvická (U321Z5) with sample trip_id 355_688_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z7) to Horoměřice,Lidl (U4468Z1) with sample trip_id 355_687_230213 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z7) to Únětice (U1192Z1) with sample trip_id 355_679_230213 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Horoměřice,V Lipkách (U1137Z2) to Dejvická (U321Z5) with sample trip_id 355_676_230213 and 3 total trips Processing OSM master route 8700471 (Bus 324) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8700471 (Bus 324) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 324) and in GTFS (324) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8700471 (Bus 324) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8700471 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 324: Kladno, Rozdělov ? Zličín (8700469) colour is missing for route 8700469 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8700469 and it should be L324 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8700469 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8700469 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8700469. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8700469 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Kladno, Rozdělov) and last (Zličín) stop names in OSM route Kladno, Rozdělov matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Zličín, last_stop: Slaný,Rabasova GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Slaný,Rabasova, last_stop: Zličín Processing OSM route 324: Zličín ? Kladno, u kostela (8700470) colour is missing for route 8700470 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8700470 and it should be L324 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8700470 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8700470 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8700470. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8700470 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Zličín) and last (Kladno, u kostela) stop names in OSM route Zličín matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Zličín, last_stop: Slaný,Rabasova GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Slaný,Rabasova, last_stop: Zličín OSM is missing route from Slaný,Rabasova (U4782Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 324_802_220901 and 32 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z5) to Slaný,Rabasova (U4782Z2) with sample trip_id 324_875_221201 and 22 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z5) to Kladno,u kostela (U3095Z1) with sample trip_id 324_773_220901 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,Rozdělov (U1782Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 324_776_220901 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z5) to Smečno (U1915Z1) with sample trip_id 324_812_221212 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Smečno (U1915Z1) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 324_889_221201 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,gymnasium (U3094Z1) to Slaný,Rabasova (U4782Z2) with sample trip_id 324_877_221201 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Slaný,aut.nádr. (U4777Z15) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 324_972_221212 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,Sítná (U4310Z1) to Slaný,Rabasova (U4782Z2) with sample trip_id 324_932_221203 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,u kostela (U3095Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 324_854_220903 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,gymnasium (U3094Z1) to Smečno (U1915Z1) with sample trip_id 324_871_221212 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Smečno (U1915Z1) to Kladno,gymnasium (U3094Z2) with sample trip_id 324_949_221212 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z5) to Kladno,nám.Svobody (U4313Z3) with sample trip_id 324_818_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8700550 (Bus 308) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8700550 (Bus 308) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 308) and in GTFS (308) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8700550 (Bus 308) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8700550 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 308: Nučice, Prokopská náves ? Zličín (8700545) colour is missing for route 8700545 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8700545 and it should be L308 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8700545 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8700545 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8700545. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8700545 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Nučice, Prokopská náves) and last (Zličín) stop names in OSM route Nučice, Prokopská náves matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Zličín, last_stop: Nučice,Prokopská náves GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Nučice,Prokopská náves, last_stop: Zličín Processing OSM route 308: Zličín ? (Nučice,Na Krahulově) ? Nučice, Prokopská náves (8700546) colour is missing for route 8700546 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8700546 and it should be L308 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8700546 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8700546 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8700546. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8700546 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Zičín) and last (Nučice, Prokopská náves) stop names in OSM route Zičín matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Zličín, last_stop: Nučice,Prokopská náves GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Nučice,Prokopská náves, last_stop: Zličín OSM is missing route from Nučice,Prokopská náves (U1652Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 308_14_221211 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z2) to Nučice,Prokopská náves (U1652Z2) with sample trip_id 308_15_221211 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Nučice,Prokopská náves (U1652Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 308_11_221212 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z2) to Nučice,Prokopská náves (U1652Z2) with sample trip_id 308_10_210901 and 5 total trips Processing OSM master route 8700597 (Bus 356) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8700597 (Bus 356) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 356) and in GTFS (356) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8700597 (Bus 356) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8700597 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 356: Statenice ? Bořislavka (8699642) colour is missing for route 8699642 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8699642 and it should be L356 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8699642 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8699642 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8699642. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8699642 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 356: Bořislavka ? Statenice (8699643) colour is missing for route 8699643 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8699643 and it should be L356 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8699643 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8699643 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8699643. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8699643 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z5) to Statenice (U1213Z1) with sample trip_id 356_100_221112 and 44 total trips OSM is missing route from Statenice (U1213Z1) to Bořislavka (U157Z74) with sample trip_id 356_101_221112 and 39 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z5) to Obchodní centrum Ruzyně (U1295Z1) with sample trip_id 356_850_230201 and 16 total trips OSM is missing route from Obchodní centrum Ruzyně (U1295Z2) to Bořislavka (U157Z74) with sample trip_id 356_851_230201 and 16 total trips OSM is missing route from Horoměřice,V Lipkách (U1137Z2) to Bořislavka (U157Z74) with sample trip_id 356_112_221107 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z5) to Horoměřice,V Lipkách (U1137Z1) with sample trip_id 356_124_221201 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z5) to Tuchoměřice,U Dvora (U1310Z2) with sample trip_id 356_620_221107 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Tuchoměřice,U Dvora (U1310Z1) to Bořislavka (U157Z74) with sample trip_id 356_870_230201 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8700600 (Bus 336) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8700600 (Bus 336) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 336) and in GTFS (336) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8700600 (Bus 336) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8700600 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 336: Hostivice, Ve Vilkách ? Zličín (8700598) colour is missing for route 8700598 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8700598 and it should be L336 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8700598 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8700598 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8700598. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8700598 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 336: Zličín ? Hostivice, Ve Vilkách (8700599) colour is missing for route 8700599 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8700599 and it should be L336 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8700599 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8700599 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8700599. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8700599 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Hostivice,Ve Vilkách (U2115Z1) with sample trip_id 336_32_201230 and 27 total trips OSM is missing route from Hostivice,Ve Vilkách (U2115Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 336_33_201230 and 20 total trips OSM is missing route from Hostivice,Ve Vilkách (U2115Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 336_72_220901 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Hostivice,Ve Vilkách (U2115Z2) to Hostivice (U1144Z4) with sample trip_id 336_88_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8700624 (Bus 386) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8700624 (Bus 386) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 386) and in GTFS (386) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8700624 (Bus 386) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8700624 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 386: Hostivice, Ve Vilkách ? Zličín (8700622) colour is missing for route 8700622 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8700622 and it should be L386 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8700622 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8700622 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8700622. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8700622 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 386: Zličín ? Hostivice, Ve Vilkách (8700623) colour is missing for route 8700623 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8700623 and it should be L386 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8700623 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8700623 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8700623. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8700623 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Bratronice (U4212Z1) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 386_13_220901 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Kladno,autobusové nádraží (U4314Z18) with sample trip_id 386_247_221212 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,autobusové nádraží (U4314Z6) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 386_15_221212 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Unhošť,Nám. (U1686Z1) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 386_116_211213 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Bratronice (U4212Z1) with sample trip_id 386_174_220901 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Unhošť,Nám. (U1686Z4) with sample trip_id 386_114_220901 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Unhošť,Nám. (U1686Z4) with sample trip_id 386_170_220914 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Horní Bezděkov (U4930Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 386_238_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Horní Bezděkov (U4930Z2) to Unhošť,Nám. (U1686Z1) with sample trip_id 386_80_211001 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,autobusové nádraží (U4314Z6) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 386_18_220531 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,autobusové nádraží (U4314Z6) to Unhošť,Nám. (U1686Z1) with sample trip_id 386_28_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Unhošť,Nám. (U1686Z4) to Bratronice (U4212Z4) with sample trip_id 386_8_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Unhošť,Nám. (U1686Z4) to Kladno,autobusové nádraží (U4314Z18) with sample trip_id 386_17_220531 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Unhošť,Nám. (U1686Z4) to Horní Bezděkov (U4930Z1) with sample trip_id 386_237_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Unhošť,Nám. (U1686Z1) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 386_169_220914 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Kladno,autobusové nádraží (U4314Z18) with sample trip_id 386_248_221010 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Bratronice (U4212Z1) with sample trip_id 386_244_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Bratronice (U4212Z4) with sample trip_id 386_239_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8701028 (Bus 316) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8701028 (Bus 316) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 316) and in GTFS (316) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8701028 (Bus 316) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8701028 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 316: Bořislavka ? Kralupy n.Vlt.,Žel.st. (8701027) colour is missing for route 8701027 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8701027 and it should be L316 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8701027 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8701027 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8701027. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8701027 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Bořislavka) and last (Kralupy n. Vltavou, železniční stanice) stop names in OSM route Bořislavka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Bořislavka, last_stop: Holubice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Holubice, last_stop: Bořislavka Processing OSM route 316: Kralupy n.Vlt.,Žel.st. ? Bořislavka (8701133) colour is missing for route 8701133 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8701133 and it should be L316 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8701133 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8701133 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8701133. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8701133 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z5) to Holubice (U1693Z2) with sample trip_id 316_100_221112 and 61 total trips OSM is missing route from Holubice (U1693Z1) to Bořislavka (U157Z74) with sample trip_id 316_103_221112 and 57 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z5) to Kralupy n.Vlt.,žel.st. (U2236Z6) with sample trip_id 316_659_221107 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Kralupy n.Vlt.,žel.st. (U2236Z2) to Bořislavka (U157Z74) with sample trip_id 316_660_221107 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Kralupy n.Vlt.,žel.st. (U2236Z2) to Bořislavka (U157Z74) with sample trip_id 316_119_221107 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Velké Přílepy (U1690Z2) to Bořislavka (U157Z74) with sample trip_id 316_171_221107 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z5) to Kralupy n.Vlt.,žel.st. (U2236Z6) with sample trip_id 316_117_221107 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8763654 (Bus 306) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8763654 (Bus 306) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 306) and in GTFS (306) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8763654 (Bus 306) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8763654 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 306: Zličín ? Jeneč, Lidická (2147789) colour is missing for route 2147789 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2147789 and it should be L306 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2147789 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2147789 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2147789. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2147789 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Zličín) and last (Jeneč, Lidická) stop names in OSM route Zličín matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Zličín, last_stop: Hostivice,Ve Vilkách GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Hostivice,Ve Vilkách, last_stop: Zličín Processing OSM route 306: Jeneč, Lidická ? Zličín (8763653) colour is missing for route 8763653 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8763653 and it should be L306 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8763653 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8763653 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8763653. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8763653 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Jeneč, Lidická) and last (Zličín) stop names in OSM route Jeneč, Lidická matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Zličín, last_stop: Hostivice,Ve Vilkách GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Hostivice,Ve Vilkách, last_stop: Zličín OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Hostivice,Ve Vilkách (U2115Z1) with sample trip_id 306_112_210904 and 44 total trips OSM is missing route from Hostivice,Ve Vilkách (U2115Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 306_113_210904 and 41 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Jeneč,Lidická (U1216Z1) with sample trip_id 306_128_210904 and 35 total trips OSM is missing route from Jeneč,Lidická (U1216Z1) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 306_111_210904 and 33 total trips OSM is missing route from Hostouň (U2120Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 306_176_220901 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,autobusové nádraží (U4314Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 306_120_221211 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Hostouň (U2120Z4) with sample trip_id 306_215_220901 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Kladno,autobusové nádraží (U4314Z18) with sample trip_id 306_100_221212 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,autobusové nádraží (U4314Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 306_115_221211 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Kladno,autobusové nádraží (U4314Z18) with sample trip_id 306_119_221211 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Jeneč,vysílací středisko (U2117Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 306_127_210904 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Jeneč,vysílací středisko (U2117Z1) with sample trip_id 306_126_210904 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Jeneč,Komerční zóna (U4127Z1) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 306_249_220901 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Hostouň (U2120Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 306_236_220901 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Hostouň (U2120Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 306_222_221212 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Sobín (U687Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 306_250_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,autobusové nádraží (U4314Z2) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 306_11_221212 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Hostivice,Stadion (U1147Z2) to Kladno,autobusové nádraží (U4314Z18) with sample trip_id 306_209_221212 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Hostivice (U1144Z4) to Zličín (U1141Z1) with sample trip_id 306_256_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Kladno,autobusové nádraží (U4314Z18) with sample trip_id 306_38_221212 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Hostouň (U2120Z4) with sample trip_id 306_252_221212 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Hostouň (U2120Z2) with sample trip_id 306_59_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Hostouň (U2120Z4) with sample trip_id 306_34_221212 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Jeneč,Komerční zóna (U4127Z2) with sample trip_id 306_61_210901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Kladno,autobusové nádraží (U4314Z18) with sample trip_id 306_179_221212 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Zličín (U1141Z3) to Jeneč,Komerční zóna (U4127Z2) with sample trip_id 306_248_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8763704 (Bus 312) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8763704 (Bus 312) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 312) and in GTFS (312) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8763704 (Bus 312) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8763704 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 312: Lichoceves ? Bořislavka (8763702) colour is missing for route 8763702 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8763702 and it should be L312 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8763702 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8763702 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8763702. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8763702 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Lichoceves) and last (Bořislavka) stop names in OSM route Lichoceves matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Bořislavka, last_stop: Tuchoměřice,Špejchar GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Tuchoměřice,Špejchar, last_stop: Bořislavka Processing OSM route 312: Bořislavka ? Lichoceves (8763703) colour is missing for route 8763703 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8763703 and it should be L312 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8763703 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8763703 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8763703. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8763703 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Bořislavka) and last (Lichoceves) stop names in OSM route Bořislavka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Bořislavka, last_stop: Tuchoměřice,Špejchar GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Tuchoměřice,Špejchar, last_stop: Bořislavka OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z6) to Tuchoměřice,Špejchar (U1364Z1) with sample trip_id 312_10_221027 and 29 total trips OSM is missing route from Tuchoměřice,Špejchar (U1364Z1) to Bořislavka (U157Z4) with sample trip_id 312_107_221027 and 29 total trips OSM is missing route from Tuchoměřice,Komerční zóna (U2140Z1) to Bořislavka (U157Z4) with sample trip_id 312_14_221027 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z6) to Tuchoměřice,Komerční zóna (U2140Z1) with sample trip_id 312_131_221027 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z6) to Tuchoměřice,Špejchar (U1364Z1) with sample trip_id 312_144_221027 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z6) to Tuchoměřice,Štěrbův Mlýn (U1362Z1) with sample trip_id 312_114_221027 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z6) to Lichoceves (U1320Z1) with sample trip_id 312_19_221027 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Tuchoměřice,Štěrbův Mlýn (U1362Z1) to Bořislavka (U157Z4) with sample trip_id 312_115_221027 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Lichoceves (U1320Z2) to Bořislavka (U157Z4) with sample trip_id 312_126_221027 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Tuchoměřice,Špejchar (U1364Z1) to Bořislavka (U157Z4) with sample trip_id 312_1_221027 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z6) to Tuchoměřice,Komerční zóna (U2140Z1) with sample trip_id 312_13_221027 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Lichoceves (U1320Z2) to Bořislavka (U157Z4) with sample trip_id 312_441_221027 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Tuchoměřice,Komerční zóna (U2140Z1) to Bořislavka (U157Z4) with sample trip_id 312_41_221027 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z6) to Lichoceves (U1320Z1) with sample trip_id 312_21_221027 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z6) to Lichoceves (U1320Z1) with sample trip_id 312_467_230201 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Bořislavka (U157Z6) to Lichoceves (U1320Z1) with sample trip_id 312_113_221027 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Lichoceves (U1320Z2) to Bořislavka (U157Z4) with sample trip_id 312_120_230201 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Lichoceves (U1320Z2) to Bořislavka (U157Z4) with sample trip_id 312_27_221027 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 8770104 (Bus 371) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 8770104 (Bus 371) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 371) and in GTFS (371) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 8770104 (Bus 371) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 8770104 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 371: Kobylisy ? Husinec, Řež,Záv. (8180351) colour is missing for route 8180351 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8180351 and it should be L371 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8180351 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8180351 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8180351. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8180351 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Kobylisy) and last (Husinec, Řež, Záv.) stop names in OSM route Kobylisy matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Kobylisy, last_stop: Husinec,Řež,Záv. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Husinec,Řež,Záv., last_stop: Kobylisy Processing OSM route 371: Husinec, Řež,Záv. ? Kobylisy (8770103) colour is missing for route 8770103 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8770103 and it should be L371 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8770103 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8770103 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8770103. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8770103 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Husinec, Řež, Záv.) and last (Kobylisy) stop names in OSM route Husinec, Řež, Záv. matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Kobylisy, last_stop: Husinec,Řež,Záv. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Husinec,Řež,Záv., last_stop: Kobylisy Processing OSM route 371: Klecany, Klecánky ? Kobylisy (8770157) colour is missing for route 8770157 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8770157 and it should be L371 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8770157 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8770157 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8770157. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8770157 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Klecany, Klecánky) and last (Kobylisy) stop names in OSM route Klecany, Klecánky matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Kobylisy, last_stop: Husinec,Řež,Záv. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Husinec,Řež,Záv., last_stop: Kobylisy Processing OSM route 371: Kobylisy ? Klecany, Klecánky (8770158) colour is missing for route 8770158 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8770158 and it should be L371 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8770158 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8770158 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8770158. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8770158 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Kobylisy) and last (Klecany, Klecánky) stop names in OSM route Kobylisy matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Kobylisy, last_stop: Husinec,Řež,Záv. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Husinec,Řež,Záv., last_stop: Kobylisy OSM is missing route from Kobylisy (U675Z12) to Husinec,Řež,Záv. (U2248Z2) with sample trip_id 371_102_220901 and 24 total trips OSM is missing route from Husinec,Řež,Záv. (U2248Z2) to Kobylisy (U675Z6) with sample trip_id 371_103_220901 and 24 total trips OSM is missing route from Klecany,Klecánky (U2243Z2) to Kobylisy (U675Z6) with sample trip_id 371_125_220901 and 22 total trips OSM is missing route from Kobylisy (U675Z12) to Klecany,Klecánky (U2243Z2) with sample trip_id 371_128_220901 and 21 total trips OSM is missing route from Kobylisy (U675Z12) to Husinec,Řež,Záv. (U2248Z2) with sample trip_id 371_194_210901 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Klecany,Astrapark (U2325Z1) to Kobylisy (U675Z6) with sample trip_id 371_101_220901 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Husinec,Řež,Záv. (U2248Z2) to Kobylisy (U675Z6) with sample trip_id 371_197_210904 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Kobylisy (U675Z12) to Klecany,Astrapark (U2325Z1) with sample trip_id 371_100_220901 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Kobylisy (U675Z12) to Klecany,Klecánky (U2243Z2) with sample trip_id 371_134_220901 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Klecany,Klecánky (U2243Z2) to Kobylisy (U675Z6) with sample trip_id 371_161_220901 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 10773779 (Bus 350) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 10773779 (Bus 350) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 350) and in GTFS (350) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 10773779 (Bus 350) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 10773779 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 350: Okoř ? Dejvická (2162272) colour is missing for route 2162272 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2162272 and it should be L350 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2162272 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2162272 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2162272. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2162272 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 350: Dejvická ? Okoř (10773778) colour is missing for route 10773778 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 10773778 and it should be L350 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 10773778 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 10773778 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 10773778. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 10773778 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Dejvická) and last (Okoř) stop names in OSM route Dejvická matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Dejvická, last_stop: Velké Přílepy GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Okoř, last_stop: Dejvická OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z9) to Velké Přílepy (U1690Z1) with sample trip_id 350_216_220401 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Velké Přílepy (U1690Z2) to Dejvická (U321Z74) with sample trip_id 350_217_220401 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Okoř (U2094Z2) to Dejvická (U321Z74) with sample trip_id 350_200_221201 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z9) to Kladno,OAZA (U4582Z2) with sample trip_id 350_208_221201 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z9) to Okoř (U2094Z2) with sample trip_id 350_214_221201 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Okoř (U2094Z2) to Dejvická (U321Z74) with sample trip_id 350_207_221201 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,OAZA (U4582Z1) to Dejvická (U321Z74) with sample trip_id 350_222_221201 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z9) to Lichoceves,Noutonice (U1673Z1) with sample trip_id 350_210_220401 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z9) to Okoř (U2094Z2) with sample trip_id 350_242_221212 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Lichoceves,Noutonice (U1673Z2) to Dejvická (U321Z74) with sample trip_id 350_211_220401 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z9) to Číčovice,Velké Číčovice (U4401Z1) with sample trip_id 350_228_221212 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Číčovice,Velké Číčovice (U4401Z1) to Dejvická (U321Z74) with sample trip_id 350_256_221203 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Kladno,OAZA (U4582Z1) to Dejvická (U321Z74) with sample trip_id 350_209_221201 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Lichoceves (U1320Z12) to Dejvická (U321Z74) with sample trip_id 350_278_221203 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Číčovice,Malé Číčovice (U4402Z1) to Dejvická (U321Z74) with sample trip_id 350_265_221203 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Číčovice,Velké Číčovice (U4401Z1) to Dejvická (U321Z74) with sample trip_id 350_267_220910 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z9) to Kladno,OAZA (U4582Z2) with sample trip_id 350_237_221201 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z9) to Číčovice,Malé Číčovice (U4402Z2) with sample trip_id 350_264_221203 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Dejvická (U321Z9) to Lichoceves (U1320Z12) with sample trip_id 350_381_221203 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 10799748 (Bus 664) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 10799748 (Bus 664) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 664) and in GTFS (664) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 10799748 (Bus 664) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 10799748 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 664: Černošice, škola. ? Vonoklasy, samoobsluha (10799746) colour is missing for route 10799746 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 10799746 and it should be L664 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 10799746 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 10799746 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 10799746. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 10799746 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Černošice, škola) and last (Vonoklasy, samoobsluha) stop names in OSM route Černošice, škola matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Černošice,Žel.zast., last_stop: Vonoklasy,samoobsluha GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Vonoklasy,samoobsluha, last_stop: Černošice,Žel.zast. Processing OSM route 664: Vonoklasy, samoobsluha ? Černošice, škola (10799747) colour is missing for route 10799747 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 10799747 and it should be L664 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 10799747 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 10799747 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 10799747. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 10799747 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Vonoklasy, samoobsluha) and last (Černošice, škola) stop names in OSM route Vonoklasy, samoobsluha matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Černošice,Žel.zast., last_stop: Vonoklasy,samoobsluha GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Vonoklasy,samoobsluha, last_stop: Černošice,Žel.zast. OSM is missing route from Vonoklasy,samoobsluha (U1621Z2) to Černošice,Žel.zast. (U1616Z3) with sample trip_id 664_10_201230 and 19 total trips OSM is missing route from Černošice,Žel.zast. (U1616Z1) to Vonoklasy,samoobsluha (U1621Z1) with sample trip_id 664_118_221211 and 18 total trips OSM is missing route from Vonoklasy,samoobsluha (U1621Z2) to Černošice,Škola (U1615Z1) with sample trip_id 664_153_221212 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Černošice,Škola (U1615Z1) to Černošice,Žel.zast. (U1616Z1) with sample trip_id 664_165_230220 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Vonoklasy,samoobsluha (U1621Z2) to Černošice,Škola (U1615Z1) with sample trip_id 664_39_221212 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Černošice,Žel.zast. (U1616Z4) to Černošice,Komenského (U2367Z2) with sample trip_id 664_124_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 11068233 (Bus 461: Strančice - Velké Popovice - Kamenice) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11068233 (Bus 461: Strančice - Velké Popovice - Kamenice) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 461: Strančice - Velké Popovice - Kamenice) and in GTFS (461) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11068233 (Bus 461: Strančice - Velké Popovice - Kamenice) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11068233 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route Bus 461: Strančice - Velké Popovice - Kamenice (5581281) colour is missing for route 5581281 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 5581281 and it should be L461 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 5581281 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 5581281 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 5581281. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 5581281 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Kamenice, Kult. dům) and last (Strančice, žel. st.) stop names in OSM route Kamenice, Kult. dům matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Strančice,žel.st., last_stop: Kamenice,Kult.dům GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Kamenice,Kult.dům, last_stop: Strančice,žel.st. Processing OSM route Bus 461: Strančice, žel. st. - Kamenice, Kult. dům (11068227) colour is missing for route 11068227 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11068227 and it should be L461 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11068227 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11068227 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11068227. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11068227 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Strančice, žel. st.) and last (Kamenice, Kult. dům) stop names in OSM route Strančice, žel. st. matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Strančice,žel.st., last_stop: Kamenice,Kult.dům GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Kamenice,Kult.dům, last_stop: Strančice,žel.st. OSM is missing route from Kamenice,Kult.dům (U1564Z1) to Strančice,žel.st. (U1696Z1) with sample trip_id 461_291_230204 and 18 total trips OSM is missing route from Strančice,žel.st. (U1696Z1) to Kamenice,Kult.dům (U1564Z1) with sample trip_id 461_229_230101 and 17 total trips OSM is missing route from Velké Popovice,pivovar (U1598Z1) to Strančice,žel.st. (U1696Z1) with sample trip_id 461_287_221211 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Strančice,žel.st. (U1696Z1) to Velké Popovice,pivovar (U1598Z2) with sample trip_id 461_284_221211 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Strančice,žel.st. (U1696Z1) to Velké Popovice,pivovar (U1598Z2) with sample trip_id 461_286_221211 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Strančice,žel.st. (U1696Z1) to Velké Popovice,Lojovice (U1689Z2) with sample trip_id 461_300_230101 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Velké Popovice,Lojovice (U1689Z1) to Strančice,žel.st. (U1696Z1) with sample trip_id 461_293_230101 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Velké Popovice,pivovar (U1598Z1) to Strančice,žel.st. (U1696Z1) with sample trip_id 461_285_221211 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Strančice,žel.st. (U1696Z1) to Velké Popovice,Lojovice (U1689Z2) with sample trip_id 461_292_230101 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Velké Popovice,Lojovice (U1689Z1) to Strančice,žel.st. (U1696Z1) with sample trip_id 461_301_230101 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Velké Popovice,Todice (U1600Z2) to Kamenice,Kult.dům (U1564Z1) with sample trip_id 461_32_201230 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Velké Popovice,pivovar (U1598Z1) to Strančice,žel.st. (U1696Z1) with sample trip_id 461_356_221212 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Kamenice,Kult.dům (U1564Z1) to Strančice,žel.st. (U1696Z1) with sample trip_id 461_311_221212 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 11682839 (Bus 374) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11682839 (Bus 374) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 374) and in GTFS (374) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11682839 (Bus 374) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11682839 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 374: Kobylisy ? Odolena Voda, závod (8305118) colour is missing for route 8305118 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8305118 and it should be L374 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8305118 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8305118 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8305118. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8305118 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Kobylisy) and last (Odolena Voda, Závod) stop names in OSM route Kobylisy matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Kobylisy, last_stop: Máslovice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Máslovice, last_stop: Kobylisy Processing OSM route 374: Odolena Voda, závod ? Kobylisy (11682838) colour is missing for route 11682838 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11682838 and it should be L374 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11682838 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11682838 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11682838. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11682838 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Odolena Voda, závod) and last (Kobylisy) stop names in OSM route Odolena Voda, závod matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Kobylisy, last_stop: Máslovice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Máslovice, last_stop: Kobylisy OSM is missing route from Kobylisy (U675Z12) to Máslovice (U2258Z1) with sample trip_id 374_103_221107 and 32 total trips OSM is missing route from Máslovice (U2258Z1) to Kobylisy (U675Z6) with sample trip_id 374_104_221107 and 31 total trips OSM is missing route from Máslovice (U2258Z1) to Kobylisy (U675Z6) with sample trip_id 374_100_221107 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Kobylisy (U675Z12) to Máslovice (U2258Z1) with sample trip_id 374_111_221107 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Kobylisy (U675Z12) to Odolena Voda,Závod (U2215Z4) with sample trip_id 374_2_221107 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kobylisy (U675Z12) to Odolena Voda,Závod (U2215Z4) with sample trip_id 374_194_221107 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kobylisy (U675Z12) to Větrušice (U2251Z1) with sample trip_id 374_101_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Vodochody,Hoštice (U2254Z2) to Kobylisy (U675Z6) with sample trip_id 374_99_221107 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Větrušice (U2251Z1) to Kobylisy (U675Z6) with sample trip_id 374_102_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Odolena Voda,Závod (U2215Z4) to Kobylisy (U675Z6) with sample trip_id 374_109_221107 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 11725388 (Bus 351) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11725388 (Bus 351) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 351) and in GTFS (351) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11725388 (Bus 351) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11725388 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 351: Letňany ? Neratovice, Žel. st. (2885738) Colour for route 2885738 type in OSM (#68b7ec) and in GTFS (#007DA8) are different gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2885738 and it should be L351 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2885738 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2885738 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2885738. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2885738 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Letňany) and last (Neratovice, Žel. st.) stop names in OSM route Letňany matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Letňany, last_stop: Neratovice,Žel.st. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Neratovice,Žel.st., last_stop: Letňany Processing OSM route 351: Neratovice, Žel. st. ? Letňany (10769542) colour is missing for route 10769542 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 10769542 and it should be L351 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 10769542 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 10769542 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 10769542. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 10769542 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Neratovice, Žel. st.) and last (Letňany) stop names in OSM route Neratovice, Žel. st. matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Letňany, last_stop: Neratovice,Žel.st. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Neratovice,Žel.st., last_stop: Letňany OSM is missing route from Letňany (U1000Z11) to Neratovice,Žel.st. (U1305Z1) with sample trip_id 351_107_221112 and 32 total trips OSM is missing route from Čakovičky (U1301Z1) to Letňany (U1000Z4) with sample trip_id 351_101_221112 and 29 total trips OSM is missing route from Neratovice,Žel.st. (U1305Z1) to Letňany (U1000Z4) with sample trip_id 351_106_221112 and 27 total trips OSM is missing route from Letňany (U1000Z11) to Čakovičky (U1301Z1) with sample trip_id 351_100_221112 and 27 total trips OSM is missing route from Hovorčovice (U1484Z2) to Letňany (U1000Z4) with sample trip_id 351_128_221114 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Neratovice,Žel.st. (U1305Z1) to Letňany (U1000Z4) with sample trip_id 351_120_221114 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Neratovice,Nám.Republiky (U1304Z2) to Letňany (U1000Z4) with sample trip_id 351_63_221114 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Letňany (U1000Z11) to Neratovice,Žel.st. (U1305Z1) with sample trip_id 351_1145_221114 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Třeboradice (U769Z3) to Letňany (U1000Z4) with sample trip_id 351_83_221114 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 11725394 (Bus 373) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11725394 (Bus 373) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 373) and in GTFS (373) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11725394 (Bus 373) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11725394 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 373: Kobylisy ? Veliká Ves (8770211) colour is missing for route 8770211 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8770211 and it should be L373 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8770211 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8770211 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8770211. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8770211 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 373_114_221201 Name is not in proper format for route 8770211. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 373: Kobylisy ? Veliká Ves Route 8770211 should have interval=485:00 Route 8770211 should have duration=37:00 Distance between shapes of OSM route and GTFS route is: 2533.1m. Check shapes and fix geometry in OSM Processing stops for OSM route 8770211 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 8770211 (23) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (20) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Kobylisy (U675Z5) - Kobylisy (391537561) Vozovna Kobylisy (U864Z11) - Vozovna Kobylisy (2976175503) Počeradská (U555Z1) - Počeradská (1377854719) Prunéřovská (U92Z1) - Prunéřovská (286032175) Zdiby,U Celnice (U2264Z1) - Zdiby, U Celnice (2034347204) Zdiby,U Parku (U2216Z1) - Zdiby, U Parku (2034345388) Zdiby,Výzkumný ústav (U2229Z1) - Zdiby, Výzkumný ústav (2112263139) Sedlec (U2249Z1) - Sedlec (7205417156) Sedlec,PEMA (U2562Z1) - Sedlec, Pema (429943209) Klecany,Zdibsko (U2217Z1) - Klecany, Zdibsko (3173365262) Klíčany (U2218Z1) - Klíčany (436563468) Klíčany,Břežanská (U2462Z1) - Klíčany, Břežanská (1410249392) Panenské Břežany,Zámek (U2261Z1) - Panenské Břežany, zámek (1435441311) Panenské Břežany (U2262Z1) - Panenské Břežany (2812746913) Odolena Voda,Dolínek (U2263Z1) - Odolena Voda, Dolínek (2594056038) Odolena Voda,Ke Stadionu (U2260Z1) - Odolena Voda, závod (7492722261) Odolena Voda,Komenského (U2220Z1) - Odolena Voda, Komenského (457167241) Odolena Voda,Dolínek,Vodolská (U2221Z1) - Odolena Voda, Dolínek, Vodolská (361451314) Odolena Voda,Dolní náměstí (U2222Z1) - Odolena Voda Dolní náměstí (1815316069) Veliká Ves (U2266Z1) - Úžice, Kopeč (1494101863) (N/A) - Úžice, Netřeba (2415669972) (N/A) - Neratovice, Korycany (7211206503) (N/A) - Veliká Ves (4176047449) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route 373: Veliká Ves ? Kobylisy (11077019) colour is missing for route 11077019 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11077019 and it should be L373 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11077019 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11077019 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11077019. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11077019 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Veliká Ves) and last (Kobylisy) stop OSM is missing route from Veliká Ves (U2266Z1) to Kobylisy (U675Z6) with sample trip_id 373_11_221201 and 19 total trips OSM is missing route from Veliká Ves (U2266Z1) to Kobylisy (U675Z6) with sample trip_id 373_116_221206 and 15 total trips OSM is missing route from Kobylisy (U675Z5) to Veliká Ves (U2266Z1) with sample trip_id 373_12_221206 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Kobylisy (U675Z5) to Odolena Voda,Dolní náměstí (U2222Z1) with sample trip_id 373_249_221201 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Odolena Voda,Dolní náměstí (U2222Z2) to Kobylisy (U675Z6) with sample trip_id 373_256_221203 and 8 total trips Processing OSM master route 11725395 (Bus 348) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11725395 (Bus 348) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 348) and in GTFS (348) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11725395 (Bus 348) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11725395 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 348: Obříství ? Bulovka (4817243) colour is missing for route 4817243 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 4817243 and it should be L348 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 4817243 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 4817243 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 4817243. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 4817243 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Obříství) and last (Bulovka) stop names in OSM route Obříství matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Ládví, last_stop: Neratovice,U Vojtěcha GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Neratovice,U Vojtěcha, last_stop: Ládví Processing OSM route 348: Bulovka ? Obříství (7125140) colour is missing for route 7125140 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7125140 and it should be L348 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7125140 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7125140 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7125140. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7125140 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Bulovka) and last (Obříství) stop names in OSM route Bulovka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Ládví, last_stop: Neratovice,U Vojtěcha GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Neratovice,U Vojtěcha, last_stop: Ládví OSM is missing route from Neratovice,U Vojtěcha (U2335Z2) to Ládví (U78Z3) with sample trip_id 348_119_220827 and 27 total trips OSM is missing route from Ládví (U78Z5) to Neratovice,U Vojtěcha (U2335Z1) with sample trip_id 348_120_220827 and 21 total trips OSM is missing route from Obříství (U1784Z1) to Bulovka (U54Z76) with sample trip_id 348_100_220305 and 21 total trips OSM is missing route from Libiš,Obec (U1955Z2) to Ládví (U78Z3) with sample trip_id 348_136_220901 and 17 total trips OSM is missing route from Bulovka (U54Z6) to Obříství (U1784Z2) with sample trip_id 348_101_220305 and 16 total trips OSM is missing route from Ládví (U78Z5) to Libiš,Obec (U1955Z1) with sample trip_id 348_137_220901 and 15 total trips OSM is missing route from Ládví (U78Z5) to Obříství (U1784Z2) with sample trip_id 348_133_211129 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Obříství (U1784Z1) to Ládví (U78Z3) with sample trip_id 348_134_220901 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Bulovka (U54Z6) to Neratovice,U Vojtěcha (U2335Z1) with sample trip_id 348_118_220827 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Libiš,Obec (U1955Z2) to Bulovka (U54Z76) with sample trip_id 348_112_220305 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Bulovka (U54Z6) to Libiš,Obec (U1955Z1) with sample trip_id 348_105_220305 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Neratovice,U Vojtěcha (U2335Z2) to Bulovka (U54Z76) with sample trip_id 348_117_220827 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Bulovka (U54Z6) to Neratovice,Dům kultury (U3310Z2) with sample trip_id 348_130_220828 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Neratovice,Dům kultury (U3310Z1) to Bulovka (U54Z76) with sample trip_id 348_131_220828 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 11725396 (Bus 334) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11725396 (Bus 334) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 334) and in GTFS (334) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11725396 (Bus 334) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11725396 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 334: Smíchovské nádraží ? Psáry (2161912) colour is missing for route 2161912 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2161912 and it should be L334 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2161912 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2161912 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2161912. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2161912 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Smíchovské nádraží) and last (Psáry) stop Processing OSM route 334: Psáry ? Smíchovské nádraží (10868246) colour is missing for route 10868246 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 10868246 and it should be L334 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 10868246 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 10868246 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 10868246. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 10868246 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Psáry) and last (Smíchovské nádraží) stop OSM is missing route from Smíchovské nádraží (U458Z7) to Psáry (U2128Z1) with sample trip_id 334_10_220901 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Psáry (U2128Z2) to Smíchovské nádraží (U458Z13) with sample trip_id 334_11_220901 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Smíchovské nádraží (U458Z7) to Jesenice (U1330Z1) with sample trip_id 334_12_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Jesenice (U1330Z2) to Smíchovské nádraží (U458Z13) with sample trip_id 334_13_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 11725397 (Bus 153) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11725397 (Bus 153) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 153) and in GTFS (153) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11725397 (Bus 153) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11725397 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 153: U Zvonu ? Nad Konvářkou (10332671) colour is missing for route 10332671 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 10332671 and it should be L153 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 10332671 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 10332671 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 10332671. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 10332671 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 153_625_230208 Name is not in proper format for route 10332671. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 153: U Zvonu ? Nad Konvářkou Route 10332671 should have interval=60:00 Route 10332671 should have duration=18:00 Processing stops for OSM route 10332671 (using platforms for all checks) Stop U Zvonu (7007822432) does not have ref and it should be U805Z3P Stop U Zvonu (7007822432) should have network=PID Stop U Blaženky (7040827493) does not have ref and it should be U3234Z1P Stop U Blaženky (7040827493) should have network=PID Stop Černý vrch (7040827491) does not have ref and it should be U3233Z1P Stop Černý vrch (7040827491) should have network=PID Stop Mrázovka (7040827489) does not have ref and it should be U3232Z1P Stop Mrázovka (7040827489) should have network=PID Stop Malvazinky (7007822434) does not have ref and it should be U363Z3P Stop Malvazinky (7007822434) should have network=PID Stop Smíchovský hřbitov (7007822437) does not have ref and it should be U3231Z1P Stop Smíchovský hřbitov (7007822437) should have network=PID Stop Štorkánova (7007822441) does not have ref and it should be U3230Z1P Stop Štorkánova (7007822441) should have network=PID Stop Nad Laurovou (7007822442) does not have ref and it should be U3229Z1P Stop Nad Laurovou (7007822442) should have network=PID Name of stop Škola Radlice (8301988558) in OSM (Škola Radlice) and in GTFS (Laurová) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Škola Radlice (8301988558) does not have ref and it should be U319Z12P Stop Škola Radlice (8301988558) should have network=PID Stop Škola Radlice (8301988558) is 533.7m far from GTFS (Laurová) stop Name of stop Laurová (8301988559) in OSM (Laurová) and in GTFS (Škola Radlice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Laurová (8301988559) does not have ref and it should be U184Z14P Stop Laurová (8301988559) should have network=PID Stop Laurová (8301988559) is 547.6m far from GTFS (Škola Radlice) stop Stop Radlická (593917556) does not have ref and it should be U957Z1P Stop Radlická (593917556) should have network=PID Stop Kutvirtova (7007822445) does not have ref and it should be U3228Z1P Stop Kutvirtova (7007822445) should have network=PID Stop Dívčí hrady (7007822447) does not have ref and it should be U84Z3P Stop Dívčí hrady (7007822447) should have network=PID Stop Dívčí hrady (7007822447) is 63.2m far from GTFS (Dívčí hrady) stop Stop Nad Dívčími hrady (7007822457) does not have ref and it should be U3238Z1P Stop Nad Dívčími hrady (7007822457) should have network=PID Stop Nad Konvářkou (7007822456) does not have ref and it should be U3227Z1P Stop Nad Konvářkou (7007822456) should have network=PID Processing OSM route 153: Nad Konvářkou ? U Zvonu (10332672) colour is missing for route 10332672 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 10332672 and it should be L153 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 10332672 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 10332672 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 10332672. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 10332672 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 153_286_230208 Name is not in proper format for route 10332672. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is 153: Nad Konvářkou ? U Zvonu Route 10332672 should have interval=60:00 Route 10332672 should have duration=19:00 Processing stops for OSM route 10332672 (using platforms for all checks) Stop Nad Konvářkou (7007822456) does not have ref and it should be U3227Z1P Stop Nad Konvářkou (7007822456) should have network=PID Stop Dívčí hrady (7007822446) does not have ref and it should be U84Z2P Stop Dívčí hrady (7007822446) should have network=PID Stop Kutvirtova (7007822444) does not have ref and it should be U3228Z2P Stop Kutvirtova (7007822444) should have network=PID Stop Radlická (4758678113) does not have ref and it should be U957Z2P Stop Radlická (4758678113) should have network=PID Stop Škola Radlice (1652793431) does not have ref and it should be U184Z13P Stop Škola Radlice (1652793431) should have network=PID Stop Laurová (8301988560) does not have ref and it should be U319Z11P Stop Laurová (8301988560) should have network=PID Stop Nad Laurovou (7007822443) does not have ref and it should be U3229Z2P Stop Nad Laurovou (7007822443) should have network=PID Stop Nad Laurovou (7007822443) is 71.1m far from GTFS (Nad Laurovou) stop Stop Štorkánova (7007822440) does not have ref and it should be U3230Z2P Stop Štorkánova (7007822440) should have network=PID Stop Smíchovský hřbitov (7007822438) does not have ref and it should be U3231Z2P Stop Smíchovský hřbitov (7007822438) should have network=PID Stop Malvazinky (7007822435) does not have ref and it should be U363Z4P Stop Malvazinky (7007822435) should have network=PID Stop Mrázovka (7040827488) does not have ref and it should be U3232Z2P Stop Mrázovka (7040827488) should have network=PID Stop Černý vrch (7040827490) does not have ref and it should be U3233Z2P Stop Černý vrch (7040827490) should have network=PID Stop U Zvonu (7007822432) does not have ref and it should be U805Z3P Stop U Zvonu (7007822432) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Nad Konvářkou (U3227Z1P) to Radlická (U957Z2P) with sample trip_id 153_288_211007 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 11725399 (Bus 376) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11725399 (Bus 376) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 376) and in GTFS (376) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11725399 (Bus 376) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11725399 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 376: Praha, Letňany - Brandýs n.L.-St. Bol., Nádr. (2862700) colour is missing for route 2862700 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2862700 and it should be L376 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2862700 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2862700 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 2862700 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2862700. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2862700 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Letňany) and last (Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav, nádraží) stop names in OSM route Letňany matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Letňany, last_stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Nádr. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Nádr., last_stop: Letňany Processing OSM route 376: Brandýs n.L.-St. Bol., Nádr. - Praha, Letňany (11725391) colour is missing for route 11725391 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11725391 and it should be L376 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11725391 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11725391 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 11725391 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11725391. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11725391 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Brandýs nad Labem?Stará Boleslav, nádraží) and last (Letňany) stop names in OSM route Brandýs nad Labem?Stará Boleslav, nádraží matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Letňany, last_stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Nádr. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Nádr., last_stop: Letňany OSM is missing route from Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Nádr. (U1942Z1) to Letňany (U1000Z6) with sample trip_id 376_15_221102 and 16 total trips OSM is missing route from Letňany (U1000Z10) to Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Nádr. (U1942Z3) with sample trip_id 376_16_221102 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Letňany (U1000Z10) to Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Nádr. (U1942Z3) with sample trip_id 376_32_221102 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Jenštejn,Hradní (U2471Z2) to Letňany (U1000Z6) with sample trip_id 376_36_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Svémyslice (U2194Z1) to Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Nádr. (U1942Z3) with sample trip_id 376_1_221102 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Nádr. (U1942Z1) to Svémyslice (U2194Z2) with sample trip_id 376_10_221102 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Radonice (U1339Z1) to Letňany (U1000Z6) with sample trip_id 376_35_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Letňany (U1000Z10) to Radonice (U1339Z1) with sample trip_id 376_283_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 11740394 (Bus 259) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11740394 (Bus 259) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 259) and in GTFS (259) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11740394 (Bus 259) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11740394 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 259: Hostavice ? Bazén Hloubětín (school bus) (8602907) colour is missing for route 8602907 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8602907 and it should be L259 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8602907 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8602907 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8602907. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8602907 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up Processing OSM route 259: Bazén Hloubětín ? Hostavice (school bus) (8602908) colour is missing for route 8602908 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8602908 and it should be L259 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8602908 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8602908 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8602908. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8602908 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: from and to tags not found in OSM route, cannot check stops in any way, giving up OSM is missing route from Bazén Hloubětín (U1228Z2P) to Hostavice (U158Z1P) with sample trip_id 259_2_220901 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Jahodnice II (U647Z1P) to Bazén Hloubětín (U1228Z1P) with sample trip_id 259_1_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Hostavice (U158Z2P) to Bazén Hloubětín (U1228Z1P) with sample trip_id 259_3_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 11740399 (Bus 335) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11740399 (Bus 335) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 335) and in GTFS (335) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11740399 (Bus 335) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11740399 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 335: Budějovická ? Kamenice, Kult. dům (419193) colour is missing for route 419193 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 419193 and it should be L335 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 419193 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 419193 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 419193. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 419193 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Budějovická) and last (Kamenice, Kult. dům) stop names in OSM route Budějovická matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Budějovická, last_stop: Kamenice,Kult.dům GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Kamenice,Kult.dům, last_stop: Budějovická Processing OSM route 335: Kamenice, Kult. dům ? Budějovická (11740393) colour is missing for route 11740393 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11740393 and it should be L335 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11740393 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11740393 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11740393. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11740393 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Kamenice, Kult. dům) and last (Budějovická) stop names in OSM route Kamenice, Kult. dům matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Budějovická, last_stop: Kamenice,Kult.dům GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Kamenice,Kult.dům, last_stop: Budějovická OSM is missing route from Kamenice,Kult.dům (U1564Z1) to Budějovická (U50Z84) with sample trip_id 335_130_221211 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Budějovická (U50Z9) to Kamenice,Kult.dům (U1564Z1) with sample trip_id 335_11_210726 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Budějovická (U50Z9) to Kamenice,Kult.dům (U1564Z1) with sample trip_id 335_131_221211 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Budějovická (U50Z9) to Kamenice,Kult.dům (U1564Z1) with sample trip_id 335_127_210901 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Kamenice,Kult.dům (U1564Z1) to Sulice,Želivec (U1536Z2) with sample trip_id 335_10_201230 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Kamenice,Kult.dům (U1564Z1) to Budějovická (U50Z84) with sample trip_id 335_128_221211 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Sulice,Želivec (U1536Z1) to Kamenice,Kult.dům (U1564Z1) with sample trip_id 335_17_201230 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 11743943 (Bus 262) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11743943 (Bus 262) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 262) and in GTFS (262) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11743943 (Bus 262) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11743943 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 262: Sídliště Rohožník ? Ratibořická (school bus) (8607042) colour is missing for route 8607042 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8607042 and it should be L262 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8607042 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8607042 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8607042. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8607042 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Sídliště Rohožník) and last (Ratibořická) stop names in OSM route Sídliště Rohožník matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Sídliště Rohožník, last_stop: Sídliště Horní Počernice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Sídliště Horní Počernice, last_stop: Sídliště Rohožník Processing OSM route 262: Ratibořická ? Sídliště Rohožník (school bus) (11743936) colour is missing for route 11743936 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11743936 and it should be L262 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11743936 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11743936 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11743936. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11743936 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Ratibořická) and last (Sídliště Rohožník) stop names in OSM route Ratibořická matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Sídliště Rohožník, last_stop: Sídliště Horní Počernice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Sídliště Horní Počernice, last_stop: Sídliště Rohožník OSM is missing route from Sídliště Rohožník (U1016Z2P) to Sídliště Horní Počernice (U30Z1P) with sample trip_id 262_1_230103 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Horní Počernice (U30Z2P) to Sídliště Rohožník (U1016Z1P) with sample trip_id 262_2_221124 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 11743944 (Bus 264) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11743944 (Bus 264) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 264) and in GTFS (264) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11743944 (Bus 264) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11743944 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 264: Polesná ? Sudějovická (school bus) (8603113) colour is missing for route 8603113 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8603113 and it should be L264 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8603113 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8603113 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8603113. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8603113 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Polesná) and last (Sudějovická) stop Processing OSM route 264: Sudějovická ? Hulická (11743941) colour is missing for route 11743941 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11743941 and it should be L264 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11743941 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11743941 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11743941. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11743941 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Sudějovická) and last (Hulická) stop OSM is missing route from Sudějovická (U719Z1P) to Hulická (U170Z2P) with sample trip_id 264_1_220901 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Polesná (U1101Z1P) to Sudějovická (U719Z2P) with sample trip_id 264_4_220901 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 11743945 (Bus 329) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11743945 (Bus 329) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 329) and in GTFS (329) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11743945 (Bus 329) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11743945 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 329: Sídliště Skalka ? Škvorec,nám. (1614640) colour is missing for route 1614640 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1614640 and it should be L329 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1614640 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1614640 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1614640. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1614640 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Sídliště Skalka) and last (Škvorec,nám.) stop names in OSM route Sídliště Skalka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Skalka, last_stop: Škvorec,nám. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Škvorec,nám., last_stop: Skalka Processing OSM route 329: Škvorec,nám. ? Sídliště Skalka (11743937) colour is missing for route 11743937 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11743937 and it should be L329 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11743937 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11743937 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11743937. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11743937 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Škvorec,nám.) and last (Sídliště Skalka) stop names in OSM route Škvorec,nám. matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Skalka, last_stop: Škvorec,nám. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Škvorec,nám., last_stop: Skalka OSM is missing route from Škvorec,nám. (U1258Z1) to Skalka (U953Z2) with sample trip_id 329_103_211213 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Skalka (U953Z8) to Škvorec,nám. (U1258Z1) with sample trip_id 329_107_220922 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Skalka (U953Z8) to Sibřina (U1253Z1) with sample trip_id 329_23_221112 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Skalka (U1323Z1) to Škvorec,nám. (U1258Z1) with sample trip_id 329_29_220922 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Sibřina (U1253Z2) to Skalka (U953Z2) with sample trip_id 329_24_221112 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Skalka (U953Z8) to Škvorec,nám. (U1258Z1) with sample trip_id 329_14_220922 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Škvorec,nám. (U1258Z1) to Sídliště Skalka (U1323Z1) with sample trip_id 329_108_220901 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Škvorec,nám. (U1258Z1) to Skalka (U953Z2) with sample trip_id 329_109_220307 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Škvorec,nám. (U1258Z1) to Škvorec,Třebohostice,škola (U1256Z1) with sample trip_id 329_111_220905 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 11751747 (Bus 375) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11751747 (Bus 375) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 375) and in GTFS (375) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11751747 (Bus 375) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11751747 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 375: Českomoravská - Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., Aut. st (2862702) Colour for route 2862702 type in OSM (#68b7ec) and in GTFS (#007DA8) are different gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2862702 and it should be L375 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2862702 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2862702 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2862702. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2862702 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Českomoravská) and last (Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., Aut. st. (výstupní)) stop names in OSM route Českomoravská matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Českomoravská, last_stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Žel.st. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Žel.st., last_stop: Českomoravská OSM is missing route from Českomoravská (U510Z3) to Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Žel.st. (U1832Z1) with sample trip_id 375_1000_220901 and 76 total trips OSM is missing route from Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Žel.st. (U1832Z2) to Českomoravská (U510Z1) with sample trip_id 375_1001_220901 and 74 total trips OSM is missing route from Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st. (U1829Z1) to Českomoravská (U510Z1) with sample trip_id 375_1011_220901 and 20 total trips OSM is missing route from Českomoravská (U510Z3) to Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st. (U1829Z4) with sample trip_id 375_1010_220901 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Nám. (U1827Z1) to Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Žel.st. (U1832Z1) with sample trip_id 375_1039_220701 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 11751759 (Bus 346) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11751759 (Bus 346) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 346) and in GTFS (346) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11751759 (Bus 346) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11751759 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 346: Praha, Černý Most ? Brandýs nad Labem (2846696) colour is missing for route 2846696 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2846696 and it should be L346 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2846696 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2846696 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 2846696 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2846696. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2846696 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Praha, Černý Most) and last (Brandýs nad Labem) stop names in OSM route Praha, Černý Most matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Černý Most, last_stop: Černý Most OSM is missing route from Černý Most (U897Z9) to Černý Most (U897Z21) with sample trip_id 346_11_220701 and 26 total trips OSM is missing route from Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Pražská (U1826Z3) to Černý Most (U897Z21) with sample trip_id 346_18_220701 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Černý Most (U897Z9) to Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Nem. (U1948Z2) with sample trip_id 346_139_220701 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 11751779 (Bus 478) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11751779 (Bus 478) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 478) and in GTFS (478) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11751779 (Bus 478) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11751779 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 478: Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, železniční stanice - Kostelec n. L., Nám. (2846674) colour is missing for route 2846674 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2846674 and it should be L478 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2846674 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2846674 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2846674. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2846674 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, železniční stanice) and last (Kostelec n. L., Nám.) stop names in OSM route Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, železniční stanice matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st., last_stop: Kostelec n.L.,Nám. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Kostelec n.L.,Nám., last_stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st. Processing OSM route 478: Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., Sídl. u nádr. - Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., Žel. st. (11751756) colour is missing for route 11751756 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11751756 and it should be L478 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11751756 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11751756 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 11751756 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11751756. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11751756 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., Sídl. u nádr.) and last (Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., Žel. st.) stop names in OSM route Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., Sídl. u nádr. matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st., last_stop: Kostelec n.L.,Nám. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Kostelec n.L.,Nám., last_stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st. OSM is missing route from Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st. (U1829Z1) to Kostelec n.L.,Nám. (U1242Z1) with sample trip_id 478_158_220701 and 15 total trips OSM is missing route from Kostelec n.L.,Nám. (U1242Z1) to Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st. (U1829Z4) with sample trip_id 478_222_220919 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Žel.st. (U1832Z2) to Kostelec n.L.,Nám. (U1242Z1) with sample trip_id 478_139_220919 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Kostelec n.L.,Nám. (U1242Z1) to Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Žel.st. (U1832Z1) with sample trip_id 478_213_220919 and 8 total trips Processing OSM master route 11751780 (Bus 367) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11751780 (Bus 367) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 367) and in GTFS (367) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11751780 (Bus 367) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11751780 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 367: Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., Žel. st. - Černý Most (2862701) colour is missing for route 2862701 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2862701 and it should be L367 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2862701 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2862701 and it should be https://pid.cz Route 2862701 should have network=PID gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2862701. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2862701 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., Žel. st.) and last (Černý Most) stop names in OSM route Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., Žel. st. matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Černý Most, last_stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st., last_stop: Černý Most Processing OSM route 367 Černý Most ? Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., Aut. st. (11751761) colour is missing for route 11751761 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11751761 and it should be L367 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11751761 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11751761 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11751761. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11751761 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Černý Most) and last (Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., Aut. st. (výstupní)) stop names in OSM route Černý Most matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Černý Most, last_stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st., last_stop: Černý Most Processing OSM route 367 Černý Most ? Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., Žel. st. (11751769) colour is missing for route 11751769 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11751769 and it should be L367 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11751769 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11751769 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11751769. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11751769 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Černý Most) and last (Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., Žel. st.) stop names in OSM route Černý Most matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Černý Most, last_stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st., last_stop: Černý Most OSM is missing route from Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st. (U1829Z1) to Černý Most (U897Z21) with sample trip_id 367_101_220701 and 34 total trips OSM is missing route from Černý Most (U897Z9) to Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st. (U1829Z4) with sample trip_id 367_100_220901 and 30 total trips OSM is missing route from Černý Most (U897Z9) to Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st. (U1829Z4) with sample trip_id 367_417_220701 and 12 total trips OSM is missing route from Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st. (U1829Z1) to Černý Most (U897Z21) with sample trip_id 367_121_220702 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Černý Most (U897Z9) to Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st. (U1829Z3) with sample trip_id 367_14_230103 and 3 total trips Processing OSM master route 11755005 (Bus 609) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11755005 (Bus 609) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Cannot find master route 609 in GTFS based on ref tag Processing OSM master route 11761313 (Bus 275) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11761313 (Bus 275) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 275) and in GTFS (275) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11761313 (Bus 275) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11761313 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 275: Náměstí Jiřího Berana ? Sídliště Čakovice (school bus) (8603191) colour is missing for route 8603191 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8603191 and it should be L275 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8603191 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8603191 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8603191. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8603191 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Náměstí Jiřího Berana) and last (Sídliště Čakovice) stop Processing OSM route 275: Sídliště Čakovice ? Náměstí Jiřího Berana (school bus) (8603192) colour is missing for route 8603192 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8603192 and it should be L275 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8603192 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8603192 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8603192. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 8603192 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Sídliště Čakovice) and last (Náměstí Jiřího Berana) stop OSM is missing route from Náměstí Jiřího Berana (U934Z2P) to Sídliště Čakovice (U1102Z1P) with sample trip_id 275_2_221212 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Sídliště Čakovice (U1102Z2P) to Náměstí Jiřího Berana (U934Z1P) with sample trip_id 275_1_221212 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 11857966 (Bus 328) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11857966 (Bus 328) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 328) and in GTFS (328) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11857966 (Bus 328) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11857966 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 328 Opatov ? Modletice, Doubravice (3824460) colour is missing for route 3824460 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 3824460 and it should be L328 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 3824460 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 3824460 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 3824460. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 3824460 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Opatov) and last (Modletice, Doubravice) stop names in OSM route Opatov matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Opatov, last_stop: Modletice,Doubravice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Modletice,Doubravice, last_stop: Opatov OSM is missing route from Čestlice (U1374Z2) to Opatov (U106Z4) with sample trip_id 328_242_221107 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Modletice,Doubravice (U4175Z1) to Opatov (U106Z4) with sample trip_id 328_447_230201 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Modletice,Doubravice (U4175Z1) to Opatov (U106Z4) with sample trip_id 328_448_230201 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z1) to Modletice,Doubravice (U4175Z2) with sample trip_id 328_17_221125 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z1) to Čestlice (U1374Z1) with sample trip_id 328_122_221107 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z1) to Modletice,Doubravice (U4175Z2) with sample trip_id 328_457_230201 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z1) to Čestlice (U1374Z3) with sample trip_id 328_134_220610 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z1) to Modletice,Doubravice (U4175Z2) with sample trip_id 328_452_230201 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z1) to Modletice,Doubravice (U4175Z2) with sample trip_id 328_126_221125 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 11857975 (Bus 363) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11857975 (Bus 363) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 363) and in GTFS (363) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11857975 (Bus 363) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11857975 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 363 Opatov ? Velké Popovice, Todice (165254) colour is missing for route 165254 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 165254 and it should be L363 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 165254 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 165254 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 165254. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 165254 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Opatov) and last (Velké Popovice, Todice) stop names in OSM route Opatov matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Opatov, last_stop: Čestlice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Čestlice, last_stop: Opatov Processing OSM route 363 Velké Popovice, Todice ? Opatov (11857967) colour is missing for route 11857967 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11857967 and it should be L363 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11857967 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11857967 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11857967. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11857967 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Velké Popovice, Todice) and last (Opatov) stop names in OSM route Velké Popovice, Todice matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Opatov, last_stop: Čestlice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Čestlice, last_stop: Opatov OSM is missing route from Čestlice (U1374Z2) to Opatov (U106Z4) with sample trip_id 363_105_220108 and 24 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z1) to Čestlice (U1374Z1) with sample trip_id 363_104_220108 and 20 total trips OSM is missing route from Velké Popovice,Todice (U1600Z2) to Opatov (U106Z4) with sample trip_id 363_150_220611 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z1) to Popovičky,Chomutovice (U1872Z1) with sample trip_id 363_100_220611 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Popovičky,Chomutovice (U1872Z2) to Opatov (U106Z4) with sample trip_id 363_101_220611 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z1) to Velké Popovice,Todice (U1600Z2) with sample trip_id 363_149_220611 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Modletice (U1864Z2) to Opatov (U106Z4) with sample trip_id 363_167_220902 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z1) to Průhonice (U1371Z1) with sample trip_id 363_184_220902 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z1) to Modletice (U1864Z1) with sample trip_id 363_222_220608 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z1) to Velké Popovice,Todice (U1600Z2) with sample trip_id 363_2_220902 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Opatov (U106Z1) to Dobřejovice,Na návsi (U1263Z4) with sample trip_id 363_133_220611 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 11908370 (Bus 774) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11908370 (Bus 774) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 774) and in GTFS (774) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11908370 (Bus 774) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11908370 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 774: Zdiby, Brnky - Zdiby, Holosmetky (11908368) colour is missing for route 11908368 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11908368 and it should be L774 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11908368 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11908368 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11908368. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11908368 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Zdiby, Brnky) and last (Zdiby, Holosmetky) stop names in OSM route Zdiby, Brnky matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Zdiby,Holosmetky, last_stop: Zdiby,Brnky GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Zdiby,Brnky, last_stop: Zdiby,Holosmetky Processing OSM route 774: Zdiby, Holosmetky - Zdiby, Brnky (11908369) colour is missing for route 11908369 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11908369 and it should be L774 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11908369 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11908369 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11908369. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11908369 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Zdiby, Holosmetky) and last (Zdiby, Brnky) stop names in OSM route Zdiby, Holosmetky matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Zdiby,Holosmetky, last_stop: Zdiby,Brnky GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Zdiby,Brnky, last_stop: Zdiby,Holosmetky OSM is missing route from Zdiby,Brnky (U5017Z1) to Zdiby,Holosmetky (U5009Z1) with sample trip_id 774_103_220901 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Zdiby,Holosmetky (U5009Z1) to Zdiby,Brnky (U5017Z1) with sample trip_id 774_102_220901 and 14 total trips Processing OSM master route 11924674 (Bus 332) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11924674 (Bus 332) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 332) and in GTFS (332) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11924674 (Bus 332) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11924674 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 332: Budějovická ? Neveklov (1782930) colour is missing for route 1782930 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1782930 and it should be L332 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1782930 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1782930 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1782930. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1782930 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Budějovická) and last (Neveklov) stop names in OSM route Budějovická matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Budějovická, last_stop: Jílové u Prahy,Náměstí GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Jílové u Prahy,Náměstí, last_stop: Budějovická Processing OSM route 332: Neveklov ? Budějovická (10868245) colour is missing for route 10868245 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 10868245 and it should be L332 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 10868245 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 10868245 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 10868245. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 10868245 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Neveklov) and last (Budějovická) stop names in OSM route Neveklov matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Budějovická, last_stop: Jílové u Prahy,Náměstí GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Jílové u Prahy,Náměstí, last_stop: Budějovická OSM is missing route from Budějovická (U50Z4) to Jílové u Prahy,Náměstí (U2109Z1) with sample trip_id 332_652_221216 and 76 total trips OSM is missing route from Jílové u Prahy,Náměstí (U2109Z2) to Budějovická (U50Z84) with sample trip_id 332_651_221216 and 74 total trips OSM is missing route from Jílové u Prahy,Náměstí (U2109Z1) to Neveklov (U3303Z2) with sample trip_id 332_558_221216 and 9 total trips OSM is missing route from Neveklov (U3303Z1) to Budějovická (U50Z84) with sample trip_id 332_740_221216 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Neveklov (U3303Z1) to Jílové u Prahy,Náměstí (U2109Z2) with sample trip_id 332_561_221216 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Budějovická (U50Z4) to Neveklov (U3303Z2) with sample trip_id 332_739_221216 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Budějovická (U50Z4) to Netvořice,Pošta (U2510Z4) with sample trip_id 332_751_221216 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Netvořice,Pošta (U2510Z3) to Budějovická (U50Z84) with sample trip_id 332_752_221216 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Jesenice (U1330Z2) to Budějovická (U50Z84) with sample trip_id 332_461_210901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 11936311 (P1: Sedlec ? Zámky) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11936311 (P1: Sedlec ? Zámky) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (P1: Sedlec ? Zámky) and in GTFS (P1) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11936311 (P1: Sedlec ? Zámky) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11936311 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #00B3CB) Processing OSM route P1: Sedlec ? Zámky (7071357) colour is missing for route 7071357 and it should be #00B3CB gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7071357 and it should be L1801 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7071357 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7071357 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7071357. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7071357 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 1801_12_201230 Name is not in proper format for route 7071357. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is P1: Sedlec ? Zámky Route 7071357 should have interval=30:00 Route 7071357 should have duration=02:00 Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 7071357 (using platforms for all checks) Platform Sedlec (457572120) should not be part of the route way Platform Zámky (457572009) should not be part of the route way Stop Sedlec (457572120) should have public_transport=platform Stop Sedlec (457572120) does not have ref and it should be U1381Z11P Stop Sedlec (457572120) should have network=PID Stop Zámky (457572009) should have public_transport=platform Stop Zámky (457572009) does not have ref and it should be U607Z11P Stop Zámky (457572009) should have network=PID Processing OSM route P1: Zámky ? Sedlec (11936308) colour is missing for route 11936308 and it should be #00B3CB gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11936308 and it should be L1801 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11936308 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11936308 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11936308. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11936308 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 1801_100_220928 Name is not in proper format for route 11936308. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is P1: Zámky ? Sedlec Route 11936308 should have interval=30:00 Route 11936308 should have duration=02:00 Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 11936308 (using platforms for all checks) Platform Zámky (457572009) should not be part of the route way Platform Sedlec (457572120) should not be part of the route way Stop Zámky (457572009) should have public_transport=platform Stop Zámky (457572009) does not have ref and it should be U607Z11P Stop Zámky (457572009) should have network=PID Stop Sedlec (457572120) should have public_transport=platform Stop Sedlec (457572120) does not have ref and it should be U1381Z11P Stop Sedlec (457572120) should have network=PID Processing OSM master route 11936312 (P2: V Podbabě ? Podhoří) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11936312 (P2: V Podbabě ? Podhoří) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (P2: V Podbabě ? Podhoří) and in GTFS (P2) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11936312 (P2: V Podbabě ? Podhoří) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11936312 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #00B3CB) Processing OSM route P2: V Podbabě ? Podhoří (7032198) colour is missing for route 7032198 and it should be #00B3CB gtfs:route_id is missing for route 7032198 and it should be L1802 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 7032198 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 7032198 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 7032198. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 7032198 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 1802_250_220928 Name is not in proper format for route 7032198. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is P2: V Podbabě ? Podhoří Route 7032198 should have interval=15:00 Route 7032198 should have duration=02:00 Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 7032198 (using platforms for all checks) Platform V Podbabě (1169055158) should not be part of the route way Platform Podhoří (1426918090) should not be part of the route way Stop V Podbabě (1169055158) should have public_transport=platform Name of stop V Podbabě (1169055158) in OSM (V Podbabě) and in GTFS (V Podbabě) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop V Podbabě (1169055158) does not have ref and it should be U506Z11P Stop V Podbabě (1169055158) should have network=PID Stop Podhoří (1426918090) should have public_transport=platform Stop Podhoří (1426918090) does not have ref and it should be U582Z11P Stop Podhoří (1426918090) should have network=PID Processing OSM route P2: Podhoří ? V Podbabě (11936309) colour is missing for route 11936309 and it should be #00B3CB gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11936309 and it should be L1802 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11936309 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11936309 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11936309. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11936309 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 1802_257_220928 Name is not in proper format for route 11936309. It should be something like '... ref: from => to,and it is P2: Podhoří ? V Podbabě Route 11936309 should have interval=15:00 Route 11936309 should have duration=02:00 Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 11936309 (using platforms for all checks) Platform Podhoří (1426918090) should not be part of the route way Platform V Podbabě (1169055158) should not be part of the route way Stop Podhoří (1426918090) should have public_transport=platform Stop Podhoří (1426918090) does not have ref and it should be U582Z11P Stop Podhoří (1426918090) should have network=PID Stop V Podbabě (1169055158) should have public_transport=platform Name of stop V Podbabě (1169055158) in OSM (V Podbabě) and in GTFS (V Podbabě) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop V Podbabě (1169055158) does not have ref and it should be U506Z11P Stop V Podbabě (1169055158) should have network=PID Processing OSM master route 11953480 (242 Lipence - Zbraslavské náměstí) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 11953480 (242 Lipence - Zbraslavské náměstí) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (242 Lipence - Zbraslavské náměstí) and in GTFS (242) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 11953480 (242 Lipence - Zbraslavské náměstí) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 11953480 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 242 Zbraslavské náměstí - Dolní Černošice (11953478) colour is missing for route 11953478 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11953478 and it should be L242 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11953478 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11953478 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11953478. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11953478 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Zbraslavské náměstí) and last (Dolní Černošice) stop Processing OSM route 242 Dolní Černošice - Zbraslavské náměstí (11953479) colour is missing for route 11953479 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11953479 and it should be L242 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11953479 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11953479 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11953479. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11953479 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Dolní Černošice) and last (Zbraslavské náměstí) stop OSM is missing route from Lipence (U1225Z2P) to Dolní Černošice (U4287Z1P) with sample trip_id 242_134_220901 and 19 total trips OSM is missing route from Zbraslavské náměstí (U902Z3P) to Lipence (U1225Z2P) with sample trip_id 242_12_201230 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Dolní Černošice (U4287Z1P) to Zbraslavské náměstí (U902Z6P) with sample trip_id 242_135_220901 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Dolní Černošice (U4287Z1P) to Lipence (U1225Z2P) with sample trip_id 242_138_220901 and 11 total trips OSM is missing route from Lipence (U1225Z2P) to Zbraslavské náměstí (U902Z6P) with sample trip_id 242_1_220901 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Zbraslavské náměstí (U902Z3P) to Dolní Černošice (U4287Z1P) with sample trip_id 242_2_220901 and 5 total trips No name in route master 11955696 Processing OSM master route 12178406 (Bus 398) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 12178406 (Bus 398) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 398) and in GTFS (398) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 12178406 (Bus 398) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 12178406 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 398 Praha, Černý Most - Poděbrady, železniční stanice (12178404) colour is missing for route 12178404 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 12178404 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 12178404 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 12178404 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 2, shape L398V4 and most common first stop from GTFS ('Mochov') and most common last stop ('Černý Most'). Will try choosing trip without stops. WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 1111111-1 and a shape L398V4, cannot determine trip WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Černý Most) and last (Poděbrady, železniční stanice) stop names in OSM route Černý Most matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Černý Most, last_stop: Poděbrady,žel.st. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Poděbrady,žel.st., last_stop: Černý Most Processing OSM route 398 Poděbrady, železniční stanice - Praha, Černý Most (ul. Chlumecká) (12178405) colour is missing for route 12178405 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 12178405 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 12178405 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 12178405 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 2, shape L398V1 and most common first stop from GTFS ('Poděbrady,žel.st.') and most common last stop ('Černý Most'). Will try choosing trip without stops. WARNING: there are no trips for a chosen service 1111111-1 and a shape L398V1, cannot determine trip WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Poděbrady, železniční stanice) and last (Praha, Černý Most (ul. Chlumecká)) stop names in OSM route Poděbrady, železniční stanice matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Černý Most, last_stop: Poděbrady,žel.st. GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Poděbrady,žel.st., last_stop: Černý Most OSM is missing route from Poděbrady,žel.st. (U2579Z1) to Černý Most (U897Z1) with sample trip_id 398_137_221216 and 31 total trips OSM is missing route from Černý Most (U897Z6) to Poděbrady,žel.st. (U2579Z4) with sample trip_id 398_138_221216 and 24 total trips OSM is missing route from Mochov (U1278Z2) to Černý Most (U897Z1) with sample trip_id 398_157_221216 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Černý Most (U897Z6) to Sadská (U1434Z1) with sample trip_id 398_165_221216 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Černý Most (U897Z6) to Mochov (U1278Z1) with sample trip_id 398_156_221216 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Sadská (U1434Z2) to Černý Most (U897Z1) with sample trip_id 398_166_221216 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Kostelní Lhota (U1498Z2) to Černý Most (U897Z1) with sample trip_id 398_145_221218 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Černý Most (U897Z6) to Kostelní Lhota (U1498Z1) with sample trip_id 398_144_230108 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Sadská (U1434Z1) to Poděbrady,žel.st. (U2579Z4) with sample trip_id 398_55_211213 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 12195638 (Bus 349) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 12195638 (Bus 349) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 349) and in GTFS (349) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 12195638 (Bus 349) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 12195638 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 349: Mělník, Mlazice, železniční zastávka ? Ládví (9322238) colour is missing for route 9322238 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 9322238 and it should be L349 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 9322238 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 9322238 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 9322238. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 9322238 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Mělník, Mlazice, železniční zastávka) and last (Ládví) stop names in OSM route Mělník, Mlazice, železniční zastávka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Ládví, last_stop: Mělník,Mlazice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Mělník,Mlazice, last_stop: Ládví Processing OSM route 349: Ládví ? Mělník, Mlazice, železniční zastávka (11036821) colour is missing for route 11036821 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 11036821 and it should be L349 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 11036821 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 11036821 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 11036821. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 11036821 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Ládví) and last (Mělník, Mlazice, železniční zastávka) stop names in OSM route Ládví matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Ládví, last_stop: Mělník,Mlazice GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Mělník,Mlazice, last_stop: Ládví OSM is missing route from Ládví (U78Z6) to Mělník,Mlazice (U1798Z1) with sample trip_id 349_128_220901 and 22 total trips OSM is missing route from Mělník,Mlazice (U1798Z2) to Ládví (U78Z3) with sample trip_id 349_131_220901 and 22 total trips OSM is missing route from Mělník,Podolí (U1795Z2) to Ládví (U78Z3) with sample trip_id 349_126_220901 and 10 total trips OSM is missing route from Ládví (U78Z6) to Mělník,Podolí (U1795Z1) with sample trip_id 349_132_220901 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Ládví (U78Z6) to Mělník,aut.nádr. (U1793Z3) with sample trip_id 349_31_230103 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Ládví (U78Z6) to Mělník,aut.nádr. (U1793Z5) with sample trip_id 349_183_230103 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 12195639 (S23: Čelákovice - Brandýs nad Labem - Neratovice) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 12195639 (S23: Čelákovice - Brandýs nad Labem - Neratovice) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (S23: Čelákovice - Brandýs nad Labem - Neratovice) and in GTFS (S23) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 12195639 (S23: Čelákovice - Brandýs nad Labem - Neratovice) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 12195639 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #251E62) Route master type in OSM (train) and in GTFS (rail) are different Processing OSM route S23: Čelákovice - Neratovice (2211333) Route relation S23: Čelákovice - Neratovice type in OSM (train) and in GTFS (rail) are different colour is missing for route 2211333 and it should be #251E62 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 2211333 and it should be L1323 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 2211333 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 2211333 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 2211333. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 2211333 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Čelákovice) and last (Neratovice) stop Processing OSM route S23: Neratovice - Čelákovice (12195637) Route relation S23: Neratovice - Čelákovice type in OSM (train) and in GTFS (rail) are different colour is missing for route 12195637 and it should be #251E62 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 12195637 and it should be L1323 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 12195637 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 12195637 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 12195637. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 12195637 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Neratovice) and last (Čelákovice) stop OSM is missing route from Brandýs nad Labem (U1942Z301) to Čelákovice (U2349Z301) with sample trip_id 1323_19401_221212 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Neratovice (U1305Z301) to Čelákovice (U2349Z301) with sample trip_id 1323_19405_221212 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Čelákovice (U2349Z301) to Neratovice (U1305Z301) with sample trip_id 1323_19400_221212 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Čelákovice (U2349Z301) to Brandýs nad Labem (U1942Z301) with sample trip_id 1323_19402_221211 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Brandýs nad Labem (U1942Z301) to Neratovice (U1305Z301) with sample trip_id 1323_19400_221211 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Neratovice (U1305Z301) to Brandýs nad Labem (U1942Z301) with sample trip_id 1323_19441_221211 and 3 total trips Processing OSM master route 12257278 (Bus 272) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 12257278 (Bus 272) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 272) and in GTFS (272) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 12257278 (Bus 272) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 12257278 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 272: Dolnokřeslická ? Nádraží Uhříněves (school bus) (8603193) colour is missing for route 8603193 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 8603193 and it should be L272 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 8603193 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 8603193 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 8603193. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id is missing for route 8603193 (it has only one trip) and it should be 272_2_220901 WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Dolnokřeslická) and last (Nádraží Uhříněves) stop OSM is missing route from Dolnokřeslická (U6Z1P) to Nádraží Uhříněves (U461Z1P) with sample trip_id 272_2_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 12624737 (Train S65) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 12624737 (Train S65) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Train S65) and in GTFS (S65) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 12624737 (Train S65) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 12624737 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #251E62) Route master type in OSM (train) and in GTFS (rail) are different Processing OSM route Train S65: Praha hl.n. ? Rudná u Prahy (1829250) Route relation Train S65: Praha hl.n. ? Rudná u Prahy type in OSM (train) and in GTFS (rail) are different colour is missing for route 1829250 and it should be #251E62 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 1829250 and it should be L1365 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 1829250 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 1829250 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 1829250. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 1829250 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Praha hl.n.) and last (Rudná u Prahy) stop Processing OSM route Train S65: Rudná u Prahy ? Praha hl.n. (12624736) Route relation Train S65: Rudná u Prahy ? Praha hl.n. type in OSM (train) and in GTFS (rail) are different colour is missing for route 12624736 and it should be #251E62 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 12624736 and it should be L1365 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 12624736 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 12624736 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 12624736. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 12624736 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Rudná u Prahy) and last (Praha hl.n.) stop names in OSM route Rudná u Prahy matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Praha hl.n., last_stop: Rudná u Prahy GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Hostivice, last_stop: Praha hl.n. OSM is missing route from Hostivice (U2116Z301) to Praha-Zličín (U612Z301) with sample trip_id 1365_19745_221212 and 22 total trips OSM is missing route from Praha-Zličín (U612Z301) to Hostivice (U2116Z301) with sample trip_id 1365_25800_230401 and 20 total trips OSM is missing route from Rudná u Prahy (U1645Z301) to Praha hl.n. (U142Z301) with sample trip_id 1365_25901_221212 and 15 total trips OSM is missing route from Praha hl.n. (U142Z301) to Rudná u Prahy (U1645Z301) with sample trip_id 1365_25900_221212 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Rudná u Prahy (U1645Z301) to Praha hl.n. (U142Z301) with sample trip_id 1365_25805_230403 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Praha hl.n. (U142Z301) to Rudná u Prahy (U1645Z301) with sample trip_id 1365_25800_230403 and 13 total trips OSM is missing route from Hostivice (U2116Z301) to Praha hl.n. (U142Z301) with sample trip_id 1365_19733_221212 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Hostivice (U2116Z301) to Praha hl.n. (U142Z301) with sample trip_id 1365_19739_230403 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Praha hl.n. (U142Z301) to Hostivice (U2116Z301) with sample trip_id 1365_25908_221212 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Praha hl.n. (U142Z301) to Hostivice (U2116Z301) with sample trip_id 1365_25808_230403 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Praha-Zličín (U612Z301) to Rudná u Prahy (U1645Z301) with sample trip_id 1365_25950_221212 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Praha-Smíchov (U458Z301) to Rudná u Prahy (U1645Z301) with sample trip_id 1365_25804_230403 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Rudná u Prahy (U1645Z301) to Praha-Smíchov (U458Z301) with sample trip_id 1365_25801_230403 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Rudná u Prahy (U1645Z301) to Hostivice (U2116Z301) with sample trip_id 1365_25933_221231 and 2 total trips Processing OSM master route 13301614 (707) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 13301614 (707) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead gtfs:agency_id for route master 13301614 (707) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 13301614 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 707: Kolín, nádraží ? Nové Dvory (13286176) colour is missing for route 13286176 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 13286176 and it should be L707 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 13286176 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 13286176 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 13286176. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 13286176 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Kolín, nádraží) and last (Nové Dvory) stop names in OSM route Kolín, nádraží matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Kolín,nádraží, last_stop: Nové Dvory GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Nové Dvory, last_stop: Kolín,nádraží Processing OSM route 707: Nové Dvory ? Kolín, nádraží (13305074) public_transport:version is missing for route 13305074 colour is missing for route 13305074 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 13305074 and it should be L707 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 13305074 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 13305074 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 13305074. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 13305074 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Nové Dvory) and last (Kolín, nádraží) stop names in OSM route Nové Dvory matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Kolín,nádraží, last_stop: Nové Dvory GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Nové Dvory, last_stop: Kolín,nádraží OSM is missing route from Nové Dvory (U6660Z2) to Kolín,nádraží (U2816Z12) with sample trip_id 707_10_221107 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Kolín,nádraží (U2816Z3) to Nové Dvory (U6660Z1) with sample trip_id 707_1_221107 and 3 total trips OSM is missing route from Nové Dvory (U6660Z2) to Hlízov,u pomníku (U9366Z2) with sample trip_id 707_13_221107 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kutná Hora,Malín,Novodvorská (U6659Z2) to Kolín,nádraží (U2816Z12) with sample trip_id 707_12_221107 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Kolín,nádraží (U2816Z3) to Kutná Hora,Malín,Novodvorská (U6659Z1) with sample trip_id 707_11_221107 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 13307835 (802) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 13307835 (802) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead gtfs:agency_id for route master 13307835 (802) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 13307835 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 802: Kutná Hora, Vrchlice, V Cihelně ? Hlízov, U Váhy (13307834) public_transport:version is missing for route 13307834 colour is missing for route 13307834 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 13307834 and it should be L2802 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 13307834 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 13307834 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 13307834. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 13307834 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Kutná Hora, Vrchlice, V Cihelně) and last (Hlízov, U Váhy) stop names in OSM route Kutná Hora, Vrchlice, V Cihelně matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Kutná Hora,Žižkov,Fučíkova, last_stop: Kutná Hora,hlavní nádraží GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Kutná Hora,hlavní nádraží, last_stop: Kutná Hora,Žižkov,Fučíkova OSM is missing route from Kutná Hora,hlavní nádraží (U9367Z2) to Kutná Hora,Žižkov,Fučíkova (U7337Z2) with sample trip_id 2802_100_220401 and 38 total trips OSM is missing route from Kutná Hora,Žižkov,Fučíkova (U7337Z2) to Kutná Hora,hlavní nádraží (U9367Z1) with sample trip_id 2802_102_220901 and 34 total trips OSM is missing route from Kutná Hora,Malín,Starokolínská (U7160Z1) to Kutná Hora,Žižkov,Fučíkova (U7337Z2) with sample trip_id 2802_101_221107 and 8 total trips OSM is missing route from Kutná Hora,Žižkov,Fučíkova (U7337Z2) to Kutná Hora,Malín,Starokolínská (U7160Z1) with sample trip_id 2802_13_221211 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Kutná Hora,Žižkov,Fučíkova (U7337Z2) to Hlízov,u váhy (U6693Z1) with sample trip_id 2802_37_221107 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Kutná Hora,Vrchlice,V Cihelně (U9426Z1) to Kutná Hora,hlavní nádraží (U9367Z1) with sample trip_id 2802_51_220401 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Hlízov,u váhy (U6693Z2) to Kutná Hora,Vrchlice,V Cihelně (U9426Z1) with sample trip_id 2802_50_221107 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Kutná Hora,Vrchlice,V Cihelně (U9426Z1) to Hlízov,u váhy (U6693Z1) with sample trip_id 2802_181_230220 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Kutná Hora,Poličany (U7165Z2) to Kutná Hora,hlavní nádraží (U9367Z1) with sample trip_id 2802_110_220401 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Hlízov,u váhy (U6693Z2) to Kutná Hora,Poličany (U7165Z2) with sample trip_id 2802_109_221107 and 2 total trips OSM is missing route from Kutná Hora,hlavní nádraží (U9367Z2) to Kutná Hora,Vrchlice,V Cihelně (U9426Z1) with sample trip_id 2802_58_220401 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Hlízov,u váhy (U6693Z2) to Kutná Hora,Žižkov,Fučíkova (U7337Z2) with sample trip_id 2802_80_221107 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 13630670 (Bus 409) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 13630670 (Bus 409) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 409) and in GTFS (409) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 13630670 (Bus 409) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 13630670 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 409: Velké Přílepy, Roztocká => Suchdolské náměstí (13630668) colour is missing for route 13630668 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 13630668 and it should be L409 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 13630668 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 13630668 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 13630668. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 13630668 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Suchdolské náměstí) and last (Velké Přílepy, Roztocká) stop names in OSM route Suchdolské náměstí matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Suchdolské náměstí, last_stop: Velké Přílepy,Roztocká GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Velké Přílepy,Roztocká, last_stop: Suchdolské náměstí Processing OSM route 409: Suchdolské náměstí => Velké Přílepy, Roztocká (13630669) colour is missing for route 13630669 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 13630669 and it should be L409 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 13630669 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 13630669 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 13630669. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 13630669 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Suchdolské náměstí) and last (Velké Přílepy, Roztocká) stop names in OSM route Suchdolské náměstí matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Suchdolské náměstí, last_stop: Velké Přílepy,Roztocká GTFS direction: 1, first stop: Velké Přílepy,Roztocká, last_stop: Suchdolské náměstí OSM is missing route from Suchdolské náměstí (U721Z2) to Velké Přílepy,Roztocká (U4102Z2) with sample trip_id 409_10_211201 and 7 total trips OSM is missing route from Velké Přílepy,Roztocká (U4102Z1) to Suchdolské náměstí (U721Z2) with sample trip_id 409_11_211201 and 7 total trips Processing OSM master route 13634922 (Bus 187) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 13634922 (Bus 187) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 187) and in GTFS (187) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 13634922 (Bus 187) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 13634922 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 187: Pelc Tyrolka ? Nádraží Holešovice (13634920) colour is missing for route 13634920 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 13634920 and it should be L187 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 13634920 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 13634920 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 13634920. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 13634920 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Pelc Tyrolka) and last (Nádraží Holešovice) stop names in OSM route Pelc Tyrolka matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Nádraží Holešovice, last_stop: Nádraží Holešovice Processing OSM route 187: Nádraží Holešovice ? Pelc Tyrolka (13634921) colour is missing for route 13634921 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 13634921 and it should be L187 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 13634921 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 13634921 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 13634921. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 13634921 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: no first (Nádraží Holešovice) and last (Pelc Tyrolka) stop names in OSM route Nádraží Holešovice matched any first and last stops from GTFS, possible candidates were: GTFS direction: 0, first stop: Nádraží Holešovice, last_stop: Nádraží Holešovice OSM is missing route from Nádraží Holešovice (U115Z9P) to Nádraží Holešovice (U115Z6P) with sample trip_id 187_100_230101 and 149 total trips Processing OSM master route 14759884 (Tram 42) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 14759884 (Tram 42) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Cannot find master route 42 in GTFS based on ref tag Processing OSM master route 15066791 (Bus 235) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 15066791 (Bus 235) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 235) and in GTFS (235) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 15066791 (Bus 235) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 15066791 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 235: Podhoří => Nemocnice Bohnice (15066789) public_transport:version is missing for route 15066789 colour is missing for route 15066789 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 15066789 and it should be L235 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 15066789 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 15066789 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 15066789. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 15066789 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 235_100_220928 Route 15066789 should have interval=30:00 Route 15066789 should have duration=17:00 Route member (4485485949) without role which is not a route way found in route Route member (391007677) without role which is not a route way found in route Route member (391019273) without role which is not a route way found in route Found gap - way Lodžská (379647740, 2 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found gap - way Lodžská (230205381, 15 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found 2 gaps in route Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 15066789 (using platforms for all checks) Number of stops in OSM route 15066789 (11) is not same as number of stops in GTFS (14) GTFS stop name (stop_id) - OSM stop name (OSM id) Podhoří (U582Z1P) - Podhoří (9403159241) Zoo Praha - Sklenářka (U3210Z2P) - Botanická zahrada Troja (4972609427) Botanická zahrada Troja (U557Z3P) - Krakov (391007658) Krakov (U371Z2P) - Zhořelecká (391007656) Zhořelecká (U912Z3P) - Odra (391007678) Odra (U511Z2P) - Nemocnice Bohnice - Hlavní vrátnice (9317386008) Katovická (U345Z2P) - Nemocnice Bohnice - Centrální terapie (9317386009) Řepínská (U806Z1P) - Nemocnice Bohnice - Interna (9317386012) Nemocnice Bohnice - Hlavní vrátnice (U2771Z1P) - Nemocnice Bohnice - Ředitelství (9317386011) Nemocnice Bohnice - Centrální terapie (U2776Z1P) - Nemocnice Bohnice - Divadlo Za plotem (9317386007) Nemocnice Bohnice - Interna (U2775Z1P) - Nemocnice Bohnice (9317386013) Nemocnice Bohnice - Ředitelství (U2772Z1P) - (N/A) Nemocnice Bohnice - Divadlo Za plotem (U2773Z1P) - (N/A) Nemocnice Bohnice (U2774Z1P) - (N/A) Cannot proceed with stop checks Processing OSM route 235: Nemocnice Bohnice => Podhoří (15066790) public_transport:version is missing for route 15066790 colour is missing for route 15066790 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 15066790 and it should be L235 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 15066790 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 15066790 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 15066790. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 15066790 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Nemocnice Bohnice) and last (Podhoří) stop OSM is missing route from Nemocnice Bohnice (U2774Z1P) to Podhoří (U582Z3P) with sample trip_id 235_101_220928 and 27 total trips OSM is missing route from Nemocnice Bohnice (U2774Z1P) to Podhoří (U582Z3P) with sample trip_id 235_101_230218 and 24 total trips Processing OSM master route 15069650 (Bus 368) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 15069650 (Bus 368) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 368) and in GTFS (368) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 15069650 (Bus 368) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 15069650 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 368: Předboj => Ládví (15069648) public_transport:version is missing for route 15069648 colour is missing for route 15069648 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 15069648 and it should be L368 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 15069648 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 15069648 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 15069648. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 15069648 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Předboj) and last (Ládví) stop Processing OSM route 368: Ládví => Předboj (15069649) public_transport:version is missing for route 15069649 colour is missing for route 15069649 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 15069649 and it should be L368 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 15069649 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 15069649 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 15069649. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 15069649 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values WARNING: No trips found for first (Předboj) and last (Ládví) stop OSM is missing route from Předboj (U2330Z2) to Ládví (U78Z3) with sample trip_id 368_135_221111 and 25 total trips OSM is missing route from Ládví (U78Z5) to Předboj (U2330Z1) with sample trip_id 368_100_210104 and 24 total trips OSM is missing route from Líbeznice,II (U1308Z1) to Předboj (U2330Z1) with sample trip_id 368_108_220901 and 15 total trips OSM is missing route from Předboj (U2330Z2) to Líbeznice,II (U1308Z2) with sample trip_id 368_121_210125 and 14 total trips OSM is missing route from Líbeznice,II (U1308Z1) to Bašť,Baštěk (U2268Z2) with sample trip_id 368_167_210904 and 6 total trips OSM is missing route from Bašť,Baštěk (U2268Z1) to Ládví (U78Z3) with sample trip_id 368_175_221111 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Bašť,Baštěk (U2268Z1) to Líbeznice,II (U1308Z2) with sample trip_id 368_119_210904 and 5 total trips OSM is missing route from Předboj (U2330Z2) to Ládví (U78Z3) with sample trip_id 368_163_221111 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Bašť,Baštěk (U2268Z1) to Ládví (U78Z3) with sample trip_id 368_156_221111 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Bašť,Baštěk (U2268Z1) to Líbeznice,Škola (U1309Z1) with sample trip_id 368_106_220901 and 1 total trips Processing OSM master route 15071718 (Bus 369) gtfs:route_id missing in OSM master route 15071718 (Bus 369) NOTE: Will try to use ref to get route id instead Route master name in OSM (Bus 369) and in GTFS (369) are different gtfs:agency_id for route master 15071718 (Bus 369) is missing (it should be 99) agency_url for route master 15071718 is missing in OSM and it should be https://pid.cz Route master colour is missing (it should be #007DA8) Processing OSM route 369: Ládví => Mělník,Mlazice (15070757) colour is missing for route 15070757 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 15070757 and it should be L369 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 15070757 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 15070757 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 15070757. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 15070757 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 369_17_220919 Route 15070757 should have interval=90:00 Route 15070757 should have duration=52:00 Found gap - way Bezručova (8495349, 18 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found 1 gap in route Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 15070757 (using platforms for all checks) ref of stop Ládví (4680784428) in OSM (F) and in GTFS (U78Z6) are different Stop Ládví (4680784428) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Ďáblice (391226202) does not have ref and it should be U651Z5 Stop Sídliště Ďáblice (391226202) should have network=PID ref of stop Ďáblický hřbitov (391226199) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U167Z1) are different Stop Ďáblický hřbitov (391226199) should have network=PID ref of stop K Letňanům (897256246) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U1393Z1) are different Stop K Letňanům (897256246) should have network=PID ref of stop Ďáblice (391068060) in OSM (E) and in GTFS (U287Z5) are different Stop Ďáblice (391068060) should have network=PID ref of stop Na Fabiánce (7373311496) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U3242Z1) are different Stop Na Fabiánce (7373311496) should have network=PID ref of stop Březiněves (1973744746) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U826Z1) are different Stop Březiněves (1973744746) should have network=PID ref of stop Na Boleslavce (1816805466) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U1976Z1) are different Stop Na Boleslavce (1816805466) should have network=PID Stop Bořanovice (1410238181) does not have ref and it should be U1806Z1 Stop Bořanovice (1410238181) should have network=PID Name of stop Líbeznice, I (261620747) in OSM (Líbeznice, I) and in GTFS (Líbeznice,I) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Líbeznice, I (261620747) does not have ref and it should be U1807Z1 Stop Líbeznice, I (261620747) should have network=PID Name of stop Líbeznice, II (261620743) in OSM (Líbeznice, II) and in GTFS (Líbeznice,II) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Líbeznice, II (261620743) does not have ref and it should be U1308Z1 Stop Líbeznice, II (261620743) should have network=PID Name of stop Zlonín, Rozc. (2511981165) in OSM (Zlonín, Rozc.) and in GTFS (Zlonín,Rozc.) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Zlonín, Rozc. (2511981165) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U1958Z1) are different Stop Zlonín, Rozc. (2511981165) should have network=PID Name of stop Předboj, Rozc. (7902320983) in OSM (Předboj, Rozc.) and in GTFS (Předboj,Rozc.) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Předboj, Rozc. (7902320983) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U1959Z1) are different Stop Předboj, Rozc. (7902320983) should have network=PID Name of stop Kojetice, Tůmovka (2484580444) in OSM (Kojetice, Tůmovka) and in GTFS (Kojetice,Tůmovka) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Kojetice, Tůmovka (2484580444) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U1960Z1) are different Stop Kojetice, Tůmovka (2484580444) should have network=PID Name of stop Kojetice, Rozcestí (261620741) in OSM (Kojetice, Rozcestí) and in GTFS (Kojetice,Rozc.) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Kojetice, Rozcestí (261620741) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U2343Z2) are different Stop Kojetice, Rozcestí (261620741) should have network=PID Name of stop Neratovice, Byškovice (3707556695) in OSM (Neratovice, Byškovice) and in GTFS (Neratovice,Byškovice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Neratovice, Byškovice (3707556695) does not have ref and it should be U2334Z2 Stop Neratovice, Byškovice (3707556695) should have network=PID Name of stop Libiš, Na Staré štaci (2822346084) in OSM (Libiš, Na Staré štaci) and in GTFS (Libiš,Na Staré štaci) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Libiš, Na Staré štaci (2822346084) does not have ref and it should be U1963Z1 Stop Libiš, Na Staré štaci (2822346084) should have network=PID ref of stop Libiš (3231044075) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U1972Z1) are different Stop Libiš (3231044075) should have network=PID Name of stop Obříství, Štěpánský most (1969423787) in OSM (Obříství, Štěpánský most) and in GTFS (Obříství,Štěpánský most) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Obříství, Štěpánský most (1969423787) in OSM (C) and in GTFS (U1785Z3) are different Name of stop Kly, Větrušice (3704401523) in OSM (Kly, Větrušice) and in GTFS (Kly,Větrušice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kly, Větrušice (3704401523) does not have ref and it should be U1786Z1 Stop Kly, Větrušice (3704401523) should have network=PID Name of stop Kly, Krausovna (7208317186) in OSM (Kly, Krausovna) and in GTFS (Kly,Krausovna) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kly, Krausovna (7208317186) does not have ref and it should be U1787Z2 Stop Kly, Krausovna (7208317186) should have network=PID Name of stop Kly, Lom (6375736218) in OSM (Kly, Lom) and in GTFS (Kly,Lom) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kly, Lom (6375736218) should have either bus=yes or trolleybus=yes ref of stop Kly, Lom (6375736218) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U1788Z1) are different Stop Kly, Lom (6375736218) should have network=PID Name of stop Kly, Vinice (3707551628) in OSM (Kly, Vinice) and in GTFS (Kly,Vinice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kly, Vinice (3707551628) does not have ref and it should be U1789Z1 Stop Kly, Vinice (3707551628) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, U Nováků (2845573292) in OSM (Mělník, U Nováků) and in GTFS (Mělník,U Nováků) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, U Nováků (2845573292) does not have ref and it should be U1790Z1 Stop Mělník, U Nováků (2845573292) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, cukrovar (3382653704) in OSM (Mělník, cukrovar) and in GTFS (Mělník,Cukrovar) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, cukrovar (3382653704) does not have ref and it should be U1791Z1 Stop Mělník, cukrovar (3382653704) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, u hřiště (3382653706) in OSM (Mělník, u hřiště) and in GTFS (Mělník,U Hřiště) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, u hřiště (3382653706) does not have ref and it should be U1792Z2 Stop Mělník, u hřiště (3382653706) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, poliklinika (6222878951) in OSM (Mělník, poliklinika) and in GTFS (Mělník,Poliklinika) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, poliklinika (6222878951) does not have ref and it should be U3335Z1 Stop Mělník, poliklinika (6222878951) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, Fibichova (6222878943) in OSM (Mělník, Fibichova) and in GTFS (Mělník,Fibichova) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, Fibichova (6222878943) does not have ref and it should be U3336Z1 Stop Mělník, Fibichova (6222878943) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, autobusové nádraží (6222878970) in OSM (Mělník, autobusové nádraží) and in GTFS (Mělník,aut.nádr.) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, autobusové nádraží (6222878970) does not have ref and it should be U1793Z3 Stop Mělník, autobusové nádraží (6222878970) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, Pivovar (3234913270) in OSM (Mělník, Pivovar) and in GTFS (Mělník,Pivovar) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, Pivovar (3234913270) does not have ref and it should be U1794Z1 Stop Mělník, Pivovar (3234913270) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, Podolí (4872772358) in OSM (Mělník, Podolí) and in GTFS (Mělník,Podolí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, Podolí (4872772358) does not have ref and it should be U1795Z1 Stop Mělník, Podolí (4872772358) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, Pšovka (6835199557) in OSM (Mělník, Pšovka) and in GTFS (Mělník,Pšovka) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, Pšovka (6835199557) does not have ref and it should be U1796Z1 Stop Mělník, Pšovka (6835199557) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, Loděnická (6835199553) in OSM (Mělník, Loděnická) and in GTFS (Mělník,Loděnická) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, Loděnická (6835199553) does not have ref and it should be U1797Z1 Stop Mělník, Loděnická (6835199553) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, Mlazice (6037213043) in OSM (Mělník, Mlazice) and in GTFS (Mělník,Mlazice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, Mlazice (6037213043) does not have ref and it should be U1798Z1 Stop Mělník, Mlazice (6037213043) should have network=PID Processing OSM route 369: Mělník,Mlazice => Ládví (15071717) public_transport:version is missing for route 15071717 colour is missing for route 15071717 and it should be #007DA8 gtfs:route_id is missing for route 15071717 and it should be L369 gtfs:agency_name is missing for route 15071717 and it should be Pražská integrovaná doprava gtfs:agency_url is missing for route 15071717 and it should be https://pid.cz gtfs:shape_id is missing for route 15071717. Cannot decide which direction this is without it gtfs:trip_id:sample is missing for route 15071717 (GTFS has multiple trips) WARNING: Check for stops will proceed with randomly chosen trip from gtfs:shape_id WARNING: There is no gtfs:shape_id. Without it, check for stops will proceed with 'from' and 'to' values NOTE: Random chosen trip to check stops based on from and to is 369_125_220919 Route 15071717 should have interval=55:00 Route 15071717 should have duration=55:00 Found gap - way Krombholcova (22742164, 6 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found gap - way 28. října (22742169, 5 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found gap - way Pražská (998145712, 2 nodes) which is not connected to previous way Found 3 gaps in route Cannot create shape from OSM data, some geometry checks will not be done. Processing stops for OSM route 15071717 (using platforms for all checks) Name of stop Mělník, Mlazice (2321521855) in OSM (Mělník, Mlazice) and in GTFS (Mělník,Mlazice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, Mlazice (2321521855) does not have ref and it should be U1798Z2 Stop Mělník, Mlazice (2321521855) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, Loděnická (3331522699) in OSM (Mělník, Loděnická) and in GTFS (Mělník,Loděnická) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, Loděnická (3331522699) does not have ref and it should be U1797Z2 Stop Mělník, Loděnická (3331522699) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, Pšovka (6835199556) in OSM (Mělník, Pšovka) and in GTFS (Mělník,Pšovka) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, Pšovka (6835199556) does not have ref and it should be U1796Z2 Stop Mělník, Pšovka (6835199556) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, Podolí (6037213203) in OSM (Mělník, Podolí) and in GTFS (Mělník,Podolí) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, Podolí (6037213203) does not have ref and it should be U1795Z2 Stop Mělník, Podolí (6037213203) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, Pivovar (6222878939) in OSM (Mělník, Pivovar) and in GTFS (Mělník,Pivovar) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, Pivovar (6222878939) does not have ref and it should be U1794Z2 Stop Mělník, Pivovar (6222878939) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, autobusové nádraží (6222878970) in OSM (Mělník, autobusové nádraží) and in GTFS (Mělník,aut.nádr.) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, autobusové nádraží (6222878970) does not have ref and it should be U1793Z1 Stop Mělník, autobusové nádraží (6222878970) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, Fibichova (6222878942) in OSM (Mělník, Fibichova) and in GTFS (Mělník,Fibichova) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, Fibichova (6222878942) does not have ref and it should be U3336Z2 Stop Mělník, Fibichova (6222878942) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, poliklinika (3233676203) in OSM (Mělník, poliklinika) and in GTFS (Mělník,Poliklinika) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, poliklinika (3233676203) does not have ref and it should be U3335Z2 Stop Mělník, poliklinika (3233676203) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, u hřiště (3382653707) in OSM (Mělník, u hřiště) and in GTFS (Mělník,U Hřiště) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, u hřiště (3382653707) does not have ref and it should be U1792Z1 Stop Mělník, u hřiště (3382653707) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, cukrovar (3382653705) in OSM (Mělník, cukrovar) and in GTFS (Mělník,Cukrovar) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, cukrovar (3382653705) does not have ref and it should be U1791Z2 Stop Mělník, cukrovar (3382653705) should have network=PID Name of stop Mělník, U Nováků (3707545998) in OSM (Mělník, U Nováků) and in GTFS (Mělník,U Nováků) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Mělník, U Nováků (3707545998) does not have ref and it should be U1790Z2 Stop Mělník, U Nováků (3707545998) should have network=PID Name of stop Kly, Vinice (3707551629) in OSM (Kly, Vinice) and in GTFS (Kly,Vinice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kly, Vinice (3707551629) does not have ref and it should be U1789Z2 Stop Kly, Vinice (3707551629) should have network=PID Stop Kly, Vinice (3707551629) is 59.5m far from GTFS (Kly,Vinice) stop Name of stop Kly, Lom (6375736215) in OSM (Kly, Lom) and in GTFS (Kly,Lom) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kly, Lom (6375736215) should have either bus=yes or trolleybus=yes ref of stop Kly, Lom (6375736215) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U1788Z2) are different Stop Kly, Lom (6375736215) should have network=PID Name of stop Kly, Krausovna (7208317187) in OSM (Kly, Krausovna) and in GTFS (Kly,Krausovna) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kly, Krausovna (7208317187) does not have ref and it should be U1787Z1 Stop Kly, Krausovna (7208317187) should have network=PID Name of stop Kly, Větrušice (3704401522) in OSM (Kly, Větrušice) and in GTFS (Kly,Větrušice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Kly, Větrušice (3704401522) does not have ref and it should be U1786Z2 Stop Kly, Větrušice (3704401522) should have network=PID Name of stop Obříství, Štěpánský most (1969423784) in OSM (Obříství, Štěpánský most) and in GTFS (Obříství,Štěpánský most) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Obříství, Štěpánský most (1969423784) in OSM (D) and in GTFS (U1785Z4) are different ref of stop Libiš (3231044076) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U1972Z2) are different Stop Libiš (3231044076) should have network=PID Name of stop Libiš, Na Staré štaci (2822346085) in OSM (Libiš, Na Staré štaci) and in GTFS (Libiš,Na Staré štaci) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Libiš, Na Staré štaci (2822346085) does not have ref and it should be U1963Z2 Stop Libiš, Na Staré štaci (2822346085) should have network=PID Name of stop Neratovice, Byškovice (1686166236) in OSM (Neratovice, Byškovice) and in GTFS (Neratovice,Byškovice) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Neratovice, Byškovice (1686166236) does not have ref and it should be U2334Z1 Name of stop Kojetice, Rozcestí (2646391821) in OSM (Kojetice, Rozcestí) and in GTFS (Kojetice,Rozc.) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Kojetice, Rozcestí (2646391821) in OSM (A) and in GTFS (U2343Z1) are different Stop Kojetice, Rozcestí (2646391821) should have network=PID Name of stop Kojetice, Tůmovka (3756982671) in OSM (Kojetice, Tůmovka) and in GTFS (Kojetice,Tůmovka) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Kojetice, Tůmovka (3756982671) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U1960Z2) are different Stop Kojetice, Tůmovka (3756982671) should have network=PID Name of stop Předboj, Rozc. (2511981176) in OSM (Předboj, Rozc.) and in GTFS (Předboj,Rozc.) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Předboj, Rozc. (2511981176) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U1959Z2) are different Stop Předboj, Rozc. (2511981176) should have network=PID Name of stop Zlonín, Rozc. (2511981170) in OSM (Zlonín, Rozc.) and in GTFS (Zlonín,Rozc.) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) ref of stop Zlonín, Rozc. (2511981170) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U1958Z2) are different Stop Zlonín, Rozc. (2511981170) should have network=PID Name of stop Líbeznice, II (261620745) in OSM (Líbeznice, II) and in GTFS (Líbeznice,II) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Líbeznice, II (261620745) does not have ref and it should be U1308Z2 Stop Líbeznice, II (261620745) should have network=PID Name of stop Líbeznice, I (261620746) in OSM (Líbeznice, I) and in GTFS (Líbeznice,I) are different (check if they are different stops altogether) Stop Líbeznice, I (261620746) does not have ref and it should be U1807Z2 Stop Líbeznice, I (261620746) should have network=PID Stop Bořanovice (1410238186) does not have ref and it should be U1806Z2 Stop Bořanovice (1410238186) should have network=PID ref of stop Na Boleslavce (1816805465) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U1976Z2) are different Stop Na Boleslavce (1816805465) should have network=PID Stop Březiněves (1973744753) does not have ref and it should be U826Z2 Stop Březiněves (1973744753) should have network=PID ref of stop Na Fabiánce (7373311497) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U3242Z2) are different Stop Na Fabiánce (7373311497) should have network=PID Stop Ďáblice (391068074) does not have ref and it should be U287Z6 Stop Ďáblice (391068074) should have network=PID ref of stop K Letňanům (897256780) in OSM (B) and in GTFS (U1393Z2) are different Stop K Letňanům (897256780) should have network=PID Stop Ďáblický hřbitov (391226198) does not have ref and it should be U167Z2 Stop Ďáblický hřbitov (391226198) should have network=PID Stop Sídliště Ďáblice (391226200) does not have ref and it should be U651Z6 Stop Sídliště Ďáblice (391226200) should have network=PID Stop Ládví (263873453) does not have ref and it should be U78Z3 Stop Ládví (263873453) should have network=PID OSM is missing route from Ládví (U78Z6) to Štětí,záv. (U6941Z1) with sample trip_id 369_101_221128 and 18 total trips OSM is missing route from Štětí,záv. (U6941Z2) to Ládví (U78Z3) with sample trip_id 369_104_221203 and 17 total trips OSM is missing route from Ládví (U78Z6) to Štětí,záv. (U6941Z1) with sample trip_id 369_21_230103 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Ládví (U78Z6) to Liběchov (U3316Z1) with sample trip_id 369_2_221128 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Štětí,záv. (U6941Z2) to Ládví (U78Z3) with sample trip_id 369_32_221128 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Liběchov (U3316Z2) to Ládví (U78Z3) with sample trip_id 369_3_221128 and 4 total trips OSM is missing route from Ládví (U78Z6) to Mělník,Podolí (U1795Z1) with sample trip_id 369_120_230103 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Mělník,Mlazice (U1798Z1) to Štětí,záv. (U6941Z1) with sample trip_id 369_11_221128 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Mělník,Podolí (U1795Z2) to Ládví (U78Z3) with sample trip_id 369_492_220919 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route from Mělník,aut.nádr. (U1793Z1) to Ládví (U78Z3) with sample trip_id 369_76_220924 and 1 total trips OSM is missing route A (Nemocnice Motol - Petřiny - Skalka - Depo Hostivař) OSM is missing route B (Zličín - Černý Most) OSM is missing route C (Letňany - Ládví - Háje) OSM is missing route 19 (Lehovec - Pankrác) OSM is missing route 32 (Bílá Hora - Malostranská - Bílá Hora) OSM is missing route 36 (Lehovec - Nádraží Hostivař) OSM is missing route XC () OSM is missing route LD (Petřín LD - Újezd LD) OSM is missing route 90 (Vozovna Kobylisy - Palmovka) OSM is missing route 105 (Smíchovské nádraží - Filmové ateliéry Barrandov - Smíchovské nádraží) OSM is missing route 106 (Nádraží Braník - Kačerov) OSM is missing route 108 (Dejvická - Sídliště Na Dědině) OSM is missing route 109 (Palmovka - Dolní Počernice - Výzkumné ústavy Běchovice) OSM is missing route 112 (Nádraží Holešovice - Zoo Praha-Troja) OSM is missing route 113 (Kačerov - Sídliště Písnice - Písnice - Točná) OSM is missing route 120 (Na Knížecí - Pod Lochkovem / Nádraží Radotín) OSM is missing route 121 (Poliklinika Budějovická - Nádraží Braník) OSM is missing route 122 (Opatov - Újezd u Průhonic) OSM is missing route 124 (Želivského - Zelený pruh) OSM is missing route 125 (Smíchovské nádraží - Skalka) OSM is missing route 128 (Hlubočepy - Žvahov - Hlubočepy) OSM is missing route 129 (Smíchovské nádraží - Baně) OSM is missing route 130 (Zličín - Chaplinovo náměstí) OSM is missing route 134 (Podolská vodárna - Dvorce) OSM is missing route 139 (Želivského - Komořany) OSM is missing route 141 (Bazén Hloubětín - Ve Žlíbku) OSM is missing route 142 (Nové Butovice - Velká Ohrada) OSM is missing route 144 (Kobylisy - Poliklinika Mazurská) OSM is missing route 150 (Želivského - Na Beránku) OSM is missing route 154 (Strašnická - Koleje Jižní Město) OSM is missing route 156 (Nádraží Holešovice - OC Stromovka - Nádraží Holešovice) OSM is missing route 157 (Kačerov - Násirovo náměstí) OSM is missing route 159 (Letňany - Vinoř) OSM is missing route 165 (Sídliště Zbraslav - Háje) OSM is missing route 168 (Nové Butovice - Nemocnice Na Homolce - Bílá Hora) OSM is missing route 170 (Pražská čtvrť - Jižní Město) OSM is missing route 172 (Smíchovské nádraží - Velká Chuchle - Na Hvězdárně) OSM is missing route 173 (Depo Hostivař - Kardausova) OSM is missing route 174 (Kukulova - Luka - Řeporyjské náměstí - Třebonice) OSM is missing route 177 (Chodov - Skalka - Poliklinika Mazurská) OSM is missing route 181 (Černý Most - Opatov) OSM is missing route 182 (Vinoř - Opatov) OSM is missing route 183 (Vozovna Kobylisy - Háje) OSM is missing route 184 (Kukulova - Velká Ohrada) OSM is missing route 185 (Letňany - Kbelský hřbitov) OSM is missing route 189 (Kačerov - Sídliště Lhotka) OSM is missing route 190 (Smíchovské nádraží - Na Beránku) OSM is missing route 193 (Nádraží Vršovice - Šeberák) OSM is missing route 196 (Smíchovské nádraží - Kačerov - Kloboučnická) OSM is missing route 197 (Smíchovské nádraží - Sídliště Písnice - Háje) OSM is missing route 200 (Kobylisy - Sídliště Bohnice) OSM is missing route 202 (Poliklinika Mazurská - Čakovice - Kbelský pivovar) OSM is missing route 213 (Želivského - Jižní Město / Nádraží Uhříněves) OSM is missing route 215 (Kačerov - Sídliště Libuš) OSM is missing route 225 (Nové Vokovice - Nádraží Veleslavín - Velká Ohrada) OSM is missing route 229 (Depo Hostivař - Nádraží Uhříněves - Královice) OSM is missing route 230 (Filmové ateliéry Barrandov - Klukovice - Stará Holyně) OSM is missing route 234 (Nádraží Holešovice - Podhoří) OSM is missing route 241 (Smíchovské nádraží - Lipence) OSM is missing route 244 (Smíchovské nádraží - Sídliště Radotín) OSM is missing route 245 (Nádraží Radotín - Lahovská) OSM is missing route 246 (Zličín - Obchodní centrum Sárská - Zbraslavské náměstí) OSM is missing route 247 (Nádraží Radotín - Sídliště Zbraslav) OSM is missing route 248 (Nádraží Radotín - Sídliště Radotín/Viničky - Nádraží Radotín) OSM is missing route 249 (Zličín - Nový Zličín) OSM is missing route 252 (Ústřední - Morseova) OSM is missing route 253 (Šmukýřka - Škola Poštovka) OSM is missing route 255 (Jenerálka - Dejvická) OSM is missing route 256 (Knovízská - Mokrá) OSM is missing route 260 (Bílá Hora - Na Okraji) OSM is missing route 261 (Sídliště Zbraslav - Velká Chuchle) OSM is missing route 263 (Na Pískách - Průhonský háj) OSM is missing route 265 (Stadion Strahov - Weberova) OSM is missing route 266 (Nové Butovice - Zadní Kopanina) OSM is missing route 267 (Habrová - Olšanské náměstí) OSM is missing route 269 (Nádraží Radotín - Škola Radotín) OSM is missing route 271 (Správa sociálního zabezpečení - Radlická) OSM is missing route 277 (Cholupický hřbitov - Pavelkova) OSM is missing route H1 (Chodov - Náměstí Republiky - Chodov) OSM is missing route X172 (Chaplinovo náměstí - Na Hvězdárně) OSM is missing route 301 (Praha, Luka - Chýnice) OSM is missing route 347 (Praha, Zličín - Hostivice, Nádraží - Praha,Motol) OSM is missing route 352 (Praha, Luka - Jinočany, náměstí) OSM is missing route 357 (Praha, Opatov - Nupaky, hotel) OSM is missing route 359 (Praha,Suchdol - Roztoky,Bělina) OSM is missing route 364 (Praha,Depo Hostivař - Doubek) OSM is missing route 366 (Praha,Depo Hostivař - Mukařov) OSM is missing route X10 (Palmovka - Ohrada) OSM is missing route X20 () OSM is missing route X22 () OSM is missing route X26 () OSM is missing route X95 (Palmovka - Ohrada) OSM is missing route 905 (Sídliště Čimice - Jižní Město) OSM is missing route 911 (Sídliště Čakovice - Nádraží Hostivař) OSM is missing route 912 (Hloubětínská - Ve Žlíbku) OSM is missing route 916 (Palmovka - Vinořský hřbitov) OSM is missing route 115 (Chodov - Městský archiv Chodovec - Chodov) OSM is missing route 117 (Poliklinika Budějovická - Nové Komořany) OSM is missing route 146 (Želivského - Vinice Hrdlořezy) OSM is missing route 155 (Nemocnice Vinohrady - Poliklinika Malešice) OSM is missing route 163 (Depo Hostivař - Sídliště Rohožník) OSM is missing route 164 (Sobín - Bílá Hora - Malovanka) OSM is missing route 171 (Depo Hostivař - Ve Žlíbku) OSM is missing route 186 (Černý Most - Nádraží Satalice - Vinoř) OSM is missing route 203 (Poliklinika Budějovická - Háje) OSM is missing route 204 (Stavební zóna Horní Počernice - Sídliště Petrovice) OSM is missing route 208 (Depo Hostivař - Obchodní centrum Štěrboholy - Vinice Dolní Počernice) OSM is missing route 209 (Letňany - Ve Žlíbku - Nádraží Uhříněves) OSM is missing route 212 (Nádraží Klánovice-sever - Nepasické náměstí) OSM is missing route 220 (Černý Most - K Zelenči - Černý Most) OSM is missing route 221 (Černý Most - Klánovice) OSM is missing route 222 (Černý Most - VÚ Běchovice) OSM is missing route 223 (Sídliště Černý Most - Černý Most - Sídliště Horní Počernice) OSM is missing route 224 (Dolnopočernický hřbitov - Ve Žlíbku) OSM is missing route 226 (Háje - Lipany - Benice) OSM is missing route 227 (Háje - Kolovraty - Nedvězí) OSM is missing route 228 (Poliklinika Malešice - Obchodní centrum Štěrboholy - Benice) OSM is missing route 243 (Lipence - Kazín) OSM is missing route 254 (Přeštická - Morseova) OSM is missing route 257 (Miškovice - Náměstí Jiřího Berana) OSM is missing route 258 (Hlubočepy - Štěpařská - Hlubočepy) OSM is missing route 268 (Želivského - Olšanské hřbitovy) OSM is missing route 270 (Pitkovice - Na Vartě) OSM is missing route 273 (Depo Hostivař - Sídliště Skalka) OSM is missing route 276 (Hrnčíře - Opatov) OSM is missing route 302 (Praha,Letňany - Veleň) OSM is missing route 303 (Praha,Černý Most - Křenice) OSM is missing route 304 (Praha,Kukulova/Vypich - Rakovník,Aut.st.) OSM is missing route 305 (Praha,Zličín - Lubenec,Karlovarská) OSM is missing route 307 (Praha,Zličín - Kladno,Autobusové nádraží) OSM is missing route 309 (Praha,Zličín - Choteč - Praha,Nádraží Radotín) OSM is missing route 310 (Praha,Zličín - Rudná,Zdravotní středisko) OSM is missing route 311 (Praha,Zličín - Řevnice,nádraží) OSM is missing route 313 (Praha,Nádraží Radotín - Černošice,Žel.zast.) OSM is missing route 314 (Praha,Smíchovské nádraží - Nová Ves p. Pleší) OSM is missing route 315 (Praha,Černý Most - Mladá Boleslav - Mnichovo Hradiště) OSM is missing route 317 (Praha,Smíchovské nádraží - Dobříš,náměstí) OSM is missing route 318 (Praha,Smíchovské nádraží - Řitka) OSM is missing route 319 (Praha,Terminál 1/Praha,Letiště - Malé Kyšice) OSM is missing route 320 (Praha,Smíchovské nádraží - Mníšek p. Brdy,Stříbrná Lhota/Mníšek p.Brdy,Žel.zast.Rymaně) OSM is missing route 322 (Praha,Nádraží Veleslavín - Kladno,nám.Svobody - Slaný,aut.nádr.) OSM is missing route 323 (Praha,Nádraží Veleslavín - Koleč,Zámek) OSM is missing route 325 (Praha,Nádraží Uhříněves - Čestlice,aquapark) OSM is missing route 326 (Praha,Volha - Jesenice,Belnická) OSM is missing route 327 (Praha,Opatov - Jesenice) OSM is missing route 330 (Praha,Nádraží Veleslavín - Libušín,nám.) OSM is missing route 331 (Praha,Opatov - Dolní Břežany,Zálepy) OSM is missing route 333 (Praha,Kačerov - Březová-Oleško,Oleško) OSM is missing route 337 (Praha,Budějovická - Benešov,Terminál) OSM is missing route 338 (Praha,Smíchovské nádraží - Hradištko,Pikovice,Most) OSM is missing route 339 (Praha,Budějovická - Týnec nad Sázavou,Železniční stanice) OSM is missing route 341 (Praha,Obchodní náměstí - Jílové u Prahy,náměstí) OSM is missing route 342 (Praha,Nádraží Veleslavín - Slaný,Žel.st.) OSM is missing route 343 (Praha,Nádraží Klánovice-sever - Nehvizdy,Škola) OSM is missing route 344 (Praha,Černý Most - Horoušany,U rybníka) OSM is missing route 345 (Praha,Černý Most - Mladá Boleslav - Hodkovice nad Mohelkou - Liberec) OSM is missing route 353 (Praha,Černý Most - Svémyslice/Horoušany,Horoušánky,U Tří svatých) OSM is missing route 354 (Praha,Černý Most - Nehvizdy,Mochovská) OSM is missing route 358 (Praha,Zličín - Rudná,Hořelice) OSM is missing route 360 (Praha,Smíchovské nádraží - Sedlčany, aut.st.) OSM is missing route 361 (Praha,Smíchovské nádraží - Dobříš,nám.) OSM is missing route 362 (Praha,Budějovická - Jílové u Prahy,náměstí) OSM is missing route 365 (Praha,Motol - Stochov,Náměstí) OSM is missing route 370 (Praha,Kobylisy - Kralupy n. Vlt.,Žel.st.) OSM is missing route 372 (Praha,Kobylisy - Kralupy n. Vlt.,Žel.st.) OSM is missing route 377 (Praha,Letňany - Kostelec n.L.,Náměstí) OSM is missing route 378 (Praha,Letňany - Jenštejn,Hradní/Radonice,Spojovací) OSM is missing route 379 (Praha,Černý Most - Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Aut.st.) OSM is missing route 380 (Praha,Kukulova/Vypich - Králův Dvůr,Počaply) OSM is missing route 381 (Praha,Háje - Čáslav,obchodní centrum) OSM is missing route 382 (Praha,Háje - Sázava,aut.st.) OSM is missing route 383 (Praha,Háje - Chocerady) OSM is missing route 384 (Praha,Zličín - Hořovice,nám.B.Němcové) OSM is missing route 385 (Praha,Opatov - Zvánovice) OSM is missing route 387 (Praha,Háje - Uhlířské Janovice,nám.) OSM is missing route 388 (Praha,Nádraží Veleslavín - Slaný,Arbesova) OSM is missing route 389 (Praha,Nádraží Veleslavín - Louny,Luna) OSM is missing route 390 (Praha,Smíchovské nádraží - Rabyně,Měřín) OSM is missing route 391 (Praha,Nádraží Klánovice - Úvaly,žel.st.) OSM is missing route 392 (Praha,Smíchovské nádraží - Příbram,aut.nádr.) OSM is missing route 393 (Praha,Smíchovské nádraží - Příbram,Břez.Hory,rozc.Zdaboř) OSM is missing route 394 (Praha,Nové Butovice - Zdice,náměstí) OSM is missing route 395 (Praha,Smíchovské nádraží - Příbram,Břez.Hory,rozc.Zdaboř) OSM is missing route 396 (Praha,Vinoř - Přezletice, Kocanda) OSM is missing route 397 (Praha,Opatov - Modletice,Doubravice) OSM is missing route 400 (Rumburk/Cvikov - Varnsdorf - Nový Bor - Česká Lípa - Mělník - Praha) OSM is missing route 401 (Praha,Roztyly - Jindřichův Hradec,aut.nádr./Třeboň,aut.nádr.) OSM is missing route 402 (Praha - Zruč nad Sázavou - Čáslav) OSM is missing route 403 (Praha,Černý Most - Dobrovice - Sobotka) OSM is missing route 404 (Praha,Zličín - Rakovník,aut.st. - Kralovice - Manětín,nám. - Nečtiny) OSM is missing route 405 (Praha,Zličín - Žatec,aut.nádr.) OSM is missing route 406 (Praha - Vlašim - Pelhřimov) OSM is missing route 407 (Praha,Smíchovské nádraží - Písek,aut.nádr.) OSM is missing route 410 (Jablonné v Podj. - Mimoň - Doksy - Dubá - Mělník - Praha) OSM is missing route 412 (Praha,Černý Most - Mladá Boleslav - Jičín) OSM is missing route 415 (Praha,Sídliště Radotín - Karlík) OSM is missing route 416 (Mladá Boleslav - Dobrovice - Dobrovice,Chloumek) OSM is missing route 417 (Mladá Boleslav - Dobrovice - Mcely) OSM is missing route 418 (Mladá Boleslav - Kosořice - Horky nad Jizerou) OSM is missing route 419 (Příbram - Solenice - Milevsko) OSM is missing route 420 (Dobříš - Krásná Hora nad Vltavou - Milevsko) OSM is missing route 421 (Kolín - Svojšice - Kouřim - Sázava) OSM is missing route 422 (Kolín - Plaňany - Kouřim - Vitice - Český Brod) OSM is missing route 423 (Jirny - Úvaly - Škvorec - Doubravčice) OSM is missing route 424 (Kolín - Toušice - Kouřim - Ždánice) OSM is missing route 425 (Mořinka - Beroun - Koněprusy - Králův Dvůr) OSM is missing route 426 (Pečky - Klučov,Skramníky - Český Brod - Tuklaty,Tlustovousy) OSM is missing route 427 (Mimoň - Ralsko - Mnichovo Hradiště - Mladá Boleslav) OSM is missing route 428 (Říčany - Jesenice) OSM is missing route 429 (Poříčany - Velenka - Semice) OSM is missing route 430 (Lysá nad Labem - Milovice - Lipník) OSM is missing route 431 (Lysá nad Labem - Benátky nad Jizerou - Skalsko) OSM is missing route 432 (Lysá nad Labem - Milovice - Mladá Boleslav) OSM is missing route 433 (Nymburk - Sadská - Pečky) OSM is missing route 434 (Nymburk - Straky - Milovice - Benátky nad Jizerou) OSM is missing route 435 (Říčany - Doubek - Český Brod - Klučov,Skramníky) OSM is missing route 436 (Nymburk - Vlkava - Lipník) OSM is missing route 437 (Nový Knín - Nové Dvory - Štěchovice - Hradištko) OSM is missing route 438 (Benešov - Netvořice - Štěchovice) OSM is missing route 439 (Nový Knín - Chotilsko,Živohošť) OSM is missing route 440 (Štěchovice - Štěchovice,Masečín) OSM is missing route 441 (Jílové u Prahy - Jílové u Prahy,Luka pod Medníkem) OSM is missing route 442 (Lysá nad Labem - Benátky nad Jizerou - Mladá Boleslav) OSM is missing route 443 (Nymburk - Sadská - Čelákovice) OSM is missing route 444 (Kamenice - Jílové u Prahy - Davle) OSM is missing route 445 (Březová-Oleško - Vrané nad Vltavou - Jílové u Prahy) OSM is missing route 446 (Mníšek pod Brdy - Kytín - Voznice,Chouzavá) OSM is missing route 447 (Mníšek p.Brdy,náměstí - Mníšek p.Brdy,žel.st. - Mníšek p.Brdy,OPS Magdaléna) OSM is missing route 448 (Lety - Dobřichovice - Mníšek pod Brdy) OSM is missing route 449 (Jíloviště - Čisovice - Mníšek pod Brdy) OSM is missing route 450 (Dobříš - Sedlčany - Milevsko) OSM is missing route 451 (Votice - Sedlec-Prčice - Borotín) OSM is missing route 452 (Benešov - Mladá Vožice) OSM is missing route 453 (Tábor - Ratibořské Hory - Mladá Vožice - Vlašim) OSM is missing route 454 (Tábor - Sedlec-Prčice - Sedlčany) OSM is missing route 455 (Tábor - Hlasivo - Mladá Vožice - Postupice - Benešov) OSM is missing route 456 (Libčice nad Vltavou - Koleč - Slaný) OSM is missing route 457 (Kralupy nad Vltavou,Velvarská - Kralupy nad Vltavou,obchodní centrum) OSM is missing route 458 (Mladá Vožice - Načeradec - Vlašim) OSM is missing route 459 (Miličín - Mladá Vožice) OSM is missing route 460 (Bečváry - Zásmuky - Plaňany - Vrbčany) OSM is missing route 462 (Strančice - Kunice,Všešímy) OSM is missing route 463 (Mladá Boleslav - Dobrovice - Rožďalovice - Městec Králové) OSM is missing route 464 (Mělník - Lužec nad Vltavou - Horní Beřkovice) OSM is missing route 465 (Chocerady - Chocerady,Samechov) OSM is missing route 466 (Mělník - Spomyšl - Kralupy nad Vltavou) OSM is missing route 467 (Mladá Boleslav - Mělník - Roudnice nad Labem) OSM is missing route 468 (Mělník - Dolní Beřkovice - Černouček) OSM is missing route 469 (Strančice - Říčany) OSM is missing route 470 (Mělník - Chlumín - Kralupy nad Vltavou) OSM is missing route 471 (Mělník - Neratovice - Kostelec nad Labem) OSM is missing route 472 (Mělník - Tišice - Kostelec nad Labem) OSM is missing route 473 (Neratovice - Zálezlice - Kralupy nad Vltavou) OSM is missing route 474 (Dobřeň - Mělník) OSM is missing route 475 (Mělník - Horní Počaply - Bechlín) OSM is missing route 476 (Neratovice - Kostelec nad Labem - Všetaty) OSM is missing route 477 (Brandýs n.L.-St.Boleslav - Mratín - Brandýs n.L.-St.Boleslav) OSM is missing route 479 (Neratovice,Korycany - Veliká Ves - Neratovice) OSM is missing route 480 (Kostomlaty nad Labem - Lysá nad Labem) OSM is missing route 481 (Soběšín - Uhlířské Janovice - Kutná Hora - Čáslav) OSM is missing route 482 (Strakonice - Blatná - Příbram) OSM is missing route 483 (Vlašim - Tehov - Divišov - Chocerady) OSM is missing route 484 (Úvaly - Horoušany - Úvaly) OSM is missing route 485 (Týnec nad Sázavou - Netvořice - Rabyně,Měřín) OSM is missing route 486 (Sedlčany - Křepenice - Křečovice) OSM is missing route 487 (Kolín - Uhlířské Janovice - Kácov - Vlašim) OSM is missing route 488 (Příbram - Mirovice - Písek) OSM is missing route 489 (Strančice - Mnichovice - Struhařov - Klokočná - Mukařov - Louňovice) OSM is missing route 490 (Strančice - Ondřejov - Stříbrná Skalice) OSM is missing route 491 (Český Brod - Doubravčice - Mukařov) OSM is missing route 492 (Kostelec n.Č.l. - Jevany - Černé Voděrady) OSM is missing route 493 (Nymburk - Poděbrady) OSM is missing route 494 (Strančice - Tehov - Říčany) OSM is missing route 495 (Nepomuk - Březnice - Mirovice) OSM is missing route 496 (Březnice - Bělčice - Blatná) OSM is missing route 497 (Nymburk - Kostomlaty nad Labem - Milovice) OSM is missing route 498 (Poděbrady - Pečky) OSM is missing route 499 (Nymburk - Loučeň - Semčice - Mladá Boleslav) OSM is missing route 500 (Příbram - Krásná Hora nad Vltavou - Petrovice) OSM is missing route 504 (Příbram - Sádek - Hluboš) OSM is missing route 509 (Trhové Dušníky - Příbram - Láz) OSM is missing route 510 (Příbram - Smolotely) OSM is missing route 511 (Příbram - Milín - Březnice) OSM is missing route 512 (Příbram - Obecnice - Sádek) OSM is missing route 513 (Sedlčany - Jesenice - Sedlec-Prčice) OSM is missing route 514 (Dobříš - Drevníky - Županovice) OSM is missing route 515 (Příbram - Nečín - Borotice) OSM is missing route 516 (Sedlčany - Dublovice) OSM is missing route 517 (Dobříš - Příbram) OSM is missing route 518 (Sedlčany - Prosenická Lhota - Křečovice) OSM is missing route 519 (Votice - Sedlčany) OSM is missing route 520 (Dobříš - Nečín - Kamýk nad Vltavou) OSM is missing route 521 (Příbram - Rožmitál pod Třemšínem - Věšín) OSM is missing route 522 (Rožmitál pod Třemšínem - Hvožďany) OSM is missing route 524 (Březnice - Hvožďany) OSM is missing route 525 (Nový Knín - Borotice,Dražetice - Nový Knín) OSM is missing route 526 (Zdice - Bzová) OSM is missing route 527 (Komárov - Cerhovice - Žebrák) OSM is missing route 528 (Hořovice - Broumy) OSM is missing route 529 (Hořovice - Hvozdec) OSM is missing route 530 (Příbram - Kamýk nad Vltavou) OSM is missing route 531 (Hořovice - Příbram) OSM is missing route 532 (Votice,Beztahov - Jankov,Bedřichovice) OSM is missing route 533 (Kutná Hora - Týnec nad Labem - Chlumec nad Cidlinou) OSM is missing route 534 (Kolín - Týnec nad Labem - Labské Chrčice) OSM is missing route 535 (Kolín - Týnec nad Labem - Hlavečník - Kladruby n.L.,Bílé Vchynice) OSM is missing route 536 (Kolín - Býchory - Žiželice) OSM is missing route 537 (Kolín - Býchory - Jestřabí Lhota) OSM is missing route 538 (Městec Králové - Křinec) OSM is missing route 539 (Poděbrady - Křečkov) OSM is missing route 540 (Poděbrady - Úmyslovice - Dymokury - Záhornice) OSM is missing route 541 (Nymburk - Úmyslovice - Městec Králové - Dlouhopolsko) OSM is missing route 542 (Poděbrady - Dymokury - Rožďalovice) OSM is missing route 543 (Poděbrady - Opolany - Hradčany) OSM is missing route 544 (Hořovice - Komárov - Zaječov) OSM is missing route 545 (Hořovice - Zaječov - Strašice) OSM is missing route 546 (Hořovice - Rokycany) OSM is missing route 547 (Hořovice - Kařez - Cerhovice) OSM is missing route 548 (Praskolesy - Hořovice - Zbiroh) OSM is missing route 549 (Sedlčany - Krásná Hora nad Vltavou - Klučenice) OSM is missing route 550 (Olbramovice - Votice) OSM is missing route 551 (Sedlčany - Kamýk nad Vltavou - Krásná Hora nad Vltavou) OSM is missing route 552 (Sedlčany - Kamýk nad Vltavou) OSM is missing route 553 (Benešov - Jankov,Odlochovice) OSM is missing route 554 (Benešov - Votice) OSM is missing route 555 (Kladno - Běleč - Zbečno - Roztoky/Nezabudice) OSM is missing route 556 (Votice - Heřmaničky - Sedlčany) OSM is missing route 557 (Svojetice - Stříbrná Skalice) OSM is missing route 558 (Olbramovice - Bystřice) OSM is missing route 559 (Sedlčany - Nechvalice - Sedlec-Prčice) OSM is missing route 560 (Rakovník - Kryry,Strojetice) OSM is missing route 561 (Rakovník - Řeřichy) OSM is missing route 562 (Lubná - Rakovník - Olešná) OSM is missing route 563 (Rakovník - Kounov - Mutějovice) OSM is missing route 564 (Rakovník - Jesenice) OSM is missing route 566 (Vojkov - Votice) OSM is missing route 567 (Příbram - Třebsko - Rožmitál pod Třemšínem) OSM is missing route 568 (Střezimíř - Miličín) OSM is missing route 569 (Mezno - Miličín) OSM is missing route 570 (Rakovník - Čistá - Kralovice) OSM is missing route 571 (Rakovník - Čistá,Kůzová) OSM is missing route 572 (Rakovník - Krakovec - Zvíkovec) OSM is missing route 573 (Břežany - Čistá - Jesenice - Kolešov) OSM is missing route 574 (Křivoklát - Skryje) OSM is missing route 575 (Rakovník - Pavlíkov - Zvíkovec) OSM is missing route 576 (Rakovník - Slabce - Skryje) OSM is missing route 577 (Rakovník - Stochov) OSM is missing route 578 (Rakovník - Nezabudice - Křivoklát - Rakovník) OSM is missing route 579 (Branov - Křivoklát - Nezabudice) OSM is missing route 580 (Slaný - Mšec - Řevničov - Rakovník) OSM is missing route 581 (Senomaty - Rakovník - Nové Strašecí) OSM is missing route 582 (Strančice - Tehov - Světice - Říčany) OSM is missing route 583 (Milý - Nové Strašecí - Řevničov) OSM is missing route 584 (Rakovník - Krupá - Hředle - Mutějovice,Lhota pod Džbánem) OSM is missing route 585 (Rakovník - Hředle - Vinařice) OSM is missing route 586 (Slaný - Drnek - Nové Strašecí) OSM is missing route 587 (Slaný - Tuřany - Libušín) OSM is missing route 588 (Slaný - Srbeč - Milý) OSM is missing route 589 (Kvílice - Hořešovice - Líský) OSM is missing route 590 (Vraný - Slaný - Nové Strašecí) OSM is missing route 591 (Vraný - Klobuky) OSM is missing route 592 (Slaný - Klobuky - Panenský Týnec) OSM is missing route 593 (Slaný - Hobšovice - Velvary) OSM is missing route 594 (Slaný - Poštovice - Zlonice) OSM is missing route 595 (Velvary - Poštovice - Peruc) OSM is missing route 596 (Velvary - Černuc/Straškov - Vodochody) OSM is missing route 597 (Velvary - Chržín,Budihostice) OSM is missing route 598 (Poděbrady - Opočnice - Městec Králové - Kněžice) OSM is missing route 599 (Městec Králové - Dobšice) OSM is missing route 600 (Kladno - Nové Strašecí - Louny) OSM is missing route 612 (Kladno - Knovíz - Velvary) OSM is missing route 617 (Slaný - Velvary - Kralupy nad Vltavou) OSM is missing route 618 (Kladno - Kačice) OSM is missing route 619 (Kladno - Lány - Třtice - Ročov) OSM is missing route 620 (Kladno - Kralupy nad Vltavou - Mělník) OSM is missing route 622 (Číčovice - Kladno) OSM is missing route 623 (Kladno - Třebusice - Velvary) OSM is missing route 625 (Kladno - Ruda - Rakovník) OSM is missing route 626 (Jeneč - Kladno) OSM is missing route 627 (Smečno - Ledce - Slaný) OSM is missing route 628 (Kladno - Mšec - Řevničov) OSM is missing route 629 (Bratronice,Dolní Bezděkov - Družec - Kladno - Dřetovice) OSM is missing route 630 (Kladno - Unhošť - Beroun) OSM is missing route 631 (Nižbor - Beroun - Suchomasty - Všeradice) OSM is missing route 632 (Řevnice - Všeradice - Hostomice) OSM is missing route 633 (Beroun - Tetín - Liteň) OSM is missing route 634 (Hostomice - Skřipel - Lážovice - Všeradice) OSM is missing route 636 (Loděnice - Železná - Chyňava) OSM is missing route 637 (Zadní Třebaň - Beroun - Nový Jáchymov - Kublov) OSM is missing route 638 (Všeradice - Beroun - Skryje - Branov) OSM is missing route 639 (Hořovice - Hostomice - Dobříš) OSM is missing route 640 (Zdice - Hostomice - Čenkov) OSM is missing route 641 (Beroun - Zdice - Hořovice) OSM is missing route 642 (Jince - Praskolesy - Hořovice) OSM is missing route 643 (Cerhovice - Hořovice - Křešín) OSM is missing route 646 (Holubice - Kralupy n. Vlt. - Roudnice n. Lab.) OSM is missing route 649 (Nižbor,Stradonice - Nižbor,Žloukovice) OSM is missing route 650 (Litoměřice - Mšené-lázně - Slaný) OSM is missing route 651 (Nespeky - Pyšely - Senohraby - Hrusice) OSM is missing route 652 (Kostelec n.Č.l. - Oleška,Krymlov) OSM is missing route 653 (Ondřejov - Kaliště,Poddubí) OSM is missing route 655 (Brandýs n.L.-St.Boleslav - Čelákovice - Úvaly) OSM is missing route 656 (Hovorčovice - Zlonín - Hovorčovice) OSM is missing route 657 (Brandýs n.L.-St.Boleslav - Odolena Voda) OSM is missing route 658 (Neratovice - Veliká Ves - Odolena Voda) OSM is missing route 659 (Český Brod - Kostelec n.Č.l. - Vlkančice - Stříbrná Skalice) OSM is missing route 660 (Český Brod - Kostelec n.Č.l.) OSM is missing route 661 (Český Brod - Starý Vestec - Lysá n.L.) OSM is missing route 662 (Čelákovice - Český Brod - Kouřim) OSM is missing route 663 (Kralupy nad Vltavou - Odolena Voda) OSM is missing route 666 (Brandýs n.L.-St. Boleslav - Káraný) OSM is missing route 667 (Brandýs n.L.-St.Boleslav - Horky nad Jizerou) OSM is missing route 668 (Všetaty - Byšice - Mšeno) OSM is missing route 669 (Brandýs n.L.-St. Boleslav - Dřísy - Mečeříž) OSM is missing route 670 (Brandýs n.L.-St. Boleslav - Sudovo Hlavno/Mečeříž) OSM is missing route 671 (Jenštejn - Přezletice - Brandýs n.L.-St. Boleslav) OSM is missing route 673 (Nymburk - Oskořínek - Křinec) OSM is missing route 674 (Nymburk - Netřebice - Křinec - Rožďalovice) OSM is missing route 675 (Kolín - Cerhenice - Pečky) OSM is missing route 676 (Nymburk - Loučeň - Seletice) OSM is missing route 677 (Úvaly - Vyšehořovice - Nehvizdy) OSM is missing route 678 (Poděbrady - Cerhenice - Pečky) OSM is missing route 679 (Poděbrady - Velim - Kolín) OSM is missing route 681 (Kolín - Suchdol - Uhlířské Janovice - Petrovice II) OSM is missing route 685 (Strančice - Mnichovice - Zvánovice - Černé Voděrady) OSM is missing route 686 (Úvaly - Říčany) OSM is missing route 687 (Uhlířské Janovice - Zbraslavice - Třebětín - Ledeč nad Sázavou) OSM is missing route 688 (Mníšek pod Brdy - Nový Knín) OSM is missing route 689 (Mšeno - Stránka - Skalsko) OSM is missing route 690 (Mšeno - Kadlín) OSM is missing route 691 (Mělník - Liběchov - Vidim) OSM is missing route 692 (Liběchov - Dolní Zimoř - Kokořín) OSM is missing route 693 (Mšeno - Nosálov - Katusice) OSM is missing route 694 (Liběchov - Vysoká - Kokořín) OSM is missing route 695 (Mělník - Kokořín - Mšeno) OSM is missing route 696 (Mělník - Řepín - Mšeno) OSM is missing route 697 (Mšeno - Dubá - Doksy) OSM is missing route 699 (Mladá Boleslav - Horky nad Jizerou - Kadlín - Mšeno) OSM is missing route 700 (Harrachov - Tanvald - Železný Brod - Turnov - Praha) OSM is missing route 702 (Kolín - Nebovidy - Červené Pečky) OSM is missing route 705 (Poděbrady - Kolín - Kutná Hora - Čáslav) OSM is missing route 706 (Uhlířské Janovice - Zásmuky - Kolín - Žiželice) OSM is missing route 710 (Chrudim - Heřmanův Městec - Čáslav) OSM is missing route 711 (Louny - Ročov - Rakovník) OSM is missing route 712 (Mladá Boleslav - Katusice - Bělá pod Bezdězem) OSM is missing route 713 (Mladá Boleslav - Obruby - Sobotka) OSM is missing route 714 (Mladá Boleslav - Kněžmost - Sobotka) OSM is missing route 715 (Mladá Boleslav - Ptýrov - Mnichovo Hradiště - Žďár,Žehrov) OSM is missing route 716 (Boseň,Mužský - Mnichovo Hradiště,Sychrov - Boseň,Mužský) OSM is missing route 717 (Mnichovo Hradiště - Turnov) OSM is missing route 718 (Mnichovo Hradiště - Dolní Bousov - Sobotka) OSM is missing route 719 (Mladá Boleslav - Bítouchov - Zvířetice) OSM is missing route 720 (Rokytnice n.Jiz. - Vysoké n.Jiz. - Semily - Železný Brod - Turnov - Mladá Boleslav - Praha) OSM is missing route 721 (Český Dub - Všelibice,Vrtky - Mnichovo Hradiště) OSM is missing route 722 (Český Dub - Hlavice - Mnichovo Hradiště) OSM is missing route 723 (Kopidlno - Libáň - Březno - Mladá Boleslav) OSM is missing route 724 (Mladá Boleslav - Dlouhá Lhota - Libáň - Kopidlno) OSM is missing route 725 (Mladá Boleslav - Markvartice - Sobotka) OSM is missing route 726 (Mladá Boleslav - Nová Telib - Žerčice) OSM is missing route 727 (Mnichovo Hradiště - Dolní Krupá - Rokytá) OSM is missing route 728 (Mladá Boleslav - Skalsko - Mšeno) OSM is missing route 729 (Mladá Boleslav - Doubravička - Skalsko) OSM is missing route 730 (Vítkovice,Horní Mísečky - Jilemnice - Semily - Turnov - Praha) OSM is missing route 731 (Mladá Boleslav - Katusice - Plužná) OSM is missing route 732 (Čistá - Bělá pod Bezdězem,Bezdědice) OSM is missing route 733 (Mnichovo Hradiště - Loukovec - Sezemice) OSM is missing route 734 (Mnichovo Hradiště - Mohelnice nad Jizerou - Sezemice) OSM is missing route 735 (Kopidlno - Libáň - Dolní Bousov) OSM is missing route 736 (Mladá Boleslav - Kněžmost - Dolní Bousov) OSM is missing route 737 (Mladá Boleslav - Čistá - Bělá pod Bezdězem) OSM is missing route 738 (Mnichovo Hradiště - Horní Bukovina - Mukařov,Vicmanov) OSM is missing route 739 (Bělá pod Bezdězem - Bakov nad Jizerou - Kněžmost) OSM is missing route 740 (Čáslav - Bratčice - Golčův Jeníkov) OSM is missing route 741 (Čáslav - Tupadly - Zbýšov) OSM is missing route 742 (Čáslav - Zbýšov - Třebětín - Ledeč nad Sázavou) OSM is missing route 743 (Čáslav - Kluky - Paběnice - Petrovice I) OSM is missing route 746 (Čáslav - Malešov - Chlístovice - Uhlířské Janovice) OSM is missing route 747 (Mělník - Byšice) OSM is missing route 749 (Čáslav - Zbýšov - Petrovice I) OSM is missing route 751 (Řevnice - Mořina) OSM is missing route 752 (Benešov - Týnec nad Sázavou - Jílové u Prahy) OSM is missing route 753 (Benešov - Týnec nad Sázavou - Netvořice - Neveklov) OSM is missing route 754 (Benešov - Sedlčany - Příbram) OSM is missing route 755 (Benešov - Neveklov - Rabyně,Měřín) OSM is missing route 756 (Neveklov - Křečovice) OSM is missing route 757 (Benešov - Bystřice,Jarkovice - Bystřice,Tvoršovice - Bystřice) OSM is missing route 758 (Benešov - Postupice - Vlašim) OSM is missing route 759 (Benešov - Maršovice - Křečovice,Strážovice - Neveklov) OSM is missing route 760 (Rakovník - Podbořany) OSM is missing route 761 (Kamenice,Všedobrovice - Velké Popovice) OSM is missing route 762 (Dolní Břežany - Jesenice) OSM is missing route 765 (Sibřina - Říčany) OSM is missing route 766 (Březno - Lhotky - Rabakov) OSM is missing route 767 (Mladá Boleslav - Kropáčova Vrutice - Dolní Slivno) OSM is missing route 768 (Benátky nad Jizerou - Dolní Slivno - Byšice) OSM is missing route 769 (Rokytovec - Doubravička - Chotětov) OSM is missing route 770 (Uhlířské Janovice - Sázava - Ostředek - Benešov) OSM is missing route 771 (Kácov - Rataje nad Sázavou - Sázava) OSM is missing route 772 (Uhlířské Janovice - Úžice - Sázava) OSM is missing route 773 (Sázava - Choratice - Sázava) OSM is missing route 776 (Zruč nad Sázavou - Vlastějovice - Zruč nad Sázavou) OSM is missing route 778 (Zruč nad Sázavou - Bohdaneč - Zbraslavice) OSM is missing route 780 (Čáslav - Žleby - Třemošnice) OSM is missing route 781 (Čáslav - Žleby - Hostovlice - Adamov) OSM is missing route 782 (Kutná Hora - Žehušice - Horka I - Vrdy) OSM is missing route 783 (Čáslav - Žehušice - Horka I) OSM is missing route 784 (Kutná Hora - Horka I - Vrdy - Čáslav) OSM is missing route 785 (Kácov - Malešov - Kutná Hora - Kolín) OSM is missing route 786 (Kutná Hora - Červené Janovice - Paběnice) OSM is missing route 787 (Uhlířské Janovice - Čestín - Zruč nad Sázavou) OSM is missing route 788 (Kutná Hora - Červené Janovice - Třebětín) OSM is missing route 790 (Vlašim - Libež - Divišov) OSM is missing route 791 (Benešov - Český Šternberk) OSM is missing route 792 (Vlašim,Hrazená Lhota - Vracovice - Rataje) OSM is missing route 793 (Vlašim - Radošovice - Divišov - Ostředek) OSM is missing route 794 (Vlašim - Javorník - Zbizuby,Vranice - Chabeřice,Holšice) OSM is missing route 795 (Vlašim - Zruč nad Sázavou) OSM is missing route 796 (Benešov - Soběhrdy - Čerčany - Pyšely) OSM is missing route 797 (Vranov,Vranovská Lhota - Chocerady) OSM is missing route 798 (Benešov - Čakov - Ostředek) OSM is missing route 799 (Vlašim - Chotýšany - Struhařov - Benešov) OSM is missing route 903 (Palmovka - Královice) OSM is missing route 917 (Obchodní náměstí - Lipence) OSM is missing route 951 (Praha, Chaplinovo náměstí - Dobřichovice,Pošta) OSM is missing route 952 (Praha,Sídliště Řepy - Beroun,sídliště) OSM is missing route 953 (Praha,Lehovec - Brandýs n.L.-St.Boleslav,Aut.st.) OSM is missing route 954 (Praha,Vítězné náměstí - Číčovice,Velké Číčovice) OSM is missing route 956 (Praha,Budějovická - Jílové u Prahy,Náměstí) OSM is missing route 957 (Praha,Sídliště Řepy - Hostivice,Ve Vilkách) OSM is missing route 958 (Praha,Kobylisy - Odolena Voda,Dolní náměstí) OSM is missing route 959 (Praha,Háje - Kostelec n.Č.l.,Nám.) OSM is missing route 960 (Praha,Obchodní náměstí - Zlatníky-Hodkovice,Na Drahách) OSM is missing route BB2 (Budějovická - Filadelfie - Budějovická) OSM is missing route BB1 ((BB1) Budějovická - Delta) OSM is missing route MHD 1 (MHD Říčany 1 ŽLUTÁ Strašín - Olivovna - Nádraží - OÁZA) OSM is missing route MHD 2 (MHD Říčany 2 ČERVENÁ Pastelkov - Nemocnice - Nádraží - Náměstí - Kuří) OSM is missing route MHD 3 (MHD Říčany 3 MODRÁ Jažlovice - Nádraží - Pacov) OSM is missing route ŠKOLNÍ 1 (Školní Říčany Š1 Strašín - Pacov - Pastelkov - ZŠ U Říčanského lesa) OSM is missing route ŠKOLNÍ 2 (Školní Říčany Š2 Hřbitov - Náměstí - Srnčí - ZŠ Bezručova - ZŠ U Říčanského lesa) OSM is missing route ŠKOLNÍ 3 (Školní Říčany Š3 Jažlovice - MŠ Zahrádka - Komenského nám. - ZŠ U Říčanského lesa) OSM is missing route MHD 7 (MHD Říčany 7 FIALOVÁ Náměstí - Nádraží - Srnčí/Černokostelecká) OSM is missing route MHD 8 (MHD Říčany 8 ZELENÁ Kuří - Náměstí - Olivovna - Černokostelecká) OSM is missing route MHD 1 (Městská doprava Vlašim) OSM is missing route MHD 1 (MHD Benešov ORANŽOVÁ Pomněnice - Kaufland - Terminál - Vlašimská) OSM is missing route MHD 2 (MHD Benešov ZELENÁ MŠ Úsměv - Mariánovice - Jana Nohy - Terminál) OSM is missing route MHD 3 (MHD Benešov MODRÁ Buková Lhota - Pomněnice - Purkyňova - Terminál) OSM is missing route MHD 4 (MHD Benešov RŮŽOVÁ Vlašimská - MŠ Úsměv - Kaufland - Pomněnice) OSM is missing route ŠKOLNÍ 11 (Školní Benešov ORANŽOVÁ Kaufland - Dukelská - Jiráskova - Vlašimská,dopravní hřiště) OSM is missing route ŠKOLNÍ 12 (Školní Benešov ZELENÁ MŠ Úsměv - Dukelská - Jiráskova - Černoleská - Jana Nohy) OSM is missing route ŠKOLNÍ 13 (Školní Benešov MODRÁ Buková Lhota - Jiráskova - Dukelská - Terminál) OSM is missing route MHD 55 (MHD Benešov ŽLUTÁ Masarykovo nám - Terminál - Konopiště - Konopiště,informační centrum) OSM is missing route 801 (Kutná Hora,Žižkov - Kutná Hora,Sedlec - Hlízov) OSM is missing route 803 (Kutná Hora,Žižkov - Kutná Hora,Sedlec - Bernardov - Chvaletice) OSM is missing route 805 (Zruč nad Sázavou - Zbraslavice - Kutná Hora - Kolín) OSM is missing route 840 (Vlašim - Vlašim,Nesperská Lhota) OSM is missing route 841 (Benešov - Načeradec,Zdiměřice) OSM is missing route 842 (Vlašim - Borovnice - Studený - Dolní Kralovice) OSM is missing route 843 (Vlašim - Křivsoudov - Čechtice) OSM is missing route 844 (Vlašim - Trhový Štěpánov - Snět) OSM is missing route 845 (Zruč nad Sázavou - Dolní Kralovice - Ježov) OSM is missing route 846 (Čechtice/Dolní Kralovice - Ledeč nad Sázavou) OSM is missing route 847 (Čechtice - Čechtice,Staré Práchňany - Čáslavsko) OSM is missing route 848 (Vlašim - Pravonín - Načeradec) OSM is missing route 849 (Vlašim - Zdislavice - Miřetice - Čechtice - Načeradec) OSM is missing route 853 (Nový Bydžov - Městec Králové) OSM is missing route 854 (Vlašim - Načeradec - Lukavec - Pacov) OSM is missing route 861 (Beroun,Autobusové nádraží - Beroun,Jungmannova - Beroun,Autobusové nádraží) OSM is missing route 862 (Beroun,Autobusové nádraží - Beroun,Wagnerovo náměstí- Beroun,Autobusové nádraží) OSM is missing route 540345 (Liberec - Hodkovice nad Mohelkou - Mladá Boleslav) OSM is missing route U4 (Hněvice - Roudnice nad Labem (- Ústí nad Labem)) OSM is missing route V5 (Hradec Králové - Ostroměř - Jičín - Turnov) OSM is missing route U11 ((Česká Lípa - Litoměřice - Lovosice -) Louny - Louny město (- Postoloprty)) OSM is missing route U12 ((Osek - Most -) Louny - Louny město - Domoušice - Rakovník) OSM is missing route U14 (Rakovník - Lužná u Rakovníka - Deštnice (- Žatec - Chomutov - Jirkov)) OSM is missing route U21 (Roudnice nad Labem - Straškov - Bříza obec) OSM is missing route U22 (Vraňany - Straškov - Bříza obec) OSM is missing route L4 (Mladá Boleslav - Bakov nad Jizerou - Staré Splavy (- Česká Lípa - Rumburk)) OSM is missing route U40 (Telce - Louny) OSM is missing route V41 (Kolín - Velký Osek - Chlumec nad Cidlinou - Nový Bydžov - Stará Paka - Trutnov) OSM is missing route V50 (Hradec Králové - Ostroměř - Jičín - Turnov) OSM is missing route V51 (Městec Králové - Chlumec nad Cidlinou - Nový Bydžov - Stará Paka - Lomnice nad Popelkou) OSM is missing route U54 (Hněvice - Roudnice nad Labem (- Ústí nad Labem - Děčín)) OSM is missing route T1 (Pražský motoráček: Praha hl. n. - Praha-Zličín) OSM is missing route T2 (Český ráj: Praha - Nymburk - Jičín - Turnov) OSM is missing route T3 (Kokořínský rychlík: Praha - Neratovice - Všetaty - Mělník - Mšeno) OSM is missing route T4 (Cyklohráček: Praha - Hostivice - Podlešín - Slaný - Zlonice) OSM is missing route T6 (Cyklo Brdy: Praha - Beroun - Zdice - Příbram - Březnice - Blatná) OSM is missing route T7 (Rakovnický rychlík: Praha - Beroun - Křivoklát - Rakovník - Kralovice u Rak.) OSM is missing route T8 (Posázavský motoráček: Praha - Vrané n. Vlt. - Jílové u Prahy - Týnec n. Sáz.) OSM is missing route T9 (Březnice - Rožmitál pod Třemšínem) OSM is missing route T10 (Lužickohorský rychlík: Praha - Neratovice - Všetaty - Ml. Boleslav (- Jedlová - Mikulášovice)) OSM is missing route Orlice (Praha - Kolín (- Pardubice - Lichkov)) OSM is missing route R9 (Praha - Kolín - Kutná Hora - Čáslav - Světlá nad Sázavou (- Brno)) OSM is missing route R10 (Praha - Nymburk - Poděbrady - Chlumec nad Cidlinou (- Hradec Králové - Trutnov)) OSM is missing route R16 (Praha - Beroun - Zdice - Hořovice - Kařez (- Rokycany - Plzeň - Klatovy)) OSM is missing route R17 (Praha - Benešov u Prahy - Olbramovice - Tábor (- České Budějovice)) OSM is missing route R18 (Praha - Kolín - Přelouč - (- Pardubice - Olomouc - Luhačovice)) OSM is missing route R19 (Praha - Kolín - Přelouč - (- Pardubice - Brno)) OSM is missing route R20 (Praha - Kralupy nad Vltavou - Roudnice nad Labem (- Ústí nad Labem - Děčín)) OSM is missing route R21 (Praha - Všetaty - Mladá Boleslav - Turnov (- Tanvald)) OSM is missing route R22 (Kolín - Nymburk - Mladá Boleslav - Bakov n. Jiz. - Staré Splavy (- Česká Lípa - Rumburk)) OSM is missing route R23 (Kolín - Nymburk - Lysá nad Labem - Všetaty - Mělník - Štětí (- Ústí nad Labem)) OSM is missing route R24 (Praha - Kladno - Rakovník) OSM is missing route R26 (Praha - Beroun - Zdice - Příbram - Březnice - Čimelice - Písek (- České Budějovice)) OSM is missing route R41 (Praha - Český Brod - Pečky - Kolín - Kutná Hora) OSM is missing route R43 (Praha - Všetaty - Mladá Boleslav) OSM is missing route R44 (Praha - Kralupy nad Vltavou) OSM is missing route R45 (Praha - Hostivice - Kladno) OSM is missing route R49 (Praha - Čerčany - Benešov u Prahy - Olbramovice - Tábor) OSM is missing route S1 (Praha - Český Brod - Poříčany - Pečky - Kolín) OSM is missing route S2 (Praha - Čelákovice - Lysá nad Labem - Nymburk - Kolín) OSM is missing route S3 (Praha - Neratovice - Všetaty - Mladá Boleslav / Mělník) OSM is missing route S5 (Praha - Hostivice - Kladno) OSM is missing route S6 (Praha - Rudná u Prahy - Beroun) OSM is missing route S7 (Český Brod - Praha - Beroun) OSM is missing route S8 (Praha - Vrané nad Vltavou - Čerčany) OSM is missing route S9 (Lysá nad Labem - Praha - Říčany - Strančice - Čerčany - Benešov u Prahy) OSM is missing route S10 (Kolín - Týnec nad Labem - Přelouč) OSM is missing route S11 (Pečky - Bošice - Kouřim) OSM is missing route S12 (Poříčany - Nymburk) OSM is missing route S18 (Kolín - Bečváry - Ledečko - Sázava) OSM is missing route S20 (Kolín - Kutná Hora - Čáslav - Světlá nad Sázavou) OSM is missing route S21 (Nymburk - Křinec - Kopidlno - Jičín) OSM is missing route S22 (Praha - Lysá nad Labem - Milovice) OSM is missing route S27 (Čáslav - Třemošnice) OSM is missing route S28 (Kutná Hora - Zruč nad Sázavou) OSM is missing route S30 (Mladá Boleslav - Bakov nad Jizerou - Turnov) OSM is missing route S31 (Nymburk - Mladá Boleslav) OSM is missing route S32 (Lysá nad Labem - Stará Boleslav - Všetaty - Mělník - Štětí) OSM is missing route S33 (Mělník - Mšeno - Mladá Boleslav) OSM is missing route S34 (Praha Masarykovo n. - Praha-Čakovice) OSM is missing route S36 (Mladá Boleslav - Dolní Bousov - Mladějov v Čechách (- Lomnice nad Popelkou)) OSM is missing route S40 (Kralupy nad Vltavou - Podlešín - Slaný - Zlonice - Telce) OSM is missing route S43 (Neratovice - Kralupy nad Vltavou) OSM is missing route S44 (Kralupy nad Vltavou - Velvary) OSM is missing route S45 (Kladno - Kralupy nad Vltavou) OSM is missing route S49 (Praha - Roztoky u Prahy) OSM is missing route S50 (Kladno - Lužná u Rakovníka - Rakovník) OSM is missing route S54 ((Praha -) Hostivice - Středokluky - Noutonice - Podlešín) OSM is missing route S57 (Rakovník - Blatno u Jesenice) OSM is missing route S60 (Beroun - Zdice - Lochovice - Příbram - Březnice - Blatná (- Strakonice)) OSM is missing route S66 (Březnice - Čimelice - Písek (- Protivín)) OSM is missing route S70 (Beroun - Zdice - Kařez) OSM is missing route S75 (Beroun - Rakovník) OSM is missing route S76 (Zadní Třebaň - Lochovice) OSM is missing route S80 (Čerčany - Sázava - Ledečko - Zruč nad Sázavou - Ledeč nad Sázavou) OSM is missing route S82 (Ledeč nad Sázavou - Světlá nad Sázavou) OSM is missing route S88 (Praha - Vrané nad Vltavou - Dobříš) OSM is missing route S90 (Olbramovice - Tábor) OSM is missing route S98 (Benešov u Prahy - Olbramovice - Sedlčany) OSM is missing route S99 (Benešov u Prahy - Vlašim) Stop Black Tiles (471499141) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Black Tiles (471499142) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Crown Point (471499144) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Crown Point (471499145) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Struan (562712396) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Struan (562712401) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Ullinish Lodge Hotel (562716345) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop The Barge Inn (656527317) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop The Barge Inn (656527318) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Butterfield Close (656527322) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Butterfield Close (656527326) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Marshalls Lane (656527329) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Marshalls Lane (656527337) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Jenkinstown Cross (687765675) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Jenkinstown Cross (687765677) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Karaga Junction Bus Stop (2520840469) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Woodford Street near Chubb Street (2525161853) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop Stop Kamalapur Station Overbridge bus stand (5792007048) has 'operator=None' while there is no a single route with 'operator=None' associated on that stop ------------- další část --------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 488 bytes Desc: This is a digitally signed message part. URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230215/bdafbd8a/attachment-0001.sig>

15.2.2023 12:39:39 (#12)

Lukas Gebauer

<gebylist at mlp.cz>
68 695
Dne 15.02.2023 v 10:15 Lukáš Karas napsal(a): zobrazit citaci
> Jak psal Mikoláš - trasy se občas mění. To ano, třeba taková tramvaj > devatenáct jezdí na Spojovací už dva roky a v OSM je stále na staré trase...
...protože je to výluka kvůli rekonstrukci mostu na Krejcárku. Sice delší, nicméně už se chýlí ke konci. Takže moje otázka zní: má tam být stabilní stav, nebo chceme zachytávat i změny tras při výlukách? A jak dlouhé ty výluky mají být, aby byly hodné zmapování? Některé jsou třeba jen přes noc, víkend, krátkodobé, dlouhodobé,...

15.2.2023 02:59:05 (#13)

Jan Dudík

<jan.dudik at gmail.com>
357 733
Pokud by byla aktualizace měsíčně, nezaváděl bych do mapy výluky (změny tras) kratší než měsíc. Naopak, pokud je výluka půl roku a déle, je to v podstatě nový stav, který se někdy (leckdy později než bylo původně uvažováno) změní na původní JAnD st 15. 2. 2023 v 12:45 odesílatel Lukas Gebauer <gebylist na mlp.cz> napsal: zobrazit citaci
> > Dne 15.02.2023 v 10:15 Lukáš Karas napsal(a): > > Jak psal Mikoláš - trasy se občas mění. To ano, třeba taková tramvaj > > devatenáct jezdí na Spojovací už dva roky a v OSM je stále na staré > trase... > > ...protože je to výluka kvůli rekonstrukci mostu na Krejcárku. Sice > delší, nicméně už se chýlí ke konci. > > Takže moje otázka zní: má tam být stabilní stav, nebo chceme zachytávat > i změny tras při výlukách? A jak dlouhé ty výluky mají být, aby byly > hodné zmapování? Některé jsou třeba jen přes noc, víkend, krátkodobé, > dlouhodobé,... > > > > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz >
------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230215/0f40613b/attachment.htm>

15.2.2023 08:02:31 (#14)

Jan Martinec

<jan at martinec.name>
548 4367
Ahoj, Jo, to je víceméně podobný jako u uzavírek silnic - "krátkodobý je do půl roku, tam je lepší conditional restriction". To sice u linek MHD netagujeme, ale jako základní rozlišení mi to připadá příčetný. Zdar, HPM Dne st 15. 2. 2023 15:01 uživatel Jan Dudík <jan.dudik na gmail.com> napsal: zobrazit citaci
> Pokud by byla aktualizace měsíčně, nezaváděl bych do mapy výluky (změny > tras) kratší než měsíc. > Naopak, pokud je výluka půl roku a déle, je to v podstatě nový stav, který > se někdy (leckdy později než bylo původně uvažováno) změní na původní > > JAnD > > > st 15. 2. 2023 v 12:45 odesílatel Lukas Gebauer <gebylist na mlp.cz> napsal: > >> >> Dne 15.02.2023 v 10:15 Lukáš Karas napsal(a): >> > Jak psal Mikoláš - trasy se občas mění. To ano, třeba taková tramvaj >> > devatenáct jezdí na Spojovací už dva roky a v OSM je stále na staré >> trase... >> >> ...protože je to výluka kvůli rekonstrukci mostu na Krejcárku. Sice >> delší, nicméně už se chýlí ke konci. >> >> Takže moje otázka zní: má tam být stabilní stav, nebo chceme zachytávat >> i změny tras při výlukách? A jak dlouhé ty výluky mají být, aby byly >> hodné zmapování? Některé jsou třeba jen přes noc, víkend, krátkodobé, >> dlouhodobé,... >> >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> talk-cz mailing list >> talk-cz na openstreetmap.org >> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz >> https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz >> > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz >
------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230215/8995c403/attachment.htm>

19.2.2023 10:16:00 (#15)

Pavel Zbytovský

<zbytovsky at gmail.com>
191 521
ad Lukáš Karas) ještě mi teď posílali výstupy z té nové Aplikace Lítačka (viz novější thread), zkoušeli to matchovat, ale taky našli tisíce chyb. Výstup jejich skriptu kdyžtak zde, bude to asi podobné: https://gist.github.com/zbycz/362515ac6fd68d7d1f8df867a2a37d0e On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 12:10 PM Lukáš Karas <lukas.karas na centrum.cz> wrote: zobrazit citaci
> Ahoj, > > chvíli jsem rozmýšlel jak napsat validátor MHD relací a napadlo mě že > někdo už > něco takového musel napsat. A taky že jo, existuje projekt > gtfs-osm-validator, který přechroustá gtfs data a přes overpass turbo > zjistí > zda data v OSM sedí... Jen ty scripty potřebovaly trochu upravit pro > Pražské > PID: > https://gitlab.com/stalker314314/gtfs-osm-validator/-/merge_requests/3 > > Výstup scriptu je v příloze. Jak je vidět, data máme neúplná a zastaralá. > Práce je tam hromada. Byl by zájem tento report posílat do konference > třeba > každý měsíc? > >
------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230219/acd8a04c/attachment.htm>

20.2.2023 02:37:40 (#16)

Mirek Dlask

<dlask.m at gmail.com>
Ahoj, chybějící označníky jsou: - vlakové stanice a zastávky - stop_id - NNNNZ301 .... - označníky mimo Prahu a Středočeský kraj - tam je problém, že ROPID (IDSK) nerespektují rozlišení označníků v cizím kraji například: Turnov, u masny (A) v PIDu Turnov, u masny (2) v IDOLu - virtuální označníky *na pozici jiného označníku* což jsou a) dvojice U1385Z1P (pro pražské linky) vs. U1385Z1 (pro mimopražské) b) označníky pro výluky U7719Z3 (linka 500) vs. U7719Z13 (linka 511) c) MHD Říčany U2141Z1 vs. U2141Z13 d) Kněžmost, náměstí je jednosměrka a U6224Z2 tam fyzicky neexistuje. Co s tím nevím. Protože některé jsou dočasné, dva body na jednom místě jsou v OSM tabu. Reálně zbývá doplnit několik desítek autobusových zastávek ve STČ kraji, Prahu jsem dlouho neřešil tak nevím, přesahy do jiných krajů Tenhle systém virtuálních označníků jsem nepochopil. Logičtější by bylo mít rozlišení na linkách. To, jestli je to městská, výluková, náhradní autobusová je vlastnost linky a ne zastávek (označníků). Mir ne 19. 2. 2023 v 22:17 odesílatel Pavel Zbytovský <zbytovsky na gmail.com> napsal: zobrazit citaci
> ad Lukáš Karas) ještě mi teď posílali výstupy z té nové Aplikace Lítačka > (viz novější thread), zkoušeli to matchovat, ale taky našli tisíce chyb. > Výstup jejich skriptu kdyžtak zde, bude to asi podobné: > https://gist.github.com/zbycz/362515ac6fd68d7d1f8df867a2a37d0e > > > > On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 12:10 PM Lukáš Karas <lukas.karas na centrum.cz> > wrote: > >> Ahoj, >> >> chvíli jsem rozmýšlel jak napsat validátor MHD relací a napadlo mě že >> někdo už >> něco takového musel napsat. A taky že jo, existuje projekt >> gtfs-osm-validator, který přechroustá gtfs data a přes overpass turbo >> zjistí >> zda data v OSM sedí... Jen ty scripty potřebovaly trochu upravit pro >> Pražské >> PID: >> https://gitlab.com/stalker314314/gtfs-osm-validator/-/merge_requests/3 >> >> Výstup scriptu je v příloze. Jak je vidět, data máme neúplná a zastaralá. >> Práce je tam hromada. Byl by zájem tento report posílat do konference >> třeba >> každý měsíc? >> >> _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz >
------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230220/111b92ba/attachment.htm>

20.2.2023 08:03:51 (#17)

Jozef Matejička

<matejickaj at gmail.com>
zobrazit citaci
> > > To, jestli je to městská, výluková, náhradní autobusová je vlastnost linky > a ne zastávek (označníků). >
On ten papír na tom označníku má jiný design pro městskou, výlukovou a příměstskou. Tak možná od tam vítr vane. ------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230220/e47ee8cd/attachment.htm>

24.2.2023 11:32:21 (#18)

Lukáš Karas

<lukas.karas at centrum.cz>
Ahoj. Co se týče označení zastávek, tak jde řešit tím že zastávka / označník bude mít vícero id ve tvaru "ref:<systém>", nebo ne? Kokrétně pro Ropid používáme ref:PID... Lukáš Dne pondělí 20. února 2023 14:37:40 CET Mirek Dlask napsal(a): zobrazit citaci
> Ahoj, > chybějící označníky jsou: > - vlakové stanice a zastávky - stop_id - NNNNZ301 .... > - označníky mimo Prahu a Středočeský kraj - tam je problém, že ROPID (IDSK) > nerespektují rozlišení označníků v cizím kraji > například: > Turnov, u masny (A) v PIDu > Turnov, u masny (2) v IDOLu > - virtuální označníky *na pozici jiného označníku* což jsou > a) dvojice U1385Z1P (pro pražské linky) vs. U1385Z1 (pro mimopražské) > b) označníky pro výluky U7719Z3 (linka 500) vs. U7719Z13 (linka 511) > c) MHD Říčany U2141Z1 vs. U2141Z13 > d) Kněžmost, náměstí je jednosměrka a U6224Z2 tam fyzicky neexistuje. > > Co s tím nevím. Protože některé jsou dočasné, dva body na jednom místě jsou > v OSM tabu. > Reálně zbývá doplnit několik desítek autobusových zastávek ve STČ kraji, > Prahu jsem dlouho neřešil tak nevím, přesahy do jiných krajů > > Tenhle systém virtuálních označníků jsem nepochopil. > Logičtější by bylo mít rozlišení na linkách. To, jestli je to městská, > výluková, náhradní autobusová je vlastnost linky a ne zastávek (označníků). > > Mir > > > ne 19. 2. 2023 v 22:17 odesílatel Pavel Zbytovský <zbytovsky na gmail.com> > > napsal: > > ad Lukáš Karas) ještě mi teď posílali výstupy z té nové Aplikace Lítačka > > (viz novější thread), zkoušeli to matchovat, ale taky našli tisíce chyb. > > Výstup jejich skriptu kdyžtak zde, bude to asi podobné: > > https://gist.github.com/zbycz/362515ac6fd68d7d1f8df867a2a37d0e > > > > > > > > On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 12:10 PM Lukáš Karas <lukas.karas na centrum.cz> > > > > wrote: > >> Ahoj, > >> > >> chvíli jsem rozmýšlel jak napsat validátor MHD relací a napadlo mě že > >> někdo už > >> něco takového musel napsat. A taky že jo, existuje projekt > >> gtfs-osm-validator, který přechroustá gtfs data a přes overpass turbo > >> zjistí > >> zda data v OSM sedí... Jen ty scripty potřebovaly trochu upravit pro > >> Pražské > >> PID: > >> https://gitlab.com/stalker314314/gtfs-osm-validator/-/merge_requests/3 > >> > >> Výstup scriptu je v příloze. Jak je vidět, data máme neúplná a zastaralá. > >> Práce je tam hromada. Byl by zájem tento report posílat do konference > >> třeba > >> každý měsíc? > >> > >> _______________________________________________ > > > > talk-cz mailing list > > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
------------- další část --------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 488 bytes Desc: This is a digitally signed message part. URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230224/eac46f32/attachment.sig>

24.2.2023 11:51:12 (#19)

Lukáš Karas

<lukas.karas at centrum.cz>
Psal jsem rychleji než přemýšlel. Teď mi došlo že ty případy co popisuješ jsou všechny "PID", takže používat něco jiného než ref:PID nedává smysl... Tak to jedině používat ref:PID=U1385Z1P;U1385Z1 , tak jako u dalších klíčů které mají vícero hodnot. Ale s tím si validátory asi neporadí, nemluvě jak to zkomplikuje dotazy přes OverpassTurbo a další nástroje. Lukáš Dne pátek 24. února 2023 23:32:21 CET Lukáš Karas napsal(a): zobrazit citaci
> Ahoj. Co se týče označení zastávek, tak jde řešit tím že zastávka / označník > bude mít vícero id ve tvaru "ref:<systém>", nebo ne? Kokrétně pro Ropid > používáme ref:PID... > > Lukáš > > Dne pondělí 20. února 2023 14:37:40 CET Mirek Dlask napsal(a): > > Ahoj, > > chybějící označníky jsou: > > - vlakové stanice a zastávky - stop_id - NNNNZ301 .... > > - označníky mimo Prahu a Středočeský kraj - tam je problém, že ROPID > > (IDSK) > > nerespektují rozlišení označníků v cizím kraji > > například: > > Turnov, u masny (A) v PIDu > > Turnov, u masny (2) v IDOLu > > - virtuální označníky *na pozici jiného označníku* což jsou > > a) dvojice U1385Z1P (pro pražské linky) vs. U1385Z1 (pro mimopražské) > > b) označníky pro výluky U7719Z3 (linka 500) vs. U7719Z13 (linka 511) > > c) MHD Říčany U2141Z1 vs. U2141Z13 > > d) Kněžmost, náměstí je jednosměrka a U6224Z2 tam fyzicky neexistuje. > > > > Co s tím nevím. Protože některé jsou dočasné, dva body na jednom místě > > jsou > > v OSM tabu. > > Reálně zbývá doplnit několik desítek autobusových zastávek ve STČ kraji, > > Prahu jsem dlouho neřešil tak nevím, přesahy do jiných krajů > > > > Tenhle systém virtuálních označníků jsem nepochopil. > > Logičtější by bylo mít rozlišení na linkách. To, jestli je to městská, > > výluková, náhradní autobusová je vlastnost linky a ne zastávek > > (označníků). > > > > Mir > > > > > > ne 19. 2. 2023 v 22:17 odesílatel Pavel Zbytovský <zbytovsky na gmail.com> > > > > napsal: > > > ad Lukáš Karas) ještě mi teď posílali výstupy z té nové Aplikace Lítačka > > > (viz novější thread), zkoušeli to matchovat, ale taky našli tisíce chyb. > > > Výstup jejich skriptu kdyžtak zde, bude to asi podobné: > > > https://gist.github.com/zbycz/362515ac6fd68d7d1f8df867a2a37d0e > > > > > > > > > > > > On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 12:10 PM Lukáš Karas <lukas.karas na centrum.cz> > > > > > > wrote: > > >> Ahoj, > > >> > > >> chvíli jsem rozmýšlel jak napsat validátor MHD relací a napadlo mě že > > >> někdo už > > >> něco takového musel napsat. A taky že jo, existuje projekt > > >> gtfs-osm-validator, který přechroustá gtfs data a přes overpass turbo > > >> zjistí > > >> zda data v OSM sedí... Jen ty scripty potřebovaly trochu upravit pro > > >> Pražské > > >> PID: > > >> https://gitlab.com/stalker314314/gtfs-osm-validator/-/merge_requests/3 > > >> > > >> Výstup scriptu je v příloze. Jak je vidět, data máme neúplná a > > >> zastaralá. > > >> Práce je tam hromada. Byl by zájem tento report posílat do konference > > >> třeba > > >> každý měsíc? > > >> > > >> _______________________________________________ > > > > > > talk-cz mailing list > > > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > > > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > > > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
------------- další část --------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 488 bytes Desc: This is a digitally signed message part. URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230224/44e51567/attachment.sig>

27.2.2023 09:25:01 (#20)

Petr Pulc

<petrpulc at gmail.com>
Ahoj všichni, chvilku jsem si s tím hrál a určitě je potenciál většinu z oprav automatizovat (a tedy potenciálně i spouštět nějak pravidelněji pro lepší zachycení aktuálního stavu). První na čem bychom se, podle mého, měli domluvit je právě systém označníků, ať je možné na ně ostatní úpravy elegantně připnout. Osobně jsem určitě pro zachování tagu ref:PID, minimálně proto, že jiné integrované systémy mohou mít systém referencí úplně jiný. A pokud je referenci více různých, nechť jsou oddělené středníkem, ale zrovna u suffixu "P" bych jej prostě odříznul a neuvažoval nikde (a zdokumentoval, že dvojice U1385Z1P;U1385Z1 se zapisuje pouze jako ref:PID=U1385Z1). Skripty pro validaci a automatickou opravu můžeme přizpůsobit. Nicméně otevřu ještě jedno téma, kvůli kterému jsem si s tím nezávisle začal hrát... local_ref Místní označení jsou vyplněná sporadicky, a když, tak úplně špatně. A s tím bych chtěl (možná v návaznosti na dokončení označníků jako takových) něco dělat. Navíc, tramvajové zastávky v Praze používají pro lokální označení pole "ref", což je asi úplně špatně. Tedy bych byl pro sjednocení do local_ref (i když se asi tak jako tak nebude vykreslovat). Moje znalost je omezená naopak jen na Prahu, takže pokud máte jiný názor, než že chceme prostě převzít do local_ref (pro vykreslování do mapy) pole platform z PIDu, ale chtěli byste to provést nějak lépe (univerzálněji, s prefixem PID, ...), budu rád za jakýkoliv vstup. Petr ------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230227/b9793e78/attachment.htm>

27.2.2023 02:13:21 (#21)

Mirek Dlask

<dlask.m at gmail.com>
Ahoj, opravit se dá leccos, ale určitě ne všechno. Například z v pátečních GTFS dat: "kod1","kod2","platform1","platform2","nazev" "U5930Z2","U5930Z1","A","A","Borotice, Dražetice, rozc." "U32105Z2","U32105Z1","A","A","Borotín, Kamenná Lhota, rozc. 1.0" "U4817Z2","U4817Z1","A","A","Buštěhrad, Bouchalka, Křiž." "U2764Z2P","U2764Z1P","A","A","Holýšovská" "U4594Z2","U4594Z1","A","A","Kladno, celnice" "U4233Z2","U4233Z1","A","A","Kralupy n. Vlt., Dýhárna" "U2143Z2","U2143Z1","A","A","Lišany, u ovčína" "U2932Z2","U2932Z1","A","A","Liteň, Leč, rozc." "U4356Z2","U4356Z1","A","A","Mšeno, žel. st." "U3149Z2","U3149Z1","A","A","Nymburk, Drahelice, Mlýn Bašta" "U3153Z2","U3153Z1","A","A","Ostrá, kino" "U4769Z2","U4769Z1","A","A","Pchery, ObÚ" "U4889Z2","U4889Z1","A","A","Pletený Újezd" "U2866Z2","U2866Z1","A","A","Podlešín" "U3055Z2","U3055Z1","A","A","Rokytovec, Malé Horky" "U6806Z2","U6806Z1","A","A","Říčany, MŠ Zahrádka" "U4785Z2","U4785Z1","A","A","Slaný, Arbesova" "U4789Z2","U4789Z1","A","A","Slaný, Tomanova" "U6051Z2","U6051Z1","A","A","Úžice, Čekanov, Sázavská" "U4829Z2","U4829Z1","A","A","Velvary, Ješín" "U2752Z2P","U2752Z1P","A","A","Záveská" "U953Z3P","U953Z8P","C","C","Skalka" U1171Z1,"Dobrovice,aut.st.",50.368629,14.963701,"6",,0,,2,,*A*,1171,1 U1171Z2,"Dobrovice,aut.st.",50.368950,14.963671,"6",,0,,0,,*B*,1171,2 ale v reálu jsou tam stále označníky *1* a *2* V Jihočeském a na Vysočině jsem úmyslně local_ref většinově nedával v domnění, že to nikdo nechce. Královéhradecký kraj a Liberecký kraj mají označníky nové a používají výhradně čísla (1,2, ale i vyšší ;-)) Ústecký kraj mám z ruky, ale rozlišení označníků mají v mapě. Asi by bylo ideální se s okolními kraji nějak sladit. Nejsem zaměstnancem ROPIDu ani IDSK což je pro ně škoda ;-) Mir po 27. 2. 2023 v 9:27 odesílatel Petr Pulc <petrpulc na gmail.com> napsal: zobrazit citaci
> Ahoj všichni, chvilku jsem si s tím hrál a určitě je potenciál většinu z > oprav automatizovat (a tedy potenciálně i spouštět nějak pravidelněji pro > lepší zachycení aktuálního stavu). > > První na čem bychom se, podle mého, měli domluvit je právě systém > označníků, ať je možné na ně ostatní úpravy elegantně připnout. > > Osobně jsem určitě pro zachování tagu ref:PID, minimálně proto, že jiné > integrované systémy mohou mít systém referencí úplně jiný. A pokud je > referenci více různých, nechť jsou oddělené středníkem, ale zrovna u > suffixu "P" bych jej prostě odříznul a neuvažoval nikde (a zdokumentoval, > že dvojice U1385Z1P;U1385Z1 se zapisuje pouze jako ref:PID=U1385Z1). > Skripty pro validaci a automatickou opravu můžeme přizpůsobit. > > Nicméně otevřu ještě jedno téma, kvůli kterému jsem si s tím nezávisle > začal hrát... local_ref > Místní označení jsou vyplněná sporadicky, a když, tak úplně špatně. A s > tím bych chtěl (možná v návaznosti na dokončení označníků jako takových) > něco dělat. > > Navíc, tramvajové zastávky v Praze používají pro lokální označení pole > "ref", což je asi úplně špatně. Tedy bych byl pro sjednocení do local_ref > (i když se asi tak jako tak nebude vykreslovat). > > Moje znalost je omezená naopak jen na Prahu, takže pokud máte jiný názor, > než že chceme prostě převzít do local_ref (pro vykreslování do mapy) pole > platform z PIDu, ale chtěli byste to provést nějak lépe (univerzálněji, s > prefixem PID, ...), budu rád za jakýkoliv vstup. > > Petr > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz >
------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230227/accaa1f1/attachment.htm>

27.2.2023 02:24:24 (#22)

Mirek Dlask

<dlask.m at gmail.com>
Kdyby náhodou někdo chtěl začít s opravou local_ref, tak přikládám tabulku. Je ošklivá, ale funkční. Odkaz je pro dálkové ovládání JOSM - nic se nestahuje jen ukáže danou oblast. Poslední sloupec je vzdálenost mezi GTFS a OSM. Ideální je místní znalost + mapa z PIDu - https://pid.cz/ke-stazeni/?type=mapy-uzly-praha Mir pá 24. 2. 2023 v 23:54 odesílatel Lukáš Karas <lukas.karas na centrum.cz> napsal: zobrazit citaci
> Psal jsem rychleji než přemýšlel. Teď mi došlo že ty případy co popisuješ > jsou > všechny "PID", takže používat něco jiného než ref:PID nedává smysl... > > Tak to jedině používat ref:PID=U1385Z1P;U1385Z1 , tak jako u dalších klíčů > které mají vícero hodnot. Ale s tím si validátory asi neporadí, > nemluvě jak to zkomplikuje dotazy přes OverpassTurbo a další nástroje. > > Lukáš > > Dne pátek 24. února 2023 23:32:21 CET Lukáš Karas napsal(a): > > Ahoj. Co se týče označení zastávek, tak jde řešit tím že zastávka / > označník > > bude mít vícero id ve tvaru "ref:<systém>", nebo ne? Kokrétně pro Ropid > > používáme ref:PID... > > > > Lukáš > > > > Dne pondělí 20. února 2023 14:37:40 CET Mirek Dlask napsal(a): > > > Ahoj, > > > chybějící označníky jsou: > > > - vlakové stanice a zastávky - stop_id - NNNNZ301 .... > > > - označníky mimo Prahu a Středočeský kraj - tam je problém, že ROPID > > > (IDSK) > > > nerespektují rozlišení označníků v cizím kraji > > > například: > > > Turnov, u masny (A) v PIDu > > > Turnov, u masny (2) v IDOLu > > > - virtuální označníky *na pozici jiného označníku* což jsou > > > a) dvojice U1385Z1P (pro pražské linky) vs. U1385Z1 (pro mimopražské) > > > b) označníky pro výluky U7719Z3 (linka 500) vs. U7719Z13 (linka 511) > > > c) MHD Říčany U2141Z1 vs. U2141Z13 > > > d) Kněžmost, náměstí je jednosměrka a U6224Z2 tam fyzicky neexistuje. > > > > > > Co s tím nevím. Protože některé jsou dočasné, dva body na jednom místě > > > jsou > > > v OSM tabu. > > > Reálně zbývá doplnit několik desítek autobusových zastávek ve STČ > kraji, > > > Prahu jsem dlouho neřešil tak nevím, přesahy do jiných krajů > > > > > > Tenhle systém virtuálních označníků jsem nepochopil. > > > Logičtější by bylo mít rozlišení na linkách. To, jestli je to městská, > > > výluková, náhradní autobusová je vlastnost linky a ne zastávek > > > (označníků). > > > > > > Mir > > > > > > > > > ne 19. 2. 2023 v 22:17 odesílatel Pavel Zbytovský <zbytovsky na gmail.com > > > > > > > > napsal: > > > > ad Lukáš Karas) ještě mi teď posílali výstupy z té nové Aplikace > Lítačka > > > > (viz novější thread), zkoušeli to matchovat, ale taky našli tisíce > chyb. > > > > Výstup jejich skriptu kdyžtak zde, bude to asi podobné: > > > > https://gist.github.com/zbycz/362515ac6fd68d7d1f8df867a2a37d0e > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 12:10 PM Lukáš Karas <lukas.karas na centrum.cz > > > > > > > > > > wrote: > > > >> Ahoj, > > > >> > > > >> chvíli jsem rozmýšlel jak napsat validátor MHD relací a napadlo mě > že > > > >> někdo už > > > >> něco takového musel napsat. A taky že jo, existuje projekt > > > >> gtfs-osm-validator, který přechroustá gtfs data a přes overpass > turbo > > > >> zjistí > > > >> zda data v OSM sedí... Jen ty scripty potřebovaly trochu upravit > pro > > > >> Pražské > > > >> PID: > > > >> > https://gitlab.com/stalker314314/gtfs-osm-validator/-/merge_requests/3 > > > >> > > > >> Výstup scriptu je v příloze. Jak je vidět, data máme neúplná a > > > >> zastaralá. > > > >> Práce je tam hromada. Byl by zájem tento report posílat do > konference > > > >> třeba > > > >> každý měsíc? > > > >> > > > >> _______________________________________________ > > > > > > > > talk-cz mailing list > > > > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > > > > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > > > > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz >
------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230227/dd072f48/attachment-0001.htm> ------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230227/dd072f48/attachment-0001.html>

27.2.2023 02:33:19 (#23)


<f.ales1 at seznam.cz>
402 351
Ty Dobrovice omylem dostaly odkaz na web aut.st. Škoda že ten odkaz není dostupný. Šlo by nějak odkazy zakázat? Aleš -- Aleš
---------- Původní e-mail ---------- Od: Mirek Dlask <dlask.m na gmail.com> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic <talk-cz na openstreetmap.org> Datum: 27. 2. 2023 14:21:03 Předmět: Re: [talk-cz] MHD v Praze " Ahoj, opravit se dá leccos, ale určitě ne všechno.  Například z v pátečních GTFS dat: "kod1","kod2","platform1","platform2","nazev" "U5930Z2","U5930Z1","A","A","Borotice, Dražetice, rozc." "U32105Z2","U32105Z1","A","A","Borotín, Kamenná Lhota, rozc. 1.0" "U4817Z2","U4817Z1","A","A","Buštěhrad, Bouchalka, Křiž." "U2764Z2P","U2764Z1P","A","A","Holýšovská" "U4594Z2","U4594Z1","A","A","Kladno, celnice" "U4233Z2","U4233Z1","A","A","Kralupy n. Vlt., Dýhárna" "U2143Z2","U2143Z1","A","A","Lišany, u ovčína" "U2932Z2","U2932Z1","A","A","Liteň, Leč, rozc." "U4356Z2","U4356Z1","A","A","Mšeno, žel. st." "U3149Z2","U3149Z1","A","A","Nymburk, Drahelice, Mlýn Bašta" "U3153Z2","U3153Z1","A","A","Ostrá, kino" "U4769Z2","U4769Z1","A","A","Pchery, ObÚ" "U4889Z2","U4889Z1","A","A","Pletený Újezd" "U2866Z2","U2866Z1","A","A","Podlešín" "U3055Z2","U3055Z1","A","A","Rokytovec, Malé Horky" "U6806Z2","U6806Z1","A","A","Říčany, MŠ Zahrádka" "U4785Z2","U4785Z1","A","A","Slaný, Arbesova" "U4789Z2","U4789Z1","A","A","Slaný, Tomanova" "U6051Z2","U6051Z1","A","A","Úžice, Čekanov, Sázavská" "U4829Z2","U4829Z1","A","A","Velvary, Ješín" "U2752Z2P","U2752Z1P","A","A","Záveská" "U953Z3P","U953Z8P","C","C","Skalka" U1171Z1,"Dobrovice,aut.st(http://aut.st).",50.368629,14.963701,"6",,0,,2,,A, 1171,1 U1171Z2,"Dobrovice,aut.st(http://aut.st).",50.368950,14.963671,"6",,0,,0,,B, 1171,2 ale v reálu jsou tam stále označníky 1 a 2 V Jihočeském a na Vysočině jsem úmyslně local_ref většinově nedával v domnění, že to nikdo nechce. Královéhradecký kraj a Liberecký kraj mají označníky nové a používají výhradně čísla (1,2, ale i vyšší ;-)) Ústecký kraj mám z ruky, ale rozlišení označníků mají v mapě. Asi by bylo ideální se s okolními kraji nějak sladit. Nejsem zaměstnancem ROPIDu ani IDSK což je pro ně škoda ;-) Mir po 27. 2. 2023 v 9:27 odesílatel Petr Pulc <petrpulc na gmail.com (mailto:petrpulc na gmail.com)> napsal: " Ahoj všichni, chvilku jsem si s tím hrál a určitě je potenciál většinu z oprav automatizovat (a tedy potenciálně i spouštět nějak pravidelněji pro lepší zachycení aktuálního stavu). První na čem bychom se, podle mého, měli domluvit je právě systém označníků, ať je možné na ně ostatní úpravy elegantně připnout. Osobně jsem určitě pro zachování tagu ref:PID, minimálně proto, že jiné integrované systémy mohou mít systém referencí úplně jiný. A pokud je referenci více různých, nechť jsou oddělené středníkem, ale zrovna u suffixu "P" bych jej prostě odříznul a neuvažoval nikde (a zdokumentoval, že dvojice U1385Z1P;U1385Z1 se zapisuje pouze jako ref:PID=U1385Z1). Skripty pro validaci a automatickou opravu můžeme přizpůsobit. Nicméně otevřu ještě jedno téma, kvůli kterému jsem si s tím nezávisle začal hrát... local_ref Místní označení jsou vyplněná sporadicky, a když, tak úplně špatně. A s tím bych chtěl (možná v návaznosti na dokončení označníků jako takových) něco dělat. Navíc, tramvajové zastávky v Praze používají pro lokální označení pole "ref", což je asi úplně špatně. Tedy bych byl pro sjednocení do local_ref (i když se asi tak jako tak nebude vykreslovat). Moje znalost je omezená naopak jen na Prahu, takže pokud máte jiný názor, než že chceme prostě převzít do local_ref (pro vykreslování do mapy) pole platform z PIDu, ale chtěli byste to provést nějak lépe (univerzálněji, s prefixem PID, ...), budu rád za jakýkoliv vstup. Petr _______________________________________________ talk-cz mailing list talk-cz na openstreetmap.org(mailto:talk-cz na openstreetmap.org) https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz (https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz) https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz(https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz) " _______________________________________________ talk-cz mailing list talk-cz na openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz " ------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230227/d5eb5de9/attachment-0001.htm>

27.2.2023 02:48:11 (#24)

Mirek Dlask

<dlask.m at gmail.com>
Je to pouze zkratka autobusového stanoviště. Odkazy z toho udělal nějaký webový šotek. Takže si toho nevšímej. Důležitá je tabulka v příloze. Mir po 27. 2. 2023 v 14:36 odesílatel Aleš <f.ales1 na seznam.cz> napsal: zobrazit citaci
> Ty Dobrovice omylem dostaly odkaz na web aut.st. Škoda že ten odkaz není > dostupný. Šlo by nějak odkazy zakázat? > > Aleš > > -- > Aleš > > > ---------- Původní e-mail ---------- > Od: Mirek Dlask <dlask.m na gmail.com> > Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic <talk-cz na openstreetmap.org> > Datum: 27. 2. 2023 14:21:03 > Předmět: Re: [talk-cz] MHD v Praze > > Ahoj, > opravit se dá leccos, ale určitě ne všechno. > Například z v pátečních GTFS dat: > > "kod1","kod2","platform1","platform2","nazev" > "U5930Z2","U5930Z1","A","A","Borotice, Dražetice, rozc." > "U32105Z2","U32105Z1","A","A","Borotín, Kamenná Lhota, rozc. 1.0" > "U4817Z2","U4817Z1","A","A","Buštěhrad, Bouchalka, Křiž." > "U2764Z2P","U2764Z1P","A","A","Holýšovská" > "U4594Z2","U4594Z1","A","A","Kladno, celnice" > "U4233Z2","U4233Z1","A","A","Kralupy n. Vlt., Dýhárna" > "U2143Z2","U2143Z1","A","A","Lišany, u ovčína" > "U2932Z2","U2932Z1","A","A","Liteň, Leč, rozc." > "U4356Z2","U4356Z1","A","A","Mšeno, žel. st." > "U3149Z2","U3149Z1","A","A","Nymburk, Drahelice, Mlýn Bašta" > "U3153Z2","U3153Z1","A","A","Ostrá, kino" > "U4769Z2","U4769Z1","A","A","Pchery, ObÚ" > "U4889Z2","U4889Z1","A","A","Pletený Újezd" > "U2866Z2","U2866Z1","A","A","Podlešín" > "U3055Z2","U3055Z1","A","A","Rokytovec, Malé Horky" > "U6806Z2","U6806Z1","A","A","Říčany, MŠ Zahrádka" > "U4785Z2","U4785Z1","A","A","Slaný, Arbesova" > "U4789Z2","U4789Z1","A","A","Slaný, Tomanova" > "U6051Z2","U6051Z1","A","A","Úžice, Čekanov, Sázavská" > "U4829Z2","U4829Z1","A","A","Velvary, Ješín" > "U2752Z2P","U2752Z1P","A","A","Záveská" > "U953Z3P","U953Z8P","C","C","Skalka" > > U1171Z1,"Dobrovice,aut.st.",50.368629,14.963701,"6",,0,,2,,*A*,1171,1 > U1171Z2,"Dobrovice,aut.st.",50.368950,14.963671,"6",,0,,0,,*B*,1171,2 > ale v reálu jsou tam stále označníky *1* a *2* > V Jihočeském a na Vysočině jsem úmyslně local_ref většinově nedával v > domnění, že to nikdo nechce. > > Královéhradecký kraj a Liberecký kraj mají označníky nové a používají > výhradně čísla (1,2, ale i vyšší ;-)) > Ústecký kraj mám z ruky, ale rozlišení označníků mají v mapě. > Asi by bylo ideální se s okolními kraji nějak sladit. > > Nejsem zaměstnancem ROPIDu ani IDSK což je pro ně škoda ;-) > Mir > > > po 27. 2. 2023 v 9:27 odesílatel Petr Pulc <petrpulc na gmail.com> napsal: > > Ahoj všichni, chvilku jsem si s tím hrál a určitě je potenciál většinu z > oprav automatizovat (a tedy potenciálně i spouštět nějak pravidelněji pro > lepší zachycení aktuálního stavu). > > První na čem bychom se, podle mého, měli domluvit je právě systém > označníků, ať je možné na ně ostatní úpravy elegantně připnout. > > Osobně jsem určitě pro zachování tagu ref:PID, minimálně proto, že jiné > integrované systémy mohou mít systém referencí úplně jiný. A pokud je > referenci více různých, nechť jsou oddělené středníkem, ale zrovna u > suffixu "P" bych jej prostě odříznul a neuvažoval nikde (a zdokumentoval, > že dvojice U1385Z1P;U1385Z1 se zapisuje pouze jako ref:PID=U1385Z1). > Skripty pro validaci a automatickou opravu můžeme přizpůsobit. > > Nicméně otevřu ještě jedno téma, kvůli kterému jsem si s tím nezávisle > začal hrát... local_ref > Místní označení jsou vyplněná sporadicky, a když, tak úplně špatně. A s > tím bych chtěl (možná v návaznosti na dokončení označníků jako takových) > něco dělat. > > Navíc, tramvajové zastávky v Praze používají pro lokální označení pole > "ref", což je asi úplně špatně. Tedy bych byl pro sjednocení do local_ref > (i když se asi tak jako tak nebude vykreslovat). > > Moje znalost je omezená naopak jen na Prahu, takže pokud máte jiný názor, > než že chceme prostě převzít do local_ref (pro vykreslování do mapy) pole > platform z PIDu, ale chtěli byste to provést nějak lépe (univerzálněji, s > prefixem PID, ...), budu rád za jakýkoliv vstup. > > Petr > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz > > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz > > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz >
------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230227/717895fd/attachment-0001.htm>

27.2.2023 03:24:41 (#25)


<f.ales1 at seznam.cz>
402 351
Pokud jsem dobře pochopil to Z1 a Z2, tak by to mohlo značit zastávku 1 a zastávku 2. Sice jsem nepochopil to P na konci, ale úplně nechápu tu Skalku. Ta to má úplně jinak. Ještě jsem se setkal s tím, že někde byla označena zastávka na silnici pro obě strany. Jako kdyby byl někdo líný to pořádněji zmapovat. -- Aleš
---------- Původní e-mail ---------- Od: Mirek Dlask <dlask.m na gmail.com> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic <talk-cz na openstreetmap.org> Datum: 27. 2. 2023 14:21:03 Předmět: Re: [talk-cz] MHD v Praze " Ahoj, opravit se dá leccos, ale určitě ne všechno.  Například z v pátečních GTFS dat: "kod1","kod2","platform1","platform2","nazev" "U5930Z2","U5930Z1","A","A","Borotice, Dražetice, rozc." "U32105Z2","U32105Z1","A","A","Borotín, Kamenná Lhota, rozc. 1.0" "U4817Z2","U4817Z1","A","A","Buštěhrad, Bouchalka, Křiž." "U2764Z2P","U2764Z1P","A","A","Holýšovská" "U4594Z2","U4594Z1","A","A","Kladno, celnice" "U4233Z2","U4233Z1","A","A","Kralupy n. Vlt., Dýhárna" "U2143Z2","U2143Z1","A","A","Lišany, u ovčína" "U2932Z2","U2932Z1","A","A","Liteň, Leč, rozc." "U4356Z2","U4356Z1","A","A","Mšeno, žel. st." "U3149Z2","U3149Z1","A","A","Nymburk, Drahelice, Mlýn Bašta" "U3153Z2","U3153Z1","A","A","Ostrá, kino" "U4769Z2","U4769Z1","A","A","Pchery, ObÚ" "U4889Z2","U4889Z1","A","A","Pletený Újezd" "U2866Z2","U2866Z1","A","A","Podlešín" "U3055Z2","U3055Z1","A","A","Rokytovec, Malé Horky" "U6806Z2","U6806Z1","A","A","Říčany, MŠ Zahrádka" "U4785Z2","U4785Z1","A","A","Slaný, Arbesova" "U4789Z2","U4789Z1","A","A","Slaný, Tomanova" "U6051Z2","U6051Z1","A","A","Úžice, Čekanov, Sázavská" "U4829Z2","U4829Z1","A","A","Velvary, Ješín" "U2752Z2P","U2752Z1P","A","A","Záveská" "U953Z3P","U953Z8P","C","C","Skalka" U1171Z1,"Dobrovice,aut.st(http://aut.st).",50.368629,14.963701,"6",,0,,2,,A, 1171,1 U1171Z2,"Dobrovice,aut.st(http://aut.st).",50.368950,14.963671,"6",,0,,0,,B, 1171,2 ale v reálu jsou tam stále označníky 1 a 2 V Jihočeském a na Vysočině jsem úmyslně local_ref většinově nedával v domnění, že to nikdo nechce. Královéhradecký kraj a Liberecký kraj mají označníky nové a používají výhradně čísla (1,2, ale i vyšší ;-)) Ústecký kraj mám z ruky, ale rozlišení označníků mají v mapě. Asi by bylo ideální se s okolními kraji nějak sladit. Nejsem zaměstnancem ROPIDu ani IDSK což je pro ně škoda ;-) Mir po 27. 2. 2023 v 9:27 odesílatel Petr Pulc <petrpulc na gmail.com (mailto:petrpulc na gmail.com)> napsal: " Ahoj všichni, chvilku jsem si s tím hrál a určitě je potenciál většinu z oprav automatizovat (a tedy potenciálně i spouštět nějak pravidelněji pro lepší zachycení aktuálního stavu). První na čem bychom se, podle mého, měli domluvit je právě systém označníků, ať je možné na ně ostatní úpravy elegantně připnout. Osobně jsem určitě pro zachování tagu ref:PID, minimálně proto, že jiné integrované systémy mohou mít systém referencí úplně jiný. A pokud je referenci více různých, nechť jsou oddělené středníkem, ale zrovna u suffixu "P" bych jej prostě odříznul a neuvažoval nikde (a zdokumentoval, že dvojice U1385Z1P;U1385Z1 se zapisuje pouze jako ref:PID=U1385Z1). Skripty pro validaci a automatickou opravu můžeme přizpůsobit. Nicméně otevřu ještě jedno téma, kvůli kterému jsem si s tím nezávisle začal hrát... local_ref Místní označení jsou vyplněná sporadicky, a když, tak úplně špatně. A s tím bych chtěl (možná v návaznosti na dokončení označníků jako takových) něco dělat. Navíc, tramvajové zastávky v Praze používají pro lokální označení pole "ref", což je asi úplně špatně. Tedy bych byl pro sjednocení do local_ref (i když se asi tak jako tak nebude vykreslovat). Moje znalost je omezená naopak jen na Prahu, takže pokud máte jiný názor, než že chceme prostě převzít do local_ref (pro vykreslování do mapy) pole platform z PIDu, ale chtěli byste to provést nějak lépe (univerzálněji, s prefixem PID, ...), budu rád za jakýkoliv vstup. Petr _______________________________________________ talk-cz mailing list talk-cz na openstreetmap.org(mailto:talk-cz na openstreetmap.org) https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz (https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz) https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz(https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz) " _______________________________________________ talk-cz mailing list talk-cz na openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz " ------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230227/d63c1360/attachment.htm>

28.2.2023 08:00:09 (#26)

Mirek Dlask

<dlask.m at gmail.com>
po 27. 2. 2023 v 15:29 odesílatel Aleš <f.ales1 na seznam.cz> napsal: zobrazit citaci
> Pokud jsem dobře pochopil to Z1 a Z2, tak by to mohlo značit zastávku 1 a > zastávku 2. >
v podstatě ano - je to místo, kde čekáš na bus, tram, troll ... Může to být krajnice bez označníku, kde nevíš kam si stoupnout - přes místo s označníkem https://mapy.cz/s/balakepuha až po plně vybavené nástupiště pro několik autobusů- https://mapy.cz/s/nuzebuluma zobrazit citaci
> Sice jsem nepochopil to P na konci, >
P je dokonce nežádoucí a můžeš ho mazat. zobrazit citaci
> ale úplně nechápu tu Skalku. Ta to má úplně jinak. >
Co to je jinak? Jinak než to máme v OSM, nebo jinak než je to v plánku? Skutečný stav má vždy přednost. zobrazit citaci
> Ještě jsem se setkal s tím, že někde byla označena zastávka na silnici pro > obě strany. Jako kdyby byl někdo líný to pořádněji zmapovat. >
Kdysi to stačilo, dneska se mapuje každý směr zvlášť. Čumáčky busu uprostřed se stále vyskytují. https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1119837506/history#map=18/49.30557/14.15608 Nikdo nemá odvahu, chuť to změnit. Nebo má strach z té hrůzy? https://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/?view=pubtrans_routes&lon=14.15403&lat=49.30621&zoom=14&baselayer=Geofabrik%20Standard&opacity=0.31&overlays=ptv2_routes_valid%2Cptv2_routes_invalid%2Cptv2_error_ways%2Cptv2_error_nodes%2Cptv2_routes_valid%2Cptv2_routes_invalid%2Cptv2_error_ways%2Cptv2_error_nodes zobrazit citaci
> -- > Aleš > > > ---------- Původní e-mail ---------- > Od: Mirek Dlask <dlask.m na gmail.com> > Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic <talk-cz na openstreetmap.org> > Datum: 27. 2. 2023 14:21:03 > Předmět: Re: [talk-cz] MHD v Praze > > Ahoj, > opravit se dá leccos, ale určitě ne všechno. > Například z v pátečních GTFS dat: > > "kod1","kod2","platform1","platform2","nazev" > "U5930Z2","U5930Z1","A","A","Borotice, Dražetice, rozc." > "U32105Z2","U32105Z1","A","A","Borotín, Kamenná Lhota, rozc. 1.0" > "U4817Z2","U4817Z1","A","A","Buštěhrad, Bouchalka, Křiž." > "U2764Z2P","U2764Z1P","A","A","Holýšovská" > "U4594Z2","U4594Z1","A","A","Kladno, celnice" > "U4233Z2","U4233Z1","A","A","Kralupy n. Vlt., Dýhárna" > "U2143Z2","U2143Z1","A","A","Lišany, u ovčína" > "U2932Z2","U2932Z1","A","A","Liteň, Leč, rozc." > "U4356Z2","U4356Z1","A","A","Mšeno, žel. st." > "U3149Z2","U3149Z1","A","A","Nymburk, Drahelice, Mlýn Bašta" > "U3153Z2","U3153Z1","A","A","Ostrá, kino" > "U4769Z2","U4769Z1","A","A","Pchery, ObÚ" > "U4889Z2","U4889Z1","A","A","Pletený Újezd" > "U2866Z2","U2866Z1","A","A","Podlešín" > "U3055Z2","U3055Z1","A","A","Rokytovec, Malé Horky" > "U6806Z2","U6806Z1","A","A","Říčany, MŠ Zahrádka" > "U4785Z2","U4785Z1","A","A","Slaný, Arbesova" > "U4789Z2","U4789Z1","A","A","Slaný, Tomanova" > "U6051Z2","U6051Z1","A","A","Úžice, Čekanov, Sázavská" > "U4829Z2","U4829Z1","A","A","Velvary, Ješín" > "U2752Z2P","U2752Z1P","A","A","Záveská" > "U953Z3P","U953Z8P","C","C","Skalka" > > U1171Z1,"Dobrovice,aut.st.",50.368629,14.963701,"6",,0,,2,,*A*,1171,1 > U1171Z2,"Dobrovice,aut.st.",50.368950,14.963671,"6",,0,,0,,*B*,1171,2 > ale v reálu jsou tam stále označníky *1* a *2* > V Jihočeském a na Vysočině jsem úmyslně local_ref většinově nedával v > domnění, že to nikdo nechce. > > Královéhradecký kraj a Liberecký kraj mají označníky nové a používají > výhradně čísla (1,2, ale i vyšší ;-)) > Ústecký kraj mám z ruky, ale rozlišení označníků mají v mapě. > Asi by bylo ideální se s okolními kraji nějak sladit. > > Nejsem zaměstnancem ROPIDu ani IDSK což je pro ně škoda ;-) > Mir > > > po 27. 2. 2023 v 9:27 odesílatel Petr Pulc <petrpulc na gmail.com> napsal: > > Ahoj všichni, chvilku jsem si s tím hrál a určitě je potenciál většinu z > oprav automatizovat (a tedy potenciálně i spouštět nějak pravidelněji pro > lepší zachycení aktuálního stavu). > > První na čem bychom se, podle mého, měli domluvit je právě systém > označníků, ať je možné na ně ostatní úpravy elegantně připnout. > > Osobně jsem určitě pro zachování tagu ref:PID, minimálně proto, že jiné > integrované systémy mohou mít systém referencí úplně jiný. A pokud je > referenci více různých, nechť jsou oddělené středníkem, ale zrovna u > suffixu "P" bych jej prostě odříznul a neuvažoval nikde (a zdokumentoval, > že dvojice U1385Z1P;U1385Z1 se zapisuje pouze jako ref:PID=U1385Z1). > Skripty pro validaci a automatickou opravu můžeme přizpůsobit. > > Nicméně otevřu ještě jedno téma, kvůli kterému jsem si s tím nezávisle > začal hrát... local_ref > Místní označení jsou vyplněná sporadicky, a když, tak úplně špatně. A s > tím bych chtěl (možná v návaznosti na dokončení označníků jako takových) > něco dělat. > > Navíc, tramvajové zastávky v Praze používají pro lokální označení pole > "ref", což je asi úplně špatně. Tedy bych byl pro sjednocení do local_ref > (i když se asi tak jako tak nebude vykreslovat). > > Moje znalost je omezená naopak jen na Prahu, takže pokud máte jiný názor, > než že chceme prostě převzít do local_ref (pro vykreslování do mapy) pole > platform z PIDu, ale chtěli byste to provést nějak lépe (univerzálněji, s > prefixem PID, ...), budu rád za jakýkoliv vstup. > > Petr > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz > > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz > > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz >
------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230228/e95a7af1/attachment-0001.htm>

28.2.2023 08:00:41 (#27)

Mirek Dlask

<dlask.m at gmail.com>
Zatím to nikdo nekomentoval tak přidám pár slov. Za nejlepší považuji variantu datového rozhraní, které si bude spravovat ROPID. Protože: 1) nikdo z OSM nedokáže dlouhodobě garantovat úplnost a aktuálnost dat 2) na straně OSM hrozí riziko, že data někdo znehodnotí svoji neopatrností, chybou, diletanstvím, nebo záměrně - https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1199420433/history 3) ne každému se musí tvůj požadavek na zásahy do OSM líbit 4) rozpor máme - ve virtuálech 'ref:PID' - což by snad nevadilo, ale platí bod 1) - 'local_ref' u tramvají + bus mimo Prahu a Středočeský kraj - preferovaná varianta je převzetí dat z jiných krajů (Liberecký, Královéhradecký, Ústecký) [Upozornění: CHAPS, IDOS mají z části chybně] - v názvech zastávek, což se nemusí líbit někomu z ROPIDu "----------OSM----------","----------GTFS----------" "Brandýs nad Labem, náměstí","Brandýs n.L.-St.Bol.,Nám." "Čáslav, nemocnice","Čáslav,nem." "Litoměřice, horní nádraží","Litoměřice,žel.st.hor." "Církvice žst 4","Církvice,žel.zast." "Velké Zboží, železniční zastávka","Poděbrady,Velké Zboží,žel.zast." "Veletín, rozcestí","Sedlec-Prčice,Veletín,rozc." Neměl by být problém vzít polohu zastávek z OSM, doplnit chybějící a k tomu připojit vlastní data. Tak bych to řešil já. Uvidíme, zda se ozve někdo další. Mir po 27. 2. 2023 v 9:27 odesílatel Petr Pulc <petrpulc na gmail.com> napsal: zobrazit citaci
> Ahoj všichni, chvilku jsem si s tím hrál a určitě je potenciál většinu z > oprav automatizovat (a tedy potenciálně i spouštět nějak pravidelněji pro > lepší zachycení aktuálního stavu). > > První na čem bychom se, podle mého, měli domluvit je právě systém > označníků, ať je možné na ně ostatní úpravy elegantně připnout. > > Osobně jsem určitě pro zachování tagu ref:PID, minimálně proto, že jiné > integrované systémy mohou mít systém referencí úplně jiný. A pokud je > referenci více různých, nechť jsou oddělené středníkem, ale zrovna u > suffixu "P" bych jej prostě odříznul a neuvažoval nikde (a zdokumentoval, > že dvojice U1385Z1P;U1385Z1 se zapisuje pouze jako ref:PID=U1385Z1). > Skripty pro validaci a automatickou opravu můžeme přizpůsobit. > > Nicméně otevřu ještě jedno téma, kvůli kterému jsem si s tím nezávisle > začal hrát... local_ref > Místní označení jsou vyplněná sporadicky, a když, tak úplně špatně. A s > tím bych chtěl (možná v návaznosti na dokončení označníků jako takových) > něco dělat. > > Navíc, tramvajové zastávky v Praze používají pro lokální označení pole > "ref", což je asi úplně špatně. Tedy bych byl pro sjednocení do local_ref > (i když se asi tak jako tak nebude vykreslovat). > > Moje znalost je omezená naopak jen na Prahu, takže pokud máte jiný názor, > než že chceme prostě převzít do local_ref (pro vykreslování do mapy) pole > platform z PIDu, ale chtěli byste to provést nějak lépe (univerzálněji, s > prefixem PID, ...), budu rád za jakýkoliv vstup. > > Petr > _______________________________________________ > talk-cz mailing list > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz >
------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230228/7581f46c/attachment.htm>

28.2.2023 02:21:13 (#28)


<f.ales1 at seznam.cz>
402 351
Tím jinak jsem to myslel tak, že u uvedeném seznamu to má Skalka odlišně od předchozích příkladů. Prostě že se poslední příklad je trochu jiný od těch předchozích. To by chtělo tu zastávku prozkoumat a něco o ní zjistit. -- Aleš
---------- Původní e-mail ---------- Od: Mirek Dlask <dlask.m na gmail.com> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic <talk-cz na openstreetmap.org> Datum: 28. 2. 2023 8:04:17 Předmět: Re: [talk-cz] MHD v Praze "   " ale úplně nechápu tu Skalku. Ta to má úplně jinak. "  Co to je jinak? Jinak než to máme v OSM, nebo jinak než je to v plánku? Skutečný stav má vždy přednost.   " " "U4829Z2","U4829Z1","A","A","Velvary, Ješín" "U2752Z2P","U2752Z1P","A","A","Záveská" "U953Z3P","U953Z8P","C","C","Skalka" " " " ------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20230228/e77e4b51/attachment.htm>

28.2.2023 10:37:21 (#29)

Lukáš Karas

<lukas.karas at centrum.cz>
Ahoj, diskuze se celkem rozjela, což je super. Jen se začínám trochu ztrácet. Co mapovat? Ideálně bych mapoval všechny změny které trvají déle jak měsíc. Ale samozřejmě je problém v tom že se musí najít dostatek lidí kteří trasy budou upravovat. Nyní jsme ve stavu kdy některé linky nemají v OSM geometrii vůbec, nebo několik let neaktuální. Čím to? Nikoho to netrápí? Úpravy MHD relací jsou složité? Ručně v JOSM jsem aktualizoval tramvajové linky 1 a 2 podle nesrovnalostí co našel gtfs-osm validátor. ( https://gitlab.com/stalker314314/gtfs-osm-validator ) Ale je to celkem mravenčí práce. Teď když nejsou OSM a gtfs data "napárována", tak jedna linka je tak na hodinu. Pak jsem ještě našel tool na synchrozaci OSM z gtfs dat ( https://github.com/ CUTR-at-USF/gtfs-osm-sync ) ale devět let na něj nikdo nesáhl a když jsem ho zkusil spustit tak během zpracování gtfs dat upadl, ani do konzole nezalogoval proč. Není tu nějaký Javista co má hodně volného času? Podle popisu a screenshotů umí synchronizovat zastávky linek, ale neumí geometrii. Mirek Dlask napsal: zobrazit citaci
> P je dokonce nežádoucí a můžeš ho mazat.
Na tomhle by bylo dobré mít širší schodu. Protože ref:PID používá gtfs-osm validátor pro párování zastávek (kontroluje jméno, pozici...). Pokud by se ref neshodovalo s gtfs daty, byly by podobné validátory celkem k ničemu. Nebo bychom si museli udržovat vlastní fork a na vícero místech jej upravit. Otázka co se zastávkami kde vícero gtfs id na jednom bodu, tam mi přijde hezčí je oddělit středníkem, než ořezávat. Být správcem libovolného toolu, tak merge request s takovouhle logikou nepřijmu. Pokud má stanoviště jen jedno ID, nevidím důvod ho mít v jiném tvaru než v gtfs datech. Lukáš Dne úterý 28. února 2023 8:00:09 CET Mirek Dlask napsal(a): zobrazit citaci
> po 27. 2. 2023 v 15:29 odesílatel Aleš <f.ales1 na seznam.cz> napsal: > > Pokud jsem dobře pochopil to Z1 a Z2, tak by to mohlo značit zastávku 1 a > > zastávku 2. > > v podstatě ano - je to místo, kde čekáš na bus, tram, troll ... > Může to být krajnice bez označníku, kde nevíš kam si stoupnout - > přes místo s označníkem https://mapy.cz/s/balakepuha > až po plně vybavené nástupiště pro několik autobusů- > https://mapy.cz/s/nuzebuluma > > > Sice jsem nepochopil to P na konci, > > P je dokonce nežádoucí a můžeš ho mazat. > > > ale úplně nechápu tu Skalku. Ta to má úplně jinak. > > Co to je jinak? Jinak než to máme v OSM, nebo jinak než je to v plánku? > Skutečný stav má vždy přednost. > > > Ještě jsem se setkal s tím, že někde byla označena zastávka na silnici pro > > obě strany. Jako kdyby byl někdo líný to pořádněji zmapovat. > > Kdysi to stačilo, dneska se mapuje každý směr zvlášť. Čumáčky busu > uprostřed se stále vyskytují. > https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1119837506/history#map=18/49.30557/14.156 > 08 Nikdo nemá odvahu, chuť to změnit. Nebo má strach z té hrůzy? > https://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/?view=pubtrans_routes&lon=14.15403&lat=49.30 > 621&zoom=14&baselayer=Geofabrik%20Standard&opacity=0.31&overlays=ptv2_routes > _valid%2Cptv2_routes_invalid%2Cptv2_error_ways%2Cptv2_error_nodes%2Cptv2_rou > tes_valid%2Cptv2_routes_invalid%2Cptv2_error_ways%2Cptv2_error_nodes > > -- > > Aleš > > > > > > ---------- Původní e-mail ---------- > > Od: Mirek Dlask <dlask.m na gmail.com> > > Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic <talk-cz na openstreetmap.org> > > Datum: 27. 2. 2023 14:21:03 > > Předmět: Re: [talk-cz] MHD v Praze > > > > Ahoj, > > opravit se dá leccos, ale určitě ne všechno. > > Například z v pátečních GTFS dat: > > > > "kod1","kod2","platform1","platform2","nazev" > > "U5930Z2","U5930Z1","A","A","Borotice, Dražetice, rozc." > > "U32105Z2","U32105Z1","A","A","Borotín, Kamenná Lhota, rozc. 1.0" > > "U4817Z2","U4817Z1","A","A","Buštěhrad, Bouchalka, Křiž." > > "U2764Z2P","U2764Z1P","A","A","Holýšovská" > > "U4594Z2","U4594Z1","A","A","Kladno, celnice" > > "U4233Z2","U4233Z1","A","A","Kralupy n. Vlt., Dýhárna" > > "U2143Z2","U2143Z1","A","A","Lišany, u ovčína" > > "U2932Z2","U2932Z1","A","A","Liteň, Leč, rozc." > > "U4356Z2","U4356Z1","A","A","Mšeno, žel. st." > > "U3149Z2","U3149Z1","A","A","Nymburk, Drahelice, Mlýn Bašta" > > "U3153Z2","U3153Z1","A","A","Ostrá, kino" > > "U4769Z2","U4769Z1","A","A","Pchery, ObÚ" > > "U4889Z2","U4889Z1","A","A","Pletený Újezd" > > "U2866Z2","U2866Z1","A","A","Podlešín" > > "U3055Z2","U3055Z1","A","A","Rokytovec, Malé Horky" > > "U6806Z2","U6806Z1","A","A","Říčany, MŠ Zahrádka" > > "U4785Z2","U4785Z1","A","A","Slaný, Arbesova" > > "U4789Z2","U4789Z1","A","A","Slaný, Tomanova" > > "U6051Z2","U6051Z1","A","A","Úžice, Čekanov, Sázavská" > > "U4829Z2","U4829Z1","A","A","Velvary, Ješín" > > "U2752Z2P","U2752Z1P","A","A","Záveská" > > "U953Z3P","U953Z8P","C","C","Skalka" > > > > U1171Z1,"Dobrovice,aut.st.",50.368629,14.963701,"6",,0,,2,,*A*,1171,1 > > U1171Z2,"Dobrovice,aut.st.",50.368950,14.963671,"6",,0,,0,,*B*,1171,2 > > ale v reálu jsou tam stále označníky *1* a *2* > > V Jihočeském a na Vysočině jsem úmyslně local_ref většinově nedával v > > domnění, že to nikdo nechce. > > > > Královéhradecký kraj a Liberecký kraj mají označníky nové a používají > > výhradně čísla (1,2, ale i vyšší ;-)) > > Ústecký kraj mám z ruky, ale rozlišení označníků mají v mapě. > > Asi by bylo ideální se s okolními kraji nějak sladit. > > > > Nejsem zaměstnancem ROPIDu ani IDSK což je pro ně škoda ;-) > > Mir > > > > > > po 27. 2. 2023 v 9:27 odesílatel Petr Pulc <petrpulc na gmail.com> napsal: > > > > Ahoj všichni, chvilku jsem si s tím hrál a určitě je potenciál většinu z > > oprav automatizovat (a tedy potenciálně i spouštět nějak pravidelněji pro > > lepší zachycení aktuálního stavu). > > > > První na čem bychom se, podle mého, měli domluvit je právě systém > > označníků, ať je možné na ně ostatní úpravy elegantně připnout. > > > > Osobně jsem určitě pro zachování tagu ref:PID, minimálně proto, že jiné > > integrované systémy mohou mít systém referencí úplně jiný. A pokud je > > referenci více různých, nechť jsou oddělené středníkem, ale zrovna u > > suffixu "P" bych jej prostě odříznul a neuvažoval nikde (a zdokumentoval, > > že dvojice U1385Z1P;U1385Z1 se zapisuje pouze jako ref:PID=U1385Z1). > > Skripty pro validaci a automatickou opravu můžeme přizpůsobit. > > > > Nicméně otevřu ještě jedno téma, kvůli kterému jsem si s tím nezávisle > > začal hrát... local_ref > > Místní označení jsou vyplněná sporadicky, a když, tak úplně špatně. A s > > tím bych chtěl (možná v návaznosti na dokončení označníků jako takových) > > něco dělat. > > > > Navíc, tramvajové zastávky v Praze používají pro lokální označení pole > > "ref", což je asi úplně špatně. Tedy bych byl pro sjednocení do local_ref > > (i když se asi tak jako tak nebude vykreslovat). > > > > Moje znalost je omezená naopak jen na Prahu, takže pokud máte jiný názor, > > než že chceme prostě převzít do local_ref (pro vykreslování do mapy) pole > > platform z PIDu, ale chtěli byste to provést nějak lépe (univerzálněji, s > > prefixem PID, ...), budu rád za jakýkoliv vstup. > > > > Petr > > _______________________________________________ > > talk-cz mailing list > > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz > > > > _______________________________________________ > > talk-cz mailing list > > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz > > > > _______________________________________________ > > talk-cz mailing list > > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
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