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[Talk-cz] Pomoc s prekladem openaedmap.org

Vlákno 28.11. - 28.11.2022, počet zpráv: 2

28.11.2022 03:15:33 (#1)


<mahdi1234 at centrum.cz>
180 2495
Ahoj, Polsti kolegove nas na chatu zasobuji :) pokud nekoho zajima problematika defibrilatoru a chtel by prispet prekladem openaedmap.org do cestiny viz zprava nize. ############### OSM Poland needs your help in Translation! Some time ago we prepared a website that allows you to easily add AED (Automatic Defibrillators) locations to the #OpenStreetMap The website is available at: https://openaedmap.org We would like as many people as possible to use it. We would like to ask for help in translating into other languages. Translation is done using: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/openaedmap/#languages To add new language in GitHub https://github.com/openstreetmap-polska/openaedmap-frontend/issues site uses a list of language to display in navbar. ############### mahdi ----------------------------- OSM CZ discord - https://discord.com/invite/A9eRVaRzRe OSM CZ irc - https://web.libera.chat/#openstreetmapcz OSM CZ jabber - https://chat.jabb.im/?r=openstreetmap OSM CZ matrix - https://matrix.to/#/#osmcz:matrix.org OSM CZ telegram - https://t.me/openstreetmapcz

28.11.2022 08:00:39 (#2)


<f.ales1 at seznam.cz>
414 351
"Ahoj, klidně se přidám, a když už je o překladech řeč, tak jsem na Umap narazil ve vytváření vlastní mapy v nápovědě u tlačítka "Sílet mapu nebo ji vložit do jiného webu". Už jsem v Transifexu zažádal o připojení, takže jestli tam někdo je tak to může opravit. Aleš
---------- Původní e-mail ---------- Od: mahdi1234 <mahdi1234 na centrum.cz> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic <talk-cz na openstreetmap.org> Datum: 28. 11. 2022 15:23:48 Předmět: [talk-cz] Pomoc s prekladem openaedmap.org "Ahoj, Polsti kolegove nas na chatu zasobuji :) pokud nekoho zajima problematika defibrilatoru a chtel by prispet prekladem openaedmap.org do cestiny viz zprava nize. ############### OSM Poland needs your help in Translation! Some time ago we prepared a website that allows you to easily add AED (Automatic Defibrillators) locations to the #OpenStreetMap The website is available at: https://openaedmap.org We would like as many people as possible to use it. We would like to ask for help in translating into other languages. Translation is done using: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/openaedmap/#languages To add new language in GitHub https://github.com/openstreetmap-polska/openaedmap-frontend/issues site uses a list of language to display in navbar. ############### mahdi ----------------------------- OSM CZ discord - https://discord.com/invite/A9eRVaRzRe OSM CZ irc - https://web.libera.chat/#openstreetmapcz OSM CZ jabber - https://chat.jabb.im/?r=openstreetmap OSM CZ matrix - https://matrix.to/#/#osmcz:matrix.org OSM CZ telegram - https://t.me/openstreetmapcz _______________________________________________ talk-cz mailing list talk-cz na openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz " " ------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20221128/cff062c5/attachment.htm>

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