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[Talk-cz] Fix Intersecting Buildings in Czechia

Vlákno 15.10. - 15.10.2024, počet zpráv: 1

15.10.2024 08:46:18 (#1)

Michal Wlodarczyk

<Michal.Wlodarczyk at tomtom.com>
Hello Czechia OSM community, My team identified new issues with ?building crossing building? and refilled the MapRoulette challenge mpr.lt/c/43713<https://mpr.lt/c/43713> I hope you like these type of challenges, You can also find interesting cases in Fix Building and Water Intersections https://mpr.lt/c/43852 If you are looking for something else, please do let me know. Have a great day - Michal from TomTom ------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20241015/b3f99dc8/attachment.htm>

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