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[Talk-cz] New tracks from norc.ro available across Central andEastern Europe

Vlákno 9.10. - 9.10.2009, počet zpráv: 1

9.10.2009 10:07:44 (#1)

Ciprian Talaba

<cipriantalaba at gmail.com>
Hello everybody, I just want to point out that norc.ro have donated another set of tracks that cover Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. They have been already sorted, tagged and uploaded to OSM so you can use them to create roads using your preferred editor. If you want to know if norc tracks are available near you, you should visit www.norc.ro and see if they visited your area. Another reminder that we have been given permission to derive data from their panoramas, so feel free to add street names, POIs, route restrictions or any other info that you can find. Enjoy! Ciprian, OSM Romania ------------- dal?í ?ást --------------- HTML p?íloha byla odstran?na... URL: <https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20091009/eea843dc/attachment.html>

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