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[Talk-cz] Mapbox mapping activity

Vlákno 10.3. - 21.3.2022, počet zpráv: 8

10.3.2022 10:40:32 (#1)

Sonya Khilchyk

<sofiya.khilchyk at mapbox.com>
Hello from the Mapbox Team! In March 2022 our team is going to start a mapping project in Czech Republic. As part of on-going work to improve the quality of OpenStreetMap data, our team is planning to review a subset of the detections to better understand the type of issues, and also fix any valid data issues directly in the OSM. We?re concentrating on road mistakes to improve map condition. In Czech Republic we plan to upload data once a week to see and fix the latest mistakes in mapping after reviewing the 1st iteration. We would really appreciate your feedback, any questions you have about this project, as well as local insights that you think will help us better understand the data. There's a link <https://github.com/mapbox/mapping/issues/399> to our Github ticket to the related issue and link <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Resolving_lintings_problems_in_Czech_Republic> to our page in OSM Wiki. We will upload fresh data in a few days before the review process and will update our documents with json files. Best regards, Member of Mapbox team, Sonya Dobrý den z týmu Mapbox!V březnu 2022 náš tým zahájí mapovací projekt v České republice. V rámci pokračující práce na zlepšení kvality dat OpenStreetMap náš tým plánuje přezkoumat podmnožinu detekcí, aby lépe porozuměl typu problémů, a také opravit všechny platné problémy s daty přímo v OSM. Soustředíme se na chyby na silnicích, abychom zlepšili stav mapy. V České republice plánujeme nahrávat data jednou týdně, abychom viděli a opravili nejnovější chyby v mapování po přezkoumání 1. iterace. Opravdu bychom ocenili vaši zpětnou vazbu, jakékoli dotazy týkající se tohoto projektu, stejně jako místní poznatky, o kterých si myslíte, že nám pomohou lépe porozumět datům. Je zde odkaz na náš GitHub <https://github.com/mapbox/mapping/issues/399> ticket na související problém a odkaz na naši stránku v osm Wiki <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Resolving_lintings_problems_in_Czech_Republic> . Během několika dní před procesem kontroly nahrajeme nová data a naše dokumenty aktualizujeme pomocí souborů json. Pozdrav, Člen týmu Mapbox, Sonya ------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20220310/a5051a42/attachment.htm>

11.3.2022 10:25:30 (#2)

Sonya Khilchyk

<sofiya.khilchyk at mapbox.com>
Hello from the Mapbox Team! In March 2022 our team is going to start a mapping project in Czech Republic. As part of on-going work to improve the quality of OpenStreetMap data, our team is planning to review a subset of the detections to better understand the type of issues, and also fix any valid data issues directly in the OSM. We?re concentrating on road mistakes to improve map condition. In Czech Republic we plan to upload data once a week to see and fix the latest mistakes in mapping after reviewing the 1st iteration. We would really appreciate your feedback, any questions you have about this project, as well as local insights that you think will help us better understand the data. There's a link <https://github.com/mapbox/mapping/issues/399> to our Github ticket to the related issue and link <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Resolving_lintings_problems_in_Czech_Republic> to our page in OSM Wiki. We will upload fresh data in a few days before the review process and will update our documents with json files. Best regards, Member of Mapbox team, Sonya Dobrý den z týmu Mapbox!V březnu 2022 náš tým zahájí mapovací projekt v České republice. V rámci pokračující práce na zlepšení kvality dat OpenStreetMap náš tým plánuje přezkoumat podmnožinu detekcí, aby lépe porozuměl typu problémů, a také opravit všechny platné problémy s daty přímo v OSM. Soustředíme se na chyby na silnicích, abychom zlepšili stav mapy. V České republice plánujeme nahrávat data jednou týdně, abychom viděli a opravili nejnovější chyby v mapování po přezkoumání 1. iterace. Opravdu bychom ocenili vaši zpětnou vazbu, jakékoli dotazy týkající se tohoto projektu, stejně jako místní poznatky, o kterých si myslíte, že nám pomohou lépe porozumět datům. Je zde odkaz na náš GitHub <https://github.com/mapbox/mapping/issues/399> ticket na související problém a odkaz na naši stránku v osm Wiki <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Resolving_lintings_problems_in_Czech_Republic> . Během několika dní před procesem kontroly nahrajeme nová data a naše dokumenty aktualizujeme pomocí souborů json. Pozdrav, Člen týmu Mapbox, Sonya ------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20220311/ecd57e44/attachment.htm>

14.3.2022 10:07:38 (#3)

Marián Kyral

<mkyral at email.cz>
2520 2837
Hello Sonya, Thanks, that you let us know. We will watch yours steps ;-) If you have any questions about Czech specific mapping, please contact us. Regards, Marián
---------- Původní e-mail ---------- Od: Sonya Khilchyk via talk-cz <talk-cz na openstreetmap.org> Komu: talk-cz na openstreetmap.org Datum: 11. 3. 2022 10:33:59 Předmět: [talk-cz] Mapbox mapping activity " Hello from the Mapbox Team! In March 2022 our team is going to start a mapping project in Czech Republic. As part of on-going work to improve the quality of OpenStreetMap data, our team is planning to review a subset of the detections to better understand the type of issues, and also fix any valid data issues directly in the OSM. We?re concentrating on road mistakes to improve map condition. In Czech Republic we plan to upload data once a week to see and fix the latest mistakes in mapping after reviewing the 1st iteration. We would really appreciate your feedback, any questions you have about this project, as well as local insights that you think will help us better understand the data. There's a link(https://github.com/mapbox/mapping/issues/399) to our Github ticket to the related issue and link (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Resolving_lintings_problems_in_Czech_Republic)  to our page in OSM Wiki. We will upload fresh data in a few days before the review process and will update our documents with json files. Best regards, Member of Mapbox team, Sonya Dobrý den z týmu Mapbox!V březnu 2022 náš tým zahájí mapovací projekt v České republice. V rámci pokračující práce na zlepšení kvality dat OpenStreetMap náš tým plánuje přezkoumat podmnožinu detekcí, aby lépe porozuměl typu problémů, a také opravit všechny platné problémy s daty přímo v OSM. Soustředíme se na chyby na silnicích, abychom zlepšili stav mapy. V České republice plánujeme nahrávat data jednou týdně, abychom viděli a opravili nejnovější chyby v mapování po přezkoumání 1. iterace. Opravdu bychom ocenili vaši zpětnou vazbu, jakékoli dotazy týkající se tohoto projektu, stejně jako místní poznatky, o kterých si myslíte, že nám pomohou lépe porozumět datům. Je zde odkaz na náš GitHub(https://github.com/mapbox/mapping/issues/399)  ticket na související problém a odkaz na naši stránku v osm Wiki (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Resolving_lintings_problems_in_Czech_Republic) . Během několika dní před procesem kontroly nahrajeme nová data a naše dokumenty aktualizujeme pomocí souborů json. Pozdrav, Člen týmu Mapbox, Sonya _______________________________________________ talk-cz mailing list talk-cz na openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz " ------------- další část --------------- HTML příloha byla odstraněna... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20220314/c56d3bf7/attachment-0001.htm>

17.3.2022 08:44:14 (#4)


<vlada-c at seznam.cz>
100 1087
Hi Sonya, Just a quick observation to changeset #118602442: https://osmcha.org/changesets/118602442/ I don't think this was a case of a dragged node. I believe the tracks are indeed connected in such a sharp angle as originally mapped. Judging from Strava Heatmap, I would also guess that the original tracing of the northern track was actually closer to reality. No big deal - mentioning this just because you asked for a feedback. Best regards, VladaC Dne 11.3.2022 10:25, Sonya Khilchyk via talk-cz napsal: zobrazit citaci
> Hello from the Mapbox Team! > > In March 2022 our team is going to start a mapping project in Czech Republic. > As part of on-going work to improve the quality of OpenStreetMap data, our team is planning to review a subset of the detections to better understand the type of issues, and also fix any valid data issues directly in the OSM. We're concentrating on road mistakes to improve map condition. In Czech Republic we plan to upload data once a week to see and fix the latest mistakes in mapping after reviewing the 1st iteration. > > We would really appreciate your feedback, any questions you have about this project, as well as local insights that you think will help us better understand the data. > > There's a link to our Github ticket to the related issue and link to our page in OSM Wiki. > > We will upload fresh data in a few days before the review process and will update our documents with json files. > > Best regards, > Member of Mapbox team, > Sonya >

17.3.2022 09:36:06 (#5)


<r00t at r00t.cz>
Hi, I saw you started editing, so I checked a few of your changes: 1) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118608862 - Why was this road deleted? It exists, it's even visible on your Maxar imagery 2) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118602442 - This is not a dragged node, it's normal fork in the road. Was mapped 100% correctly before you "fixed" it. 3) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118594066 - While this is correctly marked as "non existent road", it's clearly offset and should be corrected (moved, not deleted), including the parking spaces that are mapped incorrectly. Especially #1 is worrying, as this road clearly exists yet it was deleted. Why? And #2 just completely mangled the way geometry, was matching reality before and now it's complete fiction... r00tcz

18.3.2022 11:51:31 (#6)

Sonya Khilchyk

<sofiya.khilchyk at mapbox.com>
Hi! Thanks for your questions and feedback. 1) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118608862/ This road is badly visible on pictures, that?s the point of its deletion. We got your thoughts, it?s our mistake. Here?s changesets of reverting and fixing this area: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/118627014 2) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118602442/ This road is also badly visible on pictures, as in the 1st case, but going deeply through the images it?s understandable that our fix is not correct. Here?s changesets of reverting and fixing this area: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/118627443 3) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118594066/ You?re right, the road really exists and should be corrected including the parking spaces. Here?s changesets of reverting and fixing this area: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/118627328 Thanks for your attention! We are always open for suggestions! Member of Mapbox team, Sonya On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 11:36 PM r00t <r00t na r00t.cz> wrote: zobrazit citaci
> Hi, > > I saw you started editing, so I checked a few of your changes: > 1) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118608862 - Why was this road deleted? > It exists, it's even visible on your Maxar imagery > 2) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118602442 - This is not a dragged node, > it's normal fork in the > road. Was mapped 100% > correctly before you "fixed" it. > 3) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118594066 - While this is correctly > marked as "non existent road", > it's clearly offset and > should be corrected (moved, not deleted), > including the parking spaces > that are mapped incorrectly. > > Especially #1 is worrying, as this road clearly exists yet it was deleted. > Why? > And #2 just completely mangled the way geometry, was matching reality > before and now it's complete fiction... > > > r00tcz > >
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18.3.2022 01:49:55 (#7)


<vlada-c at seznam.cz>
100 1087
Hi again, Thanks for the quick action and reply. I am commenting to 2) only: The fix is acceptable but to be honest, probably still less accurate than the original version. Is there any chance your company might invest in a better aerial coverage? I am sure that in many cases Maxar is good enough to improve the map. But in other cases (like this one) the lack of resolution and incorrect alignment can lead to a result that is actually worse than the previous state. Isn't it a waste of resources, considering that your mappers are probably paid staff? Regards, VladaC Dne 18.3.2022 11:51, Sonya Khilchyk napsal: zobrazit citaci
> Hi! Thanks for your questions and feedback. > > 1) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118608862/ > > This road is badly visible on pictures, that's the point of its deletion. We got your thoughts, it's our mistake. Here's changesets of reverting and fixing this area: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/118627014 > > 2) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118602442/ > > This road is also badly visible on pictures, as in the 1st case, but going deeply through the images it's understandable that our fix is not correct. Here's changesets of reverting and fixing this area: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/118627443 > > 3) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118594066/ > > You're right, the road really exists and should be corrected including the parking spaces. Here's changesets of reverting and fixing this area: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/118627328 > > Thanks for your attention! We are always open for suggestions! >

21.3.2022 03:28:39 (#8)

Sonya Khilchyk

<sofiya.khilchyk at mapbox.com>
We use only groundtruth sources from OSM-Id, and if we don't have a source for mapping, we don't fix the issue at all. Thanks for your question! Best regards, Sonya On Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 3:50 PM VladaC <vlada-c na seznam.cz> wrote: zobrazit citaci
> Hi again, > Thanks for the quick action and reply. > > I am commenting to 2) only: > The fix is acceptable but to be honest, probably still less accurate than > the original version. > > Is there any chance your company might invest in a better aerial coverage? > I am sure that in many cases Maxar is good enough to improve the map. But > in other cases (like this one) the lack of resolution and incorrect > alignment can lead to a result that is actually worse than the previous > state. Isn't it a waste of resources, considering that your mappers are > probably paid staff? > > Regards, VladaC > > Dne 18.3.2022 11:51, Sonya Khilchyk napsal: > > > Hi! Thanks for your questions and feedback. > > > > 1) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118608862/ > > > > This road is badly visible on pictures, that's the point of its > deletion. We got your thoughts, it's our mistake. Here's changesets of > reverting and fixing this area: > https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/118627014 > > > > 2) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118602442/ > > > > This road is also badly visible on pictures, as in the 1st case, but > going deeply through the images it's understandable that our fix is not > correct. Here's changesets of reverting and fixing this area: > https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/118627443 > > > > 3) https://osmcha.org/changesets/118594066/ > > > > You're right, the road really exists and should be corrected including > the parking spaces. Here's changesets of reverting and fixing this area: > https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/118627328 > > > > Thanks for your attention! We are always open for suggestions! > > >
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