[Talk-cz] Road Network Improvements in Czech Republic
Vlákno 3.3. - 4.3.2021, počet zpráv: 4
Hi there,
I’m Murad from Bolt.
We are going to start improving the road network in the Czech Republic.
Project details can be found here:
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Organised_Editing/Activites/Bolt. We
would like to get familiar with local mapping guidelines if there are any.
Please, also, let me know if you have preferred contact channels other than
this talk-list.
Waiting for your reply.
Regards, Murad from Bolt Map Production
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I think using this mailing list is the most appropriate channel for
reaching out to the Czech community.
I am a bit worried about the source of the imagery you will be using.
Czech Republic is in quite diverse terrain so imagery is sometimes
very off. I believe most of the roads are already mapped and already
aligned using czech cadastral maps (cuzk:km) so I would suggest to use
that layer for reference too to avoid making things worse:
I would be also interested in more detail on improvements for cities.
What does it mean? Changes to landuse areas? city points? Something
We also have many waterways and highway networks imported so they
still often intersect without the correct bridge/tunnel. What methods
are you going to use to distinguish these? Just publicly available
satellite imagery? Or you will just bridge everywhere?
On Wed, Mar 3, 2021 at 12:47 PM Murad Vardzelyan via talk-cz
<talk-cz na openstreetmap.org> wrote:
zobrazit citaci
> Hi there,
> I’m Murad from Bolt.
> We are going to start improving the road network in the Czech Republic. Project details can be found here: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Organised_Editing/Activites/Bolt. We would like to get familiar with local mapping guidelines if there are any.
> Please, also, let me know if you have preferred contact channels other than this talk-list.
> Waiting for your reply.
> Regards, Murad from Bolt Map Production
> _______________________________________________
> talk-cz mailing list
> talk-cz na openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
Hello and welcome to talk-cz!
This is indeed a major hub of Czech OSM activity - questions? Ask; even
though we mostly use Czech language, many of us can use English. As an
OSM contributor, IMHO the more data the better. I have read your process
flow, let me comment on it. (Shrnu poznámky k procesu na
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Bolt v češtině, po odstavcích.)
- Adding missing roads
This is going to be rare in populated areas; you might find some outside
of cities, mostly highway=unclassified-ish, limited access service
roads, or unpaved links. Most missing roads added are from actual OTG
new construction. (Málokde už se najde veřejná chybějící silnice.)
- Adjusting road alignment as per imagery and GPS traces
Road gardening is a fairly popular pastime. As far as imagery goes,
cross-reference carefully with GNSS and existing data - some sources are
wildly offset. Good news, though: useful license-compatible hi-res
imagery is available e.g. for Prague; check
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Cs:%C4%8Cesko/freemap for a list
(page is in Czech, but should be fairly understandable from machine
translation). Note that many roads are included in public transport
relations; editing in JOSM will mostly take care of preserving them,
though. (Zpřesňování silnic dobrý, pozor na rozhozený podklady, máme
lokální ortofoto.)
- Validate existing tags like- classification - Residential, Trunk,
Motorway etc and attributes - Bridge, Tunnel, links etc.
for a rough guide, e.g. motorroads are mapped fully IIRC.
As for bridges: try to also record the limits, e.g. maxweight for the
way over the bridge and maxheight for ways passing underneath (most are
unsigned OTG, i.e. =default); bridge:structure would be a nice extra,
although most road bridges are of the =beam variety.
Small streams crossing under a road are mostly mapped using
tunnel=culvert, only when the crossing is an actual bridge (has a
white-on-black sign with a ref number) would it make sense to use
Other data, such as lanes, turn lanes, maxspeeds (especially where
posted explicitly), destinations, and similar tags would be more than
welcome. (Členění silnic viz link, co mapovat u mostů, propustky; co
obvykle chybí u silnic za tagy)
Some places might be missing street names - don't sweat it too hard,
smaller villages do not necessarily have them; in cities, a
highway=residential missing a name is rare.
Address points are imported on an automated basis from the official
source - note the complex tagging system (historical OTG purposes).
Again, an unresolvable address should be rare - but there are also
opposite cases, with multiple valid address points resolvable from a
valid input (e.g. "Koněvova 159, Praha" is Koněvova 159/12 or Koněvova
2417/159: same street, few km apart)
(Názvy ulic, adresní body, nejednoznačné adresy)
- Cities might be revisited on the basis of new improvements and/or
internal requirements.
The task is indeed never complete, mistakes happen, and so on. I look
forward to more mappers improving the map.
Good luck :)
(Pořád je co dělat, mapování zdar)
Jan "Piskvor" Martinec
On 03. 03. 21 9:49, Murad Vardzelyan via talk-cz wrote:
zobrazit citaci
> Hi there,
> I’m Murad from Bolt.
> We are going to start improving the road network in the Czech Republic.
> Project details can be found here:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Organised_Editing/Activites/Bolt. We
> would like to get familiar with local mapping guidelines if there are any.
> Please, also, let me know if you have preferred contact
> channels other than this talk-list.
> Waiting for your reply.
> Regards, Murad from Bolt Map Production
> _______________________________________________
> talk-cz mailing list
> talk-cz na openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
Hi Jakub,
Thanks for your reply.
We use GPS traces (private and non-downloadable) generated by our drivers
to improve the road network. You can find the details here:
Improvements include missing roads, one-way tags, road access, turn
restrictions etc. Since we operate in the Czech Republic, we reach to the
local Bolt team when there's a doubt, and they provide ground data in
such cases.
We would use czech cadastral maps (cuzk:km) as you suggested.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
On Wed, Mar 3, 2021 at 4:14 PM Jakub Jelen <jakuje na gmail.com> wrote:
zobrazit citaci
> Hi,
> I think using this mailing list is the most appropriate channel for
> reaching out to the Czech community.
> I am a bit worried about the source of the imagery you will be using.
> Czech Republic is in quite diverse terrain so imagery is sometimes
> very off. I believe most of the roads are already mapped and already
> aligned using czech cadastral maps (cuzk:km) so I would suggest to use
> that layer for reference too to avoid making things worse:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=Tag:source%3Dcuzk:km&redirect=no
> I would be also interested in more detail on improvements for cities.
> What does it mean? Changes to landuse areas? city points? Something
> else?
> We also have many waterways and highway networks imported so they
> still often intersect without the correct bridge/tunnel. What methods
> are you going to use to distinguish these? Just publicly available
> satellite imagery? Or you will just bridge everywhere?
> Regards,
> Jakub
> On Wed, Mar 3, 2021 at 12:47 PM Murad Vardzelyan via talk-cz
> <talk-cz na openstreetmap.org> wrote:
> >
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I’m Murad from Bolt.
> >
> > We are going to start improving the road network in the Czech Republic.
> Project details can be found here:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Organised_Editing/Activites/Bolt. We
> would like to get familiar with local mapping guidelines if there are any.
> >
> > Please, also, let me know if you have preferred contact channels other
> than this talk-list.
> >
> > Waiting for your reply.
> >
> > Regards, Murad from Bolt Map Production
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > talk-cz mailing list
> > talk-cz na openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
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