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[Talk-cz] Toll values on the D8

Vlákno 6.1. - 6.1.2017, počet zpráv: 7

6.1.2017 02:20:31 (#1)

Jakob Mühldorfer

<mail at jmuehldorfer.de>
Hi, Sorry for asking on this list without being informed what you wrote about the D8 before, but I wanted to ask about the "toll" values on the D8 Something seems a bit odd, but maybe it all makes sense. The first part between Germany and Knínice has the side leaving the country toll=yes, and on the other side toll=no Is this so people who drive into the country can still exit the highway on the first exit, without paying toll? If yes, this seems correct Then follows a part between Knínice and Teplice where both sides are toll=no. Is it also correct that anyone can drive without paying toll in either direction here? After Teplice, in one direction, is a tiny part of toll=yes Then between Teplice and Vchynice toll values are missing entirely. This is the part where something might be wrong. The rest until Zdiby is toll=yes, then from there to Prague toll=no. This seems correct. Thanks for some information Jakob

6.1.2017 05:22:00 (#2)

Tom Ka

<tomas.kasparek at gmail.com>
1598 5619
Hello, I can not check that on place, so just short translation to czech for others: Vypada to ze je problem v nastaveni placenych useku pomoci tagu toll=yes/no na nove dalnici D8. Je nekdo schopen zkontrolovat v terenu pripadne je nekde dostupny hodnoverny zdroj o placeni online? Diky 2017-01-06 2:20 GMT+01:00 Jakob Mühldorfer <mail na jmuehldorfer.de>: zobrazit citaci
> Hi, > > Sorry for asking on this list without being informed what you wrote about > the D8 before, but I wanted to ask about the "toll" values on the D8 > Something seems a bit odd, but maybe it all makes sense. > > The first part between Germany and Knínice has the side leaving the country > toll=yes, and on the other side toll=no > Is this so people who drive into the country can still exit the highway on > the first exit, without paying toll? > If yes, this seems correct > > Then follows a part between Knínice and Teplice where both sides are > toll=no. Is it also correct that anyone can drive without paying toll in > either direction here? > > After Teplice, in one direction, is a tiny part of toll=yes > Then between Teplice and Vchynice toll values are missing entirely. > This is the part where something might be wrong. > > The rest until Zdiby is toll=yes, then from there to Prague toll=no. > This seems correct. > > Thanks for some information > Jakob > > > _______________________________________________ > Talk-cz mailing list > Talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

6.1.2017 08:41:56 (#3)


<majka.zem+talk at gmail.com>
718 2573
Našla jsem http://www.ceskedalnice.cz/pro-ridice/dalnicni-znamky/#zpoplatnene-useky a vypadá to, že by to mělo být dobře takhle - zpoplatněné úseky jsou tu uvedené jen: Zdiby (výjezd 1) – Řehlovice (výjezd 65) Knínice (výjezd 80) – hranice s Německem (km 92) – *ve směru z Německa bez poplatku* On 6 January 2017 at 05:22, Tom Ka <tomas.kasparek na gmail.com> wrote: zobrazit citaci
> Hello, I can not check that on place, so just short translation to > czech for others: > > Vypada to ze je problem v nastaveni placenych useku pomoci tagu > toll=yes/no na nove dalnici D8. Je nekdo schopen zkontrolovat v terenu > pripadne je nekde dostupny hodnoverny zdroj o placeni online? > > Diky > > >
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6.1.2017 09:00:32 (#4)

Matěj Cepl

<mcepl at cepl.eu>
On 2017-01-06, 07:41 GMT, majka wrote: zobrazit citaci
> Našla jsem > http://www.ceskedalnice.cz/pro-ridice/dalnicni-znamky/#zpoplatnene-useky a > vypadá to, že by to mělo být dobře takhle - zpoplatněné úseky jsou tu > uvedené jen: > > Zdiby (výjezd 1) – Řehlovice (výjezd 65) > Knínice (výjezd 80) – hranice s Německem (km 92) – *ve směru z Německa bez > poplatku*
Klidně mu odpovím anglicky, ale jenom abych tomu rozuměl. Máš pocit, že to máme správně? Matěj -- https://matej.ceplovi.cz/blog/, Jabber: mcepl na ceplovi.cz GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5 BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8 A conclusion is simply the place where someone got tired of thinking.

6.1.2017 09:22:46 (#5)

Karel Volný

<kavol at seznam.cz>
Hi/ahoj, thanks Jakob for catching this, see below/děkuji Jakobovi, odpovědi v angličtině níže zdá se, že tam máme chybku ... samozřejmě není problém to naklikat správně (jak to znám, tak to někdo udělá než tohle dopíšu :-)), otázka je jak vznikla? - máme to z nějakého importu? - nevidím nikde source ... zobrazit citaci
> Sorry for asking on this list without being informed what you wrote > about the D8 before, but I wanted to ask about the "toll" values on the D8 > Something seems a bit odd, but maybe it all makes sense. > > The first part between Germany and Knínice has the side leaving the > country toll=yes, and on the other side toll=no > Is this so people who drive into the country can still exit the highway > on the first exit, without paying toll? > If yes, this seems correct
correct btw, sorry for shameless plug, but I have to mention this is not so at other places; for me, notably D2 between Czech and Slovak - there is even a possibility to enter/exit the highway right at the border, I'm using this when returning to Czech Rep., but at the Slovak side there is a road sign forbidding the access and Slovak police is very active guarding the sign and also that you have the toll sticker before having the chance to leave the highway on the first official exit I've tried to ask about this at various places including municipalities affected by the transit traffic avoiding the toll at one or the other side, and got exactly one reply (out of about seven?) from Lanžhot that solving this is not a priority for them (and since then there were built two retarders on the detour road in Lanžhot) and that's the way how we live here more to the East ... zobrazit citaci
> Then follows a part between Knínice and Teplice where both sides are > toll=no. Is it also correct that anyone can drive without paying toll in > either direction here?
correct, that's new from 1.1.2017 as part of the plan to route traffic around cities zobrazit citaci
> After Teplice, in one direction, is a tiny part of toll=yes > Then between Teplice and Vchynice toll values are missing entirely. > This is the part where something might be wrong.
looks like omission, it's not on the map of free parts and it is in the list of paid parts linked by Majka zobrazit citaci
> The rest until Zdiby is toll=yes, then from there to Prague toll=no. > This seems correct.
correct see also https://www.rsd.cz/wps/wcm/connect/df5b6c6a-33af-4d31-aac4-e4c82926cc4c/cz-kupony-2017-en.pdf?MOD=AJPERES and http://www.sfdi.cz/dalnicni-kupony/dalnicni-kupony-2017/zpoplatnene-useky/ K. ------------- další část --------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 163 bytes Desc: This is a digitally signed message part. URL: <https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20170106/5ff61ee9/attachment.sig>

6.1.2017 09:25:51 (#6)


<jzvc at tpfree.net>
Hi, there is new highway part (Teplice - Vchynice), toll tags added now. Others are correct. Czech: Chybelo tagovani na tom useku pres stedohori, ten zpoplatnenej je. Dne 6.1.2017 v 2:20 Jakob Mühldorfer napsal(a): zobrazit citaci
> Hi, > > Sorry for asking on this list without being informed what you wrote > about the D8 before, but I wanted to ask about the "toll" values on the D8 > Something seems a bit odd, but maybe it all makes sense. > > The first part between Germany and Knínice has the side leaving the > country toll=yes, and on the other side toll=no > Is this so people who drive into the country can still exit the highway > on the first exit, without paying toll? > If yes, this seems correct > > Then follows a part between Knínice and Teplice where both sides are > toll=no. Is it also correct that anyone can drive without paying toll in > either direction here? > > After Teplice, in one direction, is a tiny part of toll=yes > Then between Teplice and Vchynice toll values are missing entirely. > This is the part where something might be wrong. > > The rest until Zdiby is toll=yes, then from there to Prague toll=no. > This seems correct. > > Thanks for some information > Jakob > > > _______________________________________________ > Talk-cz mailing list > Talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

6.1.2017 12:18:47 (#7)

Jakob Mühldorfer

<mail at jmuehldorfer.de>
Thank you for keeping me informed to well and reacting so quickly Glad the values are correct now :) Jakob Am 06.01.2017 um 09:25 schrieb jzvc: zobrazit citaci
> Hi, > > there is new highway part (Teplice - Vchynice), toll tags added now. > Others are correct. > > Czech: Chybelo tagovani na tom useku pres stedohori, ten zpoplatnenej je. > > Dne 6.1.2017 v 2:20 Jakob Mühldorfer napsal(a): >> Hi, >> >> Sorry for asking on this list without being informed what you wrote >> about the D8 before, but I wanted to ask about the "toll" values on >> the D8 >> Something seems a bit odd, but maybe it all makes sense. >> >> The first part between Germany and Knínice has the side leaving the >> country toll=yes, and on the other side toll=no >> Is this so people who drive into the country can still exit the highway >> on the first exit, without paying toll? >> If yes, this seems correct >> >> Then follows a part between Knínice and Teplice where both sides are >> toll=no. Is it also correct that anyone can drive without paying toll in >> either direction here? >> >> After Teplice, in one direction, is a tiny part of toll=yes >> Then between Teplice and Vchynice toll values are missing entirely. >> This is the part where something might be wrong. >> >> The rest until Zdiby is toll=yes, then from there to Prague toll=no. >> This seems correct. >> >> Thanks for some information >> Jakob >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Talk-cz mailing list >> Talk-cz na openstreetmap.org >> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz > > > _______________________________________________ > Talk-cz mailing list > Talk-cz na openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

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