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[Talk-cz] Cyklomapy

Vlákno 19.5. - 19.5.2008, počet zpráv: 1

19.5.2008 02:43:09 (#1)

Vaclav Stepan

<vaclav.stepan at gmail.com>
Ahoj, k cyklomapam - preposilam odpoved od Andyho Alana. Vasek = cited mail follows = Hi Vaclav, Sorry for the delay in replying. There has been some discussion of this on the mailing lists recently: http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2008-May/thread.html#26184 http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2008-May/thread.html#26329 There are also some websites doing osm-based cycle routing in the UK already: http://maps.camdencyclists.org.uk/ http://www.camcycle.org.uk/map/route/ In both cases the OSM support is experimental, since they started with Google maps first. As for me, I expect there will be routing on the OSM cycle map at some point in the future, but for now I am happy to see other people experiment with the routing and using the tiles from my website as a background. Good luck with your project. Cheers, Andy ------------- dal?í ?ást --------------- HTML p?íloha byla odstran?na... URL: <https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/attachments/20080519/3588ae0b/attachment.html>

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